

  • 2BeHealthy4Life
    Hi! I am new to all this. Your post is very interesting to me. I have one question.....do I only watch my calories or do I still cout carbs and fat? Right now I am trying to keep my calories low, carbs low, fat low, and protein high. I have been doing this for 6 weeks and have lost 16 pounds. Does that sound good or could I have done better on the method you have suggested?

    ANSWER :

    Hello ... Conrats on your progress.
    Here are the macros suggested in most fitness magazines:
    Below is some information copied and pasted from Anewlucia whho started the group Eat More to Weigh Less:

    I make the following recommendations....Change the followiing in your MFP Goal settings under Custom:
    Carbs 40%
    Protein 30%
    Fat 30%
    Fiber 30
    Sodium 2500

    Everything I have read thus far in my journey suggests those macronutrient ratios. It forces you to eat more protein which is important for maintaining and building muscle. Break up your food inake too, eating small meals during the course of the day helps keep the body burning calories. Feel free to check out my diary "AnewLucia", it is open to the public. ***I didn't think it was necessary to say this, but have been asked...eating clean should go without saying because we all are trying to achieve a heathly lifestyle in general. However, we all have "loves" and this is about "living", so I also believe all things in moderation.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
  • mazza33
    mazza33 Posts: 123 Member
    bump :)
  • cancousins
    cancousins Posts: 23 Member
    I have been eating very low cal. (about 1100 a day) and burning about 500-800 cal through working out. I do agree you should eat higher than your BMR. However I have hypothyroidism and I am wondering if that lowers my BMR. If it does then do you think I should be eating lower?
    Also wondering this
  • 2BeHealthy4Life
    I have been eating very low cal. (about 1100 a day) and burning about 500-800 cal through working out. I do agree you should eat higher than your BMR. However I have hypothyroidism and I am wondering if that lowers my BMR. If it does then do you think I should be eating lower?

    Also wondering this

    ANSWER ..... Here is a very informative video on hypothyroidsim....Done by mfp pa Anewlucia wo started the group
    Eat More to Weigh Less......

  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
  • jlbjrs
    jlbjrs Posts: 1
    Hey all, I'm new to this site....what does it mean when ppl say "bump" on here?
  • biggirl1000
    biggirl1000 Posts: 189 Member
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    :smile: BUMP
  • cdarlene
    cdarlene Posts: 2 Member
    I am a post ( surgical ) menopausal 32 yr old woman and I have been plateaued for almost 2 mos :cry: .... No matter how hard I try nothing is working.... I just went to fitnessfrog.com and I am going to give this a try....Wish me luck ! I am desperate to get down to 150 lbs. ...I dont feel like myself and havent for a very long time! I used to be a very confident person and now ...WELL ...IM NOT ! Too many parts of my life are being affected and I need to do this...Thanks for all the info..:happy: .
  • sweetmommyofthree
    sweetmommyofthree Posts: 55 Member
    This is something I will have to try. I have been losing fine, but I am just waiting for the plateau to come..
  • Masq
    Masq Posts: 191 Member
    jlbjrs - Bump is used when you want to 'save' a thread to your My Topics... usually because you want to come back and read it later. :smile:
  • gogo0000
    gogo0000 Posts: 15 Member
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi, can someone please explain this to me.

    Mine is 2129 - but I don't understand how I can lose weight on this amount when I didn't even eat that much before trying to lose weight.

    The online calculator thing isn't really custom fit to each individual. My guess is that it takes average and do some math on those numbers. It could be your actual number is totally different. I like the idea of the other poster did. She wore a HRM from the moment she jumps out the bed and until she goes to sleep. She actually captured how many calories she burned for real. I think I am gonna try this method to figure it out.
  • plinke
    plinke Posts: 9
    BUMP...and thanks!
  • beckie4442
    beckie4442 Posts: 132
    Bump, interesting...... will check it out.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    ... I am stuck in a 4 month plateau. Losing some inches, but no pounds.

    Is it considered a plateau if you are losing inches? Isn't getting smaller the goal? By that I mean, weight loss is a good way to measure that you are getting smaller, but if your weight isn't moving but you are still losing inches, is that a bad thing?? I'd rather see that kind of progress than to lose weight but not inches.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
  • desert_rhino
    desert_rhino Posts: 104 Member
    I net about 500 calories a day usually, eating like 800-1100 and sport, and I refuse to eat more then 1200 so if i ate 1200 would it work similarly??... ahh

    Why do you refuse to eat above 1200?

    Indeed. That's kind of messed-up. Sounds like someone dead-set on working themselves into starvation/terrible health/eating disorder. (Even if the net IS 700... that's STILL ridiculous!)