Personal trainer wanting to help:)



  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    SO its the front of your stomach/pelvis thats hurting and not your back? If thats the case exercises like bent over rows, deadlifts, and squats put a lot of pressure on you abs, specifically the lower abs. Its probably a slight strain and as your abs get stronger that pain should start to lessen or go away completely.

    Sorry I didn't explain myself better (English si not mother tongue). In fact, what hurts is my lower back.

    If you are fairly new to exercise it is normal to have some discomfort ( but not pain) because you are using your back, it just happens that backs are very sensitive so any inflammation will be fairly uncomfortable. Since you are in pain though I would recommend you tone down the intensity for a couple weeks and then slowly progress back up. Over time your abs ( erectus abdominis) transverse abdominis, obliques, upper butt ( gluteus medius) lats, and quadratus lumborum will all become stronger and support your back. This should limit/stop the back pain. That said proper form and a slow progression are key to being safe.
    Nate, so my chest pain is directly related to the new exercise program (you gave me) I started yesterday?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: no, I can't laugh, it hurts too much. hahaha. That was one hell of work out. Can't wait for tomorrows!!!
  • tanyaleblanc
    What program did u get from Nate, can I get a copy? Tks
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    What program did u get from Nate, can I get a copy? Tks
    Im not a trainer! ****, half the exercises I had to google and ask peeps at the gym if my form was right. I would ask Nate. He is so helpful. But he maintains through out his thread to strength train like 3 days a week. Upper body, back, legs. I would inbox him with your goals. He is very supportive and helpful. He knows his business.
    I would definately study this thread and the one that precedes it. He offers consistent advice and will tweak it for your particular goals.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    If you are fairly new to exercise it is normal to have some discomfort ( but not pain) because you are using your back, it just happens that backs are very sensitive so any inflammation will be fairly uncomfortable. Since you are in pain though I would recommend you tone down the intensity for a couple weeks and then slowly progress back up. Over time your abs ( erectus abdominis) transverse abdominis, obliques, upper butt ( gluteus medius) lats, and quadratus lumborum will all become stronger and support your back. This should limit/stop the back pain. That said proper form and a slow progression are key to being safe.
    thank you! I'll slow things down, then.
  • tanyaleblanc
    Thanks so much, dumb question, whats a V-up.
  • womaninashoe6
    bump for later
  • FabulousKP
    FabulousKP Posts: 97 Member
    Options interested in this!
  • susybon
    susybon Posts: 36 Member
    save for later
  • camila_scl
    camila_scl Posts: 238 Member
    Hi!! You're so kind to answer all these questions....

    I'm eating 1200 calories a day (I try to, but end up in 1300-1400 most days, I figure it's ok if I was over, because my BMR is in the 1400 and my TDEE is 1700 so I'm still getting a deficit.). I should say I'm 5'2 and weight 139 lbs and goal weight is 116 - 118.
    I'm extremely lazy, so most of my overweight is because I'm PURE fat and no muscle xD.

    Well... to the point... I'm dancing 1 hour 3 or 4 times a week (just dance 2 for wii,kind of like aerobics if you don't know the game) for my work outs, and I've been wanting to do the 30 day shred of Jillian M.
    My question is: Is it okay to mixed the cardio and the strength training when you are not close to your goal weight? or should I sticjk to cardio first and then add strength training?

    I guess it's okay to do it now but when I saw your topic I thought it would be a good idea to confirm my guessing =)

  • GoThinGirl
    GoThinGirl Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks. I appreciate your response!
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Bumping...thanks for all your help, I really enjoyed reading this :)