Hottest Geek/Nerd on MFP



  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Book shelves are wall to wall in my home office, at last count I have over 780 books

    >:O I. Love. You. (Or of those two) ;)
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Im here... Start the party! LAN party?

    Only if it involved Diablo 3.

    D III would be awesome but... You have to be online and Only 4 people per game... :(

    D III is tons of fun! Havent' stopped playing

    No, no. It has to be like World of Warcraft FTW. Jk, jk.
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    Zombie fans anyone ?

    Right here. Right here.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Ive read the entire A Song of Ice & Fire saga......and I have a printed out map of Westeros

    hahahaha!! (edited to add: And I think that's awesome...)
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 93 Member
    I can recite every word to Weird Al Yankovic's White and Nerdy.....

    I listened to this like 4 times today at work. lol
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I can recite every word to Weird Al Yankovic's White and Nerdy.....

    I listened to this like 4 times today at work. lol

    Love! Love! Love!!
  • sarahsxt
    sarahsxt Posts: 66
    If it's Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire, or anything in league with those, I've read it.

    If it's a video game, online or offline, I'm probably better than you.

    And yes, I'll probably kick your butt at the gym as well!

    Is that the kind of nerdy we're talking about?
  • EowynWard
    EowynWard Posts: 9
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    Catching up on this thread from my blackberry while in the "oval office" lol
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Im here... Start the party! LAN party?

    Only if it involved Diablo 3.

    D III would be awesome but... You have to be online and Only 4 people per game... :(

    D III is tons of fun! Havent' stopped playing

    I've only had time to play for about 2 hours total, but my husband has been addicted since it came out. Such a fun game!
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    Any 8bit / video game soundtrack music fans out there? O.C. Remixed or one ups for instance
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I put Super Mario Brothers on my brand new laptop last week. I even played it with a USB controller in the airport.
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I put Super Mario Brothers on my brand new laptop last week. I even played it with a USB controller in the airport.
    I used to load game roms on my jailbroken ipod touch. Great way to waste time. Can't tell you how many hours were wasted playing castlevania
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I put Super Mario Brothers on my brand new laptop last week. I even played it with a USB controller in the airport.
    I used to load game roms on my jailbroken ipod touch. Great way to waste time. Can't tell you how many hours were wasted playing castlevania

    Way too fun! I really want an iPad for this, but I can't really afford to buy one just to play NES games... hehe
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I was in the marching band at Georgia Tech...surely this qualifies me...oh wait, you want hot nerds

    *kicks rocks*
  • Well I am the valedictorian at my school so I guess I qualify as a nerd lol, I guess I am in the running :)
  • jemontague
    jemontague Posts: 7 Member
    I'd throw my hat in the ring, but I'm obviously taken.

    My current look of the shaved head and full beard is inspired by Jeff Bridges in Iron Man. I think that's at least kinda nerdy.
  • steve1686
    steve1686 Posts: 346 Member
    well lets see
    -work in I.T.
    -play video games

    do i count?
  • darkknightfan
    darkknightfan Posts: 396 Member
    I put Super Mario Brothers on my brand new laptop last week. I even played it with a USB controller in the airport.
    I used to load game roms on my jailbroken ipod touch. Great way to waste time. Can't tell you how many hours were wasted playing castlevania

    Way too fun! I really want an iPad for this, but I can't really afford to buy one just to play NES games... hehe
    Kinda miss my ipod touch for the games. Went to a classic in favor of capacity. Havnt heard if ipads can be jailbroken or not.
  • Stompp
    Stompp Posts: 216
    I'm the "Alpha Nerd" in my group of nerds... true story...

    I used to think I was shy until I became a software developer...and met other developers...