30 Day Shred Group Sept 1st!!! Here we go!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Make sure you stretch lots afterward. I use the stretching video from the Slim in 6 series because it's the best stretching I've ever done and I have not been sore once after using it. If you don't have a good stretching or yoga video to follow, I highly recommend looking up some moves online. It's so much easier to stay focused on the workouts when you're not sore the following day.

    Good luck!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Glad to see everyone!!! I'll be doing it in an hour or so. I'll check in when I'm done. Welcome to all the new faces and for those who've asked to join in... Absolutely!! Welcome!!!
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Ok. I did it! Day 1 is officially over for me. :happy: I have a suggestion... I was thinking that maybe we should all take measurements today (if you haven't already), then take them again halfway through, and then at the end. We don't have to post actual measurements, but maybe report progress if anyone wants to. Since we're strength training, we may not show major movement on the scale (although I hope we do :happy: ), but we might see our waistlines get smaller :laugh:

    Anyway, it's just an idea. Hope everyone had a great day!!!
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    thats a really good idea. Ill take my measurements first thing tomorrow morning tho...more accurate
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I'm going to wait until morning too :happy:
  • jewely82
    jewely82 Posts: 52 Member
    I did it this morning and it was definitely tough. I felt kind of sick to my stomach afterwards, so I will have to try to take it a little easier next time.

    I'm thinking of doing this video 3 times a week and another less intense video I have 2 times a week. I think it would probably be good to give my muscles a day off in between the shred.

    I will take my measurements tomorrow morning.
  • Hi Everyone!
    I started this on sept 1 as per this group plan..and its really good....i really feel energetic and hopefully it seems i ll get results out of it...
    stay tuned and keep each other motivated as its pretty tough and its a killer...;)
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I didn't have the video but it is available on demand for free if you have comcast cable. for those of you on the eastcoast. When I first started it I was thinking it wasn't so bad. Now as I am typing this, my arms are shakey! Since I don't have the video, is it something different everyday? I see different titles under Jillian Michaels - I did the 30 day Shred - 1. It looks like there is a 30day shred -2. I should do that tomorrow? Then there is a slimdown, boost metabalism etc. What is everyone doing?

    Have a great week!
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    Day 1 over and done! :bigsmile:

    i was cursing big time during the side lunges but thankfully, I pushed through. :laugh:
    Well, I'm gonna start with the measurements tomorrow morning for accuracy. Goodluck to everyone! Hope you're all doing great! :happy:

    29 days to go before being shredded....

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I didn't have the video but it is available on demand for free if you have comcast cable. for those of you on the eastcoast. When I first started it I was thinking it wasn't so bad. Now as I am typing this, my arms are shakey! Since I don't have the video, is it something different everyday? I see different titles under Jillian Michaels - I did the 30 day Shred - 1. It looks like there is a 30day shred -2. I should do that tomorrow? Then there is a slimdown, boost metabalism etc. What is everyone doing?

    Have a great week!

    I don't have comcast so I'm not sure, but I can guess. I would say you should stick with the 30 day shred - 1 until you feel like you should move up and need more of a challenge, or 10 days whichever you want. The shred has 3 levels and I'm assuming the #s correspond to the levels.

    Jillian also has a few other dvds. I would guess the slimdown and boost metabolism are from her other workouts. I am going to be getting the banish fat, boost metabolism one soon for more cardio than the shred offers.

    Hope this makes sense and helps!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I didn't have the video but it is available on demand for free if you have comcast cable. for those of you on the eastcoast. When I first started it I was thinking it wasn't so bad. Now as I am typing this, my arms are shakey! Since I don't have the video, is it something different everyday? I see different titles under Jillian Michaels - I did the 30 day Shred - 1. It looks like there is a 30day shred -2. I should do that tomorrow? Then there is a slimdown, boost metabalism etc. What is everyone doing?

    Have a great week!

    I don't have comcast so I'm not sure, but I can guess. I would say you should stick with the 30 day shred - 1 until you feel like you should move up and need more of a challenge, or 10 days whichever you want. The shred has 3 levels and I'm assuming the #s correspond to the levels.

    Jillian also has a few other dvds. I would guess the slimdown and boost metabolism are from her other workouts. I am going to be getting the banish fat, boost metabolism one soon for more cardio than the shred offers.

    Hope this makes sense and helps!

    Makes sense. I guess the shred -1 means level 1. I will stick with that til I feel stronger. Thanks Again:drinker: :drinker:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I watched levels 2 and 3. They look like killers!
  • Ok I am going to try to get through level 1 today. The little one was not letting me do much yesterday, I only got through the first 10 minutes of it:(:huh:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    ok now Im kinda upset and really discouraged. I took my measurements a month ago and when i took em today I lose an inch each in calves, thighs, and hips...but stayed the same in my waist, neck, and arms. :cry: I mean, I like having big hips. =\
    I dont mind the legs getting smaller but really ive been aiming for the waist and arms too!:sad:

    Anyway, Ill be doing the shred today despite this
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I watched levels 2 and 3. They look like killers!

    number 2 is a killer aspecially the ab workouts leg raises almost tear me in half but im glad to be starting slow with lvl 1.
    as for measurements i know im a man but who cares.
    thigh 23"
    waist 32.5"
    hips 34"
    chest 38"
    all in all not as bad as they used to be but after doing the shred last time my waist was 31 so i know there is plenty of room for improvement.
  • Ok..So I did 10 minutes of level one...Damn she kicked my *kitten*...I am going to have to work up to the full 20 minutes...Those jump n jacks kill me lol.:laugh:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Day 1 of 30 Day Shred accomplished. I absolutely LOVE this video, but find that I need to do lighter weights during the side lunges. I've always had such weak shoulders, so this is good for me! This video is SO much easier than Jillian's cardio and trouble zone videos!

    My mom and sister joined me on the workout last night, which is amazing considering my sister typically sits and EATS while she watches me workout! She was struggling, but actually stuck with it!

    I'm thinking I will rotate through all of my Jillian videos throughout the week, since I only burn 323 calories doing Shred.

    Hope everyone is experiencing success!

    Oh, and I'll try to remember to take measurements tonight.
  • blueyed_blond
    blueyed_blond Posts: 156 Member
    Hi All!

    My video came in time so i did the workout as planned. :happy:

    I was sweating like crazy by the end...but i found some of the exercises i could go heavier with the weights....so i am moving up to 8lbs (i did 5lbs to start). The one exercise that KILLED me was the side lunge with arm lifts. for some reason i couldn't get through those!!! I guess its because I don't normally do those???

    I am planning on going for a run today. i am hoping i can alternate running and 30 day shred throughout the weeks. Will take my measurements tomorrow as its also my weigh-in day :noway:


  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Ok, I didn't start last night. I had planned to, but the kids were whiny and up late, then I watched BB and just crashed. I should be able to do it tonight and plan to. I'm disappointed that I missed it last night, but that's ok.

    I'm also doing a weight loss competition with a group of ladies, but we don't start til next Tuesday. So, weigh in should be before I lose anything. Guess I'll just have to work harder beyond that to win. I'm really hoping this will help with my motivation to do well in this competition.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    just did my shred and 30 mins of aerobics on the wiifit. totally exhausted. did the wiifit first with massive effort on 10 min hula hoop, 10 min boxing, and various others.
    Pretty sure that may have made the shred harder. might want to take a longer than a few mins break between the two, but I feel good about it!

    so are we official on doing this as a group for like 3 months so everyone gets in the 30 days?
    anyone up for like a vote on that? lol
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