Dating Websites....Your thoughts please.



  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    That is all.
  • rnd789
    rnd789 Posts: 50 Member
    I have to say, and I dated quite a bit. It was a massive ego boost, if I'm honest, and lots of fun.

    I agree with this. Especially when the ratio of guys to girls was in my favor. It's nice to get complimented ;)
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member

    BTW, not all those online are freaks, and being a booty call can be a blast... for both parties involved!

    Okay maybe out of 1,000 guys online 1 is normal but who wants to go through the effort to find him?! Not me. It's just depressing. It could be an age thing. Seems like online dating probably works better for those who are younger, but a single mom pushing 40 who doesn't look like Barbie - not a chance - there is not one man on there who is looking for that - okay maybe that 1 in a 1,000 but it's just such an awful experience in my opinion. Not that off-line dating is any different. I think I'm just too old for dating in general.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    I met my now husband on a dating site two and a half years ago.

    We got married in January :smile: I couldn't be happier!

    I met him on oasis active, and dated a couple of other people from there before that.

    Some were freaks, but some were lovely!

    I had the best fun doing it, and recommend it to everyone!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    BTW, not all those online are freaks, and being a booty call can be a blast... for both parties involved!

    Okay maybe out of 1,000 guys online 1 is normal but who wants to go through the effort to find him?! Not me. It's just depressing. It could be an age thing. Seems like online dating probably works better for those who are younger, but a single mom pushing 40 who doesn't look like Barbie - not a chance - there is not one man on there who is looking for that - okay maybe that 1 in a 1,000 but it's just such an awful experience in my opinion. Not that off-line dating is any different. I think I'm just too old for dating in general.

    Is this based on extensive research and personal experience, or are you just talking from prejudice?

    I met a lot of nice people. Many are still friends. I'm 41, I used dating sites 4 or 5 years ago. Your view appears to me to be very narrow, and very ill informed.

    You do understand that the kind of prejudice you exhibit here might just as easily be turned onto users of MFP, etc? You're rehashing dated stereotypes, without really engaging any critical thought.

    As a non-Barbie type, pushing forty, I don't recognise remotely the scenario you've painted.
  • strongformygirls
    strongformygirls Posts: 8 Member
    I was on for about 3 months. I dated one creep and one really nice guy who I was not at all attracted to. My friend went on and has been dating a guy she met on there for the past 6 months and they are great together (thus far). I think it's all about how active you are with the site and how up front you are about what you want. If you do go on a site, my advice is to get your money's worth and actually go on a bunch of dates. If nothing else you will get a bunch of free dinners most likely! :)
  • volleypc
    volleypc Posts: 134 Member
    I don't do the online sites. I think the way to go is try to get involved in clubs or organizations doing things you like to do. If you like to hike join a hiking club. If you like photography join a photography club, etc. Most of the girls I have dated over the years I met playing volleyball. I used to use to find outings, etc but where I live now doesn't really have many users on it. Habitat for humanity is another great place to meet people with similiar interest.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    LOL I met my boyfriend through MySpace. We will be celebrating our 3 year anniversary of boyfriend and girlfriend next Month. :) Hey IT HAPPENS! But yes you have to weed out the bad ones cuz before I met him I dated some douche bags that were looking for all the benefits but always said they weren't ready for a relationship. That's a big NO NO in my book so I kicked them to the curb and met a very respectful marine. Love my man!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think they are funny and kinda sad. Especially the one that just came out that is exclusively for farmers.

    It does sound silly, but if you think about it, there's a couple of good reasons for that. First let me start by saying that I have never been, nor will I ever be, a member of that dating site or any other dating site because I don't believe it to be a reliable way to meet "the one". However, when you think about it, it would be difficult for a young, single farmer to meet someone the traditional way. Most days, he works from the crack of dawn until after the sun goes down and he lives in the middle of nowhere (usually in a smalltown setting, so options there are limited). Also, there are some women (like myself) who prefer the country life, so to create a dating site specifically for people with this lifestyle sort of makes some sense.
  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    I personally never have tried dating websites so I can't speak from experience but, one of my best friends met her husband of 5 years on eharmoney. And, my cousin met his g/f of about 5yrs on

    Finding true love is all about taking risks. I say give it a shot ~ what have you got to lose.

    Good luck finding your price :heart:
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I met my husband on

    We have been together for 5 years and today is our 2 year wedding anniversary. I could not ask for anybody who is better for me... just depends on the person though. Trust me...I met my share of jerks on dating websites before meeting my husband.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I've been on match and lavalife in the past 3 weeks and met 5 - FIVE guys all telling me that they're currently working in Nigeria.

    Watch out for these... I found the majority of these scammers are on -- and when you report them, they do nothing about it. There are some very obvious signs you can spot before you even speak to them though...

    1. They love to start sentences with the word "am" --- am nice man, am handsome man, am loving my family --- even when "am" makes no sense they use it. Watch for it -- you'll see it :)

    2. They all seem to be from the same suburb near your town -- if you ask them where the city is in relation to downtown or something, they will have no clue --- they just say "am in minnesota" --- but that's because they aren't! They are in some foreign country pretending...

    3. They almost ALWAYS want your msn/yahoo whatever chat name to talk there... I used to give them fake ones just to see their address and guess what? The first 3 all had the same last name "murphy" -- guess that is easy for them to spell or something.

    4. They almost always have a full body picture, wearing nice clothes, clean cut, good looking -- you can bet its from a magazine :)

    --- that said, I've met some nice guys online, but most of them are just looking for one thing. I'm a pro at spotting the cheating married losers and the f**k buddy hunters now. Oddly, men don't get "nicer" as they age, they are still horny, cheating, lying jerks in their 50's looking for many more notches in their belt...yay! :)
  • hcoburn37
    hcoburn37 Posts: 442 Member
    I think a lot of us are destined to be single "sigh" :ohwell:
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    Been single for the better part of the last five years and haven't had much luck on or offline :/ I've meet a couple of girls off of POF seemed ok, the other...not so much.
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    I met my fiance on plentyoffish a few years back. There are definitely some decent guys that are out there on those sites, but there are also some real creeps. I met one guy who threatened to kill me and himself if I didnt go on a real life date with him. Yeah, THAT would get me to go.

    Just be careful and cognizant of the fact that you will have to sift through some frogs to meet a decent guy. I'm sure glad I kept plugging away.
  • Mom2rh
    Mom2rh Posts: 612 Member
    I was just creeping on my STBXs profile on Match. Bwahahaha. Endless mocking potential in there. But decided for sure that online dating is not for me. First of all, he lies about his age. He's 16 years older than me...he says on his profile he's 7 years younger than his age. He is also looking for women younger than me...and he doesn't even go up to his own age (so 23 years younger). ??? Really?

    He also says he's a "social drinker" because I assume "mean drunk" was not a choice.

    Be careful of liars. That's all.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    I've been very happy with all of them. It's not what site you use, it's who you meet. I've met nothing but good people.
  • LisaF1163
    LisaF1163 Posts: 141
    I met my boyfriend on, and we'll be celebrating four years together next month. I always tease him by telling him he was the best $80 bucks I ever spent! :laugh:

    I was on Match and OK Cupid at the same time - I figured one paid site and one free one were a good way to go by giving me a broader selection of guys without breaking the bank. As for the guys themselves, I talked to some complete *kitten*, and to some very nice guys, same as you would in real life. I wouldn't say online dating is for everyone, but it worked for me because, at the time, I was 44, and most of the guys around me were already married.

    Also, the nice thing about a customized profile is that it mainly matches you up with guys who have the specifics you're looking for - not just what they look like physically, but age, region, beliefs, etc. It eliminates a lot of time-wasters and helps you narrow down a selection of guys - THEN you can talk to them or meet them and see if you're compatible enough for it to go further.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    BTW, not all those online are freaks, and being a booty call can be a blast... for both parties involved!

    Okay maybe out of 1,000 guys online 1 is normal but who wants to go through the effort to find him?! Not me. It's just depressing. It could be an age thing. Seems like online dating probably works better for those who are younger, but a single mom pushing 40 who doesn't look like Barbie - not a chance - there is not one man on there who is looking for that - okay maybe that 1 in a 1,000 but it's just such an awful experience in my opinion. Not that off-line dating is any different. I think I'm just too old for dating in general.

    Is this based on extensive research and personal experience, or are you just talking from prejudice?

    I met a lot of nice people. Many are still friends. I'm 41, I used dating sites 4 or 5 years ago. Your view appears to me to be very narrow, and very ill informed.

    You do understand that the kind of prejudice you exhibit here might just as easily be turned onto users of MFP, etc? You're rehashing dated stereotypes, without really engaging any critical thought.

    As a non-Barbie type, pushing forty, I don't recognise remotely the scenario you've painted.

    I think it's a matter of expectations and perception.

    Some people go into things with an open mind, no expectations...and thus aren't disappointed when they meet various people of differing backgrounds that may or may not be interested (or worth being interested in), much beyond friendship. They can appreciate the experience for what it experience.

    Other people go into it not only fully expecting to find prince charming, but also actively comparing people to that checklist of traits they've got in their head (or on their desk lol) that defines what they're looking for. If the person they meet falls short, it'a a disappointment, and the farther short they fall...the larger the disappointment, and the more horrible the experience.

    For myself...I've met some cool people on dating websites. No one I've kept in touch with long term...but cool people nonetheless. I still haven't met, and may never actually meet...a person, or the person that works for me. But that's not the fault of online's just a part of life.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    So I'm a single mom (2 kids) and I think I'm ready to finally hit the dating scene outside my favorite bar :laugh: . Not looking for anything serious at this time but I want to get out and meet new people. Any thoughts and recommendations are appreciated on what websites you've used, heard about, will never use again, etc....

    Thanks :drinker:

    Meh. I was a single mom with two young boys for 3 1/2 years before I met my now hubs. I had ZERO luck with dating websites. They were mostly trolled by the same dudes, so no fresh options from site to site and none of the guys I met were worth more than a date or two. I was in my early 30s at the time, so maybe I was just too jaded for the dating scene, but I pretty much just stopped dating all together. I met my husband b/c I wanted to go dancing, so I hit a local martini bar with a girlfriend one night and hubby was persistent about trying to talk to me. He will tell anyone who asks that he had to work to get my attention and my number - but, he says I was worth the effort. ;)