For those of you that drink coffee



  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Unfortunatley I can't give much advice other than carefully measure your creamer.. Creamer isn't that bad unless you load your coffee up to the point where it's pretty much cream with coffee, not coffee with cream! I use CoffeeMate French Vanilla sugar free and am so happy to have found it. I was drinking Bailey's Vanilla and the calorie difference is HUGE!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    Put something? In coffee? Why would anyone want to do that?

    Drink it strong and black, like the Coffee Gods intended! REPENT! ;)

    Yep. Black coffee tastes amazing, if you buy good coffee.
  • bytemeeeeee
    bytemeeeeee Posts: 174
    I like my creamy ...So I add 1/2c of almond milk and 1pkt of stevia it that way.
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    you only have one cup per day, enjoy it! Isn't that only about 35 calories? I know you are looking for a substitute but keep thinking lifestyle change and moderation. One cup a day isn't going to kill your goals and if it makes you feel less deprived it might even help keep you motivated.

    True dat

    This for sure, I contemplated changing mine but it's true, it's not a lot of extra calories, may as well enjoy the one cup!
  • 25daniow
    25daniow Posts: 121 Member
    I will never give up coffee! I gave up Diet Pepsi but my one cup of coffee in the morning is my little treat. I add 1/4 cup fat free milk and one packet sweet n' low. The one thing I make myself do before I have my coffee is to drink one bottle of water. This way...I feel like I am rewarding myself with a little treat since I've already drank 16 ounces of water. It's a little mind game I play with myself to make sure I'm getting a good start to the day with water:) I say whatever work for you....DO IT!!!! There is nothing wrong with coffee at all and it has been said to actually have benefits such as speeding up your metabolism! As long as your honestly logging in your calories and it works into your everyday plan....drink up!!!!:wink:
  • justinamay0535
    justinamay0535 Posts: 132 Member
    I only drink one cup a day so I havent given up my creamer. I have changed everything else about my diet but I dont want to give that up. Its only 70 calories for me so its worth it. I usually buy the natural creamers that only have 4 or 5 ingredients. I just cant do the artificial stuff it tastes like chemicals to me.
  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    I drink my coffee black, like my soul.
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    you only have one cup per day, enjoy it! Isn't that only about 35 calories? I know you are looking for a substitute but keep thinking lifestyle change and moderation. One cup a day isn't going to kill your goals and if it makes you feel less deprived it might even help keep you motivated.

    AMEN!!! Coming from someone who's lost 55 lbs - I think you know what you're talking about ;)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I use the international delights singles that are shelf stable because it gives me portion control! Unless it is flavored coffee, then I use mini-moo's.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    Low/Non-Fat Creamer and Splenda.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    What do I put in it? My spoon, with one teaspoon of instant coffee. Black coffee for my day to day needs. If I need something sweet, I have a naughty bit of sugar in it. Did that today and avoided eating chocolate this afternoon. :happy:
  • SgtMindy
    SgtMindy Posts: 53
    you only have one cup per day, enjoy it! Isn't that only about 35 calories? I know you are looking for a substitute but keep thinking lifestyle change and moderation. One cup a day isn't going to kill your goals and if it makes you feel less deprived it might even help keep you motivated.

    What they said!!! Have your coffee!!! I allot myself two cups of coffee the way I like it, and even with that (and the occassional third sup) I still manage to come in under my daily goal. It's a low calorie treat that even a really strict diet can accommodate!
  • thaphatdiva
    thaphatdiva Posts: 60 Member
    Coffee-mate fat free hazlenut creamer, splenda, 1/2 tbsp heavy cream to make it extra creamy (my 25 calorie splurge).
  • Marge321
    Marge321 Posts: 131 Member
    Replaced coffee by tea since december but when I have one, only a bit of 2% milk, no sugar. I hate the taste of sugar in coffee !
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    I've been wanting to try these harmless concoctions:

    Iced cinnamon chocolate coffee

    and this:

    Peanut butter mocha frappuccino

    both are from this food blog:
  • amysuespears
    I drink coffee everyday... I use splenda and half and half. I don't worry about the 40 calories from the creamer... I'd rather have 40 calories from real cream and milk than 10 calories from powdered "hydrogenated oils". it's a trade off. i LOVE my coffee!!! and, drinking it hasn't stalled my weight loss. I do add an extra glass or 2 of water to my total just so I can make sure I'm hydrated (coffee is a diuretic, or so I hear).
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I put 1/2 a scoop of Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein, the chocolate flavor. Granted, it does have 70 calories for 1/2 a scoop, but it gets me 13g of protein. I also consider it part of my breakfast calories and adjust the food I eat for breakfast accordingly.
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    Not a thing! I roast and grind my own, I buy the best organic, free trade, sustainable practices coffee. Why would I want to not then taste that great coffee flavor by adding things to it?? Plus it a calorie free thing when black.

    ^^Agreed. After years of putting sugar and/or cream in my coffee to cut the bitterness, I discovered REALLY GOOD COFFEE and was able to go black. I don't roast my own, but I buy whole beans from a roasting house nearby and grind my own.

    When I have coffee at other peoples homes or at restaurants I sometimes put a shot of skim milk in it.
  • Schnuddelbuddel
    Schnuddelbuddel Posts: 472 Member
    I'm addicted to coffee. Coffee needs to be strong, aromatic and I add milk to mine. No sugar though, that's just wrong lol

    Sometimes I do have a sweet coffee, but again, not just sugar, it must be hazelnut syrup.

    Another thing is - if you do use sugar, use the raw brown sugar. Put the sugar in the cup before the coffee and milk, it'll make it really caramelly :)

    I do drink too much though. Anything from 3-5 mugs of coffee a day are normal for me. And only since I stopped working outside the house. Before, I had about 8 mugs a day.

    I'm a coffeeholic. And it's one thing I will not give up!
  • medic34758
    Regular coffee with 2 packets of Truvia! Zero calories and only 6 carbs.