Where did you meet...?



  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,855 Member
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    My fiance and I met while in the military! Aaron and I met almost three years ago while stationed at Training Center Cape May in New Jersey. Aaron was a firefighter with the Coast Guard and I worked with the recruits that are in training at boot camp.
    It was the worst snow storm Cape May had seen in a very long time. On a January day last year almost 3 ft of snow blanketed the peninsula. Heavy ice and dangerous winds knocked out power in the surrounding areas for three days to two weeks! With my heat out and no way of moving my car, I asked my friend Aaron (and his roomate) if I could PLEASE take shelter at their house (luckily they had power the whole time!).

    The next day people were digging out, but my car was so covered with snow and ice I had to ask for help. Aaron always being the kind, hardworking, gentleman that he is, graciously offered to help me when no one else would. It took us 5 hours to free my car from the ice and snow and in payment I bought him breakfast (I guess what they say is true...the way to a man's heart IS through his stomach haha!). We talked all morning and had a great time. When we think back about that day we both agree that we definately felt the beginning of something truly special.

    After that cold, icy January day Aaron and I more or less became inseperable. We began a close friendship that turned into love 3 months later. We took each day as they came and cherished them, due to the fact that Aaron was moving to Virginia and my enlistment still having 8 months remaining. We decided that a long distance was worth the try and I am happy to say we have only become stronger because of it! Both he and I have learned so much about ourselves, each other and what we desire and deserve from this life.

    We got engaged on New Years Day 2011............and we are getting married in exactly ONE MONTH!
  • micervera
    micervera Posts: 114 Member
    Online "friend" website. Met & hooked up and since neither were dating anyone else, we decided to give a relationship a try. That was more than a year ago and half ago. We're planning to buy a house and get married to all happen in 2013. I'm glad I chose him as my "buddy".
  • boyslie72487
    boyslie72487 Posts: 181 Member
    I met my fiance through a friend. Her friend had actually introduced them cus she thought they'd be "the perfect match" and she wasn't into him at all haha We started talking online (I was 14, he was 16), started hanging out and became friends :wink: . Then he started dating someone and I was FURIOUS! We stopped talking, he went off to college and life went on. Then when I was a senior he IMed me (oh AIM how I miss you!), we started talking again, and we finally started dating! That was 7 years ago, we're getting married next June. It's funny to think that "friends" can turn into so much more :heart:
  • 1981simm
    1981simm Posts: 123 Member
    I was getting a tattoo at a shop where I live when the lady asked her son to take a look... I like bigger guys and he was super sexy especially with his big blue eyes.... he told me to call him but I never did... didn't wanna seem creepy. One day he came into my work and started flirting with me and asked when my next day off was, needless to say after the next day we never spent a night apart in four years. Until last week when I went and visited my sister. We have been together over four years and have a son... currently trying for another... love at first sight is a definite yes
  • blazingbabe
    blazingbabe Posts: 40 Member
    I met my husband 31 years ago. He was a bartender at the bar my friends and I hung out at. It was love at first sight! And believe me, I tried very hard not to fall for him as hard as I did. I had just recently ended a nine year relationship (marriage). But there was something mesmerizing about him. He drew me in closer and closer to him, like a bee to honey. We both weren’t looking for a relationship. We were looking for someone to have fun with. What we got…well it was 31 years of bliss and we are looking forward to the next 31 years!
  • A Christmas potluck! I wouldn't say it was love at first sight but it was definitely attraction! Talked all night and have been dating since and that was over three years ago. Couldn't be much happier, we're terrific together!
  • bellanena
    bellanena Posts: 70 Member
    My boyfriend and I met over 3 years ago in a snow storm on a GreyHound bus in Cleveland. We were both layed over and stuck for two days with eachother. He's from Syraucse and I'm from Buffalo. It really was love at first sight! :)
  • twogirlsmama
    twogirlsmama Posts: 45 Member
    My husband and I met through his sister, who was a friend at the time. He used to come into the convenience store I worked at all nasty after work. He came in clean once, i told her he was cute when cleaned up. We went out on 2 dates and have been together ever since. We have been together 11 years and married for 8 in June of this year. Your someone is out there!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I was friends with his cousin, she introduced us. I don't believe in love at first sight, but it was definitely attraction at first sight.
  • LaurieT907
    LaurieT907 Posts: 10 Member
    Match.com! Wasn't love at first sight but we knew pretty quickly this was something special and amazing. Been together 2 1/2 years and getting married in Sept. I can't wait to marry him!!
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    In a chat room. We were young so we couldn't meet in person until many years later. We both went through a lot of relationships but always had feelings for each other. Finally after about 4 years we were in a place where we could try and be together. He came to visit me and he was amazing. Then, a year and a half later I moved to Cali to be with him and now 7 years later I haven't spent more than a few hours away from him. I could not see myself with anyone else. Its feels like if I hadn't been in that chat room at the time I was, we would never have met.
  • popat89
    popat89 Posts: 83 Member
    Met at a wedding - absolutely love at first sight. Happily married now :)
  • JMPerlin
    JMPerlin Posts: 287 Member
    A dating service, it was love at first sight for both of us but I denied it for sometime. We have been together for 16 yrs this June.
  • lizzie82088
    lizzie82088 Posts: 12
    Freshman year of college, one of the first weeks was the first time I ever saw my now husband. We were both 18. He was with another girl but i thought "ooo cute guy!". Later on he messaged me on facebook and we discovered we lived in the same dorm. We dated for a couple of weeks, but neither of us were ready for something serious. Long story short, we reconnected before sophomore year and found out that by random accident we were in the same dorm AGAIN!! we talked all summer and when we finally saw each other again, he told me he loved me. We've been together since 2007 and have been married since October '11! We're inseparable.
  • IndyInk
    IndyInk Posts: 212
    Love at first sight. I was a belly dancer and he was the waiter at a Lebanese restaurant and all he could ask in English is if I wanted more mint tea. To this day I hate mint tea and at the time I kept pouring it into the plant next to my table so he would keep coming over. 32 years later, a 31 year old daughter and a 29 year old son, he's still trying to serve me mint tea and I'm still belly dancing!

    This one's my favorite so far. :)
  • curiousheathy
    curiousheathy Posts: 108
    i met my fiance my freshman year of college almost five years ago! The first week of school I wanted to start working out, so I went to the pool. He was the lifeguard. I started talking to him since I really didn't know anyone at college yet. I was 18 going into mathematics and education, he was 21 going into computer science. Math and computer science are the same department at my college so he gave me some pointers on classes and professors. He had a girlfriend at the time, but the relationship was rocky. After a month, he had left her and we started seeing each other. A few weeks later he officially asked me out.

    I moved in with him last June. It's been great. We support each other and we've been working out together. In October of last year he proposed on a hot air balloon ride at sunrise. Absolutely perfect.

    We are currently looking into having a small wedding at Walt Disney World next summer. :)

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I met my husband at a Sportsmens's Club on a lake near my house in 1977. I had been at the lake swimming all day with my friend and his high school agriculture class had built a paddleboat to compete in a race later. They were all there to try out the boat to see if it even floated. The guys kept staring at us girls but we ignored them completely until we realized it was getting late, we had a long walk home and I'd be grounded if I wasn't home before dark. We met 2 of the guys the day before but didn't really 'know' them and I approached one of them to 'borrow' a comb to comb out my hair before it dried. Another guy that was with the 2 guys asked if we needed a ride and we said YES! Then on the way home 2 of the guys asked us if we'd go to a movie with them the next night. He showed up, we all went out and they asked us out again. My girlfriend left for 4 weeks of vacation and I was invited to go out again by my date. Alone, just the two of us. I was really nervous! We really enjoyed each other and fell in love quickly. We were officially dating within a few months, engaged in a year and married a year later.
    It has been 35 years since we met, married 33 years this October. We have 3 absolutely wonderful grown kids and 2 beautiful grandchildren.
    I have truly been blessed by knowing him and I wouldn't change a thing.
    We have had good times and some bad times over the years but that's life. Enjoy the good times, remember them and make memories daily because time really does fly!
    P.S. The boat they built totally fell apart in the race and sank. lol
  • mmarshall425
    mmarshall425 Posts: 71 Member
    Was not looking for a relationship after my divorce. I went out to a bar one night with my brother and met through mutual friends. Lust at first sight although I am 6 years older than him. He thought I was a complete b***ch. I probably was, I was still bitter. We exchanged numbers at the end of the night, but when he called the next day I blew him off. When the next weekend rolled around I wanted someone to go out with so I called him up. When we met up I made it clear the only thing we could be was friends with "benefits." We've been together for 3 1/2 years and married for 2.

  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Out with girlfriends at a bar that was doing Karaoke. He walked in looking amazingly ripped and gorgeous. One of my friends knew of him so I insisted she introduce us. He sang U2 "With or Without you". I wanted to molest him. Married for almost 11 years.