Am I Too Fat to Be Here?



  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    Hi Maria!

    I've only been on MFP since February, but my weight loss journey started on April 25, 2011 at 351, I'm at 189 lbs. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Don't worry about being insecure, we're here to support you and if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask any of us here! Good luck on your journey!
  • Kathleen_Presnell
    Kathleen_Presnell Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome Home! This is where you can find new true friends that will support you and your journey. Making the decision to start is step #1. Stop blamming everyone including you...use your anger and frustration to motivate you each and every day. Step #2 Start making small changes...decrease sugar or fat or both, then Step #3 Log your foods and see what you are doing wrong. (I didn't eat breakfast...that's a bad thing) Step #4 Start to exercise doing something you can do that you love. (For me, swim) Step #5 Tell others in your life that you trust that you are doing this...accountablilty Step #6 Measure yourself because you will be surprised how many inches are falling off Step #7 Add a new activity you haven't done in a long time. For me, going to the gym and using some of the equipment. Step #8 learn to change a favorite meal with new ingredients Step #9 Make a list for shopping and stick to it Step #10 Forgive yourself and others in your life, smile because the person you see in the mirror can and will change.

    If you need a can add me. I'm doing this for me to be healthy and happy. I love myself now to change. Everyone has a starting point! This is yours....Good for you.:heart:
  • AFluffyNyamma
    AFluffyNyamma Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome to MFP and its great to see all of these encouraging posts! Please feel free to add me I love comments and encouragement and love to dish them out too! Enjoy your stay and work towards that goal!
  • PayShi
    PayShi Posts: 55 Member
    No, you're not! I sent you an add because I can relate. I am embarrassed about my weight but always make excuses for it. I hit my highest 310 a couple months back and brought it down to 288 and then back to 298. And I'm very determined to finally get this off after seeing a video of me on my Birthday (April 24th.) The next day, I began my journey. Find the determination from something. I have a picture of me 5 years ago when I was only 230 lbs. And even at that weight I looked GREAT. I have it hanging on my wall and keep thinking about it and the video of me from my birthday.
    You can DO this! Losing the weight will change SO much in your life. Much of that pain will go away. My mother reached almost 500 lbs. She had gastric bypass and lost most of it. Much of her pain and problems are gone now. Including the metal problems that come with the extra baggage. I hope we can lean on each other for help!
    This website is very great for changing. I left it for a long time but now I'm back with the right mental attitude.
    Good luck, girl! And remember no matter how many pounds you are YOU are beautiful. But we don't need that extra baggage holding us back from living our lives!!
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    To answer your question, NO!!! Sending you a friend request. Would love to support you!
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    Hopefully that's just my insecurity talking... :blushing:

    My weight is at the highest it's ever been, right around 400 pounds. Jeez, it's even hard to type that :(
    I imagine people all over internet-land snickering and thinking "At least I'm not like HER!" Hopefully that's not the case here and I can meet some supportive people here. I've got my fingers crossed that just maybe I might talk to some folks who face some of the same challenges I do. "

    I think there is an area for people who are over 300lbs. I don't know how many ppl are. It seems a lot of very skinny people coming on some of these boards to make people who really need to lose weight feel bad and make themselves feel great. I was talking to one who was 5' 10" and 140 and she was wanting to lose 10 lbs, I wanted to hurl lol. I was 310lbs when I started. I had lap band or I never would be able to keep my weight off. I have tried my entire life and since I was an adult, I have lost twice (almost to goal and once to goal) and eventually regained it. IT was so hard. It has been a lot easier with the help of my band. My hunger level is like that of a normal person for the first time in my entire life! I would suggest anyone who is morbidly obese to read the book "Shrink Yourself" by Dr. Gould. It really helped me to deal with my emotional/stress eating.

    Good luck on your journey!
    310/203.8/170 (second goal weight)
  • carlynn13
    carlynn13 Posts: 281
    You've taken the first step by coming here. The mfp community is wonderful and very supportive. Welcome and I wish you nothing but the best :)
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    Hello and Congrats on your decision to do something about your weight. One day at a time, one pound at a time. I firmly believe where there's a will, there's a way. Welcome to MFP and feel free to add me as a friend. I will definately encourage and support you!
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    There is no one too fat or too fit to be here. You came here, and therefore, want to change yourself for the better--no one can judge that. Welcome to MFP and good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • beckers80
    beckers80 Posts: 134 Member
    Hopefully that's just my insecurity talking... :blushing:

    My name is Maria and I'm 35. I live in Missouri and I'm a stay at home single mom (read: unemployed!) of 3 kids, ages 17, 14 and 12.

    My weight is at the highest it's ever been, right around 400 pounds. Jeez, it's even hard to type that :(
    I imagine people all over internet-land snickering and thinking "At least I'm not like HER!" Hopefully that's not the case here and I can meet some supportive people here. I've got my fingers crossed that just maybe I might talk to some folks who face some of the same challenges I do.

    When you're 400 pounds, almost everything is a challenge. Everything hurts. Everything wears you out.

    To top it all off, I had a serious shoulder injury and surgery last summer that's left me with very little use of my left arm and pain in my shoulder/arm that never really goes away. My balance has suffered from not being able to use my arm and I live in fear of falling again (that's how I mangled my arm in the 1st place). Obviously with all that's happened to me, I find it very challenging to exercise.

    Even typing these short paragraphs has made my arm throb so I'm going to stop here. I hope no one minds if I cut & paste this post to use as my intro in some of the groups I've joined. I just really need some supportive friends, you guys. I promise to be a good friend, too.

    xoxoxo ~Maria :flowerforyou:

    Not too fat, you are at the right place. add me if you want. :)
  • AnnaSAF
    AnnaSAF Posts: 7
    No such thing as being too fat to be here! We're all here for the same reason, to get to a healthy weight!
  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    You can add me. I would love to see your journey. I set up my goal for 1 year from now. Hell I don't even have a picture up. Been on here for about a month just recently started with 20 or 30 minutes of exercise. In the beginning I just logged my food. Now I want to bring healthy eating and exercise together.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Everyone here has had to start at some goal shown on my ticker is only my first mini goal. I have several to go,but do it like that to make it seem more managble to me. I sent you a request hope you accept it we can keep each other motivated.
  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 154 Member
    Oh hell no!! No one is too fat to every try to lose it. If you want some inspiration of other "fat" people who have been here you should browse the success stories boards and look through some of the blogs. I've read about some people on here who have been excited to reach 400 lbs because it means they finally lost some weight!
    Good Luck on your journey to getting healthy!
  • lardemeadru
    you are never too fat to be; just keep doing the best you can one day at a time; try looking up a TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) group too; I joined a few years ago and have some very supportive friends through it. do some kind of physical activity every day-you'd be surprised what you can do sitting or lying down. I am a homecare physical therapist and do these exercises with my patients every day. In just a few short weeks you will be stronger and your balanc should improve too. Keep me on as a friend if you want. I'd love to see your progress
  • Shadom
    Shadom Posts: 24 Member
    O No! You are in a Great place. Perhaps we can encourage each other. You can add me. This is the first step and you have taken it.
  • betina8
    betina8 Posts: 10
    YOu are in the right place. Add me if you want and we can be supportive of each other. I also have teenagers in the house so I know how challenging it can be sometimes. It' s really stressful and in my case when I'm stressed I eat more.
  • GeneaCindy
    GeneaCindy Posts: 148 Member
    Maria - Welcome! :flowerforyou: No one is too fat to be here. Good luck on your journey - friend me if you want.
  • cyberskirt
    cyberskirt Posts: 218

    I am starting out where you are. I destroyed my leg by simply falling and it has been a huge struggle to exercise and get active because of it.

    But no, you aren't too fat to be here, in fact, there are a lot of really supportive people on MFP who have been where you are, (like me!) I started this on March 13th, every week I work at it a little more.

    I just started by walking, I was gasping at 10 minutes the first day and had to break and try other things before going back for more. And when I started the elliptical was basically impossible, but I did it, slowly, at first a minute was so hard, then I got to 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes etc... it sounds crazy I know. it's hard, and when you're at a gym, it can feel 'embarrassing' but I would rather 'start' and try and gain a bit more endurance every day, every week and every month than be living like this forever.

    It's hard, it takes time but it's worth it, every day, every step. and NEVER -ever- stop just because you have a bad day or a bad week, dust yourself off and go again. you can do it, you can.
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Sweetie, welcome!!! Everyone is welcome here! I am sure you will find most members very supportive and helpful. I hope you find success here and make some new friends! Sending you a friend request..... :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: