Hottest Geek/Nerd on MFP



  • numberscolors
    numberscolors Posts: 254
    I'm a sci fi/fantasy geek. GRRM, Orson Scott Card, Terry Pratchett, Niels Gaiman and Stephenson.... There's a lot of good books out there, and good television.

    Ahh.. Cryptonomicon

    This jogged my memory of another Epic author

    H.P. Lovecraft

  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    I digress... *wanders off to play SWTOR*

    People still play ToR?!

    I kid, I kid. It was good while I could afford three game subscriptions. :[
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Can I win this one?
  • CastleMadeOfSand
    CastleMadeOfSand Posts: 432 Member
    Can I win this one?

  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Are there any Ayn Rand or Heinlein geeks around?
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    well folks .. im going to have to tear myself away from the PC and all this nerdy / geeky goodness.. Yall have a good night and feel free to add me !
  • numberscolors
    numberscolors Posts: 254
    Any other horror movie geeks out here?
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    Are there any Ayn Rand or Heinlein geeks around?
    Atlas Shrugged was one of the best books out there !
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    Any other horror movie geeks out here?
    big fan of all things Resident Evil ... Zombies are awesome
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Orson Scott Card anyone ?

    Boom - just got you nominated

    Please. OSC's only decent work was Ender's Game. The rest of his shiznit was virtually unreadable. Take it up a notch with some Gravity's Rainbow: "A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now."

    Agreed Ender's Game was awesome - got lame for a bit, but then bounced back - did you hear they might be making a movie?
    They are filming now, with a pretty snazzy cast.

    Card admits, though, that it's not his movie. It's an adaptation, so we'll see.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Bet no one else has a FSM holiday sweater.

  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member
    Wait are we voting for geeks or nerds cause didn't someone say there's a difference? Either way I still nominate Corylda!!!

    By day I'm a instrumentation and combustion tech, by night i'm a super hero, does that make me a geek?
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Any other horror movie geeks out here?

    YES MA'AM!
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    and NOW im outta here LOL ... no more posts .. at least till later... feel free to add me
  • LoveAustralia
    LoveAustralia Posts: 33 Member
    Any other horror movie geeks out here?

    Not a horror movie but the original 'little shop of horrors' is fantastic!
  • Motivation
    Motivation Posts: 64 Member

    I completely forgot to sign up for the pass and missed out on that +1 to my mount achieve... eahhhh. I know, I played the beta for MoP for a bit and was so turned off by the glitching in the Pandaren starting zone. Not much was open for beta testing, either. I just did Kara today, acutally, trying to get my druid her transmog gloves for resto :) As for Ony... I just don't know if I can ever bring myself to going back in there... *shudder*

    BOO! That sucks you missed out on the pass. I figured I'd been playing since wow came out anyways so I might as well get it lol. Yeah, I completely agree. They need to take more of an approach like sony used to with everquest. They would put on events, send out server wide messages announcing that they wanted to test certain raids or instances then invite as necessary. The MoP beta feels way too restricted even for a beta with a template toon. I still have YET to get that stupid mount btw, It's super disappointing. Any luck with the gloves? At least she's not as bad as she was in vanilla, could be worse :D
  • mrf330
    mrf330 Posts: 19 Member
    Hmm. Am I a geek? Am I a nerd?

    *I'm a gamer
    *I have walls full of books
    *I've been a sci-fi/fantasy addict for as long as I can remember, and am a regular member of a sci-fi/fantasy group
    *I'm still pissed Firefly was cancelled
    *I'm also a huge anime fan
    *I'm a word-nut, technical writer
    *I've practically memorized the songs in Dr. Horrible
    *Did my Master's thesis on 'The Matrix'

    Either way, nerds and geeks are the coolest, sexiest people on the planet
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,796 Member
    All I know is that this is one great topic :)<3 me some MMORPGs, love to read historical books as well as biographies, all have some really great things about you it seems but I am diggin the sense of humor :heart:
  • MystiqueASAP
    MystiqueASAP Posts: 747
    Can I at least winbest nerd arms?

    Aren't you in the wrong thread? Shouldn't you be in the Hot Guy thread? :wink:
  • kayleesays
    kayleesays Posts: 564 Member
    Any other horror movie geeks out here?
    big fan of all things Resident Evil ... Zombies are awesome

    Walking Dead (both comic and show) and 28 Days/Weeks Later have disturbed me for life, in the best way.