worst comment ever made about your weight



  • etavi
    etavi Posts: 85
    "Yeah, I mean, you have a pretty face"
    I HATE this one. Yeah, damn straight I have a pretty face. But forget about the rest of me I guess >_>

    "Are you sure you have the confidence to wear that?"
    Well, I DID, don't anymore...
  • LucindaLeeMI
    LucindaLeeMI Posts: 52 Member
    ALLL of my life I've heard every comment you can imagine. In Middle school, for an entire year I would walk from class to class and the entire 8th grade class would shout "that's a huge *****!"
    But when it comes from family " She's so pretty, if only she'd loose weight", that hits hard.
  • LucindaLeeMI
    LucindaLeeMI Posts: 52 Member
  • LucindaLeeMI
    LucindaLeeMI Posts: 52 Member
    "Yeah, I mean, you have a pretty face"
    I HATE this one. Yeah, damn straight I have a pretty face. But forget about the rest of me I guess >_>

    "Are you sure you have the confidence to wear that?"
    Well, I DID, don't anymore...

    I've heard this one too many times.
  • chickabee5
    My grandparents are the worst!

    I hate the "you have a beautiful face!" comments. My grandma says it all the time, pisses me right off! It's like shut up I know what you're really trying to say I'm not stupid! :angry:

    Oh and another one from my grandma. When my grandparents were looking after us while our parents were on holiday (not that we aren't old enough to look after ourselves but, whatever) my grandad bought some muffins from the shop and we asked her does she want a muffin and she said "Oh no thank you, puts too much weight on..." we were like it's not a big deal just one muffin, and then she gives me and my sister and brother a funny look "Oh they do, if you eat too much..." :angry:
  • PineappleMartini
    PineappleMartini Posts: 54 Member
    My worst wasn't said on purpose - she's only five, so I could blame my mom since she relayed the story to me. My niece asked my mom if I liked being fat all the time. Stab straight through the heart...
  • LucindaLeeMI
    LucindaLeeMI Posts: 52 Member
    My worst wasn't said on purpose - she's only five, so I could blame my mom since she relayed the story to me. My niece asked my mom if I liked being fat all the time. Stab straight through the heart...

    I've had this happen a couple of times while in a public setting. One that I can specifically remember was a child around 5 or 6 pointed while I was grocery shopping in the same isle as the kid and his father and said " dad look at how big her belly is". I was mortified, but judging from the look on the fathers face he was too. I hit me harder than it should have. I always thought I hid my stomach well.
  • cathygp58
    cathygp58 Posts: 8 Member
    OMG!! I've been big for a lot of my life, but fortunately have never come across such comments. I really feel for you guys, keep your chin up and at least you can do something about your weight, but it's harder to get rid of the ugly from the inside.

    Sorry I don't mean to be rude, but those people are DuMB!!!!! thumbs down to them!
    You are SO right. I cannot believe anyone could be so vile as some of these stories show.
  • ksmith1048
    ksmith1048 Posts: 2 Member
    My father - when I was about 13 ( and skinny, just beginning puberty and getting a little curvy) "You look like you are walking around with a rubber tire around your waist".
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    that I am too skinny lol
  • SamosaurusRex
    Little brother: Mum said I can hit you
    Me: You just try and see what I do
    Mum: You can't beat her. Look at the size of her

  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    words from children are what sting the most, they are honest. I always wanted to soccer kick every little kid that said something.

    Like - mommy he's big !
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Oh about any passive aggressive comment made by my mother would work here......

    Last one I remember was I found a picture of you but I know you will not want to see it...... it from when you were skinny. She always could make a little comment that would ruin my whole day. My mother had Alzheimer's and could even make comments about how fat I was when she had no clue it was me she was talking to. Made me wonder what the heck she had been saying all those years when she knew not to say them in from of me.
  • dmoisson
    dmoisson Posts: 10 Member
    My 3 year old daughter (at the time) innocently asked "Papa why is your belly so big?" She was right. It was big. That moment was a major turning point in my life. I secretly thank her often for saying that to me.
  • cwe1229a
    cwe1229a Posts: 34
    man, i feel for everyone. : ( i had to deal with a lot of this stuff too (still kinda do)

    i was, and still am the biggest of my group of friends. i'm always the funny, chubby one.

    middle school was horrible. i had plenty of friends, but i hid in a big sweatshirt and baggy jeans for those three years, because kids who didn't know me called me crap like 'whale'. i was never that big either.

    i lost weight in high school, but i never lost it in my chest...it was awkward trying to wear nice tops and in freshman year have everyone stare at your boobs. :\ went back to wearing a hoodie after being sneered at by the more...well, underdeveloped girls.

    my dad and grandmother were always commenting on how 'you'd look so much prettier and get more boyfriends if you lost that weight! no one really cares about just a pretty face'. i think those ones hurt the most. but that's just how my family is. we are bluntly honest people, we use humor in a lot of what we say and do. but when you're in puberty and hearing that almost every day hurts. same with my brother, he's the worst. he tells me no matter how hard i try, i won't lose any weight. time to prove that little *kitten* wrong. >; |
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member

    When you try not to think of yourself as a 'fat' person because you exercise and eat healthily and dress nicely, and somebody vocalises it in public, something snaps in your head. Suddenly, you believe with complete certainty that that's what everyone in the world thinks about you and they've just been too polite to say it. It's horrible.

    I completely agree. I have worked so hard to not think of myself as some obese creature that everyone stares at then someone will make a comment and everything goes out the door and your back to square 1.

    A few of mine:
    -I was at the park running on the trail and their were some kids about my age (20's) and they said how much would you give me to hit the fat girl. Even worse, they actually threw the frisbee at me.
    -In dance class when I was 7 and just a chubby kid not obese or anything, one of mom's said to another mom, that she was worried I would go threw the floor when I did a summersault-that was the last day ever of dance class for me, which sucks because I loved it.
    -I could not be in my grandma's wedding as the flower girl, even though I was her only granddaughter because I was to fat. She had one of her friends kids do it instead.
    -I was at the gym on a treadmill for about an hour. There were at least 5 other treadmills open but none of them together, so these 2 girls that wanted to work out together were mad. One of them said to me, "Why don't you quit wasting your time and let someone who has a chance use the treadmill."
  • freyaandcorysmum

    When you try not to think of yourself as a 'fat' person because you exercise and eat healthily and dress nicely, and somebody vocalises it in public, something snaps in your head. Suddenly, you believe with complete certainty that that's what everyone in the world thinks about you and they've just been too polite to say it. It's horrible.

    I completely agree. I have worked so hard to not think of myself as some obese creature that everyone stares at then someone will make a comment and everything goes out the door and your back to square 1.

    A few of mine:
    -I was at the park running on the trail and their were some kids about my age (20's) and they said how much would you give me to hit the fat girl. Even worse, they actually threw the frisbee at me.
    -In dance class when I was 7 and just a chubby kid not obese or anything, one of mom's said to another mom, that she was worried I would go threw the floor when I did a summersault-that was the last day ever of dance class for me, which sucks because I loved it.
    -I could not be in my grandma's wedding as the flower girl, even though I was her only granddaughter because I was to fat. She had one of her friends kids do it instead.
    -I was at the gym on a treadmill for about an hour. There were at least 5 other treadmills open but none of them together, so these 2 girls that wanted to work out together were mad. One of them said to me, "Why don't you quit wasting your time and let someone who has a chance use the treadmill."

    This made me really sad that some people could be soo bloody horrible !!! xxxx
  • dianacom
    dianacom Posts: 30 Member
    There will always be mean, shallow people in the world. That has nothing to do with our weight. I had two babies under three years old. They were both having a melt down as I was trying to leave the grocery story. I stooped down with my bag of groceries to try and restrain one of them, while holding the other on my hip, when a young man, (early 20's), walks in and says, "Lady, get your tubes tied."

    Even at 100lbs, 5'3", I was never really skinning because I have a curvy shape-all on the bottom of course. After having my children in my early 40's, I never lost the weight. My heaviest was 160lbs-dr says border line obese but never any concerns. While I was somewhere around 140lbs, my husband and I go out for dinner for our anniversary-something like 15yrs. When I asked him how life was looking to him-he said, Well, I thought we'd be in better shape." Of course, he's 5'10" and weighs slightly more than I do-he works out-alot-and so it's mostly muscle. Not an ounce of fat on this guy. That was a beautiful memory.

    Recently, I just finished hcg injections-lost 11 pounds down to 139. This is an expensive diet. Normally, he's hollering about how much I spend,but for some reason, he thinks it will be ok if I spend hundreds of dollars to go another round on the Hcg-all just for my health of course.

    So,now I'm bent on getting in shape and I will. He will still be a ____.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I'm really not that heavy but I was anorexic for a long time so when my mother saw me and said something to the tune of "My God, you are bigger than you've ever been" and the VP of the company where I work asked when I was due (both were a couple of months after I had my last baby - I do not recoil quickly) it was a little frustrating especially since I was working really hard to eat "normal" so I could nurse.
  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I suppose the hardest thing for me is understanding why a person would think they even have the right to say something.
    I'm sorry your feelings were hurt. :frown: