Carbs are making you fat



  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Marilyn Monroe credits her beautiful figure to pasta (AKA, carbs)


    She so fat...

    Umm, I don't know if you picked the best possible picture to illustrate your point...

    Thought about it but couldnt be bothered with finding a photoshopped pic of her. She still looks drop dead gorgeous and very fit

    I'll take those legs of hers any day. I think she looks cute and classically feminine in this photo and genuinely happy too.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Wow! Nice discussing things with you all. Take care.

    And you discussed what?
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Marilyn Monroe credits her beautiful figure to pasta (AKA, carbs)


    She so fat...

    Umm, I don't know if you picked the best possible picture to illustrate your point...

    For real. And even at her thinnest she was not terribly firm.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Sadly, I dont think the truth will ever be allowed out. Too many big industries (i.e. flour, sugar, pharmaceutical, supermarkets) are making too much money from the present "so called" healthy eating regime. No one can touch it. Whatever you believe, you should ask the question, why is obesity, heart disease and diabetes on the increase in such a huge scale?

    Answer: There is so much money to be made from fixing the problem with pills, etc.
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    its old news. Taubes has a new book out. I have Good Calories, Bad Calories it was okay for its time. A lot of low carbers have moved on since that.

    Not arguing at all here -- what do you mean by "moved on?" Do you mean that they've gone on to other approaches completely (back to "high" carbs by a LC standard) or on to Paleo or something?

    Also, what the hell happened to Jimmy Moore?!??! I clearly have not kept up with the old-school LC blogosphere.

    They don't see Taubes as god and Good Calories, Bad Calories as the Bible any more. They upped their carbs, particularly starchy carbs and fruit. So yeh more paleo or primal. Taking note of calories again, not ramming copious amounts of fat down their necks..
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Marilyn Monroe credits her beautiful figure to pasta (AKA, carbs)


    She so fat...

    Umm, I don't know if you picked the best possible picture to illustrate your point...

    Thought about it but couldnt be bothered with finding a photoshopped pic of her. She still looks drop dead gorgeous and very fit

    I's one for you:

  • Whoa! There is a difference between a good carb and a bad carb
    Vegetables such as broc have a lot of carbs and should be in your diet plan where as bread (including that whole wheat bread that you may think is good for you) is a bad carb.
    Lets face it bread and grain are on the food pyramid because we pay farmers millions of dollars each year to keep producing. Its easy to produce grain rather than vegetables therefore America has to promote it.
    Since we are on the topic of bad carbs I want to just throw out there that the nutrigran bar that you think is doing you well, think again. Horrible Horrible for you. If its in a bar form keep it away from your mouth.
    I had my son 7 months ago and up until last Feb decided to take the rest of my baby weight off. Went from 160 down to 145 in 3 months! 5 pounds shy of my prebaby weight with a goal of 125. When you read about nutrition make sure that Author has sources its pulling from for backup otherwise you might just be hurting yourself.
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I know this has been said, but I agree that processed carbs are making people fat. What I don't like about low carb is that it says fruits and veggies are bad. I follow a diet that does not include grains, dairy or sugar but still eat about 200 carbs a day in fruit and veggies and have no problem losing weight.
  • haha makes me giggle
  • texasheathers
    texasheathers Posts: 23 Member
    This is such a silly argument. It's not just carbs or just calories. What's right for some people isn't right for someone else. A diabetic has to watch their sugars/carb intake - so in their case, a lower carb diet is best. Does that mean they can consume calories in excess - of course not. I personally watch my intake of both calories and carbs.

    At least it seems like most everyone agress that processed foods are bad.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Whoa! There is a difference between a good carb and a bad carb

  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Whoa! There is a difference between a good carb and a bad carb
    Vegetables such as broc have a lot of carbs and should be in your diet plan where as bread (including that whole wheat bread that you may think is good for you) is a bad carb.
    Lets face it bread and grain are on the food pyramid because we pay farmers millions of dollars each year to keep producing. Its easy to produce grain rather than vegetables therefore America has to promote it.
    Since we are on the topic of bad carbs I want to just throw out there that the nutrigran bar that you think is doing you well, think again. Horrible Horrible for you. If its in a bar form keep it away from your mouth.
    I had my son 7 months ago and up until last Feb decided to take the rest of my baby weight off. Went from 160 down to 145 in 3 months! 5 pounds shy of my prebaby weight with a goal of 125. When you read about nutrition make sure that Author has sources its pulling from for backup otherwise you might just be hurting yourself.

    Just to clarify, brocolli doesn't have a lot of carb (and other fibrous carbs) hence why its part of a low carb diet.
  • dolldreams
    dolldreams Posts: 245 Member
    Whoa! There is a difference between a good carb and a bad carb
    Vegetables such as broc have a lot of carbs and should be in your diet plan where as bread (including that whole wheat bread that you may think is good for you) is a bad carb.
    Lets face it bread and grain are on the food pyramid because we pay farmers millions of dollars each year to keep producing. Its easy to produce grain rather than vegetables therefore America has to promote it.
    Since we are on the topic of bad carbs I want to just throw out there that the nutrigran bar that you think is doing you well, think again. Horrible Horrible for you. If its in a bar form keep it away from your mouth.
    I had my son 7 months ago and up until last Feb decided to take the rest of my baby weight off. Went from 160 down to 145 in 3 months! 5 pounds shy of my prebaby weight with a goal of 125. When you read about nutrition make sure that Author has sources its pulling from for backup otherwise you might just be hurting yourself.

    Bread is not bad. People have been eating bread for thousands of years.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    At least it seems like most everyone agress that processed foods are bad.

    Then most everyone is an idiot
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I know this has been said, but I agree that processed carbs are making people fat. What I don't like about low carb is that it says fruits and veggies are bad. I follow a diet that does not include grains, dairy or sugar but still eat about 200 carbs a day in fruit and veggies and have no problem losing weight.

    No, calorie surplus makes people fat. Doesn't matter where they come from. I lost mine eating around 200-250 carbs a day, and never felt better. It's just another way to overcomplicate this simple process.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    *sigh* so now its not carbs, but grains are the bad guy?
  • hhowey
    hhowey Posts: 4 Member
    I think there are a lot of misconceptions on both sides of this argument. Carbs do make you fat, if you want an explination of how, watch the movie "Fat Head" it does a pretty good job of making it simple to understand. If you read the Atkins book it does NOT say to never eat carbs, and it does have you add carbs back into your diet as you go, first berries and nuts, then breads and even starches. Yes, there are a lot of people out there who have tried it and failed, but there are others for whom it works. In the book it does say to do easy to moderate exercise, however, when working out at a more extreme intensity it is important to have bread-carbs as well as veggies and fruits to not "bonk".
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    Marilyn Monroe credits her beautiful figure to pasta (AKA, carbs)


    She so fat...

    Umm, I don't know if you picked the best possible picture to illustrate your point...

    Thought about it but couldnt be bothered with finding a photoshopped pic of her. She still looks drop dead gorgeous and very fit

    who gives a **** shes still a 10(oh and asize 10 to)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I think there are a lot of misconceptions on both sides of this argument. Carbs do make you fat, if you want an explination of how, watch the movie "Fat Head" it does a pretty good job of making it simple to understand. If you read the Atkins book it does NOT say to never eat carbs, and it does have you add carbs back into your diet as you go, first berries and nuts, then breads and even starches. Yes, there are a lot of people out there who have tried it and failed, but there are others for whom it works. In the book it does say to do easy to moderate exercise, however, when working out at a more extreme intensity it is important to have bread-carbs as well as veggies and fruits to not "bonk".

    Fat Head only makes people more ignorant on the subject of nutrition, the basic message was eating in a deficit regardless of what it is causes weight loss, everything else in the movie is a bunch of nonsense. Atkins also believed int he metabolic advantage to low carb diets which is not unlike unicorns, a fantasy
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