"Lost 100lbs & found out what the world thinks of fat ppl"



  • wolf5090
    wolf5090 Posts: 20 Member
    That was a great read! thanks for sharing :)
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I loved it! Thanks so much for sharing :)
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Interesting read. Now for some honesty. I'm fat, and I've been fat for a long time. I used to be much fatter. Then, and now, when I see someone who is very overweight, my first reaction is "There is something fundamentally wrong with that person." I don't think I was necessarily judging their character, or the quality of person they might be, but my gut reaction is always the same - SOMETHING is wrong.

    I was never under the illusion that I wasn't one of the same people I was judging. Definitely some self loathing there, but my above average self esteem helped keep me afloat. (Thanks mom and dad!)

    The more honest I was with myself about how I reacted when I saw people who looked JUST LIKE ME, the easier it became for me to realize that being obese isn't just bad for your health. If I was fat and I was thinking these things, I became horrified to think about what fit or skinny people thought about when they saw me. Socially, professionally and emotionally I was being held back for what I looked like.

    What others think when they see me isn't my main motivation for losing weight, but it is a real and significant part of it. I guess I don't have a nice end cap to this, but I felt compelled to share since I know first hand it's not just skinny folks who look upon fat people and think negative things. Thanks for posting this article :)
  • tcmay72
    tcmay72 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks, for the post:0)
  • leahalissa
    leahalissa Posts: 88 Member
    Last line made me cry a little on the inside. Stupid hormones. Good article, though!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    Very well said. It is a shame how we treat each other.
  • Thanks for sharing, so true. So frighteningly true.
  • SunnyB09
    SunnyB09 Posts: 20
  • LauraAshley95
    LauraAshley95 Posts: 70 Member
    I love this, and this is how I hope to be when I reach my goal weight. I never want to look down on or mock anyone overweight, because I've been overweight all of my life. I really don't want to change just because I lost weight. Not only would it be hypocritical, it's just wrong. Props to this woman.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Very good. It all rings true. And how can you help but feel angry over it all- but the anger is pointless-because even fat people look down on fat people (most of the time.) Both my grandmas were pretty fat, I wonder if people looked down on them..way back in 1930 or something.
  • I love this article, it is amazing. I have never been that overweight, but I have seen people behave that way and it shocks me,somebody shouldn't be ridiculed simply because off their weight, it is absolutely ridiculous. It shouldn't matter how skinny a person is.
  • This really hit home
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member
    i dont want to be treated differently because of my weight but it is a reality for those of us suffering with being overweight.
    it's hard to think that some of my closest friends, who say "i look great the way i am" are secretly thinking that i look horrible and should lose weight. :(

    I SO identify with this... I have always gotten "but you have such a pretty face.." from family and strangers alike. Close friends are more complimentary - but since losing a bit of weight that has increased a great deal - making me wonder what they really thought before.
    Having doors opened and getting second looks from men is a bizarre experience - I love it and yet I have the anger too.

    I want to lose the remaining 100 lbs.. but it is scary in some ways too. How much will people's perception of me change even more? I hope I still know me then!
  • Allihexen
    Allihexen Posts: 111 Member
    She lost the weight for the wrong reasons. It wasn't for her health, but for the vanity. I'm sorry, but I don't really like the article. And dating a man who is obviously just with her for the looks? Bad thinking on her part. However, keeping the weight off is good.
  • beccacoug
    beccacoug Posts: 24
    Well written. I hope I always stay fat on the inside too! I grew up skinny and oblivious to the norm of being confident. About the same time you made a change to become healthy and reep my benefits, I became sedintary and blew up. I've seen both sides now and you are spot on! Congrats to you!
  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    Great Read. Thanks for Sharing!
  • Jet1962
    Jet1962 Posts: 1
    I too have experienced that. In high school I weighed 187 lbs. Lost and went down to 125. People who would never talk to me all of a sudden wanted to date me. It is interesting how people treat and react to you. Now I am up over 200, being sick and have two kids along the way. I am currently on working my way back down to get healthy. Good luck to you.
    Do you remember, I think it was Tyra Banks who dressed in a fat suit to see how she was treated. Same story. Amazing.
  • desiree516
    desiree516 Posts: 48 Member
    Great article, thanks for posting !
  • I was wondering when someone was going to say this because I was thinking the same thing and beginning to think maybe I was missing something???? I don't like this article at all and honestly don't find a lot of truth to it. Maybe it has to do with where I live. I've been skinny, I've been fat, never did I see these differences. IDK seems weird to me. Maybe I just don't hang with the same people she does, I really don't know. But, my initial thought was, "wow I would never be with a man who said that he wouldn't be with me for how I looked" That's not the kind of man I want. I'm so lucky and thankful to have a man who loves me for me, whether I'm skinny, fat, whatever. I'm sad other people don't have that.
    She lost the weight for the wrong reasons. It wasn't for her health, but for the vanity. I'm sorry, but I don't really like the article. And dating a man who is obviously just with her for the looks? Bad thinking on her part. However, keeping the weight off is good.
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