Want better results???? Ditch the elliptical and......



  • mamakayy
    mamakayy Posts: 36
    I lost almost 200 lbs on the elliptical.............I wish someone had told me sooner it didnt work

    LOL! You poor thing! You've been doing it wrong this WHOLE time! ;)
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Have to laugh about this thread....I tried the stair mill and I was so bad at it that the trainer actually laughed. Somehow, I just couldn't crack it. Felt like a total klutz. So, for me the elliptical would be a better burn. But I don't use that either - I'm using the treadmill or rowing machine, at least I can actually burn a few calories :)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    once again. There is no ONE way. Sometimes I use the ecliptical, sometimes I use the step. Sometimes I do 20 mins on both in one work out. whatever. Just use your HRM to make sure you are measuring your calories correctly.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Ok. lol. I think people should just do what they want to do. If you don't enjoy it, you most likely aren't going to stick with it.
  • ifyouknew
    ifyouknew Posts: 68 Member
    I didn't read the whole thread so maybe someone already asked this. I don't go to a gym so I'm not familiar with this machine. Is there anything about it that would be different from just climbing a lot of stairs? I don't want to buy a gym membership just to use one machine, but I do have access to a lot of tall buildings...
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I too think the stairmaster is a much better work out. I believe it is a gift from the devil : )

    this... when I first started using it I could barely do 10-15 minutes... but last week for a challenge we had stairs... do I did the stairmaster... and I was able to stay on for 45-50 minutes at lvl 5 ... but man was I tired!
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    once again. There is no ONE way. Sometimes I use the ecliptical, sometimes I use the step. Sometimes I do 20 mins on both in one work out. whatever. Just use your HRM to make sure you are measuring your calories correctly.

    just started a thread on this topic. so sick of this "size fits all" mentality to weight loss and physical ability
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Ellipticals are actually good for people with bad knees, I burn and have lost a lot of weight using one, it does over estimate calories burned but with a HRM I still burn twice as much in the same time as the treadmill. So "ditching" the elliptical doesn't work for everyone...

    The readouts are bs. elliptical does not burn more than treadmill..unnless you're walking on the treadmill and not really running. It's all about exertion. If you're on an elliptical and barely breaking a sweat, then run on treadmill and pour sweat and are panting with exertion..I don't care what the 'readouts" say...you're burning more when you exert more.
    Different horses for different courses. The elliptical burns more for me than the treadmill, because on the treadmill I have to WALK. If I run, chances are I won't be able to walk again for a very long time. You must be lucky to be blessed with healthy bones and joints, but not everybody is.

    I know the stepmill doesn't work for me. Want to know why? I don't enjoy it, it bores me and my bung knee will play up. Not enjoying it is the main part, though, because if I don't enjoy a workout I'll be out of there in 10 minutes. I'll burn maybe 150 calories in that 10 minutes on the stepmill. However if I stay for an hour on the elliptical, I'll burn close to 600, a minimum of 500.

    You're not a child, you should understand by now that what suits you is not necessarily what is best for everybody.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    once again. There is no ONE way. Sometimes I use the ecliptical, sometimes I use the step. Sometimes I do 20 mins on both in one work out. whatever. Just use your HRM to make sure you are measuring your calories correctly.

    just started a thread on this topic. so sick of this "size fits all" mentality to weight loss and physical ability
    Here here. There's way too many absolutes thrown around.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I like it all, except for indoor bikes. I ride a real bike, run outdoors, treadmill and on a track, elliptical and arc trainer. And I go for long leisurely walks on rest days. I agree that the step mill (though I've never heard that term before today) is challenging. I wish my gym had one! They all have their place. I used to ONLY run, but due to a recurring knee issue, I now switch it up constantly to properly cross train all the various supportive muscles and reduce overall impact (vs running only) on my knee. It works for me. (For the record I also lift weights and I have nothing against the indoor bike, it's just not my preference)

    BUT what you're missing is that PEOPLE LIKE THE ELLIPTICAL! It's fun! If a person who hates cardio can get on an elliptical and get in a cardio workout that they like and would not get another way, why make them feel less than?

    An exercise provides exactly ZERO benefit if a person won't do it. Also, WTF is sculpting? You say the stepper won't build up your butt and quads, but you also say that it uses those muscles therefore sculpting them? By my understanding sculpting would be similar to "toning" which describes a condition where your muscles become more defined and visible, which is only possible by building muscle and reducing the overall body fat that covers the muscles. And what about the hamstrings? Poor hammies, all forgotten back there. :sad:
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    what a silly thread. I shouldn't post but I have nothing better to do :tongue: . I agree, cardio is cardio, and the workout is dependent on who is on the machine. I can make any machine hard or easy, great burn or poor burn. As a doctor I will tell you the elliptical should NOT be discounted. It's much safer on your joints when used properly compared to just about any machine you will find, and you can adjust the resistance to get the workout you want. I regularly did HIIT on it and held my HR between 150s and 180s, now that I'm pregnant I do 150-160s by adjusting my resistance and speed. It's nice to use a machine that just does cardio, protects my joints, and lets me move my legs and arms.

    I've tried the stairmill when I had access to other than my apartment gym and it's a great workout, I just found it a little boring. But that's a personal feeling. As for toning butt and thighs, I'll stick with squats and lifting for muscle tone. :wink:
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    agreed. I did it for months and probably would have lost more doing something else (like walking lol). Plus, it makes my feet fall asleep!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    I use my elliptical all the time, no newbie or elderly here, LOL! Love it and burns alot of calories......

    Same here...I Love the elliptical...sprints, and resistance makes a difference....inclines hit different areas.....Won't knock it....I also like the Stair Master....it works the legs very well and lift the booty!! So I would say use them both...All machines help!
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    After 20 min on the elliptical I am sweating my butt off....If the elliptical is not effective I hate to see what is. According to my HRM I burn 1000 cals in about 50-55 min......MFP is no where near that in their estimate.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Swimming is a lot better for me than either. But then others prefer running some like the bike. If there was a one size fits all solution then the gym would be a lot smaller place.
  • rockies76
    rockies76 Posts: 2
    Using one machine to loose weight is not a good way to be encouraged. At the local gym, I do 3-20 minute circuits: 20 minute warmup on exercise bike, 20 minutes on elliptical, and 20 minutes on the treadmill going all out. I do have an exercise bike at home and an elliptical that I use on non-gym days.

    I do 8-10 exercise sessions a week over 6 days. 45 total lbs down in 4 months so far.
  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    any exercise is good, and well done for anyone who puts themselves through a daily workout in the gym !!!!

    too many negatives about stuff that does you good in my opinion
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    One size does not fit all. Do you. Do whatever cardio machine gives you the best results and that you will actually work. I incorporate the elliptical as well as the step master, among others, in my overall cardio plan.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Not going to flame you lol, but honestly it depends on the elliptical. I have one that kicks my *kitten*. It's a solid beast which takes two full grown men to move! It uses a HRM and has a very reasonable burn. It has up to 25 levels of resistance and a stride which is adjustable from 18" to 24? I think inches (I don't know I'm short) I am only currently able to keep up a good pace where I'm breathing heavy and sweating buckets on a level 6. It also has multiple programs like hills and intervals, and mixed body workouts, and it also is built where you can stand on the sides and work your arms only if you want. When you have the resistance cranked up, trust me, that is a great arm workout. But it's way different than the similar models I've seen at the gym...my machine will NOT propel itself through force of motion like some of the other ones I've been on. You have to really push to keep it moving. And honestly, I've noticed a major difference in my inner thighs since I regularly started using this machine who I have lovingly nicknamed "Summer" lol.
    I :heart: my elliptical. I'm not going to depend on it for ALL of my results, but it is a FABULOUS piece of cardio equipment for me and probably the best thing I've spent money on in years. My performance is increasing significantly :)
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    Ditch the elliptical. Ditch the gym. Get some kettlebells, a jump rope, and a bike. But if you are going to keep wasting money on monthly gym dues, then yes; the stair mill will kick your buttocks.

    when I try to do this at home, I fail. too many excuses to not work out. when I have the gym environment, and the knowledge that I am paying for that environment so I'd best use it, I keep going and keep going routinely. so definitely not a waste of money. not in the least. I mean, if I can't invest some money in getting healthy, what's the point?

    as far as elliptical? I love it. if you don't get a good burn from that machine, you aren't doing it right. intervals. hills. racked up angle and intensity. there are lots of options to make it a calorie killer.

    I'm with this poster. I exert a lot of energy on the elliptical and burn tons of calories. You get out of it what you put into it. Use the equipment right and bump up the resistence and it will kick your butt. The elliptical is a good low impact burn.