Today was the first time I've ever been called a fatty.



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    He's an *kitten*.

    Sadly, someone called me something similar at the gym about two months ago completely unsolicited. She told me point blank that I was "too fat to squat" and looked "disgusting" trying to squat. It was excruciatingly painful to hear. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

    Just don't give up. You're not doing this for them. You're doing it for you. Remember that every time you think of how much this hurt you.
  • makainui
    makainui Posts: 31
    WoW you should be PROUD of yourself!!! Because if it was me, he would have had to look around for his teeth!!! LMAO (NO JOKE) I seriously would have lost all of my God given senses and kick him in the sweets haha but, I agree with the rest of all these GOOD people, dont let one ugly simple minded bafoon ruin your day!!! SMILE!!!
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    OMG! What an ugly human being! Don't listen to him and be sure to tell him to go f-himself as well. I wish i was there for this because im sure i would get fired
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    :noway: i swear...people are so horrible!!

    Next time you see him tell him that "you could get rid of your big *kitten* but he cant get rid of his dumb *kitten*"
  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm so sorry that your coworker is so blatantly stupid!

    He's not worth the tears anyway. Running on the tredmill can only help (that's how I get out my stresses, too). But don't overdo it because of that comment!

    P.S. You're not a fatty. He's a douche.
  • MNchick
    MNchick Posts: 371 Member
    He's pretty pathetic if you ask me. That's something a guy would pull in junior high and if the female co-worker has even 1 brain cell, she'll see him for what he is.

    Don't worry about him...there will always be people who try to 'rise above' by climbing all over others, you can do him one better by living a life others look up to.
  • cshep2k
    cshep2k Posts: 15 Member
    Hey kmuree I am sorry to hear that someone is that insensitive. Hey, just keep doing what you are doing. None of us are least those of us who are maybe a bit overweight are here at MyFitnessPal trying to do better. Do not let the evil words of another person hurt you. They are only showing their ignorance!
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    Spike his coffee Monday with a laxative..:devil:

    Then call him "Sir Poops a lot"
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    :noway: i swear...people are so horrible!!

    Next time you see him tell him that "you could get rid of your big *kitten* but he cant get rid of his dumb *kitten*"

    That or " I wont always be, as you call it "a fatty", but you will always be prick!"
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    He's an *kitten*.

    Sadly, someone called me something similar at the gym about two months ago completely unsolicited. She told me point blank that I was "too fat to squat" and looked "disgusting" trying to squat. It was excruciatingly painful to hear. I just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

    Just don't give up. You're not doing this for them. You're doing it for you. Remember that every time you think of how much this hurt you.

    You were working out to fix the weight issue. He can't fix that he's a jerk. Either one of these idiots can't fix that without a lot of compassion training or having to really deal with some issue similarly.
  • You can fix fat, but you can't fix ugly....and you can't fix stupid either, lol.

    Don't let one person get to you! And like others said....enjoy the look on his face after you "fix fat."

    I wish you the best! You are definately in the right place!
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Thank you, everyone .. it was just such a weird, surreal moment to actually have someone vocalize my weight out loud. I'm fortunate that I've gone this long without someone bullying or taunting my weight (I got through all of junior high and high school without, thank goodness) but it felt odd that the very month I begin actively and aggressively fighting my weight, this is said.

    I appreciate all of your support so much. And all of the laughs. :laugh: You are all amazing people. I really shouldn't let it get to me as much as I have. He's not worth my time and I know it!

    Stronger by Kelly Clarkson came on in the car as I left work. God's way of telling me something I guess, haha. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. :bigsmile:
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    :noway: i swear...people are so horrible!!

    Next time you see him tell him that "you could get rid of your big *kitten* but he cant get rid of his dumb *kitten*"

    That or " I wont always be, as you call it "a fatty", but you will always be prick!"

    This, along with the laxative and other comebacks, totally turned my day around. :laugh: Thanks, I'll remember that! :tongue:
  • WoW you should be PROUD of yourself!!! Because if it was me, he would have had to look around for his teeth!!! LMAO (NO JOKE) I seriously would have lost all of my God given senses and kick him in the sweets haha but, I agree with the rest of all these GOOD people, dont let one ugly simple minded bafoon ruin your day!!! SMILE!!!

    Love it! And agreed. I don't think he would have gotten the statement out of his mouth before I kicked the crap out of him.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Thank you, everyone .. it was just such a weird, surreal moment to actually have someone vocalize my weight out loud. I'm fortunate that I've gone this long without someone bullying or taunting my weight (I got through all of junior high and high school without, thank goodness) but it felt odd that the very month I begin actively and aggressively fighting my weight, this is said.

    I appreciate all of your support so much. And all of the laughs. :laugh: You are all amazing people. I really shouldn't let it get to me as much as I have. He's not worth my time and I know it!

    Stronger by Kelly Clarkson came on in the car as I left work. God's way of telling me something I guess, haha. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. :bigsmile:

    Take up boxing and picture his face in the heavy bag when you practice. Burn calories and get that anger out. DOUBLE WIN!

    AND if he says it again, you'll have your right hook down to a science by then.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I’m so sorry you had to endure that. That was nothing less than cruel, joking or not. But use that insult as a motivational piece on reaching your goals.

    I, too, have never been called fat and have never lacked in attention from both sexes and that's part of the reason I waited so long before I ever attempted to lose weight.

    Anytime you feel like stopping, think of his words today and keep going.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    I'm so sorry that happened to you. You're on the path to reclaiming your health and nothing else matters. When the air gets knocked out if me like that it always takes a while to hit the reset button. Be kind to yourself. Don't take what he said, his ugliness, on as yours. If this helps, once the reset comes, write him a letter. It doesn't matter if you give it to him or not. You can burn it if you want. Write him about what happened, how you felt in that exact moment and what it felt like after. End it with a request to never speak to you that way again and exactly what you plan to do if he does. I know this sounds silly but I promise, this is so helpful and healing. My heart is with you.
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    Let's all show up and sit on him. Then punch him in the knee caps and sit on him again.
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member're so not a fatty at all. what an *kitten*. i would suggest you don't give him the time of day again!
  • CJuliaV
    CJuliaV Posts: 34 Member
    He's horrible. And dead to you.

    This is who HE is -- a crap *kitten* person. and you are one in a long line of people he has offended. and other people know it. including your boss. He will go nowhere. you will do everything you want. it is not you. it is him. just sucks he made you feel bad.

    Actually, I really like the post two above mine about sitting on him, punching his knee caps and sitting on him again, particulalry bc it is accompanied by such a sweet looking photo!