Personal trainer wanting to help:)



  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I have a question about waist pain when lifting. I'm currently doing a second round of Chalean extreme and using elastic bands.
    I find it impossible to finish sets of exercises like a reverse grip bent-over row because of waist pain. Chalene keeps saying that I need to keep my back straight, and I think I am. She mentions sticking your butt out and making sure that I'm not rounding my upper back, and I take those things into account. My back looks straight (I have checked in the mirror), yet my waist hurts so something isn't working. Any ideas of what I could be doing wrong? Thank you!
  • tanyaleblanc
    I'm lookin for some help. I started my journey Sept 11,2011 when I quit smokin. Then October I started eating right and running a couple times a week, to joining the gym the end of October doing the Les Mills Combat class to starting P90X Jan 1st. I,ve must finished it with added workouts to my routine. I don't like that I have to do it 6 times a week. I workout 5 days mostly sometimes 6 and if I don't workout on that 6th day I feel guilty.

    So, I started at 131.6
    Lbs and went down to 121.6,lbs, milestone short lived. Went to Florida on vacation and gained back1.5 lbs. currently at 123.2 lbs. my goal is to get to 118lbs, but overall goal is to lose this beer belly (I don't even drink beer BTW) and to lift my butt a couple inches. I'm starting to see definition in my upper belly but my lower belly still looks awful and loose. I also have a sadly butt that I hate with saddle bags. I'm 5.0 feet tall, 32 years old and had 1 child who is now 8 yrs. old.

    For nutrition what should I do and for workouts what should I do.

    I usually alternate my workouts. Day 1 strength , day 2 cardio (running), day3 strength, day 4 running, day5 strength , day6 running

    My biggest challenge is food. I want to eat all the time. And I usually eat around 1700. -1900 calls daily. My tdeeee is 2000 my cut is 1700 and my bar is 1300

    I'm usually over on my protein and sometimes over on my calories too.

    Also I want to tone up and lose the last couple of pounds fast, it would be nice to be toned, say flat tummy and
    Ifted butt by july 1 st. Is that unrealistic goal or can it be done?

    Please help?
  • tanyaleblanc
    Ok. Somewhat are some things I should be eating and what other exercises can I do to sculp my overall body but mainly my butt and belly?

    Thanks so much,
  • kalyy
    kalyy Posts: 59 Member
    bump :)
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    SO its the front of your stomach/pelvis thats hurting and not your back? If thats the case exercises like bent over rows, deadlifts, and squats put a lot of pressure on you abs, specifically the lower abs. Its probably a slight strain and as your abs get stronger that pain should start to lessen or go away completely.

    Sorry I didn't explain myself better (English si not mother tongue). In fact, what hurts is my lower back.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Hi, asking about how to find a balance. I have about 24 years of eating disorder related issues under my belt, with the worst phase dropping me to 70Ibs at 5'11.

    I seem to now veer between just not exercising, and eating as I wish and ending up around 142-145Ibs, exercising excessively and sticking to restricted diets, or as is the case currently, exercising everyday and feeling that is the only way I can afford to eat halfway normally.

    I am finding it so very hard to find a balance and keep the body I would like, which is to be slender, not too muscular, and around 126 Ibs. I am a medium build.

    I currently cycle for 60-150 minutes almost everyday, and when I cannot do that, I go on the stationary bike intensively and do some calisthenics..well squats, sit-ups, leg lifts and that sort of thing.

    I eat around 2000-2200 calories when I exercise.
    Supposedly, my bmr is only around 1350. My weight is going all over the place right now, from 122-127 Ibs within a week.

    I had assumed that given my ED past, my metabolism will be pretty crap. That and I am hypothyroid, I also have mild COPD.
    I have no idea how much to eat or the best exercise to keep my weight down, and not become too muscular ( I have the sort of body that tends to become muscular, an athletic build).

  • csimmons0914
    I have been working out about 5-6 times a week with a goal to burn at least 1000 calories a day through vigorous exercise. On the flip side I eat some of the calories back that I burn and I don't really eliminate and foods from my diet, I just try to eat below my calorie goal. I have lost inches and a couple of pounds and I can really tell the difference in my body. What I want to know is that if it is ok to eat the foods that you want to eat, as long as it is under your calorie goal?
  • Chillyw
    Chillyw Posts: 13 Member

    I'm looking to lose weight, and am a 27yo male. I started back at the gym this week, and am planning on going 4 times a week, with 30 minutes of cardio & strength training in each session.

    I've been keeping about a 500 calorie deficit/day, but my ratio when I eat has been right around 34/33/33. Is that okay, or does it need to be at 40/40/20 as I've seen others say?

    Been eating like that for about two weeks, and I have to say, I feel great and have a ton of energy.

  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member

    Question about weight/strength training. I know it's difficult to say, but how heavy should weights be? And how many reps? I know lifting light weights is a waste of time and I'm not afraid to lift heavier weights. Thus far when I lift (just started a few weeks ago) I feel challenged. I'm tired afterwards and a little sore for the next day or two, but I haven't felt like I over did it. I've added more weight as I've gotten stronger. I always thought one should strive for muscle failure or very close--but I've recently read some conflicting info. Should you strive for the heaviest weight you can lift, say, 12-15 times? Or should it be so heavy that you can't lift it 12-15 times? Is there a good rule of thumb to follow?

    If you've already answered this question on the thread and I missed it, my apologies. Thank you!!
  • GoThinGirl
    GoThinGirl Posts: 14 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight, but have been unsuccessful. My workout consists of Sundays - 7 mile run; Mondays - resistance training upper (40 minutes)/run 2 miles; Tuesdays - 5 mile run; Wednesdays - resistance training lower (20 minutes)/run 2 miles; Thursdays - 5 mile run; Fridays - REST; Saturday 2.5 mile run, or longer slow run. When I do run, I vary my Pace between 9:20 to 9:00 minutes per mile. On days when I run on the Treadmill, I keep the incline at 1%. I've been keeping my calories at around 1464 and try to eat all my exercise calories. I use a Timex heartrate monitor watch to track my calories.

    I am 5'8", 170 lb. 51 year old female. I have been running for the past 20+ years, with cardio classes and weights thrown in. I have opened my diary and have recently tried eating about 350 cals. or so every 3 hours. I try to eat clean with very little or no processed food. Also, I read somewhere that you should not track calories when lifting weights. When I do lift, my heartrate monitor shows Avg. HR: 108 BPM/Peak HR: 143 BPM. For example, when lifting I do Chest, shoulders, then tris with little to no rest in between sets, because I like to keep my heartrate up.

    Any suggestions on what I could tweak to see a weight loss would be greatly appreciated. I feel like I should be seeing better results.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member

    Question about weight/strength training. I know it's difficult to say, but how heavy should weights be? And how many reps? I know lifting light weights is a waste of time and I'm not afraid to lift heavier weights. Thus far when I lift (just started a few weeks ago) I feel challenged. I'm tired afterwards and a little sore for the next day or two, but I haven't felt like I over did it. I've added more weight as I've gotten stronger. I always thought one should strive for muscle failure or very close--but I've recently read some conflicting info. Should you strive for the heaviest weight you can lift, say, 12-15 times? Or should it be so heavy that you can't lift it 12-15 times? Is there a good rule of thumb to follow?

    If you've already answered this question on the thread and I missed it, my apologies. Thank you!!

    One more quick question--what does it mean if you have a muscle group that never gets sore from lifting--i.e., quads. I'd have to run up Mt. Everest to get a reaction. At the same time, some muscle groups are always sore--deltoids. Is this a sign you're not challenging those muscles enough...? Is not being sore a sign you should step it up or try a different exercise? Ok, that's it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
  • ehsquared
    ehsquared Posts: 42
  • Bagman12002
    Bagman12002 Posts: 216 Member
    Ok. Somewhat are some things I should be eating and what other exercises can I do to sculp my overall body but mainly my butt and belly?

    Thanks so much,

    lean proteins like turkey, chicken, fish, and lean ground beef. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, limit dairy and fattier cheeses. Good sources of fat like almonds, peanuts, peacans and omega-3 capsules. Keep your protein high to help supress cravings. Drink lots of water to help prevent water retention. No processed foods, fast food, additives like excessive mono and polysaturated fat and sodium. No trans fats. These are examples of a mixture of bodyweight and dumbbell exercises:pushups, back rows,bicep curls,tricep dips off of a chair, tricep kick backs,shoulder press, and specifically these: SQUATS, LUNGES, PLANKS, V-UPS, BICYCLE KICKS.

    bump for later
  • hersheyskiss
  • reneealyse
    reneealyse Posts: 100
    Hi I've been trying to eat well and exercise most days, I start to see improvements but if I miss even three days of exercise in a row, I gain back any weight I've lost and notice the fat just comes straight back on. I'm unsure why this is happening. It's a pain because I have a very weak immune system so I get sick often and when I'm sick I'm usually out of action for weeks at a time, I'm unsure how to maintain any weight loss I do have in the long term if I can't take breaks without piling it back on.

    My current exercise regime looks like this:

    Monday: Weights programme at gym (1 hour)
    Tuesday: Cardio programme at gym (1 hour)
    Wednesday: Fight Do class (no contact kickboxing/aerobic fast paced class 1 hour)
    Thursday: Weights programme
    Friday: Cardio programme
    Saturday: Fight Do
    Sunday: Rest day

    At the moment I am also doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I did 11 days straight but then missed three days in a row so decided to start it from the beginning from 1 May. I drink 2-3 litres of water every day, eat an omelette, protein shake or oats for breakfast most days and try to snack on fruit, rice crackers or protein bars.

    I also REALLY wanna get rid of my double chin lol