6 yr old taken to police station in handcuffs



  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    If her parents spanked her, this wouldn't be a problem...

    A wooden spoon speaks volumes.
    ^^ got me all choked up with memories LOL :laugh: :laugh: our schools here still allow corporal punishment if we sign for it. So when we moved here my kids were shocked lol. I said OH YEAH I'm signing lol they are all straight A students :) and one is graduating next month. But they all know mama's shoe can fly across a room if they mouth off LOL
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    This is the product of all these obsessive helicopter parents who allow their children to do whatever they want because they're "expressing themselves".

    Their little angel could do no wrong.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    wow six years old? whats next 4 year olds? 2 year olds?

    lol honestly some kids just deserve a spank. (hot issue I know) but you can only say "use your words" and "talk to them" so much.
    I got spanked when did something wrong but it was a last resort. I never did it again. Guess what I'mm perfectly fine!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    If my kid was a nightmare, I would applaud them taking her away in handcuffs. Maybe she will think about it next time. Scared straight!

    My mom had my sister arrested one time (she wasn't actually charged with anything, but she basically had the police scare the crap out of her) when she was 13. My sis was a typical out of control teen, thought she could talk to anybody however she wanted, lots of anger issues. She slapped my mom so she got carted out of the house in handcuffs---and now my sister wouldn't even dare talk back to my mom! That one incident taught her a LOT about what happens when you act like an *kitten* in the real world.

    If your child is THAT out of control at age 6, there is something going on with them. Whether they have extreme emotional issues, have issues at home, or a chemical imbalance, there is something wrong. Parents need to do a better job of recognizing that their children have issues instead of just embracing what special little flowers they are.
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 366 Member
    ..."Johnson was observed biting the door knob of the office and jumping on the paper shredder and attempted to break a glass frame above the shredder." Sounds like the child was completely out of control. Something needs to be done for her before she's older and does even worse...there's got to be issues at home.
  • rchambers2072
    rchambers2072 Posts: 227 Member
    Umm, ya. Sometimes a six year old isn't just a six year old. I'd imagine a lot went on prior to this. As a parent of with children with emotional disorders, sometimes handcuffs ARE necessary. When anyone, children included, are out of control, they are usually uncommonly strong. It may also have been for the childs safety.

    As far as the parents, seems to me,if they have seen this or similar behavior in their child before, they should have been looking into what is going on anyways.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    If her parents spanked her, this wouldn't be a problem...

    I love you.
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 151 Member
    feeding the kid sugar and colours can lead to bad behaviour, healthy diets really help control tantrums and outbursts! maybe this was part of the reason for it?
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I'm sorry... but if my kid acted like an animal they would be treated like an animal.... bring on the squirty bottle... there would be no amount of "mood swings" that would make think otherwise either... mood swings or not it is NOT acceptible to have a tantrum that results in throwing furniture and tearing stuff off the wall...

    Bring on the flames.
  • julieh1973
    julieh1973 Posts: 128 Member
    I agree if it was my kid acting like an idiot- take them off in handcuffs and when my child got home they would then get a spanking. If they know you will spank them then you will very seldom need too. It helps them to know someone cares enough to set bounderies and that ceratin behavior is unacceptable.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    When a child goes on that much of a rant especially in school there is definitely a problem with discipline at home.I have 3 kids one of which has ADHD and he would NEVER even think about acting like this at home or at school,because he knows he'd in in MAJOR trouble when he got home!

    Amen to that. My 5 year old has ADHD. And it is NOT easy dealing with him when he has a tantrum...but he would NEVER get to that level because he knows that behavior is absolutely unacceptable and that we don't treat others that way.
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    To me and my home, we used spanking when they were younger, but only to snap them out of whatever they were doing wrong and not paying attention to my words. Guess what? I haven't had to spank my children for years and I get lots of compliments of how well behaved my children are. At a young age though, you can't just reasonably talk a toddler out of bad behavior and I certainly wasn't going to ever use bribery or food to shut them up like a lot of parents. I think parents have just given up on how much effort and balance it takes to raise a child. You can't use physical punishment or verbal all the time. And what works one day, doesn't work the next. It's hard but if you love your kid enough, you do it right from the get go and watch them blossom and not falter.
  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    If her parents spanked her, this wouldn't be a problem...

    100% true!!!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    If her parents spanked her, this wouldn't be a problem...

    I love you.

    Best series reply ever \m/
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    And of course here come the parents who come along angry that someone else has to deal with their child! Granted maybe handcuffs wasn't the solution but the parents certainly have woken up to their child's problem now! Thank goodness she is only 6, it'll be a lot less harder to fix than a teenager who cries out for attention in violent ways.

    I disagree. They are not woken up at all to what a problem this child is. They are defending her "bad day" and being upset that the school did anything about it.
  • supermom2002
    supermom2002 Posts: 180 Member
    If her parents spanked her, this wouldn't be a problem...

    A wooden spoon speaks volumes.

    Absolutely. What's a 6yo doing in Kindergarden anyway??? Shouldn't they be in at least grade 1 or 2??
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 151 Member
    If my kid was a nightmare, I would applaud them taking her away in handcuffs. Maybe she will think about it next time. Scared straight!

    i agree, although perhaps the parents should have displined her at home if she behaved like this and got away with it.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    If her parents spanked her, this wouldn't be a problem...

    A wooden spoon speaks volumes.

    Absolutely. What's a 6yo doing in Kindergarden anyway??? Shouldn't they be in at least grade 1 or 2??

    their birthday might be in sept.
  • xxxhelenaxxx
    xxxhelenaxxx Posts: 61 Member
    If her parents spanked her, this wouldn't be a problem...

    A wooden spoon speaks volumes.

    My mom hit me with a metal spoon once when I was a teen... and I'm perfectly fine. The other personalities, however, can get quite rowdy ;-)

  • msradio
    msradio Posts: 165 Member
    I think the parents want to put the focus on the police dept, becuz it takes the focus off them! What is going on at home that is making this child think it's ok to go school and act a fool!