
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Hi Ladies, Happy May!!

    We had a busy start to the month....... celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary and lots of baseball games, parades etc....

    My plan for May is simple:

    Eat small portions and eleminate all the bad white food.
    Drink plenty of water
    Excercise 4 days a week and walk the other days
    Do strength training 3 days a week.

    I stayed on track last month but didn't loose anything. I know my body is going through a lot with hormones so I'm hoping just keeping at this will eventually reward me.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just popped back on while I warm myself with a cup of coffee. It is so darn cold! The temperature outside the gallery right now is just about 6 f. Not nearly warm enough for May. I want some heat!!

    One good thing about feeling so cold (despite the fact that I have my thermals on under my suit) is that I am not staying still very long. I keep nipping up and down the stairs - it all helps. Unfortunately, the one thing that doesn't help is that we haven't had many clients in through the door today - bank holiday weekends can be like that, all or nothing. At least it means that I should be able to leave a little earlier today. I'd like to be out of here in time to hit some shops on the way home.

    Time for another dash up to the top floor - that's where the kettle is kept and I'm going to get another hot drink.

    Hope you are all doing well.
    Amanda x
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    OMG - :mad: - I've been so busy, and I let it get in the way of my goal for the month of reading and posting daily :mad: I still have some catching up to do on my reading but once again i don't have time to finish it right now. Here is a breakdown of my last couple days: Thursday - 5:30 a.m. workout - home 7:00 to get ready for work - leave for work 8:30 arrive 9:30 work til 5:30 - get home 6:30 make a quick meal eat at 7:30 - leave at 8 with DH for a meeting another hr drive - get home from meeting at midnight - Friday workout 5:30 a.m. - get to work 8:30 a.m. until 7 p.m. home at 8 - pizza for dinner :embarassed: :embarassed: :embarassed: DH started a fire to sit by and relax so I had a glass of wine and we sat outside until about 11 p.m. Saturday - got up at 8:30 and have been reading and trying to get caught up before I start my cleaning and such - then we have a 40th bd party and have to leave here by 1:00 :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: plus i have to work again tomorrow - Sunday - because i am having the financial audit at work starting monday that I am nowhere ready for :explode: :explode: :explode:

    Thank you for listening - I will be back at this to post my comments to all I have read - I just needed to vent before I start my hectic days again!


  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Kathy - try focusing on one thing to change or get done...when you have so much going on it is very easy to throw up your hands and cave in...look at your day...you DID get in a workout, that is huge!! Good luck with the audit and don't sell yourself short..you are doing positive things:flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: I love Saturdays...

    It's supposed to be in the 80's again so we will get in another good workout. Yesterday got to the low 90's and we did our bike ride as soon as I got home from work...boy was it windy:glasses: it made the bike ride going out that much harder but a good workout and then the return trip so easy that it felt like a cool down. Then it was off to lunch and grocery shopping. My once a month treat to myself if getting my nails done and since my girl is headed to Vietnam for a month I went and spent several hours with her, now have cute little flowers on my nails:wink:

    Our dinner last night was a treat of burgers at Red Robin, they don't have my grilled salmon burger any more:sad: it was so good and I usually made it into two meals, but they do have a turkey burger so without cheese no sauce with a lettuce bun and a salad on the side it was only 377 calories and very filling. I do love it when I'm able to say I had a completely good Friday.

    Nancy & Barbie- we too have a hugh tree in our front yard tht I love. Hubby hates it and threatens several times a year to have it cut down. It's a cottonwood so it's problems are that any wind and it drops branches, the roots come to the surface destroying the grass and the planter bricks, it takes forever to shed it's leaves in the fall BUT what is so wonderful about it is the shade it provides in the summer :glasses: when everyone's grass is looking burned ours is still green and the living room is always cool.

    Welcome back to those that have been away:flowerforyou: and Welcome to the newbies. Jump right in and let us get to know you.

    I best clean up the kitchen so when hubby says it's time for us to get going for our bike ride I'm ready.

    Everyone have a good day, drink plenty of water, log your food and get some exercise.:drinker:

    Oh yeah one more thing...the weather man said that by Sunday night it will be raining here and sometime over night it should turn to a rain/snow mix and then snow by Monday moring:noway: but back to rain by Monday afternoon....crazy weather:laugh: Gotta get in those outdoor bike rides when we can.

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone, happy Sat! I'm all set to go with my new hat and shades. Bring on the heat wave! :laugh:

    Yesterday was a munching day. Some days are just like that, nibbling, nibbling. Bought some delicious dried apricots for sweet treats but just like anything sweet, I have to measure them out, set them aside, then hide the remainder under a kitchen towel or behind something on a shelf. Sure wish I could conquer this problem I have with food some days! :ohwell:

    Much to do today. Will be planting tomatoes and peppers that have grown to almost 2' tall in gallon pots in the greenhouse. I think there are over a dozen tomato plants, and maybe 2 dozen peppers of different varieties. Cayenne, bell, poblano, anaheim, jalapeno, sweet cherry, serrano, sweet Italian. Hubby and I love our peppers, we dry them for chili powder, roast and freeze them for chili relleno casseroles and pickle some as well. We especially like the pickled sweet cherry peppers and pickled jalapenos with carrots and onions added. Great stuff.

    Weeding is on the agenda, too. And more slug tossing. There's actually a wonderful little book about gardening in Oregon called "Slug Tossing" lol. Someone sent it to me, I read and enjoyed it, and of course could totally relate. Since the weather is supposed to be dry for several days now, I'll get out there and sprinkle the Sluggo around.

    Decided to stay off the scale this weekend and just enjoy myself. I'll still log foods, and wine, which by the way tasted very good last night, especially after the 1st glass. Even better after the 2nd. :bigsmile:

    Wishing you all a wonderful day!

    Cheers :drinker:
  • ccarrico2
    ccarrico2 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone, I'm new at this - never blogged before. Not even sure if this is how to blog (post reply). Here goes. We started a Greatest Loser at work this past Monday and we weigh in every Friday. I WON for the first week! Yea! I lost 4% body weight. My goal is to lose 20 pounds and I've lost 8 pounds so far.

    I go to the gym almost every day during the week and attack the weeds in the garden after work. I have never had so much energy. Cutting out the cokes, eating very little red meat, watching the calories, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, cutting out the 1-2 glasses of wine at night, almost no sweets,.......

    It's worth it to feel so great!

  • danasue56
    danasue56 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi to all,
    New to this thread. I am right in the middle of my 50's so hopefully a good fit. Just started MFP and this weight loss journey 2 weeks ago. So far I am doing ok. (down 3 pounds) I had lost 24 lbs a few years ago with WW, but have gained back a bunch!
    I needed to try something new.
    My goal for May is to keep going, get eating habits strongly in place and slowly increase my exercise. I use treadmill in the am before work 20 -25 minutes. ( i know many people hate it but with the right music it really gets me going in the morning)
    I want to change up my exercise routine, add strength training and try some new work outs (yoga, zumba.....) I am a teacher, so the summer is a great time to try out some classes and go on long walks/hikes etc.
    Long term goals: August vacation/swimsuit
    1 year my DS 's wedding
    1 1/2 year my DD's wedding
    Have a great week end!
    Overall better health and energy
  • danasue56
    danasue56 Posts: 10 Member
    Sounds like you are off to a great start! I wish I had your energy.
    Keep it up!
  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    Well I have about 15 minutes before i have to leave for my bd party so I figured I'd get caught up here first - Thanks Jen for the words of encouragement - That's why I decided to get this done before I leave. One less thing I have to worry about. The housework can wait until another time and or day - although I am sure my hubby won't agree :laugh:

    Michelle - running a little short on time right now but on my next post I'll explain the fit-traxx program. 1 week down and 3 to go but so far I love it! :smile:

    62karen – I don’t know if it is the age thing or not but I have a hard time losing the weight too!:ohwell: Good luck to you hope you can stick with it!

    Barbie – sorry you had to cut down your lovely tree :frown: but sounds like it was a good thing you had it done because that could have been a disaster for you!:flowerforyou:

    Kari – welcome:flowerforyou: this is a great group – I started this last month (although I wasn’t as committed as I am now) but these ladies here seem more like a family then just acquaintances, and they are genuinely concerned and supportive!

    Kateblue72 – good luck to you – looks like we all have our moments :embarassed: and need to start over – but the good thing is that we actually do start over instead of just giving up.:drinker:

    Amanda – I can’t wait until I have the problem of maintenance! Lol

    Jb – slugs?:sick: eeeewwwwww yuck!

    Cathy – Hope your packing is going well for you and you're still able to keep on track – I know what stress can do to your motivation – been there done that!! actually it's happening now :cry:

    Kackie – an 8 that’s great!!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :wink:

    Jeannie – that’s really interesting – so you got the info for MFP in 2006 but didn’t join until 2009 – hummmmm how did you find us? And actually I’d be afraid to see what I’d find on my desk :noway:

    Faye – I love home grown “jersey” tomatoes – they are the best and the only kind I will eat – I have a couple weeks before I can even plant mine :sad:

    lharmon61 – Welcome and good luck to you – this is a great group of gals and I am sure you will get more then the motivation and words of encouragement than you need

    CTL101577245 – Oh no – that’s terrible, praying for a speedy recovery! Glad you are ok and I hope everyone else that was involved is ok too. Hang in there – pretty soon you’ll start moving around and a little more every day and before you know it you will be back to your old self!

    Kathy(plantlady) – welcome back – good luck to you – you took the right step coming back here!!!

    Laura – I have quite a few items of clothing that I have not been able to wear for years because they are too tight, some brand new even with the tags still on. Each year I switch my summer and winter clothes and keep putting the items I can’t wear back into my closet saying that I WILL get into these this year and if not I will give them to good will, but then I put them back away after the season. This year with the help of this program and all of you I WILL GET INTO THE CLOTHES THIS YEAR!!!! I want to be able to post the same thing as you – that they are too baggy GOOD FOR YOU!!!!

    Mazaron – yes my workout routine is great but as I am reading the posts for everyone here I wish I had the determination or should I say the self-discipline to be able to do the workouts on my own. I’m gonna check out the Canada Food Guide you mention.

    Rjadams – love the sign and sooooo true!

    Thanks Jen for the encouragement!

    Ccarrico2 – Great accomplishment – keep up the good work!

    Thank you to whoever gave the the idea to jot my notes in a word document as I read - that's what I do now, works wonderful and so easy to respond. I am now caught up with my reading and posts.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  • KathyGSM
    KathyGSM Posts: 22
    danasu56 - welcome & good luck to you!

    Yeah - now I am really caught up - feels great!!!!!!:happy:
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Hey girls...
    My goals for May....
    To be true to myself..
    Stay firm on my program that will enhance a better me.
    To exercise a bare medium of 3 days 30 minutes at the least..
    To look at myself everyday and see a positive and state it out loud..,
    To take my VITAMINS..
    To be an encouragement to those around me and those I speak to daily...
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Saturday, dear Ladies :happy:

    Robin, How are the dogs after their adventure with the blue toilet water?

    Mary, Mary, suffering tongue lashings from adolescent boys! :noway: And you’re not their mother! May you have the patience of Job and the compassion of St. Francis!

    I dared to look at J’boy when we passed in the kitchen this morning but I did not speak and neither did he. This I count as a victory on my part because my instinct is to say something remarkably bright and witty, which elicits a growl from him, whereupon my feelings are hurt and thus begins the day. Instead we have begun in a companionable, if grumpy, silence.

    Robin, your sign from the wine shop made me laugh out loud! :laugh:

    Friday night, even when I’m not working, turns into wine & pizza night. Last night was fun. I used to order 3 small pizzas (one each!). Now I order two and take one piece from each (my pizza tax) before handing them over to DH and J’boy. DH and I shared our pizza and wine, worked on a crossword puzzle and watched TV. :heart: Now, that may not sound like a wild night on the town to many of you, but it worked for me!

    And, and, …. Wait for it…I left the house! :happy: For the first time in three weeks! DH doesn’t work Fridays, so he loaded the wheelchair into the truck and we went grocery shopping. Wowzer! It’s just three more days until I go back to the city for my post-op appointment and robo-boot. The robo-boot is like a walking cast, I’ll be able to get around a lot more.

    Terri, you are going to “release 8 lbs”. What a great expression. Set those babies free! :drinker:

    Jen! Your stove blew up? Yikes. :noway: The brown rice and veg salad sounds yummy. I just might give it a try. Throw the combo on some spring greens and you have a grand Salad Sista’s lunch.

    I appreciate what you said about “stepping of the wagon” as apposed to “falling off the wagon”. It’s about taking control, and responsibility, for our actions. On the flip side, one must not get bogged down in regrets or guilt for past actions. Do what needs to be done and get that wagon moving! (Says I, who chose to drink way over the calorie limit in wine last night!)

    Barbie, I love the mental image of belly-dancing grannies. :happy: I can’t wait until I can walk again. I have not been in the habit of taking Buster-the-Poodle for early morning walks but it sounds very appealing as the weather gets nicer.

    Michelle, don’t you just love asparagus season? :heart: It’s quite a big commercial crop in the valley here, so once it’s warm enough we get it straight from the farmer’s gate. The first famer’s market of the season is today, so I am going to send DH over to look for some. You’re going to France? Ah, mon Dieu. And Rome? Dio mio.

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement about surviving J’Boy’s moods. I must admit, my DH was worse. :angry: She’s 25 now and quite a sweetheart. I don’t see her often but we text most days. Our children were born 11 years apart. Just when I recover from what one of them put me through (adolescent angst in this case) the next one starts up! :noway:

    Amanda, Tosca is our favorite too. We saw it at the Opera House in Rome on our 20th wedding anniversary and again a few years later with J’boy, performed “open air” in the churchyard at San Clemente (also in Rome). When we went to Castel St. Angelo the next day we all stood on the parapets (where we imagined she jumped!) and sang! :laugh: Next on the list is Carmen, of course, because who can’t resist bellowing a chorus of “Toreador” now and then?

    Kathy, what a busy, busy life. I’m glad you had time to sit and relax by your fire on Friday eve. :drinker: Pizza and wine are required on Friday’s are they not? Sort of like fish for Catholics?

    Laura, congrats on a “completely good Friday”. :flowerforyou:

    JB, Your garden sounds fantastic. It’s probably a good thing I can’t get the wheel chair down the aisles of our local greenhouse because I’d be buying a ton of stuff and it’s still a couple of weeks away from warm enough to plant things outside here.

    Well, the posts are coming in faster than I can respond today!

    I shall go and get my breakfast and plan the rest of the day. Floor exercises today - gotta have those arms toned up for summer sleeveless shirts!

    Hasta pronto,

  • Pinecovers
    Pinecovers Posts: 1

    BRAND new and not sure how to really jump in to this group
    My birthday is October 21, 1950. Using the MFP and doing consistently well, down from 208 to 188 and still counting. Gleaning all the info I can from the gals. Newly diagnosed prediabetic and AM going to make lifestyle and food changes.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Robin: I ADORE the Wine Sign...I've never seen it, but boy has it ever been true in the past when raising our 2 sons:tongue:

    Nancy: That made me think of your J'boy....having raised 2 sons who were teenages not so long ago, I remember the "Grumpy Days' and how much they affected MY mood! I am glad you got a smile out of him! I DID eventually learn that ignoring the grumpiness usually paid off more that trying to "fix it"! Some days I could do it, and some days I just COULD NOT! GOOD LUCK! As you found out with your DD...they do grown back into their own sweet selves at some point:flowerforyou: Thank Goodness!!

    Didn't do too well yesterday...served as a docent for an Historic Home Tour here and after standing on heels for several hours (MY MISTAKE), I enjoyed a couple of nice glasses of wine with the rest of the docents by the water and THEN came home to make dinner for DH and his sister...well...that led to a bit more food than I needed and I do not sleep well ending the evening full any more. Live and Learn???? One would THINK SO:noway:

    NEWBIES: Welcome, welcome to a wonderful group of women! Come back often:-):flowerforyou:

    Have a good weekend, Dear Friends:heart: Kackie
  • Alwaysnancy
    Alwaysnancy Posts: 51 Member
    Hello I've only been on MFP for a short time and I really like it. It's just what I need to take me to the next level. A couple of years ago my DD confessed to me that she was a smoker which was a heartbreaker to me as my own mother died at age 58 after a eight year battle with cancer. She told me she worried about my weight so I made a pact with her that I would lose 20 lbs and once I had done that she would quit smoking. Well I lost 56 lbs and she is still smoking. In the last year I put back on 20 lbs and I'm working hard to get back down and lose another 30 lbs on top of that.

    In the last two years I started back exercising which was hard because I would sweat an excessive amount and found this very embarassing. A couple of girls from work started there own Yoga studio so I gave it a try. That was my start. I never thought Yoga would be that hard. It also was about an hour from my home so eventually I found another place that was close to work and that worked better. They had all sorts of interesting classes. Yoga, Hot Yoga, GTS classes, Pilates, sliding, strength fusion and spinning and I tried them all. I felt like I was reborn. Last summer Hubby joined a local boot camp with me for May and June and that was a lot of fun but super hard. Last fall I started Couch to 5K. Jan 1st my best friend and I did a resolution run. Hubby was going to come too but he was whining about some broken ribs and a collapsed lung that he incurred during a game of non contact hockey. So he cheered us over the finish line. Not a super fast time but there were still people behind us.

    Currently, I do hot yoga on Monday's and try to run 3 X's a week for at least a half hour. And we just started back to the outdoor boot camp. We are the only people who returned but the new group seems even friendlier than the one last year. We are the oldest ones there but hubby still can kick everyone's butt at the running at age 53. For ten dollars each we get a very challenging workout and dirty dirty palms and knees. The ground has been very spongy and wet.

    I love that here I can track my calories. I think this has been my downfall. Especially with the vigourous exercise, it's easy to tell my self it's okay to partake in that big bag of M&M's or popcorn. However I don't plan on being perfect. Food is still something I want to enjoy but most days I just want to take in less than I put in. I just want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and get down to a more average weight. I will have some challenges this month. Next thursday I leave for a few days away with the Few from my husband's family. FEW = Female, Eighteen and Over Women. I'm sure there will be eating and drinking involved but I hope to get some runs in which will probably be hilly runs. Hopefully no bears eat me!!!!

    My goals for this month is to lose 8 lbs and keep my calories to 1500 90% of the time. And to be happy!!!! And live life.
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome to all the newcomers - you are in a good place.

    In spite of the fact that I said I'd be here every day, I managed to miss a couple. Still ferrying the DBF around to dr appointment which seem to take up a lot of time.

    Had our opening day for the lawn bowls season today, and I played for about 90 minutes this monring, had lunch and then had the meeting.

    DBF and I are taking my GF out for supper tonight as it is her birthday. She has just lost her mum so things are quite difficult for her at the moment. She is off work on medical leave, so all in all a stressful time for her.

    The scales are showing some progress since I got home, so can hardly wait until my WI day next Tuesday.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    :heart: Barbie, great advice about the clothes, I got mine ready last night in the spare room, and I’m up ready but hubby decided last night he would like to walk with me this am but he is struggling to get up, I will wait a little longer. I think I will move all my exercise clothes into the spare room.
    :smile: Michelle – I also think I found the button to stop the log in days. Hope so.
    :flowerforyou: Amanda, stay warm.
    :love: Cath – Confession had to google ’ Isle of Skye’. How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful place. I don’t think I would ever stop walking, except to take a photo. You may find mountain walking a new passion of yours. If no, when I win lotto this place is on list to visit.
    :smile: Walker001 – New York is also on my list to visit.
    :heart: Ribena1958 – thats the best goal, just keep on loosing. Well done.
    :laugh: Jb – slug tossing as gross as it sounds must burn some awesome calories.
    :smile: Ccarrico2 – it is worth it to feel so great. I have got back on track this week and am enjoying my new found energy.
    :heart: Danasue56 – enjoy trying new exercises. I like zumba. But I love trying new ones now and then also.
    Mjf0461 – I love your goals. I hope you don’t mind but I would like to copy them for myself.
    :flowerforyou: Nancy – I only had a daughter and that was tough enough. But a teenage boy from what I’ve seen my friends go through, we know why alcohol was invented. Good job staying silent and saying nothing.
    :happy: Stephanie – I joined here when I was diagnosed with diabeties type 2. I was put on medication which I hated being on. But since losing a bit of weight (I still have a long way to go) but with that and the diet changes and regular exercise I have been able to come off the medication. It is worth it to keep the diabeties controlled.
    :drinker: Alwaysnancy – I admire your exercise regime.
    :flowerforyou: Genealace – what a lovely friend you are. I hope the scales are kind to you.

    I decided to hide my scales this week, they were becoming a bit of a step class, I was on and off them so much. So I am rather excited to see what they show tomorrow, WI day. I usually have some idea but not this time and I think that has made me try harder. Well I really wanted to be almost finished my walk by now but haven’t even left. I wanted to see the sun rise. I will go shake my husband one more time but if he doesn’t get up I will have to go without him. Have so much planned for today. Its lovely and sunny, good day for the gardening. Also want to buy new curtaining material while its on sale. Visit husbands brother if we can. Also plan on going to the movies tonight.

    Jen in Sydney Australia. Sunday already.

    Ps One of my downfalls was late night snacking. I always feel I have to have supper even if we have eaten late. So now I put some of my dinner aside for later. I think that was suggested on here somewhere. Its working for me. I am not (so far) having any late night binge sessions.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Well I had a great time at the CaBi Party and the best news of all was that I actually fit into a size 6 pair of shorts!!!! So I had to buy them!!!! Then went to the neighbor house with the hubby and we drank too much wine and ate pizza (only 2 small slices) and I also ate 2 chocolate covered cherries so I guess I stepped off my wagon last night :blushing: but every once in a while you just have to :laugh: and it was fun!

    My son came home for the weekend and him and the hubby are out for the day spending some father son time which gave me some Mall and get hair done time :glasses:

    Well next weekend I finally get to see my daughter :bigsmile: YAY we get to go visit her for her birthday and I can't wait!!!!! I will bring my computer so I can stay in touch and also keep my food diary!

    I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday!!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Hubby and I went to the arts and crafts fair at the local festival today. The Olympic Mountain Cloggers were dancing and two of my line dance friends were part of the group. I knew hubby was eager to find lunch at one of the food booths so I set aside my rigid eating standards and we had Nathan’s hot dogs with sauerkraut----calories not too bad, nutrition less than sterling, and sodium off the charts. Fortunately this has been an active day for me and I’ve had control over the rest of my eating. I did my weight training while watching “The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”. Hubby saw the movie at the theatre and loved it so he bought the DVD. It was a good story but a bit too violent and complicated for me.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I know you love your varied workouts but the downside is that you don’t get to know the routines as well as you would if you did them repeatedly……on the other hand, “if you’re moving, you’re losing” so even if you have to make up something or goof up something on an unfamiliar workout, you’re still getting a benefit.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, that’s great that you will get to see DD#2 and planning a special event that the two of you will enjoy. I’m not familiar with opera but I sing Broadway show songs with the same volume and enthusiasm that you sing opera.

    :flowerforyou: Cath, I live in a smallish town and have had no success in finding a workout buddy, but I found something almost as good on MFP……I have joined a challenge (100 squats for 100 days) and I’ve found the support I need for the rest of my exercise program from the women on this thread……we all love to hear reports of each other’s workouts…..I learned a lot about healthy eating and exercise from the women on this thread…..so try considering us your workout buddies.

    :flowerforyou: Walker, I love NYC…..I know you’ll have a great time.

    :flowerforyou: Ribena, take it one day at a time and take baby steps….when I joined MFP at age 62, I didn’t know if I’d ever succeed, but it happened for me and it can happened for you.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I have a long list of healthy foods that are no longer allowed in my house because I am unable to be moderate with them----dried fruits (raisins, dates, apricots, prunes) are on that list along with peanut butter and all nuts, bread, cereal (except for oatmeal), crackers, hummus, cheese (except crumbled Feta) and yogurt.

    :flowerforyou: Ccarrico, what we do here is called posting on a thread and I’d never done it before I joined MFP. I loved it right away. If you will come back to this thread every day and read what others have posted and respond, you will feel like part of the family before long.

    :flowerforyou: Dana, welcome, you’ve made a great beginning. Just keep on keeping on and add a little something every day.

    :flowerforyou: KathyGSM, we all find our own way, either with home workouts or the gym, solitary exercise or classes, the same old stuff over and over or something new every day
    the best exercise is the one you’ll do….if I had to go to the gym to do my weight training, I’d never do it, but I am faithful doing it at home with my TV to watch and hubby and dogs to cheer me on.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, a wise friend once told me “Never miss an opportunity to keep your mouth shut”. I guess that works with teen age boys.
    Stephanie, you have made an awesome beginning……stick with us and you will get the support and encouragement you seek to continue on this journey.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, success is inspirational and disaster (like your wine and dinner yesterday) is educational…..now you know that you don’t like how you feel after those indulgences.

    :flowerforyou: Alwaysnancy, thank you for sharing how you got to your current awesome exercise regime…..it’s such a great reminder that no one starts at that level….they work up to it.

    :flowerforyou: Jen, when I started walking in the mornings my hubby said he wanted to come with me but after one morning like the one you described, I told him I’d walk with him later in the day and walk with the dogs in the morning.

    :flowerforyou: Kat, congrats on the size 6 shorts.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it was cool and dry all day.