Ladies: Guys shorter then you?!



  • alegnafireproof
    I think you should go for it. You never know unless you try.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I'm 5' exactly and I have never met a guy shorter than me!!!

    If I did it just wouldn't work out:/ Who would get the **** out of the cabinets that I can't reach??

    *raises hand*
    It was a question. I don't understand where the preference comes from, so I'm assuming it's got to do with a sexist idea of men being dominant or protective. Calm down.

    I've been waiting for this one to pop up. No one is allowed to compare men and women in any way, shape, or form anymore, without it being sexist and in some way an indicator of some conspiracy in which men hold women down for their own benifit.

    MOST women like the feeling of being protected and sheltered that a taller boyfriend gives (don't worry, the fact that you're setting women's rights back 50yrs is ok with us men). MOST men like the feeling of protecting and sheltering they get when their girlfriend is shorter (I guess this makes us sexist pigs...sadly).

    Which is it... there's no such thing as the patriarchy, or you're okay with the women's movement being set back?


    /sigh...that's all I have to say to this.

    I'm not going to get into a feminist debate on this thread...but the fact of the matter is that if a woman wants me to put my big, strong...manly arms (notice how that phrase has never been said 'womanly arms'?? Something to think about there yeah?) around her, or for me to be taller than she is to make her feel protected, she's not setting women's rights back a day, much less 50yrs. Additionally, if I WANT to put my arms around her, or stand 5" taller than she is to make her feel protected, I'm not some kind of sexist *kitten*.

    THAT was the purpose of my post. Oddly enough, very few people outside of feminists have a CLUE what 'patriarchy' is in the context you're using it. And nearly EVERYONE else understood my post, precisely how I intended.

    Something to think about there...too.
    shorter than me = not my preference & to whoever says 'i wouldn't date girls that are shallow like you' - that's just ridiculous. everyone has preferences ... everyone! even on a subconscious level. anyways, the reason i wouldn't is because i am 5'3 - it's hard to find guys shorter than that. i will admit my head placed in a mans chest with his arms wrapped around me does make me feel safe and protected - secure in the world - does it set women's rights back 50 years? yah a bit extreme with that comment buddy. feeling that comfort is important to a lot of women i know - so who cares if she finds it in a tall man? other people find it in how built a guy is or how attractive he is - guys find it in women that can cook or dress a certain way. but i do agree - if a man came into my life who made me feel that way and was my size or smaller i would give it a go for sure.

    I think you misunderstood, I agree with you completely. A womans head on my chest in that a pretty important thing for me. Does this mean she's less than I am? No. Does it mean she's not my equal? Does it mean that when I have a hell of a headache, that laying on the couch with my head in her lap while she strokes my temple makes me less than she is?

    Umm...HELL no.

    There was a pretty substantial amount of sarcasm in my post that may or may not have translated properly it seems...and it was directed at that initial, unwarranted feminist remark about height preferances being sexist.

    waaaayyyy to go. Lol.

    I'm surprised no one has reported it and got it deleted yet. Seems every time I piss off a posts get removed.

    And I mean that in the kindest possible manner.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Just make him wear wedges on his shoes like Tom Cruise LOL!!!!

    I'm physically attracted to tall guys. I ALWAYS end up with short guys. I'm 5'8 and my guy is 5'6.5
    Only way you can really see a big difference is when I wear heels. If he makes you happy and makes you smile.. Height is just a number =)
  • SouthernSweetie74
    hold on to a good man!! tha is all i can say about that :) best wishes!!


    Easier for that guy to wear boots than to find true love

  • Jaidee1979
    Jaidee1979 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5 feet 6 and I've dated shorter men before. Personally, I feel that if you like the guy then height shouldn't matter. I think what many people are worried about is how the public would perceive them...but who cares what others think.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I'm 5'9". Tall guys are hot, but sometimes you gotta compromise it. Blahh. Depressing.
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    He seems awesome it's not his fault he's short. I would be upset if the only thing a guy could come up with for a reason not to date me was my height even if they like me in every other way.
  • applebug20
    applebug20 Posts: 6 Member
    My husband is 1.25 inches shorter than me (I'm 5'8.5, he's 5'7.25) When I meet him I wasn't attracted to him at all physically, but I thought he was the nicest guy I had ever met. We were great friends, until one day I woke up and realized he was the one for me - and the fact that he was 1.25 inches shorter than me - didn't matter - because that's not how he treats me! How he treats me is in his heart and mind. If you're not going to give a guy a chance over 1 inch (or any inches for that matter) than you don't deserve him. I call my husband my hobbit friend Samwise Gamgee - one of the nicest hobbits out there. Don't judge him by his height (is he healthy? Does he eat well, exercise, etc?) judge him by his heart first. If that's not right, then it won't be a matter of his height.
  • xxxMakeItCountxxx
    As much as I WISH I could say I never let a man's height matter, that just wouldn't be true. It's not that it was anything I was consciously aware of, but I just always found myself attracted to a man taller then myself. Of course that might have something to do with the fact that I am 5' 9", which is considered tall for a female. But I do like what "rushtogether" posted about not punishing the guy for something he has no control over. Realistically there are so many other far more important things to consider, like what type of a person he is, how he treats you, how you feel about him, etc. Not to would we feel if he held something like our height, against us. If all the rest is there...I wouldn't let height become an issue...but that's just my thought.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    My husband is 1.25 inches shorter than me (I'm 5'8.5, he's 5'7.25) When I meet him I wasn't attracted to him at all physically, but I thought he was the nicest guy I had ever met. We were great friends, until one day I woke up and realized he was the one for me - and the fact that he was 1.25 inches shorter than me - didn't matter - because that's not how he treats me! How he treats me is in his heart and mind. If you're not going to give a guy a chance over 1 inch (or any inches for that matter) than you don't deserve him. I call my husband my hobbit friend Samwise Gamgee - one of the nicest hobbits out there. Don't judge him by his height (is he healthy? Does he eat well, exercise, etc?) judge him by his heart first. If that's not right, then it won't be a matter of his height.

    You're probably very sweet, and I'm sure he loves you very much (and you him...).

    But if I was married and my wife called me a hobit...we'd be having issues lol.
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    Nope. I like them tall. Real tall. The guy I am with now is 5' 9 that is a decent height but I am usually more attracked to 6 feet and up.
  • Tet005
    Tet005 Posts: 32 Member
    Not at all being short is an awful thing.. but being at least 6" is greatly appreciated! :)
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    i've dated a few short guys back in the day.... Im 5'6. They weren't shorter than me but they weren't 6ft either. My hubby is 6'4 and I loveee it
  • douladanielle34
    My boyfriend is a bit shorter than I am, but he loves it when I wear heels, the higher the better.... so he can snuggle with "the girls".
  • foxy2311
    foxy2311 Posts: 179
    Nope....I once dated someone who was just barely taller than me at 5'5" and that was wierd!!! I prefer taller....a majority of the men I've dated were over 6 foot.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    Wouldn't bother me at all, if I'm attracted to his personality it's easy for me to see over (sorry for the pun!) the height difference.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I am 5'11. My husband is 5'9. I almost didn't date him due to his height. I would have regretted it. I barely notice the difference anymore and neither does anyone close to us.

    Ditto for me my husband is 5'5 and I am 5'6 ish maybe taller and I only dated tall men until I met him. I wouldn't notice our height difference as much if I also wasn't so much "larger" than him weight wise.

    I would never rule out or pick a guy on height again. But like someone else said if the attraction isn't there it isn't there.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    My husband is about an inch shorter than me... I am 5'9 and although he says he's 5'9 too... that is only true when he has his boots on. My cousin is 5'8 and his wife is 6'0... they, like me, are VERY happy. If this guy is everything you say he is, what's an inch or two got to do with it? If he's great, he's great. By the way, my husband is an Air Force guy too... I have never met more responsible, caring, respectable and trustworthy men in my life. GO FOR IT!
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    I prefer taller men, but would never allow height to stop me from forming a relationship with someone. Maybe the initial attraction wouldn't be there with someone who was shorter than me, but Im aaaallll about personality. If he is nice, sweet, funny, kind, has a decent career etc I would care way more about that than his height. I think you should give this a guy a shot. He may be the best thing to happen to you. :flowerforyou:
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Honestly I would not be able to get over it if a guy was shorter than me.