worst comment ever made about your weight



  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    I got asked if I was preggo by a kid...on my BIRTHDAY. Lil' turd. :sad:
  • mylittleguys
    mylittleguys Posts: 25 Member
    In high school, I was walking to a different building with a friend. The kids outside started to make cow sounds. I knew it was for me because the girl I was walking with was tall and very skinny.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    these are all so horrible :( you guys are so strong for having endured all that ridicule and don't you EVER let anyone make you feel like you can't make a change or that you shouldn't make a change or that you are wasting anyones time and space. I am really proud of everyone for being here now and I really hope the comments you endure don't affect or continue to affect your daily life. Anyone whos says those kinds of things to or about people has something serious missing from their lives and God help them.
  • Izzyd1979
    Izzyd1979 Posts: 24 Member
    Wow... you all make my worst moment look pretty tame... My dad, after not seeing me for about 8 months, mentioned withint 10 minutes of seeing me that I must have been eating quite a bit recently.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    In the 5th grade: "Watch out! Here comes fatty!" - I got that girl in so much trouble. :)
    Freshman orientation in college: "I'm only friends with fat girls. Who wants to date a fat girl?"

    I'm sure there have been others as the years have gone by, which I have blocked out. Looking back, I've been miserable because I never felt ugly, but couldn't make anyone see that.

    I'll get there and then knock the socks off all those haters. :P
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    Gosh, thankfully I haven't had people say mean things to me or about me that I have heard. Only ONE thing comes to mind but it was during a breakup fight, funny how it still stung even though I know he said it out of drunk anger.:brokenheart:

    "Yeah, you have a lot of friends but every group needs a fat friend".

    It is true that all of my friends are smaller than I am. UGH, so he had a point a little BUT...I am beautiufl inside and out and I am on my way to being a more healthy friend.

    Note: My friends may be smaller but they have never EVER treated me like the 'fat' friend, whatever that means?!? They are all super sweet and supportive and they are healthy role models for me. I just have different genes and I was lazy for far too long. Now they motivate me and inspire me, as do you all! :flowerforyou:
  • I have heard the usual barrage of insults from the time I was four years old. Perhaps the particularly worst insult however is the one that's not spoken. It's when people refuse to look you in the eye, or when they will notice and speak to your friend but not acknowledge your presence. No one is more invisible than a fat person.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    "Home come there's no light on your back porch?" - from my Dad's friend when I was in the seventh grade
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I actually got a comment today on my way to the gym. Here's how I WISH the interaction had gone:

    Guy: Porker!
    Me: Yeah? I'm actually on my way to the gym right now and I'm 2 stones lighter than I was 2 months ago. Obviously I'm doing something about my size. When are you going ot do something about being a knob end?

    How the exchange ACTUALLY went:

    Guy: Porker!
    Me: Knob end!

    Still, I totally killed it at the gym and used all my anger at w@nkers like him to fuel me in my work out. Far healthier. When I hit my goal weight, I'm going to look killer. That guy will still be a waste of space. ;)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    I actually got a comment today on my way to the gym. Here's how I WISH the interaction had gone:

    Guy: Porker!
    Me: Yeah? I'm actually on my way to the gym right now and I'm 2 stones lighter than I was 2 months ago. Obviously I'm doing something about my size. When are you going ot do something about being a knob end?

    How the exchange ACTUALLY went:

    Guy: Porker!
    Me: Knob end!

    Still, I totally killed it at the gym and used all my anger at w@nkers like him to fuel me in my work out. Far healthier. When I hit my goal weight, I'm going to look killer. That guy will still be a waste of space. ;)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    :heart: it, keep doing what you are doing!
  • ashhhhole
    ashhhhole Posts: 60 Member
    My mom is super super thin, and she doesn't have to worry about it at all, and my dad is bigger, his highest was probably 6'4 260. Both of them make comments frequently. Both say things that they mean to be supportive and encouraging, but it hurt. My dad says things like, "If you keep at it you're going to end up just like me, you'll never have your mother's figure." And my mom always made comments about my thighs. I've been a catcher on a softball team for 11-12 years, so my legs have always been really really strong, and sure, there was a little bit of fat on my entire body, but aside from my legs nothing ever looked big, but she always picks on me for that. Calling me "thunder thighs" and similar things.
    Also, a boy I used to work with once said, "You're so interesting because you're perfect from the waist up, but I don't know how you're so big from the waist down."
    Its amazing how I forgot about all these things until I started reading this thread though...
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    I actually got a comment today on my way to the gym. Here's how I WISH the interaction had gone:

    Guy: Porker!
    Me: Yeah? I'm actually on my way to the gym right now and I'm 2 stones lighter than I was 2 months ago. Obviously I'm doing something about my size. When are you going ot do something about being a knob end?

    How the exchange ACTUALLY went:

    Guy: Porker!
    Me: Knob end!

    Still, I totally killed it at the gym and used all my anger at w@nkers like him to fuel me in my work out. Far healthier. When I hit my goal weight, I'm going to look killer. That guy will still be a waste of space. ;)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I still find the Knob end to be funny..Hahah
  • jennyshipman79
    jennyshipman79 Posts: 20 Member
    This'll sound awful, but I'll explain:

    "You look JUST like your mother..."

    I love and miss my mom dearly. But I always thought of her being VERY heavy. She used to keep encouraging me to lose weight and "not end up like her." After I had my daughter, I gained a lot of weight - 50 pounds. I maintained my weight through my pregnancy, but ended up gaining three months after she was born due to stress. And it wasn't even stress eating. I wasn't eating hardly ever, but both my husband and I had lost our jobs and I was panicking about how were we going to make it, with a brand new baby no less!

    When people started to tell me how much I looked like my mom, and I started to really look at photos, I did. I didn't have any clothes that fit, and since my mom had passed away a few years earlier, my father was starting to donate her clothes. He told me he would bring me some of her clothes - and they fit perfectly. I freaked out! Now, 30 pounds less and 2 sizes smaller, they don't fit anymore. I still look like her and I really need to lose at least 80 more pounds, but I am on my way.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • cmickelson722
    cmickelson722 Posts: 1 Member
    The worst comment I received was a women who was my ex-boss asked me are you expecting? I answered said no. Then she preceded to say are you sure, like I don't know my own body. That is the day I got a membership to Anytime Fitness and have been going three times a week.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    When my little boy was 2-y-o (he's 3 1/2 now) we were getting served at a shop and the woman behind the counter congratulated me and asked when I was due. I indicated my son and said, "2 years ago. Thanks a bunch." I left without the groceries.

    Fact is, nobody should EVER ask if you're pregnant unless they can see a baby emerging from you that very moment. I actually told that to a guy who asked me if I was pregnant immediately after I went back to work after maternity leave. I also told him to follow that advice to the letter unless he wanted to someday have his testicles ripped off and shoved so far down his throat they would almost be back in their original position. He didn't take it kindly, but neither did I!
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I never everrrrr wore shorts to school. I always skipped out in gym because I never wanted to change into my gym clothes. Then I decided I wanted to lose weight, so the first (and last) day I ever dressed out for gym, the thin girls stole my regular clothes (I never found them...) and made fun of me in my shorts and tank top all day long. They even walked home behind me that day, when they usually go a different route, just to call me fat *kitten* or hippo legs, etc. I wanted to run as fast as I could but I knew that'd just give them more of a reason to make fun of me :(
    Then one of the girls decides to add me on facebook 8 years later and comment on my pictures saying how pretty I am. I wanted to comment on hers mentioning how she grew a mustache better than my boyfriend ever could and she looks more like a gorilla now than she did before. But I didn't.

    That's not even that bad now after reading all of these other stories. But it hurt me pretty bad.

    I've also heard very mean things from my step dad when he would go through crack withdrawals for about 10 years.

    And now, it's not really that cruel, and I know he loves me, but it really hurts my feelings when my boyfriend and I are watching a movie or something on TV and a barely dressed girl with a fine body shows up and he says "damn!"


    BUT I'm getting over these things! I'm still not confident but I am way more confident than I ever have been!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    hubbies grandma comes out with them all the time - at 80 years old shes just thinking out loud, doesn't give a *kitten* what she says

    The best one from her was 'you used to be so thin and pretty, isn't it a shame' and gives a pitiful look!

    haha you should have said "hey so did you and give that pitiful look right back" lol.
    My mema is the same way..........when she says things like that I tell her she must be going senile because she is losing her mouth editing skills.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    From my mother, of all people. I believe I was about 13 at the time (she doesn't remember/won't admit to ever saying this), & she was dragging me to Burger King for dinner (I have NEVER liked Burger King, & at that age it's not like I had that much of a say in where we ate...)

    "There's a difference between 'neat' fat & 'sloppy' fat, & you're getting into sloppy territory"

    The kicker? I weighed 125 & was 5'3.5". I've been the same height since I was 12, & I didn't get 'fat' until I was in grade 9 (125 turned into 175 in about 6 months)

    ETA: Oh god, the floodgates opened.
    My mom's friend commented on how I always seemed to have a boyfriend. My mom said "It's because she's a *kitten*". I overheard & protested, & my mother replied with "Well, it's obvious they're not with you for your looks - no one likes fat girls"
  • simonnej
    simonnej Posts: 1
    Worst weight comments was at my Graduation from high school mind you I was 8 months pregnant
    They were mooing and then said look there is the Chik Fil-A cow graduating. I will never forget that one.

    I would date you but I would just not be able to take you anywhere till you lost some weight.

    Your really pretty in the face just have a big butt

    At least you have a personality and brains cause your looks won't get you anywhere

    Oh I could go on and on
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    I sit here in disbelief that so many people have had so many bad experiences. I have never been hugely overweight but for quite some time I have been overweight and have never ever heard a negative comment(maybe behind my back..not sure) I just feel horrible that so many of you had to hear these comments. I guess bullying isnt just happening in the high schools. That is one thing I have always drilled in my kids heads is to never ever be mean and hurtful to others at school, you never know what they are going through. In fact at my daughters track meet the other day there was a kid that is most likely picked on all the time....well he is always following her around and she said its becasue she is the only one that will talk to him and be nice to him. It makes me happy to know they are thoughtful kids. I recall reading a story awhile back where a high school kid was walking home with all of his books and locker supplies when a group of bullies knocked everythign out of his hands and another one of the "cool kids" stopped to help him and walk him home. The became fast friends and the one being picked on became valadictorian of his class. At his speech he said that he was planning on killing himself that day and had all his books so his parents didnt have to come and clean out his locker. The one nice gesture from his newly found best friend changed that. Its amazing what kind words can do!