Who all females carry most their weight in their stomach?



  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Yes the bigger pics did help!! :D And u look good from the back!! Especially if u continue the workouts :)
    I cant wait to be your weight... Im 153.9 at the moment- but im 5'6.1"

    Are u kidding me?! lol those love handles are awful!! the face tht my waist keeps gettin smaller while they dont budge, doesnt help at all lol
    I'm sure u'll look great when u get there!

    Same- my waist has slimmed and the hips havent as much- BUT i love my hips so i cant complain- its just the tummy that i hate!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    Any1 else have that fat underneath the boobs? lol tht is stubborn too!

    yup yup yup ! I was sunbathing yesterday and tht part was folded- im gonna end up with a white stripe lol. Lovely
  • Kadgert
    Kadgert Posts: 5
    big hugs hunny. Dont let others posts dishearten you. Im only 5ft1 and 11st. I'd like to lose 2st but I know Im probably being a little ambitious. soooo a stone will do for me. I carry my weight in my lower tum (big overhang) bottom and thighs. We can shed it together one way or another, stay positive you can do it. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:heart:
  • Kadgert
    Kadgert Posts: 5
    those pics are bloody brill well done xx
  • Kadgert
    Kadgert Posts: 5
    can I ask What is Turbo fire ? :noway:
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Ahhh. I'm glad I'm not the only one!!!! I feel like everything else is toning up great but my tummy just WILL NOT BUDGE!!! I'm kind of self conscious now because you can tell I work out on other parts of my body but then here comes the jiggly belly!! lol I'm hoping that if I stay patient and keep going that it eventually will catch up to everything else! lol
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    I think everyone has the right to complain regardless of size. We all have our own reasons for not being happy with our bodies regardless of what you weigh. At 5'2" I used to be 215 lbs but I'm down to 182. That's alot of weight for a person my height AND thats a lot of weight for me personally. Trust me we're all struggling to get the bodies that we want.
  • Microfiber_wechange
    can I ask What is Turbo fire ? :noway:

    A 90 day weight loss and body sculpting program created by fitness innovator Chalene Johnson.
  • Sneakypeek1972
    haha try being 248 lbs, you is skinny, stop worrying :D
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    WOW! I jumped in here to see attitudes in the first page!

    I store all my fat in the belly... I lost the extra everywhere but my hips/belly. Its slowly going away, but taking forever! I'm 155lbs and down to size 8 jeans and still have inches of flabby chub! So annoying! My Muffin tops are ridiculous!

    Just because somebody might be happy to be at my point in my progress, doesn't mean I'm completely happy with it. I'm grateful to not be 200lbs anymore, but you bet I wont stop till I see my abs... and even then I wont be done. Then I'll work to gain muscle again... I am happy to see that people realize how snarky they were being... but GRRRR!
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    I always carry weight on my stomach as well. Even when I was poorly and at an incredibly low weight (for me) I still had a bit of a tummy. It was so frustrating!

    I hope you find a solution :)
  • SassyJuliana
    SassyJuliana Posts: 96 Member
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    Hey, girl. While I respect your opinion, we are all in individual, intimate journeys - whether it's loosing 200 lbs or 10 lbs.

    Congrats to you on your weight loss success, but I hope you can see - and respect - everyone's challenges.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    So apparently we can't complain and be insecure about our bodies unless we are obese.. Got it. Will def. keep that one in the back of my mind.. :noway:

    To OP:
    As others said.. Lift weights and heavy ones at that.

    As I was telling a person on my friends list last night, DVD"s are only going to get you so far.. Eventually you need to start lifting some real weights like dumbells/barbells, which most find in a gym.
  • Lose_It_Leo
    Lose_It_Leo Posts: 91 Member
    Can I ask something? WHY do people complain when they are in there 100's??? HAve you ever thought of people in there 300's that have MORE FAT than you!! Just be thankful that you are not big as me!!!!!

    BECAUSE people can still be overweight and have higher risk of health problems in their hundreds! Playing the "I'm more in the danger zone that you makes my problems more important that yours so be grateful" is not exactly a nice image to show of yourself. Besides, that's your problem. Our own problems are own centre and we are entitled to moan about them. (And the same reason you can moan about us for moaning.)
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Ladies (and Guys,) We are all have a basic shape. Learn to love it and make the best of what you have got. If you gain weight as an adult, your body will deposit that fat on your belly. People that have been overweight as children will have their bodyfat spread more evenly over their bodies. Keep up the hard work, and good luck.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member
    Sorry, forgot to include this - Core strengthening exercises are the best for belly bulges.
  • Demmuscles
    Demmuscles Posts: 228 Member
    OP, All my extra weight is in my middle. If I gain, that is where it goes, legs etc seem to stay in proportion. Have a look at my before pics and you can see its all gut and hips, I didn't include the side profile but my belly protruded a lot. I focused a lot of my workouts on my stomach, you can read about it in my post :)


    To some other posters, don't get jealous - get motivated :flowerforyou:
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    OP, when I was a senior in high school I was 5'3" and weighed 108 pounds. I still had a little pouch of belly fat under my belly button. It's just been there forever. At the time I was even fairly muscular, with low total body fat. So now here I am, 30 years old, 2 kids later, and I'm fairly certain that I will never have a perfectly flat stomach.

    But I'm kind of ok with that. I just keep on trucking. Keep working out, keep eating right, keep cleaning up my diet so that I feel good and look better. I'm ok with not being perfect. The way I see it, I'm 30 pounds down from where I was 2 years ago, and I've kept it off. That's nothing to sneeze at. :)
  • ChelleDJM
    ChelleDJM Posts: 161
    I started at 351 and am now 306 and I opened this thread because even at my large size, I carry much of my weight in my stomach. I think when I do lose a bit more, that the tummy area will be the toughest. Yes, I will never have a flat stomach, but I do think it will be the most stubborn area. Thank you all for the advice on what to do to help a bit!
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    I am 5'9 and I carry ALL my weight in my stomach area. So much so that people close to me were genuinely shocked when I told them my starting weight of 266lbs.

    However, my B.O.B (big ol' belly as my hubby and I affectionately call our stomach's) is shrinkin' every day!! :)

    PS Body image and self worth has nothing to do with being in the 100's or 300's. It's a mental thang! So a girl that is skinny to me may not see herself that way. Mercy and grace are needed for all of us because we are all struggling to look and feel better about ourselves.

    I want to encourage my bigger sista's (those of us in the 200's -300's) not to judge our smaller sista's ok? It's not a competition we are in. Just encourage and get stronger.