VERY personal ~ TMI

So, I found out last night my BF has been viewing naked pics online. This destroys my self esteem & makes me feel like I am not good enough.

I know this is TMI ~ but I need help.

Anyone else struggled with this?


  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    Is this something he's had problems with before?
  • ♥seoid♥
    yes....many years now.

    i'm so upset.
  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    yes I have....and it hurts a lot. But men are very visual and they look. I get angry every time my BF does that cause I dont look like the women he is looking at...and I tell him that...but as usual he reinforces how much he loves me and my body....i dont but he seems to....maybe one day we both will love it. I have a problem with him on the computer and every time he is it makes me worry....but we cant control them the only person we can control is ourselves. Good luck....and keep up the good work. We are worth it....:flowerforyou:
  • kokonutmama
    I don't have a similar experience, but didn't want to read without posting.

    Love yourself. :flowerforyou: It'll be OK.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Men are dogs!
    It has nothing to do with what you look like or that the other girl/girls look like. It's only about his satisfaction. It wouldn't matter if you looked like a super model...most likely he's still look at other women. Look at Rebecca Romaine and John Stamos, Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. Men are pigs...they don't think with their head or their heart...only their anatomy.
    Have you confronted him? I wish you the best...remember that you are worth it even if he doesn't see it!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    You need to know that this has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. Men are visual beings and just because he's looking at pictures of naked women doesn't mean that he doesn't enjoy looking at you. Something to consider: perhaps it's a turn on for him to be able to look without worrying that the person he's looking at "feels" uncomfortable. Know what I mean?

    At any rate - you need to talk to him about it. If you're not comfortable with it, he needs to know.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Men are very visual. My bf loves me very much and is so good to me, and I love him. And he's been very honest with me from the beginning - he doesn't want those woman, he only wants me. but he's gonna look. Men need a release, and it's different for them then for women. What he looks at on his computer doesn't affect our relationship, and it certainly doesn't affect our sex life.

    I don't know what the situation is with you, but it is normal for men to look at porn. We watch it together sometimes!

    I don't know if this is helping, I just wanted you to know that it probably has nothing to do with you. It has to do with your bf being a guy and needing to see some skin to get that release when you aren't there to help him out.

    Go with what koko said and love yourself. :flowerforyou: :heart: I'm sorry you're hurting.
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    I would focus on that it is his problem and definately not a problem with you. My thought is that I do not want something done on my computer that could get me in trouble. Remember he will always have to answer for his actions and behaviors.
  • Luludog1
    I understand as a women it hurts, but i am sure he loves you and finds you very attractive. Hang in there and please don't let this bring you down....try using it as motivation. Good luck.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    My boyfriend doesn't really look at porn. But he is infactuated with every female on tv there is! it really hurts my feelings. I pick at him and joke around with him but it really does bother me. He knows all there names and watches all the shows. Kim Kardasian?? Kendra? He makes little comments about them. He knows all their names and where they are from, everything they've done in their life! I think I would rather him look at strangers naked on the computer!!!
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    I used to be the same way, being a guy we just think about that kind of stuff differently. Like "its just a picture its not like I'm sleeping with someone" or "I'm just looking at a picture, its not going to hurt anyone". You need to just reinforce in his mind how it makes you feel and let him know that it hurts your self esteem and your self image when he looks at that sort of stuff. Sometimes the only way to get us to actually "hear" something is to beat it into our heads. :happy:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I've been there.... twice... with the same man.... my estranged husband.

    He knew I considered him looking at that stuff as cheating. (No - I don't care about anyone's opinion on my take of this -- all that is important is he knew when we began dating how I viewed it, and he agreed not to view it because I would take it as his cheating.) So when I woke up, deathly sick one night, to find him looking at it and 'enjoying himself' in our bedroom, I was devastated.

    When I found it all online again a second time, I left him. Three months pregnant.

    It was horrible. I felt worthless. Devalued. Fat. Ugly. Imperfect.

    I let him talk me back into coming home. (Stupid, but I was three months pregnant....) Although he was apologetic, he never really did anything to help him with his problem (which he classified as an addiction). He stayed away from the computer, and I put a password on it.

    After my daughter was born, he cheated on me. I still wasn't good enough.

    I finally left him 5 months ago. This afternoon, I have my first visit with the divorce attorney.

    Ugh - why am I posting all this here? I don't know. Maybe it will help you to know you aren't alone. Maybe it will discourage you. I don't know.

    I feel for you, sweetheart. (((hugs))) :cry: :brokenheart:
  • 135gratitude
    Don't let it affect your self esteem :flowerforyou:

    Could some men weigh in here? What IS the deal!?!?!?!?!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I understand as a women it hurts, but i am sure he loves you and finds you very attractive. Hang in there and please don't let this bring you down....try using it as motivation. Good luck.

    :huh: :sick:
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Just MHO:

    A relationship is about respect, and compromise.

    If this is something the two of you have had an issue with before, and he knows how it makes you feel, yet continues to do it, I would think one of two things:

    1 - He has an addiction; or
    2 - He has no respect for your boundries/request.

    With that being said, men and women both look at p*rn. If it's causing a disruption then something has to change. A compromise has to be made(on both sides), or a change must occur. Otherwise the cycle will just continue.

    Does he make you feel good about yourself? Does he treat you the way you're supposed to be treated? Does he view this to increase his libido or does he simply like looking at naked women?

    I hope you guys can work through it, and I hope you feel better about yourself. You are a beautiful gem and deserve to be treated as such. :flowerforyou:
  • ♥seoid♥
    now i'm crying....glad i'm not the only one. :sad:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Just MHO:

    A relationship is about respect, and compromise.

    If this is something the two of you have had an issue with before, and he knows how it makes you feel, yet continues to do it, I would think one of two things:

    1 - He has an addiction; or
    2 - He has no respect for your boundries/request.

    With that being said, men and women both look at p*rn. If it's causing a disruption then something has to change. A compromise has to be made(on both sides), or a change must occur. Otherwise the cycle will just continue.

    Does he make you feel good about yourself? Does he treat you the way you're supposed to be treated? Does he view this to increase his libido or does he simply like looking at naked women?

    I hope you guys can work through it, and I hope you feel better about yourself. You are a beautiful gem and deserve to be treated as such. :flowerforyou:

    Great post :flowerforyou:
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    Men are dogs!
    It has nothing to do with what you look like or that the other girl/girls look like. It's only about his satisfaction. It wouldn't matter if you looked like a super model...most likely he's still look at other women. Look at Rebecca Romaine and John Stamos, Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. Men are pigs...they don't think with their head or their heart...only their anatomy.
    Have you confronted him? I wish you the best...remember that you are worth it even if he doesn't see it!

    You must have had some bad experiances with men in your life and I'm sorry you think that way about men now but I can assure you I think with my mind and my heart before my anatomy.
  • ♥seoid♥
    what worries me the most is that there are LOCAL women. women he could actually meet. he and his ex GF were on a website together. this is my biggest concern. if it were videos or something i would be more understanding.
  • Tgeorge
    I am sorry you are hurting. Does his actions bother you/ hurt you because the pictures are naked, other women, or something else? If he was in a muesem and looking at nake sculptures or artwork would it make a difference? Establish the action is hurtful and why it is hurtful to him and then let him explain himself and figure out if there are guidelines that you both can live with?
    Best of luck..