Worst date you've ever been on?



  • Miss_Chievous_wechange
    Miss_Chievous_wechange Posts: 1,230 Member
    for a first date once, i went to her apt. to pick her up...walked inside, and noticed her dog laying by the window on the other side of the apt. i thought it was a tad bit strange the he didnt meet me at the door let alone bark at me. i asked if there was something wrong with the dog, and she said, "no he died a few days ago, and i just havent had the time to bury him". i was like WTF!

    Seriously? That's f*cked up!
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    Well ...
    there must be something to the blind date hook up cause this hookup started with going to a halloween costume party. I dressed as foxxy brown, afro and all. he dressed as a ninja but it was just an old martial arts suit that was about two sizes two small. still i intended to make the most of the night. we headed out on a windy october night, as he headed to the car to open the door i began to feel a chill from the top of my head. my afro wig had gotten caught on a branch and was swining in the wind! i was so shocked that i tried to turn and grab it before he turned around but i stumbled on the step and fell headfirst into cold *kitten* mulch- mouth open no less!

    so needless to say i just laid threre hoping to evaporate.
    when he turned around he let out a awwwwwwwww, like if a kid dropped their ice cream cone. and he tried despartely to get out "are you ok" but he couldnt hold his laughter in enough. he came over and prushed the mulch chips off my clothes and picked up my wig. h

    i got in the car and just sat there in shock still and finally when he got in the car he bagen pickin grass out of my wig and said dont worry a diva never fail ! and then i finally laughed and sat htere laughin for what seemed like forever.

    when we got ot the party (of our mutual friends) he didnt tell anyone what happened and it remianed a personal joke of ours.

    so of course i thought gave him a chance but later that night i fell asleep onthe couch and caught him unzipping my jumper!
    i kicked him out.
    he worked for a cable company, that next week my cable box got destroyed and i had to pay to have it repaired. when the repair guy came he said wow, damamge is only on your box, you must have pissed somebody off!

    deep. lol :bigsmile:
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I went out with a nice guy who just needed to grow up. I think he showed up stoned to the date, told me his ex had dressed him. This is a red flag to me, if his ex is that desperate to get rid of him!! Anyway we went to a local lounge for a comedy show and he got so drunk I let him talk me into driving him home..

    I met one other guy online who got mad at me for being the height I said I was and not looking my age... He was at least 3 or 4 inches shorter than he said, he kept telling me I lied about how tall I was. I told him I knew exactly how tall 5'9" is since I had been that tall all my adult life.. He was 50 heavier, 15 years older and 3 or 4 inches shorter than he said. then later that summer I was at a demo derby and he sits below me with his date.. I laughed so hard... he just kept giving me dirty looks...
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    Whilst there are some real horror stories on here, it does worry me how many people list the guy not paying as one of the reasons. I mean, seriously in this day and age? I would never not offer to go half - or alternate paying if we had been dating a while - a date should be on an equal setting, a man automatically having to pay for a woman's company is prostitution not dating.

    And no, I don't insist if he disagrees with me- not always at least. But I do find a way to pay it back in other ways - like driving, or being more generous on gifts if we are in a relationship

    Nope, totally disagree. When a guy asks me out, I assume he wants to do something nice for me, and is trying to impress me while getting to know me. I don't offer to pay, but sometimes when I am asked to split I do without complaining, but am always turned off. When I did ask a guy out once, I tried to pay because I was trying to get to know him better, he was giving me the privilege of his company. Being a gentleman he insisted on paying :)

    And he isn't paying you for being a prostitute, he is paying the restaurant. LOL. If you equate paying for a meal as paying you, I hope you don't feel obligated to do sexual favours because he 'paid for you'.

    But after the first few dates, of course you should go dutch if he can't afford to pay for your meals.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I was going to post a 'worst date' story but honestly my dates just seem like mild annoyances compared to some of the stories here!!! Wild man... just wild.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I had hung out with this girl a few times and I invited her over to a party at my friends house. I pick her up at her house and we hang out inside with her mom for a little while, who was plastered and proceeds to hit on me. For some reason they decided to let the dog out, and it was this huge german shepherd with severe dominance issues. Now, I'm a huge dog person, but this dog scared the living crap out of me, they just said not to make any sudden movements and I won't get bitten. Apparently that happens a lot.

    We got the heck out of there and on the way to my friends house she mentions something about how she can't really drink because of the medication she's on. We arrive and she immediately starts slamming mixed drinks. I was like "Uh...didn't you say...you're not supposed to drink...?" She ignores me, keeps drinking, is clearly becoming fairly intoxicated at this point, and starts being way too excitable and enthusiastic about everything. It was really just annoying and embarrassing. I pull her outside and ask her nicely to tone it down a notch and maybe she didn't need any more alcohol. She agrees. We go back inside, she grabs another drink.

    A little while later we were all playing a board game and she starts....HAVING A SEIZURE!!! That was apparently the reason she wasn't supposed to drink. My friend was a nurse and she said there was nothing we could really do, we were all just completely horrified and freaking out. She eventually comes to and I ask her what I'm supposed to do, call her mom? Take her to the hospital? She assured me she just wanted to sleep, so I found her a bed and we all checked up on her every few minutes.

    I drive her home the next day and on the way she's trying to schedule another date with me. I explain to her that what she did kind of freaked me out, and wasn't cool, and that I didn't think I wanted to hang out with her anymore. She proceeds to tell me how she loves me (after like 3 dates) but I have walls and wouldn't let myself love her back, or some BS. Finally I drop her off.

    Oh wait, I'm not done. She calls me a few hours later, I let it go to voicemail obviously. She says she can't find her keys. I find them in my car and drive all the way back to her place (a good 45 minute drive) and throw them in her mailbox.
  • Jade17694
    Jade17694 Posts: 584 Member
    for a first date once, i went to her apt. to pick her up...walked inside, and noticed her dog laying by the window on the other side of the apt. i thought it was a tad bit strange the he didnt meet me at the door let alone bark at me. i asked if there was something wrong with the dog, and she said, "no he died a few days ago, and i just havent had the time to bury him". i was like WTF!

  • serena221
    serena221 Posts: 25 Member
    Last summer...tried my hand at Match and met a guy. We talked for a few weeks and decided to meet face to face. We picked a park between the towns we lived because there was a festival going on. So, he pulls in, parks, but just sits in his car. So, I walk over and he is obviously distraught. He proceeds to say, "My wife and kids are parked right behind you"...Not ex-wife like he had lead me to believe. His kids start screaming for him and he leaves me standing there, chin on the ground. Needless to say, I deleted my account.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    My most recent bad date was with a guy who claimed to be in his mid-40s (I'm 32). He showed up at the park where my children and I were. Now, I hate bringing my kids with me on any sort of meeting of new people. That's just not cool with me... but in this instance, we were already there, he was just down the street and he had his daughter with him. I figured no harm no foul on that one. He shows up not driving the vehicle in his picture and scares the bejeezus out of me by yelling "HEY!" out the window. He was unshowered and had been mowing grass all day. He said he was visiting his mother, but apparently, he was doing yardwork as well. He smelled BADDDDDD and was wearing holey clothes and was covered in grass. I'm not a fashion hog, but I do like to wear clothes that cover my body and bathe or reschedule if I'm stinky. He was also about 10-12 years older than he stated and than his photo had shown. Our conversation time was spent on his ex-wife and her new husband.... his daughter's fascination with finding loose change on the ground... and how much money he has to shell out to keep her up to date in clothes, music and trips to fancy places. He also spent a good amount of time just talking to his daughter about stuff that was none of my business - i.e., people I didn't know.... stuff that should be chatted about at home when hanging out.... it was A-W-K-W-A-R-D. Then when his daughter finally unlatched from him for 2 seconds and went to play, my kids asked me to come play with them. He wouldn't even get off his bench. So, I spent another hour playing with my kids and pushing his daughter on the rope swing while he sat there and stared off into space. Before we all left, he leaned over and whispered, "So, do you think you could come over to my place on Thursday, after you get off work, but leave by like 7pm because my bandmates are coming over to practice?" I dont think I replied and then he leaned in and whispered, "Oh and my neighbor said you could park in their driveway because I have a woman stalking me and she might key your car or knife your tires and then cause a scene" Wow..... really?
  • evans72002
    evans72002 Posts: 89 Member
    The guy took me out to pizza and then wouldn't eat. He just stared at me while I ate. He kept telling me how special I was. It really creeped me out!
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    These are HILLARIOUS
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    Long story short:

    Met boy, agreed to go out on "group date" with him & his friends. Showed up to dinner at TGIFridays- met 3 other couples. When the food came- everyone grabbed hands, bowed their heads and prayed. Ok. I'm out with really religious people...good to know. After dinner, they say we're going to a club. I announce that I don't dance- and they all laugh and say I don't have to. We go to a liquor store- it's a dry county and the club is BYOB. They ended up taking me to a STRIP CLUB!!! (I was underage- and couldn't drink to make it feel less awkward.)
    Since we had ridden with several others and I didn't have my car- (and I was new to town & knew NO one)- there was no escape! He kept leaning over and telling me how excited he was getting and how he couldn't wait to get me back to his place, despite me repeatedly telling him I was not interested.

    I don't know if they prayed solely to F* with me, or what... but it was definitely my weirdest (and worst) first date.

    PS- did not date him again.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    I took a young lady (an RN, homeowner , well spoken, etc)to a nice Asian fusion restaurant, really nice chic , upscale, small place where the chef comes around to ask how everyones meal is . The spoons on the table were squared off on the end and were very decorative on the handle they were quite unique and the woman I was with kept raving about how neat they were and how she had never seen anything like them before. At the end of the date she proceeds to steel a set of 4 off the table beside us. The next time I went to the restaurant, not with her, the hostess, waiter and chef were all staring at me the whole time.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I was about 18. Went to pick up the girl and her mom answered. Her mom was stunning and asked for me to come in since she wasn't ready. She then took me into the living room to introduce me to her husband... who was cleaning one of his guns. Once the girl came downstairs, he asked where we were going. I told him and he said to have her home by 10. Looking at his guns, I said I'd have her home by 8 (it was already after 7). He didn't find me funny.

    So around 11 we were kissing on her doorstep and things were escalating quickly. She then asked if I'd "like to beat daddy upstairs". As much as I wanted to... congratulations dad... your first impression worked.
  • dalmiechick45
    dalmiechick45 Posts: 164 Member
  • Pooker89
    Pooker89 Posts: 152 Member
    bump for later :)
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I went on a date with my former boss from my job in high school, my mistake number 1 (he was obviously into 17 year olds with braces, the freak.)

    He made me drive to his place instead of picking me up when he worked literally 5 minutes from my house. So as I'm driving the 30 minutes to get to his place, he calls and says "Where are you? We're all waiting." He hadn't told me that it was going to be a group going to dinnner...

    We go to dinner. They all order pizzas and potatoes and beer. The bill comes and he insists that we all split it evenly. I ended up paying $30 for one slice of pizza and a cup of water. Basically, I helped pay for food I didn't eat and beer I wasn't old enough to drink.

    He topped the night off by taking me back to his apartment, ignoring my polite refusals for a kiss, pinning me on the couch and sticking his tongue in my face.

    Luckily the roommates barged in before he could try anything more. I left as fast as I could.

    He emailed me the next day and said "Did I do something wrong?" Uhhhh, ya think? :noway:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • HellsBells61
    I was about 19 and started working in a country hotel and the hotel porter (a young Polish guy with a dodgy accent and dodgier haircut) kept telling me how beautiful I was and how much he wished he could kiss me..... Cut to the local pub a few weeks later and after I'd finally agreed to go an a date with him. We went in, sat down at a table and he went up to the bar. Oh fine, I thought, he hasn't asked me what I want to drink, maybe he'll surprise me, He came back with a pint of bitter, sat down, then said to me "You'd better go and get yours, it's getting really busy in here." I upped and left. Were things awkward between us at work after that? Not for me but maybe for him after I'd told everyone what happened. :tongue:
  • Christina1007
    Christina1007 Posts: 179 Member
    I didn't have a baby sitter, he said " I love kids, bring your 3 year old"
    I spent hours getting dressed and trying to look perfect
    He picked me up in a blue hatchback, the church music he played was so loud I heard him before he rang the door bell.
    The car was filthy (no a.c) it was 104 degrees Alabama temperture.
    He never asked me what I wanted to eat, we talked about "Sweet Jesus" until we arrived at The Chicken Coop
    I stood in line (yes I said in line, I was soooo over dressed for this) He ordered for me
    3 wings and fries, it came up to $5.99 He didnt want to break a $10 so I gave him a dollar out my purse.
    As the greasy bag was handed to me, we headed out to his dirty car.
    There was a breast, a drum stick and a wing in the bag. He asked for the breast.
    Yes he asked for the breast, I handed my kid in the back seat a drum stick
    I tried to eat the salty fries and asked could he get me something to drink.
    He pulled up to a soda machine, got me a Coke. When I popped it open he sweating like a pig asked for a sip.
    He than asked for the wing I nimbled off of, I passed it to him and told him to keep the soda.
    He drove around a lake (beautiful lake) my son was sleep and asked me for a kiss.
    I got out his car, pulled my sleeping son out the back seat and walked over to a bunch of guys talking at a picnic table.
    I (at the time didnt know where I was, just had moved here 2 months prior) asked them how far Old Columbus Road was.
    My church going friend throw the car seat out the window and pulled off.
    It turns out it wasnt far at all, I told the nice guy name Tim what happend , he laughed the whole way driving me home.
    He took me and my son out the next day (we dated for the next 6 months)

    What a nasty person!!! Can't believe he threw out the baby car seat!! AND to believe that he is a Christian...