Does this constitute cheating to you?



  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    4. Your "personal tie" to the topic of cheating IS relevant because it brings YOUR biases to light.

    6. If you have a problem with the way I respond to posts, message me personally. I will be more than happy to argue with you in private...

    The rest isn't really very relevant anymore...but as to these two points...first, if my 'personal tie' was cheating, I'd be ranting against him like everyone else, not recommending a more neutral course...and while your final point might have been could very easily have followed your own advice lol.


    Message on its way...

    Edit: I decline his flower peace-offering.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    4. Your "personal tie" to the topic of cheating IS relevant because it brings YOUR biases to light.

    6. If you have a problem with the way I respond to posts, message me personally. I will be more than happy to argue with you in private...

    The rest isn't really very relevant anymore...but as to these two points...first, if my 'personal tie' was cheating, I'd be ranting against him like everyone else, not recommending a more neutral course...and while your final point might have been could very easily have followed your own advice lol.


    Message on its way...

    Edit: I decline his flower peace-offering.

    I've received no message...but really, don't bother. The flower wasn't a peace offering...I just hate arguing with pretty women. Even self righteous hypocritical ones.

    It goes against my upbringing.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    4. Your "personal tie" to the topic of cheating IS relevant because it brings YOUR biases to light.

    6. If you have a problem with the way I respond to posts, message me personally. I will be more than happy to argue with you in private...

    The rest isn't really very relevant anymore...but as to these two points...first, if my 'personal tie' was cheating, I'd be ranting against him like everyone else, not recommending a more neutral course...and while your final point might have been could very easily have followed your own advice lol.


    Message on its way...

    Edit: I decline his flower peace-offering.

    I've received no message...but really, don't bother. The flower wasn't a peace offering...I just hate arguing with pretty women. Even self righteous hypocritical ones.

    It goes against my upbringing.

    Seriously, check your inbox and look for the email entitled "Grouchbag..."

    EDIT: (my proof)
    To: crisanderson27
    Sent: Tue 05/01/12 06:15 PM
    Subject: Grouchbag...
    The next time you get sand in your vagina, try working's a much better way to vent your frustration. Oh, and you can have your flower back; I don't want it.
  • cass89
    cass89 Posts: 198 Member
    Any guy who watches porn that has a girl with a high sex drive has red flags all over it.

    why would you say that?
  • samandlucysmum
    He needs to run; fast and in a hurry. No, both of you need to run in separate directions!

    You checked his messages? His FaceBook?

    HUGE trust issues going on there. Granted, they are founded, but that is his personal space.
    He obviously likes porn - live or otherwise. That is something you can accept or not.

    Not the best way to start a marriage, for either of you.

    I totally agree with you! My wife reads my e-mails and checks my FB...I don't like it!

    My husband has access to everything of mine, I have nothing to hid, so it's not a problem. There should be no secrets in a relationship.
  • Caitlinhappymeal
    Caitlinhappymeal Posts: 185 Member
    ditch him without delay!
  • traceyjayne64
    traceyjayne64 Posts: 262
    If it was me, it would be over....get rid, and quickly !!
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    I just wonder how he would react if it was you doing a similar thing?I think he is direspectful to you and what he is doing is wrong!Lads like porn I dont have a problem with that as such but its this live interaction thing I dont like its like he is reaching out for something from a safe distance that he cant actualy have but is fantasising that he can,thats dangerous,maybe he wouldnt go for it in reality maybe its just a sneaky bit on the side to him,then again how would you know?Did you ask him how he would feel if he caught you doing the same thing? my bet is he would go beserk! If it was me I definately wouldnt be getting married just yet Im not saying call it off but its needs breathing space time to calm down and think,either way whatever decision you come too try to be as clear in your mind as you can and dont put up with anything you cant tolerate!
    I have heard it said without a good sex life a relationship wont work,without trust and respect you wont have a good sex life,works both ways!!! Best of luck!
  • Little_minx_76
    unless anythings actually done with another person in real life then i dont class it as cheating , but then thats only my opinion x
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Talk to him. Ask him why he is looking at porn? Try & stay calm when he gives you an answer, that way you can get more honest answers from him. Ask him why as a couple you two are not really doing it that much anymore. Talk. Communicate. Openly. Good luck to you.
  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    its disrespectfull....i agree with what someone else sats - talk really calmly to him, you will get answers. you can tell him you dont want him doing it...if its something you wont ever forget then it may be a big downfall. im sorry for you. x
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member

    Yea, just cos you're engaged, throw that away cos he watches porn...

    How about you act like a grown up and talk to him about it. Don't accuse - don't berate, don't shout. He has a side too. So often guys can't tell their side cos women (and I'm sorry that this is a crass generalisation, but the stereotype exists for a reason...) tend to get uptight and upset if a guy explains his problems. Instead of wanting to help with them a lot of women will take it as a personal insult and have a go at the guy about it. This means we never bother speaking to you about our thoughts and feelings because we know how you're going to react.

    You're meant to be friends as well as lovers - so be his friend and speak to him. In fact you should hardly be speaking to be honest - I actually mean - initiate the conversation and let him speak...and please I can't say it enough - try not to take it personally - even if it seems personal...guys have feelings too.

    This thread (and many others on MFP) serve to highlight how little women understand men. There are exceptions where I have seen many women on here posting lucid, considered, logical answers and I'm pretty sure they will know who they are, but unfortunately those women are in the minority...maybe you guys should start classes...?
  • kristymccarrick
    this for sure counts as cheating your the only one he needs to see like this not strangers online thats just wrong u need to comfront him for sure so srry this is happening to you tc
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    This is not something to be discussed in this type of forum. This is something that should be kept between the 2 of you and your family.
    Hearing how others besides the ones in your family, can give insight on how to solve the issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    For me its NOT cheating but closer to a betrayal of trust due to them being local. One step from parking his mini in someones garage...
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    That's the other thing I probably should have mentioned... he really isn't that interested in having much sex with me and my sex drive is much higher than his!

    Not ideal........

    If he's asking girls to do those things, hiding out to do it and searching for women in your area I doubt your sex drive is higher.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member

    Yea, just cos you're engaged, throw that away cos he watches porn...

    How about you act like a grown up and talk to him about it. Don't accuse - don't berate, don't shout. He has a side too. So often guys can't tell their side cos women (and I'm sorry that this is a crass generalisation, but the stereotype exists for a reason...) tend to get uptight and upset if a guy explains his problems. Instead of wanting to help with them a lot of women will take it as a personal insult and have a go at the guy about it. This means we never bother speaking to you about our thoughts and feelings because we know how you're going to react.

    You're meant to be friends as well as lovers - so be his friend and speak to him. In fact you should hardly be speaking to be honest - I actually mean - initiate the conversation and let him speak...and please I can't say it enough - try not to take it personally - even if it seems personal...guys have feelings too.

    This thread (and many others on MFP) serve to highlight how little women understand men. There are exceptions where I have seen many women on here posting lucid, considered, logical answers and I'm pretty sure they will know who they are, but unfortunately those women are in the minority...maybe you guys should start classes...?

    totally agree......
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Call it what you like. . .if you expect him to "foresake all others" as your husband, he's clearly showing you that he's not interested in that.

    I, personally, would think long and hard about marrying someone who would do something that was as disrespectful as that. Not that people are perfect, but if he knows this would hurt your feelings and did it anyway. . .THAT speaks volumes. You are #2 in his world. His wants, feelings and desires outweigh your concerns. Is that acceptable to you??

    I hope there is a happy ending for you.
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    interesting story..would like to hear how this plays out..
    my own opinion..if you stay with him,you'll know what to expect in the future..
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    For me its NOT cheating but closer to a betrayal of trust due to them being local. One step from parking his mini in someones garage...

    I just spotted your profile pic and thought awesome pecs -- have I just betrayed my gf's trust?

    I think the issue here is where individuals draw the line - your's seems to be a perfectly valid one based on likelihood and applying a bit of logic.

    Unfortunately there seems to be a lot of people in the world who only see black and white -- or at least there black and white.