Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? Share your experiences!!



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Oh, I have plenty. Actually have a Paranormal Investigation team. :)

    Oooh, can I come too? :D:D
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    And two people, one an avowed atheist, experienced this at the same time, but it was a trick of the mind?

    Interesting. Arrogant thought, but interesting.

    I won't apologize for sounding arrogant, I'm not trying to honestly but I can see how it may come across this way and Fcck it, it's my own opinion and I totally respect your beliefs in this stuff, but for me I just don't think any of it is real, why YOU, why Only certain people!! WHY ISN'T THIS a WORLD WIDE UNIVERSALLY WIDE REACHING PHENOMENON THAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE? IF GHOST ARE CAPABLE OF APPEARING OR AFFECTING OUR PHYSICAL WORLD THAN WHY NOT REACH OUT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE.
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I love reading these.. I'v had a couple of things happen that I couldn't explain, but not really sure I could call it spirits.

    The first happened when I was 19 (15 years ago) and working for a dental office in my hometown. The building we were located out of had originally been a morge, but over the years (50 or so) it had been remodled and sectioned off into retail stores and other type of offices. The building was so old, that the elavtor in it (not for customers, just tennats to go to storage areas), was operated by pulling a rope. The office was closed every Friday, but I still went in to deep clean the rooms and finish up other work that wasn't completed during the week as far as billing and confirming appointments for the next week. Never bothered me being there by myself, I actually enjoyed it. One Friday, it just felt off when I walked into the office.. as if someone else was there. I called out and no one answered so I did a walk through and checked all the doors to make sure they were locked and they all were. I just couldn't shake the feeling. My deep cleaning was almost done, all I had left to do was vacuum... so I had started at the back and would finish at the front of the building. As I came out of one of the rooms I caught someone out of the corner of my eye. I jumped at least 5 feet off the ground. There was this little old man standing there, wearing a bow tie, hat and sport coat. He said he was sorry, that he didn't mean to scare me.. he just had a couple of questions about the building. I'm just stunned and just try and answer as best I can (don't even remember what the questions were). After a couple of minutes he smiled and thanked me and said he would leave now. He walked over the side door (which isn't how people off the street enter the building) opened it and walked off. I stood there for a minute or so trying to compose myself, then walked over to lock the door back that he just walked out of (I had the keys in my pocket for the deadbolt) and the door was locked. I finish vacuuming and try to get the rest of my stuff done. About that time, a lady with her two kids are knocking on the front door. I walked up to the door and told her the office was closed and she asked if she could just come in and make her kids appointment. After what had just happened I thought, "Yes, please come in so I'm not here by myself". I went over to the computer and tried pulling her two son's names up in the computer to schedule their appointment and couldn't find them anywhere. I told her I was sorry and asked her again if they had been here before and she looked at me and said. "Well, to tell you the truth.. my boys don't see the dentist here.. I just felt I needed to come in here and talk to you. You've had a strange day haven't you". I just look at her and my mouth drops open and start to ask her what she was talking about.. Before I could she looked at me and smiled and said "Happy birthday, I can sense that your birthday is soon (it was the next day). I just want you to know, that everything is going to be okay. You are a good person, and even though you aren't where you want to be right now.. it will work out". I must have looked terrifed because she then told me that she was sorry and didn't mean to scare me and that she would leave now. After she left I called the office manager and told her all that had happened and she told me to leave for the day. That was the last Friday that I ever worked by myself.

    The other was when my youngest was only a few weeks old. I was home on maternity leave and about to take a shower. My newborn was in his bouncer seat in the bathroom, so I could pull the shower curtain back and check on him if needed. Before getting into the shower I took the blanket out of the baby's bouncer (because I'm paranoid and was worried he would pull it over his head). I stepped into the shower and relaized I needed a new bottle of shampoo, so I stepped back out to get the new bottle from under the sink. As I walk back to the shower, I see the banklet tucked over my son. I didn't think much of it and assumed I had meant to take the blanket off and forgot. So I took it back off and placed it beside him on the floor. Shower, then pull the curtain back to get my towel and notice the blanket not only tucked around my newborn, but a toy is placed beside him as well. No one else is home with us, it's just me and my youngest. I immediatly start tearing up, because this feeling just came over me and I could almost smell the cigar brand that my grandfather used to smoke. He passed when I was really young.. I just felt it was his way of acknowledging my sons.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Im not usually afraid of ghost. But one day I took a picture in my bathroom and this appeared


  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    And two people, one an avowed atheist, experienced this at the same time, but it was a trick of the mind?

    Interesting. Arrogant thought, but interesting.

    I won't apologize for sounding arrogant, I'm not trying to honestly but I can see how it may come across this way and Fcck it, it's my own opinion and I totally respect your beliefs in this stuff, but for me I just don't think any of it is real, why YOU, why Only certain people!! WHY ISN'T THIS a WORLD WIDE UNIVERSALLY WIDE REACHING PHENOMENON THAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE? IF GHOST ARE CAPABLE OF APPEARING OR AFFECTING OUR PHYSICAL WORLD THAN WHY NOT REACH OUT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE.

    It seems maybe it only happens to people who already believe in ghosts. I had a childhood friend who lived in an old house try to claim his house was haunted. Yet nothing ever happened when I would visit. How convenient.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My son is 2.5 and I’ve always felt he was spiritual. He’s just never felt alone to me. I realize that children stare of randomly and what not, but from the time he recognized faces and started to smile at them until he was about 18 months old my son would stop in the middle of whatever he was doing and stare off with the same look he would give when he was focusing on us and smile the biggest smile. Usually it was accompanied by a giggle. I’ve had people tell me that my grandmother looks out for him, but either way I feel like he’s never alone.
    I haven’t had my own experiences and I probably would pee myself if I did. When my husband (who was always a skeptic) was in college he and his buddies rented a house and M got the basement room. He told me once that the *kitten* that went on down there was so scary he wouldn’t repeat the stories because he didn’t want to relive it. He’d rather sleep on the beer and whatnot stained couch than in his room, and would only sleep in his room when he was too f’ed up for anything to wake him.
    Seeing as I know more people who are believers than who are not, and a belief in a spirit world has been consistent across most cultures, I don’t think twice about acknowledging this as a part of things. Maybe it’s a person’s actual spirit, maybe it the energy left behind related to a person/thing, maybe it’s our overactive imaginations. What I know is what I believe, and I believe it because there are occurrences for which any other explanation is more absurd than simply believing.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Im not usually afraid of ghost. But one day I took a picture in my bathroom and this appeared


    Now THAT'S SCARY! Time to get the Anti-ghpst spray out of my Batman utility belt.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    It seems maybe it only happens to people who already believe in ghosts. I had a childhood friend who lived in an old house try to claim his house was haunted. Yet nothing ever happened when I would visit. How convenient.

    accually no... I believe in them, but I go to the so called haunted places... and nothing.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    And two people, one an avowed atheist, experienced this at the same time, but it was a trick of the mind?

    Interesting. Arrogant thought, but interesting.

    I won't apologize for sounding arrogant, I'm not trying to honestly but I can see how it may come across this way and Fcck it, it's my own opinion and I totally respect your beliefs in this stuff, but for me I just don't think any of it is real, why YOU, why Only certain people!! WHY ISN'T THIS a WORLD WIDE UNIVERSALLY WIDE REACHING PHENOMENON THAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE? IF GHOST ARE CAPABLE OF APPEARING OR AFFECTING OUR PHYSICAL WORLD THAN WHY NOT REACH OUT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE.

    It seems maybe it only happens to people who already believe in ghosts. I had a childhood friend who lived in an old house try to claim his house was haunted. Yet nothing ever happened when I would visit. How convenient.

    Well, in my husband's case he wasn't a beliver until he lived with something pretty nasty in his college home . . . and no, it wasn't a woman.
  • mrmoustache
    mrmoustache Posts: 17
    My mom died in August of last year in our home. At about 3 AM one night, I woke up to the sound of the vigorous shaking of my locked bedroom door. I went to open it and there was no one there. I even checked around the house to see if any windows were open, just in case it was the wind. None of them were open, but I closed the door and never heard the shaking again that night.

    Another time, I went into my dad's bedroom to get something. The only light he has in his room is a lamp on the desk, so I turned that on to find a framed picture of his new girlfriend. I laughed and said, "Wow, I bet you don't like that, Mom." Immediately, the lamp started flickering.

    Another thing I find interesting is that she and my dog died around the same time, so we threw their ashes out to sea together. He was a white chihuahua that never left her side, and I've frequently seen two butterflies: a monarch and a small white one. Mostly, they're in the backyard, and I have seen the same pair once at a family dinner at my grandma's house, but amazingly, I once saw them encircling our boat while we were out at sea.

    These experiences have forever changed my religious beliefs and my beliefs concerning spirits. Believe if you want to.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    And two people, one an avowed atheist, experienced this at the same time, but it was a trick of the mind?

    Interesting. Arrogant thought, but interesting.

    I won't apologize for sounding arrogant, I'm not trying to honestly but I can see how it may come across this way and Fcck it, it's my own opinion and I totally respect your beliefs in this stuff, but for me I just don't think any of it is real, why YOU, why Only certain people!! WHY ISN'T THIS a WORLD WIDE UNIVERSALLY WIDE REACHING PHENOMENON THAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE? IF GHOST ARE CAPABLE OF APPEARING OR AFFECTING OUR PHYSICAL WORLD THAN WHY NOT REACH OUT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE.

    I believe because I've experienced it. And I don't think every weird thing can be explained by the spiritual world. When the boyfriend and I first lived together, one night I swear I saw a HUGE spider coming down on a web from the ceiling right toward my face. Scared me so bad, I jumped out of bed and threw on the light. No spider.

    Obviously, it was a dream/night terror. I was wide awake, but I didn't then and don't now think it was anything but my mind. Even the incident I talked about in this thread about my grandfather tapping my ankles I believed was a dream until my mother told me that was how he used to wake her up in the mornings. I never knew that until she said it. Could be a coincidence. Who knows?

    But other things have happened in my life that can't be explained as dreaming or the mind playing tricks and they have happened while I was wide awake in the middle of the day or early evening just hanging out.

    I can't explain the why some and not others. But as I said before, I am not so arrogant as to believe that we, us puny humans, know all there is to know about the universe, the afterlife (if there is one -- and I believe there is) or anything else.

    I think the "world is flat and the center of the universe" argument is relevant in a way: People believed that until science showed them otherwise. Who's to say someday science won't show that there are ghosts? Just because it hasn't yet? And maybe it never will. Maybe those things are beyond science.

    It's OK with me if people don't believe. Honestly, it is. But please quit telling me that what I have experienced and people I know have experienced never happened.

    And, also, maybe you have experienced it and explained away what you experienced as something else. If you refuse to accept that you experienced a supernatural thing, then you will believe you didn't. You will explain it away as you and several others are doing in this thread.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    Yeah no doubt. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was convinced my infant son was on the other side of the bed and about to fall off. I dove across the bed to catch him and landed on my wife and started panicking that he was about to fall on the floor. Then another time I woke up in the middle of the night and cradling my arms and was convinced I was holding my son, and my wife had to repeatedly tell me I wasn't and that he was in his bedroom sleeping. In both of these two cases was it a ghost that was pretending to be a baby, NO it was my brain overly stressed about raising a child and causing hallucinations.

    Did your wife also see the baby? And was the baby ACTUALLY THERE? Because in the case I'm talking about, two people saw it and the blankets and sheets were actually off the bed and leading down the stairs. It wasn't an illusion and therefore your little example up there is apples to my oranges. But nice try.

    So are you 100% convinced that you had a supernatural experience with this blanket and sheets incident? Should I take your word as evidence given that I haven't observed any activity that could even remotely be paranormal in my entire life?

    Since it didn't happen to me, no I'm not convinced *I* had an experience. But I've known the people who did for a very long time and I lived in their house for several months and I believe they had a supernatural experience.

    And like I said in my last post, perhaps you did observe and experience something supernatural and have chosen to explain it away as something else. Or not.

    Either way, I never ate liver but that doesn't mean other people don't. I have never been in the same room as Jon bon Jovi, but I believe he exists. I've never been inside a Mormon temple, but when my Mormon friend tells me what it looks like inside, I believe her. Do you only believe in things you've personally experienced?
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    And two people, one an avowed atheist, experienced this at the same time, but it was a trick of the mind?

    Interesting. Arrogant thought, but interesting.

    I won't apologize for sounding arrogant, I'm not trying to honestly but I can see how it may come across this way and Fcck it, it's my own opinion and I totally respect your beliefs in this stuff, but for me I just don't think any of it is real, why YOU, why Only certain people!! WHY ISN'T THIS a WORLD WIDE UNIVERSALLY WIDE REACHING PHENOMENON THAT HAPPENS TO EVERYONE? IF GHOST ARE CAPABLE OF APPEARING OR AFFECTING OUR PHYSICAL WORLD THAN WHY NOT REACH OUT TO ANYONE AND EVERYONE.

    I believe because I've experienced it. And I don't think every weird thing can be explained by the spiritual world. When the boyfriend and I first lived together, one night I swear I saw a HUGE spider coming down on a web from the ceiling right toward my face. Scared me so bad, I jumped out of bed and threw on the light. No spider.

    Obviously, it was a dream/night terror. I was wide awake, but I didn't then and don't now think it was anything but my mind. Even the incident I talked about in this thread about my grandfather tapping my ankles I believed was a dream until my mother told me that was how he used to wake her up in the mornings. I never knew that until she said it. Could be a coincidence. Who knows?

    But other things have happened in my life that can't be explained as dreaming or the mind playing tricks and they have happened while I was wide awake in the middle of the day or early evening just hanging out.

    I can't explain the why some and not others. But as I said before, I am not so arrogant as to believe that we, us puny humans, know all there is to know about the universe, the afterlife (if there is one -- and I believe there is) or anything else.

    I think the "world is flat and the center of the universe" argument is relevant in a way: People believed that until science showed them otherwise. Who's to say someday science won't show that there are ghosts? Just because it hasn't yet? And maybe it never will. Maybe those things are beyond science.

    It's OK with me if people don't believe. Honestly, it is. But please quit telling me that what I have experienced and people I know have experienced never happened.

    And, also, maybe you have experienced it and explained away what you experienced as something else. If you refuse to accept that you experienced a supernatural thing, then you will believe you didn't. You will explain it away as you and several others are doing in this thread.

    I appreciate the tone of this response, I agree that we all explain our experiences in our own ways, supernatural or science... I would be very very excited about science finally breaking into supernatural space. I believe that supernatural phenomenon already exist in our real world, in Quantum sub particle space, entanglement phenomenon, and heisenburgs uncertainty experiments, and especially the double slit photon experiment. amazing stuff. Also, the experiences of hallucinegenic users of DMT are also very interesting.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    Yeah no doubt. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was convinced my infant son was on the other side of the bed and about to fall off. I dove across the bed to catch him and landed on my wife and started panicking that he was about to fall on the floor. Then another time I woke up in the middle of the night and cradling my arms and was convinced I was holding my son, and my wife had to repeatedly tell me I wasn't and that he was in his bedroom sleeping. In both of these two cases was it a ghost that was pretending to be a baby, NO it was my brain overly stressed about raising a child and causing hallucinations.

    Did your wife also see the baby? And was the baby ACTUALLY THERE? Because in the case I'm talking about, two people saw it and the blankets and sheets were actually off the bed and leading down the stairs. It wasn't an illusion and therefore your little example up there is apples to my oranges. But nice try.

    So are you 100% convinced that you had a supernatural experience with this blanket and sheets incident? Should I take your word as evidence given that I haven't observed any activity that could even remotely be paranormal in my entire life?

    Since it didn't happen to me, no I'm not convinced *I* had an experience. But I've known the people who did for a very long time and I lived in their house for several months and I believe they had a supernatural experience.

    And like I said in my last post, perhaps you did observe and experience something supernatural and have chosen to explain it away as something else. Or not.

    Either way, I never ate liver but that doesn't mean other people don't. I have never been in the same room as Jon bon Jovi, but I believe he exists. I've never been inside a Mormon temple, but when my Mormon friend tells me what it looks like inside, I believe her. Do you only believe in things you've personally experienced?

    Ok so now your story is even less believable because its the testimony of somebody that isn't even you.

    If I experienced something and explained it away, then whatever I experienced could reasonably be explained by my understanding of the laws of physics. So if something supernatural happened to me, I'd never know because it wasn't all that extraordinary to me.

    I only believe things that can be observed first hand, backed up by science, or even objective third parties. Nobody questions whether mormon temples exist or that Bon Jovi exists, but plenty of people question the existence of ghosts or any paranormal activity whatsoever. Nice poor analogy.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    It seems maybe it only happens to people who already believe in ghosts. I had a childhood friend who lived in an old house try to claim his house was haunted. Yet nothing ever happened when I would visit. How convenient.

    accually no... I believe in them, but I go to the so called haunted places... and nothing.

    Agreed, because alternately I didn't believe when I first experienced ghosts.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i have many actual experiences, but i dont normally share, because nobody believes me :blushing:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    Yeah no doubt. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was convinced my infant son was on the other side of the bed and about to fall off. I dove across the bed to catch him and landed on my wife and started panicking that he was about to fall on the floor. Then another time I woke up in the middle of the night and cradling my arms and was convinced I was holding my son, and my wife had to repeatedly tell me I wasn't and that he was in his bedroom sleeping. In both of these two cases was it a ghost that was pretending to be a baby, NO it was my brain overly stressed about raising a child and causing hallucinations.

    Did your wife also see the baby? And was the baby ACTUALLY THERE? Because in the case I'm talking about, two people saw it and the blankets and sheets were actually off the bed and leading down the stairs. It wasn't an illusion and therefore your little example up there is apples to my oranges. But nice try.

    So are you 100% convinced that you had a supernatural experience with this blanket and sheets incident? Should I take your word as evidence given that I haven't observed any activity that could even remotely be paranormal in my entire life?

    Since it didn't happen to me, no I'm not convinced *I* had an experience. But I've known the people who did for a very long time and I lived in their house for several months and I believe they had a supernatural experience.

    And like I said in my last post, perhaps you did observe and experience something supernatural and have chosen to explain it away as something else. Or not.

    Either way, I never ate liver but that doesn't mean other people don't. I have never been in the same room as Jon bon Jovi, but I believe he exists. I've never been inside a Mormon temple, but when my Mormon friend tells me what it looks like inside, I believe her. Do you only believe in things you've personally experienced?

    Ok so now your story is even less believable because its the testimony of somebody that isn't even you.

    If I experienced something and explained it away, then whatever I experienced could reasonably be explained by my understanding of the laws of physics. So if something supernatural happened to me, I'd never know because it wasn't all that extraordinary to me.

    I only believe things that can be observed first hand, backed up by science, or even objective third parties. Nobody questions whether mormon temples exist or that Bon Jovi exists, but plenty of people question the existence of ghosts or any paranormal activity whatsoever. Nice poor analogy.
    Plenty of people also believe the US government faked the moon landing, too. Plenty of people believe the earth is only 5,000 years old.
  • rklein71
    rklein71 Posts: 112 Member
    My son is 2.5 and I’ve always felt he was spiritual. He’s just never felt alone to me. I realize that children stare of randomly and what not, but from the time he recognized faces and started to smile at them until he was about 18 months old my son would stop in the middle of whatever he was doing and stare off with the same look he would give when he was focusing on us and smile the biggest smile. Usually it was accompanied by a giggle. I’ve had people tell me that my grandmother looks out for him, but either way I feel like he’s never alone.
    I haven’t had my own experiences and I probably would pee myself if I did. When my husband (who was always a skeptic) was in college he and his buddies rented a house and M got the basement room. He told me once that the *kitten* that went on down there was so scary he wouldn’t repeat the stories because he didn’t want to relive it. He’d rather sleep on the beer and whatnot stained couch than in his room, and would only sleep in his room when he was too f’ed up for anything to wake him.
    Seeing as I know more people who are believers than who are not, and a belief in a spirit world has been consistent across most cultures, I don’t think twice about acknowledging this as a part of things. Maybe it’s a person’s actual spirit, maybe it the energy left behind related to a person/thing, maybe it’s our overactive imaginations. What I know is what I believe, and I believe it because there are occurrences for which any other explanation is more absurd than simply believing.

    When my daughter was little, around the same age of 2 or so, she would talk about things that happened when she was big, with her other mom. She live in Hawaii, her boyfriend died in a car accident, the flowers were pretty... weird things for a 2 year old to talk about. She would also be playing and just stop and say "_____________ just died" naming a person I had never heard of. One night she was in bed and I could hear her in there talking away, so I went in and told her she had to go to sleep. She told me she was just telling her babies about her day. I said she needed to tell her babies about her day before bedtime. She said, "I can't, Mommy, they only talk to me when it's dark." She did this stuff all the time. My friends said she gave them the creeps! She grew out of it by about 4 or so and does not remember anything.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    ghost exist.... in your mind. It is the individual person's neurological wiring that allows them to interpret unexplained external stimuli or random neural mis-firing as mystical, religious, UFO, spiritual or any other metaphysical supernatural phenomenon.

    psychics, horoscopes, mystics, miracle healers and other pseudoscience practices in my opinion take advantage of peoples' hopes and lack of scientific awareness.

    Explain how people's minds, while they are sound asleep, use blankets and sheets to make a trail to lead the wakeful minds to a fire danger.

    Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    The Human brain is a remarkable organ capable of the extraordinary... the sleep state even more mysterious, there is plenty of natural biological phenomenon that goes on neurologically that can be attributed to a given experience, no need to call it paranormal, psychic or supernatural. I'm not a PhD on this *kitten* and I won't pretend I can break it down to you, but all I know is, the easiest explanation is usually the best. I'm not saying this is how it went down but check it: you have a neurological condition similar to sleep walking, or are taking Ambien which many people have been known to make phone calls, cook or even have sex while asleep and appear to be awake. a danger of some kind is detected by your brain via smell/odor receptors and your brain activates the necessary motor mechanisms to create an escape.

    Yeah no doubt. One time I woke up in the middle of the night and was convinced my infant son was on the other side of the bed and about to fall off. I dove across the bed to catch him and landed on my wife and started panicking that he was about to fall on the floor. Then another time I woke up in the middle of the night and cradling my arms and was convinced I was holding my son, and my wife had to repeatedly tell me I wasn't and that he was in his bedroom sleeping. In both of these two cases was it a ghost that was pretending to be a baby, NO it was my brain overly stressed about raising a child and causing hallucinations.

    Did your wife also see the baby? And was the baby ACTUALLY THERE? Because in the case I'm talking about, two people saw it and the blankets and sheets were actually off the bed and leading down the stairs. It wasn't an illusion and therefore your little example up there is apples to my oranges. But nice try.

    So are you 100% convinced that you had a supernatural experience with this blanket and sheets incident? Should I take your word as evidence given that I haven't observed any activity that could even remotely be paranormal in my entire life?

    Since it didn't happen to me, no I'm not convinced *I* had an experience. But I've known the people who did for a very long time and I lived in their house for several months and I believe they had a supernatural experience.

    And like I said in my last post, perhaps you did observe and experience something supernatural and have chosen to explain it away as something else. Or not.

    Either way, I never ate liver but that doesn't mean other people don't. I have never been in the same room as Jon bon Jovi, but I believe he exists. I've never been inside a Mormon temple, but when my Mormon friend tells me what it looks like inside, I believe her. Do you only believe in things you've personally experienced?

    Ok so now your story is even less believable because its the testimony of somebody that isn't even you.

    If I experienced something and explained it away, then whatever I experienced could reasonably be explained by my understanding of the laws of physics. So if something supernatural happened to me, I'd never know because it wasn't all that extraordinary to me.

    I only believe things that can be observed first hand, backed up by science, or even objective third parties. Nobody questions whether mormon temples exist or that Bon Jovi exists, but plenty of people question the existence of ghosts or any paranormal activity whatsoever. Nice poor analogy.
    Plenty of people also believe the US government faked the moon landing, too. Plenty of people believe the earth is only 5,000 years old.

    Yeah and you go through the evidence of both sides and decide what to believe from there. A while back I looked into the evidence of a 9/11 conspiracy and found a pretty un-compelling case so and decided to go with the official account on that one.

    When it comes to ghosts its a no-brainer to me. Zero first hand experience, zero science, and zero trustworthy objective third parties who can validate any claims.
  • tlynnclemmons
    tlynnclemmons Posts: 79 Member
    my experiences, if told here, would surely get me flamed by the devout religious people.

    I would rather only speak about them in a non-judgemental environment.

    I'm with you on this one! my husband and I have had tons of experiences in the last 17 years & before my dad passed away we discussed him trying to communicate with me after he was gone (had bladder cancer that spread to his brain so we knew it was coming) - he lived up to what he said he would do and within minutes of his passing he was letting me and all the nurses in his hospital room know he was still around. They were a little freaked out - me on the other hand had to smile through the tears because I knew it was him. Some things have freaked me out a little but for the most part i'm extremely happy whenever my dad or my husbands sister "visits" us.