Stupid things people say when they hear you're dieting



  • skybird455
    skybird455 Posts: 172 Member
    oh CMON, you have to cheat sometimes.....

    yeah, then id gain all my weight back and look more like you. Sorry body is a temple, I burn hard and I dont eat junk.
  • Arperjen
    Arperjen Posts: 108 Member
    "Listen, calories don't matter, it's all a bunch of b******. Just eat [exotic fruit/vegetables], [super-expensive vitamins/supplements], no processed foods, and eat whenever you need to! You don't have to deprive yourself."

    Uh, I'm not, I'm just being more sensible in my decisions.

    I agree on less processed food, but other than that? Yeeeaaah, no. I'm keeping MFP and my exercise regimen to myself (well, my hubby knows), just to prove the naysayers wrong. :D
  • neti_call
    neti_call Posts: 81 Member
    I can't believe I didn't see
    "Have a piece of cake/pizza/whatever. It's fat free! *wink wink*"
    "This ice cream/pasta/cookie has ZERO calories! Just for you!"

    I hate them when they think this is funny.
  • Drawberry
    Drawberry Posts: 104 Member
    "Go eat a sandwich"

    The sales clerk in the store told me this when I found out this company doesn't make bras small enough for me any more. And so I don't sop there any more.

    And this was followed up by you sending a strongly worded letter ending with the insistence that this employee be fired as they clearly have no social abilities what so ever?

    I have the opposite problem, I am large chested and whenever I go to a run-of-the-mill department store the employee's (and fellow shoppers) decide to look me up and down with an amused look. How about helping me find a goddamn bra instead of standing there snickering >:I !?
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Just remember: Their goals are not our goals. :noway:
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    Age 5 - 16 (from MOM) - "It's just baby fat, she'll lose it"
    between age 16-37 - I was thin, but mostly because I was a smoker/drinker - no room for food with all that alcohol (YUP)
    After Baby
    37-42 - (from MOM) - Honey, you look good no matter how big you are

    REALLY MOM -- :) Happy mothers day !! lol
  • MommaKit79
    MommaKit79 Posts: 852
    My M.I.L. tells me all the time about my husband, "Oh, he is built like his daddy...that is just how he is."

    UM, NOOOO, that may be how he is built NOW but, it doesnt HAVE to be how he stays!!

    And, "OK, got a little bit more left, you know you want it. EH, a little bit extra wont hurt you." (Yet, they say it EVERYNIGHT!
  • "really??? you are xxkg??? but you know you dont look like xxkg!"
    "i want you to eat more!" said a jealous woman while binging her fat burger...
    "you dont need to watch what you eat, you look like a stick!" said a very petite girl..a big fat lie....
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Oh you're not fat you're beautiful the way you are. Yeah cause being with me makes you feel pretty cause I'm your fat friend.

    hehe ^^^^^ Exactly!
  • FrostyFour
    FrostyFour Posts: 262
    I can't believe I didn't see
    "Have a piece of cake/pizza/whatever. It's fat free! *wink wink*"
    "This ice cream/pasta/cookie has ZERO calories! Just for you!"

    I hate them when they think this is funny.

    I love when someone says "See, it's healthy!" And I take the box from them "Let's see... 1000mg sodium per serving... serving size 1 tablespoon? WTF?"
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    From a well meaning co-worker "If you lose any more weight, we won't be able to FIND you!"

    From another "Oh, these don't any calories, go ahead eat one! Know what? Take two, they're small."

    And yet another "XXXX will be offended if you don't try their treats...."

    :P Why does what I eat have a bearing on anyone else I work with? My BMI is still over 25.....I guarantee if I get to my goal weight they'll still be able to find me....
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    "Why are you trying to look like a white woman?"

    What is this? White women are skinny and black women are fat?

    Uh, I think most of the larger women on this site are white... just saying...

    I was just about to say...That's a horrible thing to say to someone. Race doesn't give you a green flag to eat whatever you want and vice versa. Silly people. :/
  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    "Really? you don't look that big??"

    Yup I do, just carry it proportionally so it doesn't look like much but I'm like 20 pounds over weight. Thanks for the compliment....I think :ohwell:

    My favorite, from my father

    "You can have just one bite can't you?" (referring to delicious deep fried food....also I have a gluten sensitivity so that makes it even worse lol)
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    We order lunch out every Friday at work. Since my "lifetime naturally thin" co-worker heard that I was taking steps to lose weight, now EVERY week she says something like, "You pick, since you're the one watching what you eat." Um, no matter where we get lunch, I'm going to try to make a good choice. It doesn't really matter! It's not like I can only eat cauliflower or something! Sheesh!

    I appreciate her sensitivity to the fact that I might care, but I've told her OVER and OVER that it doesn't matter. We can choose anywhere. In a sense, it's like a weekly reminder that I'm fatter than I want to be, even though I've made good progress.
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 346 Member
    "you know you would fit in better if you stopped dieting" said by my mother-in-law.
    "you were prettier when you was smaller"
    " you know you can eat that brownie it wont make a difference in your weight"
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    "You can start your diet tomorrow.."
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    "Go eat a sandwich"

    The sales clerk in the store told me this when I found out this company doesn't make bras small enough for me any more. And so I don't sop there any more.

    And this was followed up by you sending a strongly worded letter ending with the insistence that this employee be fired as they clearly have no social abilities what so ever?

    I have the opposite problem, I am large chested and whenever I go to a run-of-the-mill department store the employee's (and fellow shoppers) decide to look me up and down with an amused look. How about helping me find a goddamn bra instead of standing there snickering >:I !?

    One time while at a department store I was looking for a larger than average bra. DD The clerk told me I might try Lane Bryant. That really pissed me off. I've never had to go there before. My size might be scarce but I can usually find a few. I looked anyway and found several bras at that very department store. Rude, just rude.
  • MrsUnderwood
    MrsUnderwood Posts: 114
    My husband to his mother: "Yea mom, we are going to a personal trainer and on a new diet plan it's going really well so far"
    My husband's mother: "Why don't you just do weight watchers?"

    (this coming from a woman who had gastric bypass surgery...not that there is anything wrong with it but come on, if we are doing something support it, don't tell us what we "should" be doing...especially if you aren't doing it yourself/or never did)
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    "I never would've guessed you weigh that much" Gee, thanks for the backhanded compliment.

    Yeah, I got this a lot. "You don't look over 250 pounds." Well I was. Now that I'm below 200, nooow they see a difference. "Oh, I see it now." Good job. XD
  • Navotc
    Navotc Posts: 97
    Again, way of life, not dieting.....
