Ladies: Guys shorter then you?!



  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So you'd really take the chance of missing out on a really good guy because he's a inch shorter than you? I'll admit, when I was younger, I too might have made this mistake. Now that I'm old, I wouldn't care. I was totally checking out this 5'4" guy at the gym the other day (I'm 5'9"). He was benching 210lbs....
  • sweetfacephoto
    sweetfacephoto Posts: 45 Member
    My brother is 5'8; his wife is pushing 6 foot. Sure it might look funky to outsiders but they work so well together and are very happy.
    If you dig him, then you should just go with it.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Don't punish the guy for something he can't control...
  • zoodalia
    zoodalia Posts: 294
    Im 5'4" but my bf says he is 5'5" but seems shorter then me but I don't mind being a little taller then him. What really matters is do you like him? Does he make you smile, make feel good about yourself?

    Height doesn't matter....

    Don't you know the rule? If a man is under 6 feet he will always add at least 2 inches to his height!
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    It used to be a deal breaker for me until I met the love of my life. I say go with it! My husband and I are the EXACT same height (actually, I'm pretty sure I have a 1/2 inch on him) and I still wear heels everywhere we go. He just tells everyone I'm his trophy wife. :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I am only 5'6" and I was in a relationship for just under 4 years with someone 5'9.5", my prom date was 5'8".

    Any height difference gets cut in half when you are lying down.
  • kittybonkers
    I don't know, I am so used to tall guys, I don't think I can date smaller guys, my type is taaaaalll! I am 5 foot 4 and my boyfriend is 6 foot 6!
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    He sounds like a great guy, but would never happen for me, I'm 5'2" and my hubby is 6'1"....I like them tall:bigsmile:
  • Bonny272
    Bonny272 Posts: 154 Member
    I always thought I'd marry someone taller than me, but that's not how it worked out. I'm 5'8" and my husband is 5'4". We've been married for almost 15 years. It doesn't matter how cute or tall the guy is if you can't live with him.
  • kimdoes
    kimdoes Posts: 90
    So ive met this guy who is totally cute.

    Hes really sweet.

    Hes in the Airforce (So he has a career).

    He makes me laugh.

    Ect ect...


    I am only 5'3" so I already consider myself to be short AND he is only 5'2"... I know that its not much but its really kinda pushing it for me...

    What about you ladies?!
    Short guys?!

    I'm tall and have dated several shorter than me guys. That's only an inch. Don't count him out!!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I have a date coming up with a girl that is shorter then me but taller with heels on. Doesn't bother me as long as the heels come off for a kiss and go back on for some play time!
  • dollymixsix
    dollymixsix Posts: 112
    I'm 6ft so most guys are shorter than me. If I enforced any kind of rule i'd be single forever.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    It would depend on the guy. If it was a really great guy, I might maybe could get used to it.
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    If the sex is good I don't care about too much in the looks department.
  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds to me like you two are practically the same height. If his height is the ONLY thing that's holding you back, then I'd say give it a chance. If you enjoy being aroung him and he makes you happy, that's what's important.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I am 5'2" and I have yet to meet a guy shorter than I am but if I did & I was attracted to him & he was a great guy - like this guy sounds like he is - I would definitely give it a shot. If I were a few inches taller than him it might bother me - not sure about that - but him being so close in height wouldn't bother me. HTH. :)

    If you feel attracted to this guy & he treats you good I think you should at least give it a shot....But since you are asking this question you are obviously having doubts already...If you left him b/c of his height do you think that you would miss him being in your life? The answer to that question should tell you something....
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I'm 5"0 tall and I love tall men so if they are shorter than 5'8, they can forget about it!
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    I have a date coming up with a girl that is shorter then me but taller with heels on. Doesn't bother me as long as the heels come off for a kiss and go back on for some play time!

    ^^^ well said
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    Don't punish the guy for something he can't control...

  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    If the sex is good I don't care about too much in the looks department.

    And sex with someone your height works better. You can still kiss him when you're on top.