TIME magazine and breast feeding a 4 year old



  • amurdaugh2010
    i just finished nursing my daughter a few months shy of her 4th birthday. my mother nursed me until i was 3.5. breastfeeding is a personal act between a mother and a child and it is their mutual decision when they should stop. it is beautiful and special and i honestly cannot understand how anyone would find feeding and nurturing a child "gross" or "disturbing."
    is it gross and disturbing, or worthy of a MFP thread when you see 3 year old eating macdonalds? i've never seen one, but almost every 3 year old i know has eaten there. has anyone ever prevented a mother from feeding her 3 year old macdonalds in public? NO!
    when a woman can feed her child food-like-substances and face less criticism than feeding them whole, intact human milk our society has a serious problem.

    LOVE THIS!! Heck yes! At least she's not feeding her child unhealthily. At least she's feeding her child, period. There are some people, and you see them in the news all the time, that don't They should put more parents like her in the news. Maybe the whole world wouldn't think America is a nation that abuses children. I mean look at the headlines. Mother starves her child to death. They are everywhere. At least this woman is doing what is right, by her child and her. Maybe the picture and title is offensive, but that's what time was going for. They wanted to bring ALOT of attention to it.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I think you have been told over and over that this is the BEST thing for your child by someone, wife/ doctor etc so much so that you are actually believing it now.... I think that you know that you really would prefer a child who slept in their own bed...


    I would try to explain how you're wrong, but clearly you know me better than I know myself, so why bother.
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    Breastfeeding your children - great! Breastfeeding in public - great! Breastfeeding for as long as you both are comfortable - GREAT! Having your child stand on a chair on the cover of a magazine while breastfeeding - exploitation.

    I agree! I breastfed all three of my children, and all of them self- weaned. I breastfed in public, sitting, standing walking, vacuuming, anywhere. I am also a breastfeeding educator. I was unsettled by the cover, because I feel like it was set up to stir controversy in a society that is already uncomfortable with breastfeeding. It is the most natural and beautiful thing in the world, and the cover doesn't even begin to portray it properly.
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Hi Folks,

    Just wanted to advise you that while we're getting a few requests to lock the thread, there's nothing inherent in debating this topic that makes it inappropriate for the site.

    I would ask that all users refrain from pointing fingers or offering insults about other posters. It's fine to debate the pros and cons of this issue, but we will edit or delete posts brought to our attention that are attacking individuals, rather than responding to and debating ideas or arguments.

    Please keep it above the line and respectful, and avoid crossing the line into personal attack and insult.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I personally find it disgusting-what are your thoughts?

    OP - Just curious if you are a mother.

    I am a mother and I also find it disgusting. So what?
  • bpe101
    bpe101 Posts: 53 Member
    I didn't see the magazine nor have I read everyone's comments because there are so many of them, so this might have been said by someone else.

    I notice how a lot of people keep saying after a certain age mothers should pump and then give it to them in a bottle.

    Well what about the days when pumps didn't exist? Would it have been ok to breast feed beyond the acceptable age of 1 or so then?
    Besides the fact that it is how nature intended for us to feed our children, why do we care about what others are doing when as others have said, "At least this mother is feeding her child rather than starving her."

    The magazine and media do this kind of crap on purpose, to raise controversy where it shouldn't be in the first place. There isn't a story. Nobody should question how long a mother chooses to nurse her child. Nor should they plaster a picture about it on some magazine. Why do people continue to care about such unimportant issues and judge others for their decisions? Do you think lions are judging other lions about how long the other nurses her cubs for?

  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    If I lived in a starving country, yes, I would breast feed my child as long as I could. Since I don't and my child is able to get his nutrition from the foods we are lucky enough to be able to purchase, no, I would never breast feed my kid over the age of 1.5, maybe less time. The problem is, I was not able to breastfeed. No milk production along with other comlications and I refuse to have the BF nazi's talk down to me for it. My kid is healthy and SMART.

    On a more humorous side to it one of my friends girld friends commented that when her kids are old enough to bite through a carrot, her nipples aren't going anywhere near their mouths. I think that is wise. My sister almost bit my Mom's nipple off because my Mom wouldn't keep eye contact with her through the entire feeding. LOL!
  • FitnessDivaK
    FitnessDivaK Posts: 229
    Do not need any "statistical data" to back up my opinion.... it's plain and obvious to see.... ask any husband (one with a spine) about how much he enjoys co-sleeping/parenting... lol

    I have a spine and my child co-sleeps. He's five. I wouldn't change a thing.

    Now what?

    Opus ..... give me a break, you don't really want your 5yr old in bed with you and your wife....who do you think you are kidding ? lol

    You think I'm lying?????? Seriously, F this thread.

    No I don't think you are lying, to be lying you would have to actually know the truth and be stating otherwise,

    I think you have been told over and over that this is the BEST thing for your child by someone, wife/ doctor etc so much so that you are actually believing it now.... I think that you know that you really would prefer a child who slept in their own bed...

    Show me someone who before children said to themselves " oh when I have kids I can't wait to share my bed and have them sleep with me every night, there is nothing I would like more"

    *shakes head*

    What makes you think that you know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE?

    You're making blanket and idiotic statements...

    *shaking my head* so sensitive..... may I have struck a nerve ?????

    heaven forbid someone say what they are really thinking or have an opinon ???? oh my, should have just kept it to myself in case I hurt your feelings .....bahahahha
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    I could care less that a mother breast feeds a 3 year old, even in public. The picture creeps me out a bit, but that's just because of the way it's posed. My adult male brain sees a sexy woman with breasts, but what the heck is that kid doing there? But the kid just sees where he gets healthy nourishment. We as adults are looking at it with our adult perspective and thinking about sex and that makes it sick, but we're just wrong. The magazine may have gone to far as well.
  • jennyb612
    jennyb612 Posts: 83
    Quite honestly I think this whole "attachment parenting" thing is a crock of shi$$. !!

    Letting kids sleep in your bed ( co-sleeping) and nursing till they are in school is ridiculous ! Bunch of tree hugging, granola eating nonsense...

    If you don't teach your children how to be independent and confident and go to sleep without nursing or sleeping with their parents you are not doing them ANY favors !

    The reason divorce rate is so high now is because of crap like "co- sleeping" husbands and wives don't honor each other any more, it's all about the kids... you picked your spouse first, start acting like a spouse.

    Nothing makes me more annoyed than wives who once they have a baby they ignore their husband and their marraiges and everything revolves around the kids..

    Life is about balance, getting all of your needs met by breastfeeding your kids or sleeping with them till they are 5 is not the way.....

    I have 4 children, ages 8-21, all well adjusted kids who excel in school and college. They are love me very much, they were all breastfed till they had teeth and guess what..... I am still married, and they slept in their own beds and had bedtimes and routines and they were not the little hellions running around the stores or up all night in restaurants with adults having meals....


    So co-sleeping for the first 16 months with my daughter makes me a tree hugging granola head who hate my husband. Okay, sure.

    Giggle... granola head (kidding)
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I nurse my 2.5 year old. No biggie.

    However, this cover is crap. A kid who looks much older standing on a chair sucking mom's boob. Mom has that smirk. Then it says "Are you Mom enough?".

    I think she looks like a fool and is making a mockery of those who practice extended breastfeeding. I think she is also going to inflame those we already deal with who shun it.That is NOT a typical sitting at home nursing shot, so it's going to just make people more uncomfortable. Way to go Mommy Blogger!
    Thank-you. That was perfect. I breast fed our four children, none longer than 9 months but that doesn't mean I wouldn't have loved to do it for a year or so. Curcumstances don't always allow for it. I am not going to comment on how long I think a child should breast feed, but I do worry when it becomes more for the mom than the child. Or if a child is refusing to give it up when mom is ready to. I have also met a woman who was continuing to breast feed because her husband thought it was important. She wanted to stop. I didn't read the article yet but it appears that the child pictured is not getting all of his nurishment from the breast. He is well nourished and sturdy looking. It would be a rare mother who can adequately supply enough nutrients to support the life of a three year old.
    I was uncomfortable with the cover because the the headline and the "in-your-face" attitude that I perceived. I agree with the statement that I quoted here that the photo WILL inflame those who think breastfeeding is nasty or sexual and should be done in a bathroom if you are in public. I asllo feel that breastfeeding moms can use a bit of discresion when feeding their children and cover themselves a little so that their breasts aren't on public display. A balance of public feeding and modesty for the sake of others would be nice.
    As to whether this is a topic for a health and fitness site. Breastfeeding is the healthiest food for infants period. It is also helpful for mothers trying to get back into shape. It helps shrink the uterus back to prepregnacy size more quickly and helps to burn calories. It is about health.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    If I lived in a starving country, yes, I would breast feed my child as long as I could. Since I don't and my child is able to get his nutrition from the foods we are lucky enough to be able to purchase, no, I would never breast feed my kid over the age of 1.5, maybe less time.

    I'm certainly not judging that opinion because I think people should do whatever they feel is best. But I would like to point out that, although you can meet nutritional requirements through food, only breastfeeding offers benefits to the immune system. A human child does not fully develop their immune system until the age of 7. That is one of the reasons that the World Health Organization recommends a *minimum* of two years. There is more to breast milk than just nutritional content.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    If I lived in a starving country, yes, I would breast feed my child as long as I could. Since I don't and my child is able to get his nutrition from the foods we are lucky enough to be able to purchase, no, I would never breast feed my kid over the age of 1.5, maybe less time.

    I'm certainly not judging that opinion because I think people should do whatever they feel is best. But I would like to point out that, although you can meet nutritional requirements through food, only breastfeeding offers benefits to the immune system. A human child does not fully develop their immune system until the age of 7. That is one of the reasons that the World Health Organization recommends a *minimum* of two years. There is more to breast milk than just nutritional content.

    I definitely agree that breastfeeding is great for children's immune systems but It's not the ONLY food for kids under two that benifits the immune system. My friend was able to breast feed her daughter until she was 1.5 or two,I can't remember and our kids were always sick at the same time seeing as we were always having play dates.
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    *rolls eyes* I breastfed both of my kids. One was 2 1/2 years old, the other 3 1/2 yrs old when they weaned. It is ridiculous to me that our society is in such a hurry to have its children grow up. Thanks to many advancements in health care, people living to be 90 and older is no longer rare. If my kids can't be babies for longer than 12 mos of their life, that is incredibly sad. 4 yrs old is hardly adolescent. Breasts are functional above anything else. If people would stop viewing them as t**s and sexualizing every part of the female anatomy, this wouldn't be such an issue. Who cares how long a mom nurses her babies, or if she never nurses at all?!? Being a responsible parent is what matters. *rant over*
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I find it ironic that the one of my four kids that was breastfed the least amount of time...( 4 months) , is the healthiest of them all. He will be 9 yrs old in August and he has been on antibiotics 2x his whole life, and once was for an infected toe, so not even an illness.

    My oldest daughter was nursed till she was about 10 months, and she was the sickest, so many ear infections she had to have tubes put in when she turned 18 months...

    The immunity benefits I am not so sure I believe comes from the milk, I think it's more about allergies and nutritional value. I was told that the colestrum is what holds the mothers immunities, not the milk, so after day 3 of nursing.... the baby has gotten all of the immunities it will get.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I find it ironic that the one of my four kids that was breastfed the least amount of time...( 4 months) , is the healthiest of them all. He will be 9 yrs old in August and he has been on antibiotics 2x his whole life, and once was for an infected toe, so not even an illness.

    My oldest daughter was nursed till she was about 10 months, and she was the sickest, so many ear infections she had to have tubes put in when she turned 18 months...

    The immunity benefits I am not so sure I believe comes from the milk, I think it's more about allergies and nutritional value. I was told that the colestrum is what holds the mothers immunities, not the milk, so after day 3 of nursing.... the baby has gotten all of the immunities it will get.

    While it's true that an infant gets a wealth of immune benefits from the colestrum, the milk holds immunity qualities also. But it is limited to the immune system of the mother. Like, if you, as a nursing mother get sick with say the flu...if you are nursing through this, you are passing along the anti-bodies that your body generated to fight the flu, therefore, hopefully protecting the nursing child from getting it. Also if you receive say a flu shot during the first 6 months of your child's life (when they are too young for the shot)--the immune properties will keep the nursing infant protected.

    I however, have a crappy immune system, so I'm not sure what I good I did passing this on to my children. And there is always heredity and individuality that play a role. Your oldest may have been destined to be sick more based on other factors (even if not breastfed at all).
  • jen88ve
    jen88ve Posts: 153
    I still breast feed my 16 year old.....why didnt anyone tell me that your supposed to stop!!!!!!!!!

    BAHAHAHA! Hey if they choose not to wean themselves off, don't push them too! :laugh:
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    I am not going to question how other parents raise their children, but the cover of the magazine was ridiculous. I am not a mother yet, but stuff like that is the reason women who choose to breastfeed have to put up with so much crap from the rest of the world over what's appropriate and what isn't. That picture made my skin crawl.

    This ^ but I did breastfeed and I am a mother.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I have nothing wrong with a woman breast feeding her child in public or otherwise. Breast milk is the best nutrition and food for a young baby. That said, when the child is old enough to climb a step stool and open your blouse and pull the breast out HE IS TOO DAMN OLD TO BE BREASTFEEDING!
  • considermac
    considermac Posts: 59
    I have nothing wrong with a woman breast feeding her child in public or otherwise. Breast milk is the best nutrition and food for a young baby. That said, when the child is old enough to climb a step stool and open your blouse and pull the breast out HE IS TOO DAMN OLD TO BE BREASTFEEDING!

    Well SAID!