Why the scale goes UP with a new workout program- MUST READ



  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    Bump, keeping this going for others to read. Especially for those who ask me why they are gaining instead of losing.
  • Cylinda30
    Cylinda30 Posts: 169 Member
    This is GOOD information. :smile:
  • durhamity
    durhamity Posts: 174 Member
    bump to read later!
  • emilynicole02
    emilynicole02 Posts: 355 Member
    thank you!
  • Joeyje3
    Joeyje3 Posts: 58 Member
    Nice read.. Thanks for sharing..
  • robston
    robston Posts: 67 Member
    Great Article.. I've ALWAYS heard this, but never truly understood..it has actually discouraged me from starting a workout regime in the past, because I KNEW I would see an increase, and I KNEW I could not take that discouragement at that time.. To hear it from a good source, and to know it does go away after about 2 weeks, that helps..I'll hang onto that knowledge.. THANKS
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Thank you for posting this, very helpful! I'm a week and a half in to getting back into my strength training....sore as all heck! And was actually feeling like I gained weight but resisted the urge to jump on the scale knowing that if I saw too much of a jump I would be discouraged. This article was a great motivator to help me hang in there!!!!!!
  • ElleBee615
    ElleBee615 Posts: 177
    Thanks for sharing!!
  • afritzler1
    afritzler1 Posts: 6
    :happy: This is so interesting and such a releif!!! I always hear "well honey muscle weighs more than fat" and i kno thats true but i always felt like there must be more to this mysterious weight gain! Man i feel tons better! Thanks fir sharin this!
  • lkarinal
    lkarinal Posts: 107
    A must read! Thanks for sharing
  • laurenr85
    laurenr85 Posts: 11
    Thank you for sharing this! So many people need to know this so they won't be discouraged when they get on the scale.
  • mebohan
    mebohan Posts: 46 Member
  • Por2gueseMama
    Por2gueseMama Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks for sharing def need to share this with my friends :D
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    thank u for rimind me againg every time i start a new workout i gain 3lb the first 2 weeks a week later im down 4lb lol is funny because i still get mad lol
  • khubcap
    khubcap Posts: 16
    I had no clue that is very interesting and will most def help me not feel discouraged at the beginning of something new :) thanks for sharing!!!
  • LikeNoOneElse84
    LikeNoOneElse84 Posts: 475 Member
    This is great! Thanks for sharing!
  • k1mcat
    k1mcat Posts: 68
    Thanks for posting this. I'll share as well. I started standing more at work (at least 50 % of my 12hr shifts). In addition, I've been using my breaks for short little walks. Well, the scale hasnt budged for a month or two, but that's okay. i feel better; I have increased stamina, I can feel the adaptation that the muscles in my legs have made. So, no "strenuous" exercise yet- just very small alterations in lifestyle - and my body is doing amazing things. Sure, I would love to excercise more (and I will). But for now this is working, even if the scale doesn't tell me so. 8o)
  • ronadams52
    ronadams52 Posts: 176 Member
    Delayed muscle onset soreness (DMOS) is still a work in progress as far as most credible research I have read concludes. One of the basic agreements seems to be muscle tearing primarily created by the eccentric movement of a repetition. However, from a personal training standpoint, my clients experience this after almost every workout session we do regardless of their personal fitness level or length of time they have been training. As a trainer I feel it is my job to make sure everyone is challenged to their fullest potential. We do this by recording their accomplishments and making sure that a progressive plan is incorporated into their future sessions. As a result of the experiences with clients, I would have to dispute a noticeable and sustained weight gain associated with DOMS because none of that occurs with my client base which includes all age groups and both genders.
  • shaymo10
    shaymo10 Posts: 134 Member
    Great info!
  • boys3girl1
    boys3girl1 Posts: 4