is it "disrespectful" to not have kids?



  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    to each their own. i didn't want kids until i met my hubby. i was in my 30's and he in his 40's and neither of us had had kids yet or any intention to. our daughter was kind of a "whoops!' but i wouldn't trade it for anything now. you gotta live your life the way you see fit and i think it is far more responsible to realize you don't want them than to bring kids into this world that aren't wanted.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Ah, kids. The biggest contribution to landfill waste, co2 emissions, increased food prices and over population. But yes, obviously you're disrespectful for not wanting to contribute to that. This is what happens when people have it beaten into their brains from the age of 3 that they MUST have kids. Social engineering at its finest.

    People who don't want kids probably shouldn't have them. I don't really want kids either and to say it is "disrespectful" doesn't even make sense... but the above response is disturbing. I don't look at children like that, either. Yeesh.

    Agree with this.

    There are actually a number of people who choose not to have children so as not to contribute to overpopulation and planetary degradation. I hardly think everyone's going to jump on that bandwagon and stop having kids tomorrow - the human species is safe. So if some people think there should be some level of population control (as he did note *over* population), so what? If people were really free to choose, without societal pressures, there might be more who would choose not to have children, thus natural population control. Those who really want kids are happy, those who don't are happy, there are enough resources for everyone - not seeing the problem.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Wtf, no. If you don't want kids, you don't want kids. Most people would kill not to have kids, but it happens because of teenage pregnancy and stupidity.
  • siddyb75
    siddyb75 Posts: 5
    Ugh, people can be so rude! You're not alone, I don't want kids either. When I tell people that especially women they look at me like I just landed from outer space. I have been called "selfish" at least twice. One coworker even suggested I could adopt or be artificially inseminated! I've never been married, although someday I hope to be, but even if I was I probably would not have wanted children.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    WHAT? Wow. No. It's not disrespectful to not want kids.
    I don't want kids either (or at least that's my current decision, my mind may change far in the future). It's nobody's obligation to have kids and I have no idea how in the world it's disrespectful let alone who it would be disrespectful to. o.O
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    For those who have chosen not to have children and have had nasty responses or sometimes feel alone, I suggest reading

    The Childless Revolution by Madelyn Cain.

    Very eye-opening. Children aren't for everyone, and if you know you are one of those, good for you for knowing so and sticking to your decision.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    It's YOUR choice and no one elses. Don't let them make you feel bad!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I think that is absolutely ridiculous. Nothing disrespectful about shoving your opinion down someone's throat, huh? I, too, never wanted kids...I did not babysit growing up and I can honestly say I just never had that biological clock thing... People can't wrap their heads around that & I think that is THEIR problem....although they love to share that problem with others...I made a decision a long time ago & I am pretty much out of eggs by now... Don't let it get you down, those people are idiots..
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    If anyone is mad at you for not having kids then they are being way overly sensitive. Tell them to get over it not everyone needs to have kids.
  • cfriend71
    cfriend71 Posts: 207 Member
    Wow. No, it's not disrespectful at all. In fact, why would anyone want you to have kids if you didn't want them? Does that make sense? Actually they should respect that you know yourself and that you have made your decision. It's none of their business. Are you sure they were talking to you? I just find this really surprising I guess. Sorry this happened to you.
  • MaryBowen27
    MaryBowen27 Posts: 132
    I don't want kids.
    You should hear some of the stuff people say to me. It's really obnoxious. And some people look at you like you're a complete freak. I just don't want to have any. Ever.

    ^this. And holy crow if one more person says 'when you're older' or 'you'll change your mind' or 'you need to meet the right guy' or worst of all 'oh you just DON'T understand what you're missing'

    For the record, I'm almost 30- so theoretically my ovaries are singing, I haven't changed my mind, I have the right guy and I DO know and that's why I, personally, will never have kids.
  • Shimmerrzz
    Shimmerrzz Posts: 32 Member
    I'm not having children either and I certainly don't apologize for it.......instead we should consider those who have children for the wrong reasons or treat them badly via neglect or abuse disrespectful....honey don t give it another thought!!! To hell with them.
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 424
    Ah, kids. The biggest contribution to landfill waste, co2 emissions, increased food prices and over population. But yes, obviously you're disrespectful for not wanting to contribute to that. This is what happens when people have it beaten into their brains from the age of 3 that they MUST have kids. Social engineering at its finest.

    ^^^this! I always told myself if I couldn't conceive, this would be my brighter side of the story...
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    on another website forum, i just got b****ed out for not wanting to have kids. i was really taken aback and i gave my reasons. what i got back was three different people saying i'm horrible for not wanting kids and its very disrespectful to not have kids. they really got mean.

    i dont think i'm "disrespectful" or horrible. my reasons for not wanting kids are well thought out. i dont think anyone should have kids unless they want to. i used to be in child care and i love kids. i think other peoples kids are great. i just know i'm not going to be a good mom and i shouldnt be made to feel bad about that.

    maybe i'm just being sensitive.

    I have a kiddo, I love my kiddo, having a child was my choice (with my husband) and part of my life plan. My future was always going to have children, biological or otherwise. I do no impose my decisions on anyone else.

    I think that it is important to know your heart, having children when you know you don't want them is selfish. You are not disrespectful, it is never disrespectful to know yourself, it is never disrespectful to be true to yourself.

    They're *kitten*.

    Just don't call me a breeder :tongue:
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    I think I would adopt before having kids of my own.
    The world's too overpopulated as it is and there are a ton of children out there with no parents.

    Absolutely! I don't know if I'll ever have biological children, but if and when parenthood happens, I refuse to bring more kids into this world when there are too many already who are in need.
  • shellyraes1
    i don't know why people always think they have a say in what a person decides to do or not do. kids are a joy and the biggest pain till they have kids of their own. i respect your decision my son made the same one when he got married it was a choice he and his wife made together. i feel if that is what they want and they are happy then i don't need grand babies. i wouldn't want to be roped into giving up my free time to babysit them. with the over population, the economy, and the freaks out there, why would anyone want kids
  • LWeiler82
    LWeiler82 Posts: 40
    THEY were being disrespectful! It's YOUR body, and YOUR life! I would not use that website anymore :)
  • jaimemariel
    jaimemariel Posts: 183 Member
    I'm childless by choice. Do we need to start a group on here or something? Go us, childless ladies.
  • seventwenty
    seventwenty Posts: 565 Member
    Options is this a question?
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    Do you, baby. I am childfree too and if ANYONE has a problem with people who don't want kids then what they really have a problem with is their lack of foresight to nix having children themselves. It's all about "why didn't I think of that?"

    And since it's a social taboo to say you REGRET having your own kids, you become the target for "making" them think that way.

    Yeah, I said it -- come at me, breeders!