I've lost the "why"?



  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Health, youth, sense of well being, confidence, relieves stress, accomplishment. I have no idea why it took me soooo long to figure out I feel good when I exercise and I feel bad both physically and emotionally when I don't. That's my why :happy:
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    I wrote a really long message. But Instead, I'd like to ask everyone "why", specifically, they exercise?

    There's got to be more to it than - "I want to lose weight", which probably means that you're disgusted enough with your appearance to do something about it.

    That used to be enough for me, but I really can't think of a motivating enough reason to exercise!

    I'd like to hear some of your thoughts.

    Many thanks :)

    Losing weight was not just exercise for me, I also had to change the way I eat, and for the most part more sleep. Exercise is always needed as well as sleep eating right and drinking water. The motivation is health overall though. Setting up goals has helped me be real about what I want as well as long-term health. Then to find an exercise regiment that you will enjoy, actually like doing. I like jogging (running actually) and I challenge my own speed and timing. But I also need strength training which I incorporate at least 2 to 3 days a week.

    I had to find something that I like which is cardio, then I have Zumba classes the actual class opposed to the video. I must add Hot Box Yoga...awesome experience and when I have the time to get back in those classes I am running to them. I realize exercise is vital it is an outlet for me and release negative energy. Then I feel better overall go home eat and knock out.. I like to do it with fun, no pressure to please anyone just ME.....
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    - to support my love affair with chocolate
    - sweating is fun
    - gives me something constructive to do
    - has shown me that I'm capable of more than I ever thought
    - allows me to play and play and play with my kid and not get worn out
    - free entertainment for the family (walking/running/biking together)
    - cheaper than therapy

    Need more???

    I absolutely agree with the Cheaper than Therapy part!!!!! That's ultimately what really pushed me going. Grief over losing my father, and anger over losing my job.
  • FragileLei
    FragileLei Posts: 3
    I exercise because I'm in recovery from an eating disorder and it's the best way I've found to deal with eating a healthy amount. I am so much more motivated for recovery when I'm working out a lot because I have to make sure I'm nourished in order to have the strength and energy to exercise. I also love to work out because it gives me energy, puts me in a better mood, helps me sleep at night and makes me feel good about myself :) Plus, muscles!!!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,682 Member
    Just under a year ago, a friend of mine came home from his job as a landscape gardener. He lay upon the sofa to watch a little tv. The next morning, his partner found him dead on the couch. He was a fit, strong, healthy lad, and only 6 months older than I was. I on the other hand was 397lb, and a wreck.

    He died.

    I Didn't

    I'm determined to try my damnest to keep fit, healthy, lighter, fitter and stronger.

    126+lbs and counting...
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    cardio- runners high. post-workout glow. burst of energy! betters my mood. use less gasoline (run places rather than driving hehe)

    lifting- feel like a BAMF. gain muscle mass. talk to random lifters at the gym :)
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Go read my blog post today about a run I had earlier this week: 262seconds.blogspot.com

    THIS is why I run.
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    I love my kids, and I want to be around a longtime to see them grow up and it will be a lot easier if I live a healthier lifestyle.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 476 Member
    Exercise helps me be able to sleep at night and to feel that maybe I can control a part of my life. It also helps me to feel more like the me I used to feel like when I was younger and in better shape than I have been recently.
    Exercise is an amazing rush and also helps me feel like I am becoming healthier again. When I had my 2nd kid I seemed to run out of time for myself and interest in my own health. Now I feel more like I do count as a person, not just "Mom". Not that being a Mom isn't a great thing most of the time, but it's not all of who I am.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 476 Member
    Endorphins make me feel good
    I leave work on auto pilot and nearly always find myself in the gym
    I can eat more
    I sleep better
    My skin has improved
    I enjoy it
    I like to challenge myself
    Improved muscle tone
    Its helped me lose a lot of weight
    Swimming has made a certain part of my body a bit perkier
    I am stronger
    I am fitter than I have ever been despite being in my 40's
    Clothes look better on me
    Its made me more confident
    I can run for the bus
    I've walked a half marathon
    I get twitchy if I can't exercise
    I prefer it to sitting in front the of TV most evenings

    This is perfect and beautiful!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tomakehermine
    Because I get to eat more.

    ^ agreed!
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    Losing the weight and becoming physically healthy is a definite factor for me. But that's just a partial. - and maybe the smaller part. For me its mental health. Mental health affects spiritual health. Spiritual health affects my marriage's health. And my marriage's health will affect everything else in my life. It's a chain reaction.
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    I like the way I feel after I work out. I like the sense of accomplishment. I like to look as good as I possibly can for my guy. I also like to feel stronger and able to better keep up when we play at things like snowboarding. The only other thing I can think of is it is more fun to shop for clothes when I fit in the ones I want nicely. I guess I work out for a lot of different reasons and think about whichever one is most motivating to me for the day.
  • enigmatic319
    I've started going for walks. I used to throw myself into intense, 20 min bodyweight workouts, which would make me almost vomit & then not do anything for a week. All that time though, my diet wasn't great - so it was a constant battle with myself.

    Diet is better now, & I've lost 18lbs, with no exercise regime.

    When I was younger, the thought of being thought of as "hot" was enough. But I'm older, I'm a father of 2 - and I don't really much care about how I look anymore (?!).

    A lot of my friends are "extreme" fitness guys. One has biked around Australia, the other gets up at the crack of dawn to box, & another is a personal trainer. I can't hope to compete with these guys.

    I've got to learn to think differently - & from what I've just read in those 150+ messages, is that you choose to, or something bad happens to make you re-evaluate your priorities.
  • promo153
    promo153 Posts: 6
    Why I do it?
    Because I need to recuperate my stamina, energy and strength.

    Working Out = more strength, more energy throughout the day, more stamina, better sleep

    Days I don't work out (I only do cardio) I feel something is missing.
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I like how I feel when I work out regularly. Both after the session itself and in the long run. I don't know why I stop exercising, but I know I suffer for it after a while. :/
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    I'm amazed by how much better I feel physically and emotionally and how much more energy I have since I've started getting exercise almost daily.

    I HATE boring exercise in the gym though. I prefer Zumba, walking, hiking, swimming and now riding my brand new bike! Because I've started exercising I can now do things like play ball with my grandchildren without being exhausted after 15 minutes and I can bend over and pick up the ball even with my bad back. I've advanced to being able to do short sprints which comes in handy when they try to get me out on base! The walking has strengthened my "bad" leg and so now I can lift it high enough to put on a pair of pants without having to pick it up with my hands and unless my sciatica is very bad I rarely limp and I've stopped tripping with it. I'm never short of breath anymore with the long walk from my parking garage to my workplace. Overall the quality of my life is much better.
  • steviegreeks
    steviegreeks Posts: 35 Member
    I want to be a bad *kitten*! I'm almost at my goal weight so my reasons for exercising has changed it was to lose weight, but now I want to have a sweet set of abs, I want to be able to do 10 "real" push ups (I can only do girl ones), I want to be able to do 10 "real" pull ups (can only do assisted). I think it's important to have ever changing goals I love feeling strong!
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    I feel so much better when I am exercising and especially after a really good work out. I feel accomplished with that sweat dripping down my face and my shirt stuck to my back. I feel powerful when I am able to push myself further than ever before. I feel healthy knowing that I don't need to rely on my rescue inhaler anymore when just walking around.

    Exercise literally makes me happy. That's why I exercise.
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    For the "Wow" factor...not only for me, but to see the looks of amazement on people's faces. Also, to feel better about myself and have control of MY life!