Do you belong to MFP secretly?



  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    None. The reason is simple: my family is keeping me uncomfortable all the time especially when it comes to posting my pics showing my abs & that I can't freely express myself so adding them here won't be healthy on my part.
  • DaBigChief
    DaBigChief Posts: 146
    No one knows. I use MFP to talk about weightloss and healthy eating. My family is tired of hearing about it so this is my outlet.
  • olivetree_
    olivetree_ Posts: 75 Member
    It's a secret. I don't even go by my real name here, tbh. "Hanna" has been one of my "alter-egos" since grade 5. Reason I'm secret.... It's embarrassing for me because my friends and most of my family (esp. my brother) wouldn't really understand. My friends do know, though, that I'm aware of my calorie-intake. They think it's weird and that it's unhealthy to count calories and I shouldn't do it... Things that are related to health and fitness, I can't talk to them about. And my family is honestly way too lazy to be interested. Except for my brother, but we don't get along.
  • apedinger
    apedinger Posts: 57
    Not here...everyone I run across knows about MFP after all the success I have had!
  • melodymist
    melodymist Posts: 43 Member
    I wouldn't say it was secret but I kept it to myself until ppl started asking me what I was 'doing' to lose weight. If someone asks, I tell them

    Same here :)
  • Nkabzin36
    Nkabzin36 Posts: 15 Member
    Few co-workers and a couple of friends knows
  • Insangelous
    Insangelous Posts: 33
    no one knows.
  • MammaKess
    MammaKess Posts: 6
    I have a friend at work, we are losing weight together, that just started on MFP. But I wouldn't call it a secret, if someone asked I would tell them. Like many others, I really don't want my FB "family" to creep on me here either! LOL
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    My family know and my close friends. I'm proud of any weight loss and to boost my motivation i'll put it on fb but they don't know I use MFP I don't think.

    Tried to encourage my step daughter to use it she's about 25 stone and does nothing! And I mean nothing! She whines constantly that she's obese but she won't work, makes her husband (he's a stick! BTW) do everything and eats crap. She asks me how I lost my weight (I did lose 56lbs at one stage) and I told her a balanced diet with moderate excercise with minimal unhealthy snacks! But she still hasn't done anything 12 months after asking me and she's been told repeatedly by the doctors that her organs are starting to fail because of her weight they said she'll be lucky to reach 35 she was 34 last month! :frown:
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Considering I met my fiance on this it's not a secret :laugh: :laugh:
  • ElizaGeorge
    ElizaGeorge Posts: 140 Member
    Considering I met my fiance on this it's not a secret :laugh: :laugh:

    That's so awesome!!
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    I tell everyone and suggest they try it. I've gotten the BF and his mom hooked on it. =) I always talk about my current obsession and MFP is it.
  • violabeatle
    violabeatle Posts: 87 Member
    A few friends, my boyfriend, and my mom know I am here. Most of my friends know I'm using "a site to track food" but don't know which one.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My husband and kids know, as well as a few friends who happen to be on here. That's it though. I am not one to post every bite, every pound or every workout on facebook. This is for me and they figured out I was doing something when they noticed I was shrinking. Those who really want to know I tell.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Considering I met my fiance on this it's not a secret :laugh: :laugh:

    That's so awesome!!

    Yes it is. Long distance relationship coming to a close in two weeks when we move in together!
  • ElizaGeorge
    ElizaGeorge Posts: 140 Member
    Considering I met my fiance on this it's not a secret :laugh: :laugh:

    That's so awesome!!

    Yes it is. Long distance relationship coming to a close in two weeks when we move in together!

    yeeeeah! amazing!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Nope I think everybody and their Momma knows I'm on MFP. I can be a regular spokesperson for them. My hubby knows my pals BAHAHAHAHAA
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    My wife knows, and I've mentioned it to co-workers. Some of my status updates end up on Twitter and Facebook. I'm also doing this for me, but I figure putting it out there at least a little is more incentive to stay on track.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    i don't tell anyone to avoid judgement. i tried to tell this to my wife and some few friends but i just got negative reaction. so decided to keep this to myself from then on
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    Yes, people know. I tell anyone who asks me how I lost weight about MFP. I think it's a great tool and it's helped me in so many ways.