Looking for Feminist Friends



  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I'm black, and I'm a feminist. Womanism is there, but like you've presented, most of it's founders are just.. really angry. I find it counterproductive. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the minority rights kitchen(kitchen!?! hah) but our problem is MUCH more internal at this point in the US. Self hate abound, and no one has been actively feeding that fire. WE keep it alive. And so very few of us even care about the issues, so involved with distractions of our own making. Yes, black men have different problems than black women who have different problems than white women.. but I don't find it productive to separate from both groups out of spite, which to me (correct me if I'm wrong) seems the core of womanism.

    I think this is kind of the core of my issue with "feminism" or any other kind of "ism", really. It seeks to separate people into groups and grant them "rights" based on belonging to said group. How about, "everyone is human so let's just treat them all the same"ism?

    This is a movement I can get behind!

    Another convert!! Woohoo!!!

    Another point that was raised is the anger issue. I just...don't have the energy to be that angry all the time :laugh:

    I can be dedicated to a cause without being angry. So my cause is now "everyone is human so let's just treat them right and not spend all day being angry about it"ism!

    Do you think the "anti" people who came to this thread were angry when they either started going off on the posters or if they just simply started making fun of them and telling them that there was no reason for them to feel the way they do? Some people came to this thread to find like minded people where others just came to either be rude or make fun of them.

    To be perfectly honest, no they didn't seem angry at all. It seemed like people having some harmless fun. Iz wut we do here :laugh:

    Those comments were, however, met with a completely disproportionate anger, IMO.

    You think Cris is having harmless fun? You have a strange idea of what fun is.

    And while some people just simply made jokes, can you imagine if they made jokes against a Christian looking for other Christians to be friends with. Would that be okay? No it wouldn't. Or tried to, for no reason other than just because they felt threatened tell them how stupid their beliefs are.

    Some of you are only here to give people a hard time.

    Actually a lot of us do make jokes against the christians,and athiests. its called a joke
  • aleka1961
    aleka1961 Posts: 18
    Hi, Im new and this is the first time reading the message board. and i hope i dont read any anti-gay stuff because i am a proud lesbian!!
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    Feminist, liberal, and proud :D
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Totally agree! Feminist friend here.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    I'm a feminist, pro-equal rights and rather fun. Feel free to friend me. :D
  • kjdobie
    kjdobie Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with you totally and would love to be part of your supportative feminist community!
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I'm curious...of the women who consider themselves "feminists", what is it that makes you so? What's your definition of feminism?

    You took the words right out of my mouth! :)
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    Hi, Im new and this is the first time reading the message board. and i hope i dont read any anti-gay stuff because i am a proud lesbian!!

    yay high five .

    Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. In addition, feminism seeks to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist is a "person whose beliefs and behavior are based on feminism."
    Feminist theory, which emerged from these feminist movements, aims to understand the nature of gender inequality by examining women's social roles and lived experience; it has developed theories in a variety of disciplines in order to respond to issues such as the social construction of sex and gender. Some of the earlier forms of feminism have been criticized for taking into account only white, middle-class, educated perspectives. This led to the creation of ethnically-specific or multiculturalist forms of feminism.
    Feminist activists campaign for women's rights – such as in contract law, property, and voting – while also promoting bodily integrity, autonomy and reproductive rights for women. Feminist campaigns have changed societies, particularly in the West, by achieving women's suffrage, gender neutrality in English, equal pay for women, reproductive rights for women (including access to contraceptives and abortion), and the right to enter into contracts and own property. Feminists have worked to protect women and girls from domestic violence, sexual harassment, and sexual assault. They have also advocated for workplace rights, including maternity leave, and against forms of discrimination against women Feminism is mainly focused on women's issues, but because feminism seeks gender equality, some feminists argue that men's liberation is a necessary part of feminism, and that men are also harmed by sexism and gender roles.
    None above is derogatory concerning gay lesbian community. It is there for the good of all woman.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I love feminists! No-one does dishes and laundry as well as a feminist!!


    I'm a full time single dad and the biggest consumer of WhiteOut, Cascade,Palmolive and Tide. I clean entire house inside and out, toilets,tubs,showers, floors,carpets, ceiling fan blades,louvered blinds,dusting,iron, shop for groceries,clothes. I also trim hedges,cut grass,pressure wash house and driveway,fix cars,fix appliances,fix plumbing,electrical and paint. I take care of others needs parents, even X inlaws, my kids others kids. I go to movies,sporting events, school activities, help with studies, I also travel with daughter to take care of her needs while she is being recruited for fastpitch softball in college. Because I do these things does that make me a feminist? If so I must be getting in contact with my feminine side. Please!......Everybody needs to quit trying to be so politically correct and lighten up a bit. Laugh at things that people say instead of "OMG did you hear what he said, I am so offended". Get a life and quit complaining all the time like you are so high and mighty and do no wrong. lol......yes I hit you with the lol. If you complain about my response then we know what you really are and who you are and my reply hear is for you. PS Don't ya hate it when people copy and paste something like they wrote it?
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Feminist here. I don't believe in society created gender roles and everyone should be treated equal and with respect. We are all humans with desires, dreams and goals and should not be treated any less because of a sex we are.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    Whoa, lets not turn this into an attack on feminism, I don't think this thread is the place for that. I'll leave this thread after this comment so as to avoid further issues...

    Wait, what's that? You want to hear my views on feminism? Oh, ok. :wink:

    Personally, whilst I see there was a great need for the feminist uprising (labelled as such), I personally believe that this is an outdated term and just reinforces the mental image of an opressed woman trying desperately to seek independance and equality.

    Whilst I grant that this is still a valid plight in many parts of the world, I believe that the majority of users of this forum have cast aside the shackles of male oppression, and indeed have more power than us mere males in many aspects of life. I fully support equal right (including equal pay and opportunities etc) for women and men, but the tag of feminism is counterproductive to the cause in my humble opinion.

    There are a number of groups that are not given entirely equal rights in the world, including a range of ethnicities, and people from various religious and socio-ecomonic backgrounds. Surely we should be striving to be at a point in society where 'feminism' in its original sense is no longer relevant, but that we should instead be spruiking 'equal right for all'?

    Anyway, my 2c... hopefully I've demonstrated that I'm not some uneducated yokel, and that my comment was meant entirely as humerous and not malicious.

    I'm not sure you fully understand the meaning of the word from what I've gathered from your posts.

    You're right...he forgot passive/aggressive and narrow minded.

    Oh...and a definite requirement to have your sense of humor forcibly removed.

  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I love reverse discrimination. It's the reason why I got my teaching assistantship :wink:

    Actually, I don't agree with reverse discrimination at all (or any discrimination for that matter), which is often the outcome of these "movements." Two wrongs don't make a right. LEGIT equality for all plz.

    I felt really crummy when I found out I was hired ONLY because I was a women and not based on my credentials.:mad:

    Why would you take a job that you were not qualified for? I personally don't hate anyone, including men.

    What makes you think I wasn't qualified, hmm ? I was more than qualified, but when I signed my contract they told me, "We needed a girl and your application was the first one we grabbed that fit the bill."

    I was a guy they would not have hired me, and I don't think that's right.
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    I actually came into this thread as I believed myself to be a feminist. I served in the army for 7 years in Iraq and Afghan, and now work as a Construction Manager. I've fought for equality and been paid the same, if not more, than my male colleagues for the last 10 years (my WHOLE working life!) and been promoted above and beyond them in many instances. I'm independent, was educated at Oxford, am currently studying for my second degree and earn bloody good money for bossing men about all day and instructing them on how to build things. I've been widowed since my husband and daughter died when I was 21 and have accomplished everything I've done in my life as a single parent to my step-son. If none of that makes me strong and capable, I don't know what does.

    However, this thread has changed my mind. Yes, the women who initiated the fight for women's rights changed our lives for the better but all of you who still seem to think you're "fighting the war" just sound ridiculous. Maybe people should concentrate on themselves more instead of making up stupid needless groups to "support" them - if feminism is the fight for freedom for women, rest assured, mission has been accomplished - it couldn't get much better than this. Personally, all your moaning and griping makes you sound like victims and not very strong at all!

    Or maybe I just don't have a clue what your definition of feminism is?

    P. S. Feminist or not, I like my friends to come with a good sense of humour and an ability to banter so don't worry, I won't be adding most of the people in this thread :) And for the record, I thought some of Cris' and Rayman79's comments were friggin hilarious!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Feminist here. I don't believe in society created gender roles and everyone should be treated equal and with respect. We are all humans with desires, dreams and goals and should not be treated any less because of a sex we are.
    I double this statement
  • April4th
    April4th Posts: 140 Member
    I actually came into this thread as I believed myself to be a feminist. I served in the army for 7 years in Iraq and Afghan, and now work as a Construction Manager. I've fought for equality and been paid the same, if not more, than my male colleagues for the last 10 years (my WHOLE working life!) and been promoted above and beyond them in many instances. I'm independent, was educated at Oxford, am currently studying for my second degree and earn bloody good money for bossing men about all day and instructing them on how to build things. I've been widowed since my husband and daughter died when I was 21 and have accomplished everything I've done in my life as a single parent to my step-son. If none of that makes me strong and capable, I don't know what does.

    However, this thread has changed my mind. Yes, the women who initiated the fight for women's rights changed our lives for the better but all of you who still seem to think you're "fighting the war" just sound ridiculous. Maybe people should concentrate on themselves more instead of making up stupid needless groups to "support" them - if feminism is the fight for freedom for women, rest assured, mission has been accomplished - it couldn't get much better than this. Personally, all your moaning and griping makes you sound like victims and not very strong at all!

    Or maybe I just don't have a clue what your definition of feminism is?

    P. S. Feminist or not, I like my friends to come with a good sense of humour and an ability to banter so don't worry, I won't be adding most of the people in this thread :) And for the record, I thought some of Cris' and Rayman79's comments were friggin hilarious!

    Nicely put.
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    I love feminists! No-one does dishes and laundry as well as a feminist!! :laugh: :wink:


    I think your funny!
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I was going to major in gender studies back in college, but then I realized that I actually had to support myself after I graduated by getting a job, so I majored in engineering. I realized that, since I am a man, I couldn't get a worthless, self-aggrandizing degree like Gender Studies because I couldn't count on the patriarchy to support me, i.e. I couldn't count on finding a rich woman to marry and become a house-husband. So I majored in Engineering. My wife has a degree in womens issues though, so I still support you feminists though! Keep up the good work.

    Ha! I realized the same thing. I've always had a very strong sense that the only person who can and will take care of me, is me. So I decided not to major in English (I'm not the teacher or the writer type), considered engineering but couldn't see myself at a computer all day, and became a physical therapist instead. What's funny is that I started as an athletic trainer, which is a male dominated field then went to PT school where my class was 45 women and 5 guys. I supported my ex-husband through his PhD, got divorced and split things fairly (just stuff, no cash pay out) and I work to support myself, take care of my house and have fun in the process.

    I don't label myself. I think women and men should have equal opportunity and should be evaluated on an individual basis for their achievements. I feel the same ray about all races, religions, political and sexual orientations. It would bother me to know I was hired or promoted over anyone because of my gender or race, just as it would bother me to know that I wasn't considered for a position due to my gender or race. Hey, maybe I'm just a PERSON-ist!

    I'm kinda sucky at laundry and dishes because I don't really like to do them, but I get them done... along with the yard work, vehicle maintenance and a lot of basic repairs about the house. If I can't handle it, I pay someone to do it.

    I surround myself with people who are supportive of me and who I can support back. Period. No BS or underhanded motives or oppression or taking advantage of anyone.

    If you look at the original post, she was just looking for a forum that was supportive and not bashing of anything. I'm not surprised it blew up to 12 pages of comments in 2 days. I think some of the sarcastic comments are funny, but I also think that the people who posted them had to know they'd get a backlash. I mean... if you're joking, say you're joking... don't expect people to read your mind ;-p Sarcasm is not that obvious in black and white text. That's what the emoticons are for :happy: :tongue: :wink: :flowerforyou:

    May peace, and the Force be with you all :wink: Go forth and prosper, or procreate, or whatever you feel is right and try not to run into each other too hard... it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt :tongue:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I actually came into this thread as I believed myself to be a feminist. I served in the army for 7 years in Iraq and Afghan, and now work as a Construction Manager. I've fought for equality and been paid the same, if not more, than my male colleagues for the last 10 years (my WHOLE working life!) and been promoted above and beyond them in many instances. I'm independent, was educated at Oxford, am currently studying for my second degree and earn bloody good money for bossing men about all day and instructing them on how to build things. I've been widowed since my husband and daughter died when I was 21 and have accomplished everything I've done in my life as a single parent to my step-son. If none of that makes me strong and capable, I don't know what does.

    However, this thread has changed my mind. Yes, the women who initiated the fight for women's rights changed our lives for the better but all of you who still seem to think you're "fighting the war" just sound ridiculous. Maybe people should concentrate on themselves more instead of making up stupid needless groups to "support" them - if feminism is the fight for freedom for women, rest assured, mission has been accomplished - it couldn't get much better than this. Personally, all your moaning and griping makes you sound like victims and not very strong at all!

    Or maybe I just don't have a clue what your definition of feminism is?

    P. S. Feminist or not, I like my friends to come with a good sense of humour and an ability to banter so don't worry, I won't be adding most of the people in this thread :) And for the record, I thought some of Cris' and Rayman79's comments were friggin hilarious!

    Nicely put.

  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    I actually came into this thread as I believed myself to be a feminist. I served in the army for 7 years in Iraq and Afghan, and now work as a Construction Manager. I've fought for equality and been paid the same, if not more, than my male colleagues for the last 10 years (my WHOLE working life!) and been promoted above and beyond them in many instances. I'm independent, was educated at Oxford, am currently studying for my second degree and earn bloody good money for bossing men about all day and instructing them on how to build things. I've been widowed since my husband and daughter died when I was 21 and have accomplished everything I've done in my life as a single parent to my step-son. If none of that makes me strong and capable, I don't know what does.

    However, this thread has changed my mind. Yes, the women who initiated the fight for women's rights changed our lives for the better but all of you who still seem to think you're "fighting the war" just sound ridiculous. Maybe people should concentrate on themselves more instead of making up stupid needless groups to "support" them - if feminism is the fight for freedom for women, rest assured, mission has been accomplished - it couldn't get much better than this. Personally, all your moaning and griping makes you sound like victims and not very strong at all!

    Or maybe I just don't have a clue what your definition of feminism is?

    P. S. Feminist or not, I like my friends to come with a good sense of humour and an ability to banter so don't worry, I won't be adding most of the people in this thread :) And for the record, I thought some of Cris' and Rayman79's comments were friggin hilarious!

    You, my dear, are the very definition of a strong woman. :flowerforyou:
  • LMiller81
    LMiller81 Posts: 92 Member
    THANK YOU FOR STARTNG THIS! Excellent / interesting dialog.
This discussion has been closed.