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A New Me - Let's get started!



  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I forgot to ask you Megan - have you wanted to yell at Debbie yet? I was within 2-3 workouts...lol
    not yet ... but i am sure its coming when i do the burn it up next week :tongue:
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Glad I could make you laugh LisaC.

    Sometimes I want to yell at the girl on my Pilates Slim & Sculpt! She can do all these moves and I can barely do them! On the Upper Body segment, My arms were burning and I couldn't do the forms the way she could. I felt so inferior! Little Miss thing! and her ability to do all the moves! GRR!! Especially the abs! I can do the leg ones, without any real problems, but the Upper body and the Abs kill me! Tomorrow's lower body, so Yay! I get an easier work out then the next day will be arms again! Though instead of Lower Body, I'm thinking of doing the Whole Body work out and then do Lower Body the next day. and so on...but I haven't decided yet.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Megan - you are moving to BIU already? When did you start RIU?

    Silver - I hear ya girl! I can do the legs (for the most part, except all the darn leg lifts) but my arms will start killing me. We just gotta keep going and we'll be so proud the day we can say that we can do the DVD's without our arms killing us! Actually, on RIU I could do all the arm movements without pausing, finally!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Megan - you are moving to BIU already? When did you start RIU?

    Silver - I hear ya girl! I can do the legs (for the most part, except all the darn leg lifts) but my arms will start killing me. We just gotta keep going and we'll be so proud the day we can say that we can do the DVD's without our arms killing us! Actually, on RIU I could do all the arm movements without pausing, finally!
    ooooops that was suppose to be RIU not BIU :laugh:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I can't even get up and walk to the copy machine at work without being out of breath! So anything yall are doing is better than what I can do! I'm gonna get there though! I just know I've gotta start out small and work my way up. I tried to do a push up the other night and I can't even do one! I remember in high school when I could do like 70 in a minute! lol..how we change! I'm babysitting my best friends kids tonight. a 3 yo, 6 yo, 8 yo, and 10 yo. I love them to death though, so it won't be too hard. Maybe I can get them to exercise with me!

    Now yall got me craving ice cream ;) I'm with you on that one Lisa! I can't have it in my house if I don't want to eat the entire box. One is never enough for me. I honestly think that if I would just quit all junk food cold turkey i could do better than what i'm working at now.
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    i said burn cuz my body is burning lol from the start it up video ... i am soooooo out of shape its not even funny
  • Name: Tina
    A little bit about me: Married with 3babies
    Current Weight: 174.5
    Starting Weight: 183.9
    Goal: 125-135
    Program: biking and walking
    Short Term Goal : I want to lose 8-10lb a month for the remainder of the year.
    Reward: a sewing machine
  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    :happy: Welcome Tina!!! A sewing machine is a GREAT reward....I need to put that on my list!
    How old are you kids? Are you an East or West Coastie..or in the middle?

    Kim just chasing the kids will be exercise! LOL. My kids LOVE to workout with me, I'm sure the kids you are babysitting would love it!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Welcome Tina! You came to the right place for motivation and support!!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Name: Tina
    A little bit about me: Married with 3babies
    Current Weight: 174.5
    Starting Weight: 183.9
    Goal: 125-135
    Program: biking and walking
    Short Term Goal : I want to lose 8-10lb a month for the remainder of the year.
    Reward: a sewing machine
    Welcome aboard Tina ... great to have you join us .... and good luck on your weight loss journey
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Welcome Tina! You are going to love this wonderful group of girls! Our weigh-in is on Wednesday.

    Megan - :laugh: I was wondering how you were already to BIU...I guess you weren't :wink:

    Kim - if I were you, I would talk to your boyfriend and tell him your goals and what YOU want to achieve and you need to enforce that you need him on your side (and if he won't you figure out how to do this on your own, it is FOR YOU) Buying donuts (or whatever it was) just because he didn't want them to get thrown out didn't help you any (although I know he was trying to be sweet!)! I totally agree with your statement about junk food. I can't have it around either. Not yet. I'm not that strong! I wish I were, but reality is if it's there and I like it, I'm going to eat it. So my resolution is that it's not allowed in our house right now. I'm not depriving anyone of anything. Chips are not in the food pyramid for a reason. We've had a half a bag of chips from Elizabeth's party sitting on top of the fridge for 1 1/2 weeks and no one is touching them. Elizabeth's snack last night was cottage cheese and grapes. Maybe you should set your goals lower, start out picking 2 or 3 days a week to work out and be proud of what you accomplish. YOU CAN DO IT KIM! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Welcome Tina! You are going to love this wonderful group of girls! Our weigh-in is on Wednesday.

    Megan - :laugh: I was wondering how you were already to BIU...I guess you weren't :wink:

    Kim - if I were you, I would talk to your boyfriend and tell him your goals and what YOU want to achieve and you need to enforce that you need him on your side (and if he won't you figure out how to do this on your own, it is FOR YOU) Buying donuts (or whatever it was) just because he didn't want them to get thrown out didn't help you any (although I know he was trying to be sweet!)! I totally agree with your statement about junk food. I can't have it around either. Not yet. I'm not that strong! I wish I were, but reality is if it's there and I like it, I'm going to eat it. So my resolution is that it's not allowed in our house right now. I'm not depriving anyone of anything. Chips are not in the food pyramid for a reason. We've had a half a bag of chips from Elizabeth's party sitting on top of the fridge for 1 1/2 weeks and no one is touching them. Elizabeth's snack last night was cottage cheese and grapes. Maybe you should set your goals lower, start out picking 2 or 3 days a week to work out and be proud of what you accomplish. YOU CAN DO IT KIM! :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Is glad i am one of the luck ones with the willpower.... i mean my bf of 5 years can eat anything he wants but he is gone 3 weeks out of the month due to him being a truckdriver so he isnt here much eating the bad stuff in front of me and me drooling LOL LOL LOL you ladies will get there where you have the willpower ...... i drove by burger last night and to me it didnt smell purdy .. i use to love burger king but i guess i am really focus to get down to my goal weight
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    tomorrow they will teach me how to count:laugh: ... been with bf 4 years .... april 2010 will be 5 years
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I"m glad you can get through your exercises without your arms burning anymore!

    Guess what Lisa? I"m catching up to you on weightloss. It's very exciting. I feel like the weight is coming off almost effortlessly.

    I"m trying to decide if I want to do the Total Body Pilates tomorrow or start back at lower body and work back through. I think I might do the Total Body Pilates tomorrow.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Megan - I know I'll get there, it's just going to take time (and it depends on my mood too)

    Silver- what's this? Are you competing with me? Bring it on girl....lol :happy: :laugh: Keep talking like that and I will keep trucking right along (you know I'm competitive, right....lol) On a serious note, I think you should do the total body workout if you've completed each specific area. I think it's good to have yourself on a balanced rotation.

    Okay - I'm out-skies (lol - yes, I think I just made that word up) :laugh: I look hot today and I want to get home and flaunt in front of Josh! :blushing:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Thanks Lisa, yeah, he wants to lose weight too, but he has no willpower! I don't either though, but i think i have more than him. Most of the time we cheat its his fault. One of us is going to have to be the strong one. He is very good at going to the gym everyday, but he also has all day to go! he works part time right now so he has that extra time to go. If I had 8 hours in a day with nothing to do I could probably manage to go too! but that just adds to my excuses of why I can't go! I know I'm going to have to be the strong one and just tell him no. Yeah, we had burger king last night for dinner!!! I'm going to talk to him tonight and tell him no more. This yo yo crap is worse than just eating bad all the time. I want him to be just as dedicated to this as I am. But I also need to just work on myself and not worry about him. Even if he does bad I need to say no. Then he would feel bad and maybe not cheat either. That's my new plan ;) Also, I agree with you on the working out a few times a week thing. I think that everything I'm demanding from myself just overwhelms me and I get depressed and just do nothing! So I'm going to set a goal to go 3 to 4 times a week. We'll see how that goes!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Lisa, I wasn't competing I was just saying that I"m excited to be catching up to SOMEONE, ANYONE! It makes me feel good.

    MissKim, you CAN do it. Just take it one day at a time!
  • Ummmm.......ok, who started with the talk about ice cream and cake? :huh:

    Parties are hard for me because I love, love, love cake! (And ice cream, too, but mostly cake)



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  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    LisaC started it. By talking about Ice Cream Cake! Hehe!
This discussion has been closed.