What annoys you at the gym?



  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I concur on the whole not wiping down your machine when you're done.

    I'm a bit of a germaphobe and have actually called someone out @ the gym for not wiping down their machine after they profusely sweated, wiped said sweat off with their hands, then used those same hands to grab the handlebars and push buttons!


    That just takes disgusting to a whole new level.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    So I went to the gym a few weeks ago at a different time than usual. There were about 20 treadmills available and this lady freaked out on me b/c I was on the treadmill that she "always uses on Thursday evenings at 6pm". Apparently she brings her own box fan in and she has to have that treadmill b/c it is next to an outlet so she can plug her fan in?? LOL

    Other than that.. the gym is like my home away from home.

    Oh yeh, and January. New Years resolution time... So crowded!!
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    omg where do i start?

    those people who "claim" like ten machines at once because theyre doing some weird circuit thing that takes forever!

    those women who think they are super sick with their lulu lemon outfits and lifting gloves but then lift 1 pound weights and mug me when i walk by them.

    the gym bros who make noises as if they're giving birth all while lifting with INCORRECT FORM.

    the personal trainers who come up to you mid set and harass you about their 200$ an hour service. NO THANK YOU.

    the @ssholes who don't rack the weights when they're done...so I'm stuck trying to remove huge weight plates from the damn bar waisting my time

    when the next machine i want to use is taken..i know this is petty but i get immediately annoyed if i can't follow my routine lol
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    There is a special place in hell for the folks that don't wipe down the machines when they are done.

    GOOD!! There needs to be one!
  • Bikini_Bound150
    Bikini_Bound150 Posts: 461 Member
    There are two really hot guys that I went to school with that go at the same time as I do. And they KNOW they are hot. I overheard them talking one day and they said "She's trying to hard not to stare at us hahaha". NO I was not. I had no interest in looking at them. They were *kitten*'s in high school and they aren't any better now. They do this with lots of people. They're also loud and like to mess around instead of work out. They drive me insane.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    When somebody takes the machine with the view of the hot chick in yoga pants that I was OBVIOUSLY following.
  • jefflturn
    jefflturn Posts: 41
    I hate when they don't wipe the machines after using them! I have started wiping mine down before and after I use it because of these people. Oh and the *kitten* that break into your sets is BS also.
  • florabora
    florabora Posts: 12 Member
    Skinny women prancing around in skimpy outfits. Then to make it worse they complain how fat they are! I don't want to see your thong, crack or breasts when I am working out. Cover up and shut up!:explode:
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    everyone at the gym annoys me. the women standing around gossiping and in the way and the men who are flexing and strutting around. that's why i work out at home.
  • florabora
    florabora Posts: 12 Member
    "When somebody takes the machine with the view of the hot chick in yoga pants that I was OBVIOUSLY following."
    Sheesh that's sad and degrading! Why don't you show some class and respect by just working out without leering!
  • hswayze
    hswayze Posts: 6
    I hate when people sit on machines inbetween reps....PEOPLE others are waiting to use those machines! Work in a circuit so after a rep you move to another machine!!! Also, when people sit on machines and have a phone conversation :{
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    "When somebody takes the machine with the view of the hot chick in yoga pants that I was OBVIOUSLY following."
    Sheesh that's sad and degrading! Why don't you show some class and respect by just working out without leering!

    How is it degrading? If she's wearing those kinds of pants, she's probably wanting the attention lol. Nothing wrong with enjoying the scenery, IMO.
  • Andrea_Alexis_1980
    Andrea_Alexis_1980 Posts: 122 Member
    The smell of sweat ... I can't stand it !!! I usually go to the gym around lunch when its empty so i can get any machine i want but lucky me all the old men show up at the same time and talk for ever while standing beside the machines ....I do have a good laugh though some are pretty funny 60+ years showing each other there muscles who's are bigger lol
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Teenagers in the gym.

    Annoying. Judgmental. Young guys.

    They see an overweight chick working out and either need to give their advice or gawk and quietly make rude comments to their friends.

    I am sorry you got these types of teenagers! I would never do that it is just plain rude. Whenever I see someone like that it actually motivates me to push harder because I should be able to push myself harder! Again, would like to apologize for the teenage population (some can be so stupid :grumble:)
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    "When somebody takes the machine with the view of the hot chick in yoga pants that I was OBVIOUSLY following."
    Sheesh that's sad and degrading! Why don't you show some class and respect by just working out without leering!

    It's called sarcasm.

    And, I don't think it's degrading. She probably worked hard for that body, no reason for me to not appreciate it.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    I take classes often, and go to the same sessions every week with the same instructor, stand in the same spot in the room and then each week, someone (a regular mind you, so they see me there each week!) stands in the spot where I had just put my water bottle and towel down. Infuriates me.

    Silly girls all done up who are scared to sweat. High intensity aerobics is hard, can't cut the mustard, don't come.

    Girls who just suddenly appear and are there all the time, mostly not trying, standing around chatting in a damn aerobics class. Have some damn respect for the instructor who is up on stage, exposed and trying to encourage, motivate and inspire you all and your standing there giggling to you're 13 years old.

    Body Pump its a cardio weights class - and I lift reasonably heavy, probably the heaviest of most women there. Then someone newish will come, take a look at what I'm lifting, s****** to their friend about how good I think I am, then up their weights to match. They can lift it, but their form is shocking (bicep curls done from their back and legs! Or shoulder work done 1/10th of the way) but they think they're awesome, and stare at me the whole time!! (got to love a U-Shaped room). It took me a year to do these weights with correct form and you think you can come in and do the same with no form then joke to your friends. Oh and then smile at me in the locker room afterwards!!!!
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm a night owl and tend to work out very late, so I'm lucky to have an near-empty gym.

    I hate when the desk staff talks to me like I'm an idiot. If I arrive to squeeze in a late workout after an evening shift, I can count on them to distainfully say "We CLOSE soon." Translation: "You might as well turn around". I'm here every night, I already know what time you close. I chose to come in anyway so quit wasting my time.

    Loud grunts! They're so fake and annoying. Attention Grunters: you are impressing no one. You are only making yourselves look like vain idiots. I totally agree with the poster who said they sound like bad porn.

    Total strangers who give unwanted workout advice. Unless you see imminent physical danger, mind your own business.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    "When somebody takes the machine with the view of the hot chick in yoga pants that I was OBVIOUSLY following."
    Sheesh that's sad and degrading! Why don't you show some class and respect by just working out without leering!

    How is it degrading? If she's wearing those kinds of pants, she's probably wanting the attention lol. Nothing wrong with enjoying the scenery, IMO.

    I agree with the first poster. It is rude to leer and stare. I wear yoga pants because they are cool and comfortable. Also, pretty much they are pretty much the only workout pants I can wear. I am always catching them staring and they are obvious about it. If you look, just be discreet about it. Sheesh :grumble:
  • chloeelebeir
    chloeelebeir Posts: 130
    People looking at my elliptical, keep your eyes on your own elliptical!
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    It really annoys me when someone lets the weights drop down on the machines. It usually seems to be the teenage boy crowd that does this. They must think they are really something that they are not.