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My Unpopular Opinion



  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 926 Member
    Reality shows are terrible unless they are about science or nature. I would rather fight a honey badger than watch some talent show.

  • NO vegetables or fruit belongs on pizza (I know, I know. I'm strictly cheese, pepperoni/canadian bacon)
    I hate internet slang like smh, af, and the like.
    Lady GaGa is so not that great.
    Cottage Cheese is not edible.

    Yay! Someone else hates SMH!
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    My unpopular opinions:
    I think the paleo diet and also a lot of fad diets are backed by a lot pseudo-science and people fail to do further research and use common sense before jumping into them.

    I think 1200 calories is way too low unless you are a very small person and that's your bmr.

    I can't stand it when people say derogatory remarks about "fat" people and assume all fat people are lazy/stupid/disgusting. I could just as easily assume that all skinny people are anorexics or that all guys with muscles use steroids and are dumb meat heads but it's not true! So why stereotype when you don't even know someone?

    I despise both the far right and far left political agenda and people who flood facebook with constant slander about a particular political figure or party.

    On a similar note, I am somewhat annoyed by conspiracy theories having to do with food, "big business", politics, and pretty much anything that people read on the internet and get riled up about lol.

    I think pornography is gross. I have eyes only for my husband (hottest man on the planet anyway! ;) )

    I agree with a previous poster who said that Christians get picked on more than anybody these days. People advocate tolerance and acceptance of everyone yet Christians are fair game for bullying and criticism- just because there are a few people who call themselves Christians and choose to hate. Not all christians are like the Westboro Baptist Church. I'm of the opinion that just because you don't agree with someone, doesn't give you the right to judge them or treat them with anything but respect and kindness. Treat others the way you want to be treated!
  • Gingers are super hot.

    I agree (maybe biased since I'm a ginger).

    Most music on the radio is auto-tuned crap.
    Katy Perry is the worst "singer" ever ( I really, really dislike her)
    Twilight sucks (even though I've never seen it)
    Most people in Seattle are whiny wanna-be hippies who are never happy, can't drive and are very rude. (and I can't wait to move back to Florida)

    I'm not a "Ginger" but I agree with all that...but ditto Portland, OR on the description of Seattle.
  • Reality shows are terrible unless they are about science or nature. I would rather fight a honey badger than watch some talent show.

    Honey badger don't care. XD
  • jeffazi
    jeffazi Posts: 198
    First, the BIBLE is a BOOK, with MANY chapters.

    Actually, the Bible is many books. Those who decided which books, of the many hundreds from which they had to choose, were in and which were out took a vote at the Council of Carthage in 397. Most of the books that didn't make the cut were destroyed. The Bible contains myth, legend, songs, poems, gospels, apocalyptic, prophecy, and many other literary forms. It was written over several centuries by dozens of mostly anonymous writers, all of whom were pre-scientific and superstitious. It contains some of the most frightening, cruel, and immoral as well as some of the most beautiful and inspiring words in all of literature. But, to the extent it is a moral guide at all (and I think it's an awful moral guide) it is a personal one and should not form the basis for our laws. It shouldn't be used as a hammer to judge others. If you believe it, fine. But, when people start using it to legislate what I can do, who I can sleep with, or what I can believe, then don't expect me to defer or stay silent. I realize the poster to whom I am responding to wasn't doing any of these things. I'm making a general statement to all those who would use the Bible to for other than personal purposes.
  • jenslife82
    jenslife82 Posts: 229
    Babies (yes, all babies - even Drew Barrymore as a baby on baby food jars.) are ugly.

    Public gatherings are highly over-rated, particularly parties. (Most are highly disorganized and the average person doesn't take their guest's needs into consideration.)

    White wedding gowns suck. (Also, strapless ones are so boring and cookie-cutter. I get that it's cheaper and easier for the designer to make one that's strapless so it will fit a wider range of brides, but it's getting soooo old!)

    Diamonds are ugly.

    Cut flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and bath supplies are awful gifts. (Practical things are so much better.)

    Coffee, while it smells amazing, tastes disgusting. Tea isn't much better.
    You just squashed everything I love... Lol. That said this is a pretty fun post to read. Also I'm proud to be an American. I would love to live somewhere else too but would be way to broken hearted to sell my guns to move to another country :(
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Jesus came for people like you.... He hung out with the outcasts, prostitutes, *kitten*, thieves, murderers, liars, poor, ugly, lost, forgotten, needy, young, old, beautiful, smart, educated, unschooled, .... He came for us all. It's your choice to "friend" Him or not.

  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Reality shows are terrible unless they are about science or nature. I would rather fight a honey badger than watch some talent show.

    Honey badger don't care. XD

    Honey badger don't give a ****.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Seinfeld was an annoying show.
    Ice cream isn't that good. Frozen Yogurt is much better!
    and I'm going to get it for this but:
    Being a parent is ridiculously hard and heartbreaking and a lot like being in jail most of the time.

    I agree with all of this but the ice cream, only cuz ice cream has more flavors and mix ins! But especially about the kids. No flaming here. It is THE hardest job on the planet. And a thankless one at that.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    i love playing games

    i'm going to get my lunch soon

    i so wanna get out of work.
  • CSummers316
    CSummers316 Posts: 74
    i've begun worshiping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to "God" are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.

    Credit going to George Carlin, but excellent taste in a quote. Though George mentioned prayers to Joe Pesci because he does not want to intrude on his friendship with the sun.
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
    Swiss is the red-headed* stepchild of the cheese family; American is the retard cousin.

    It's okay to use terms like "retard" and "d*ckface" because words are F*CKING AWESOME!!! :wink:

    Poetry trumps prose.

    Vandalism promotes literacy and artistic awareness.

    Tom Brady SUCKS!!!!!

    PEZ is the best fruity-flavored candy, EVER!!

    Nicki Minaj's voice is terrible! She's like a rabid Pomeranian barking at a baby....please, someone, PUT HER DOWN!!!

    I see no value in Facebook, whatsoever. If I love you, I'd rather call, text, or Skype you instead :smooched:

    *no offense to gingers...I also find them some of them hot (Michael C. Hall:love: & Emma Stone :flowerforyou:)
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    "plateaus" do not exist
    carbs are not evil
    curvy is not fit
  • brittanylock09
    brittanylock09 Posts: 194 Member
    Big, hairy caveman type men are WAY hotter than hairless, groomed metrosexuals. :)

    TOTALLY AGREE!!! Beard, chest hair, back hair, leg hair... Omg. What can I say. I'm different...
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    i've begun worshiping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to "God" are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.

    Credit going to George Carlin, but excellent taste in a quote.

    Sounds a little like transcendentalism.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Brunetts are hotter - but blondes always seem to have nicer hair
    Nutella RULES!
    American sitcoms are mind numbing (sorry)
    Religion causes more grief than happiness
  • Calliesmom1
    Calliesmom1 Posts: 78
    Gingers are hideous in my opinion ( SORRY! )
    The hunger games is horrible
    Harry potter sucks
    Hot dogs and BBQ food make's me nauseous because it's gross
    One direction is dumb
    Taco's are nasty

    IM A GINGER :sad: and so is my daughter. :sad:
  • fraser112
    fraser112 Posts: 405
    i've begun worshiping the sun for a number of reasons. First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun. It's there for me every day. And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day. There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry. And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to "God" are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate.

    Credit going to George Carlin, but excellent taste in a quote.
    yeah i forgot to credit my hero haha
    between george and Bill hicks i can cope with this world haha
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    I an American and not necessarily "proud" of that fact (bring it! I can take it!)
    To go with that, I do not believe we are the "best" country in the world.

    I think brown hair is boring and plain. I was a bit disspointed when my son came out brunette (I am over it now though ).

    Marijuana should be legal (I am not a smoker though because it's not)

    I am not really patriotic at all. I don't understand the whole being proud of your country thing, because what exactly are we being proud of? I'm not bashing it, I am literally asking what people are so proud of when they are being all patriotic. If anything, I am proud of the state I am from because it is beautiful.

    I live in Texas whihc makes me being not so patriotic a very evil and unacceptable thing. I don't understand "pledging allegiance" because in my head I see a crowd of people going "Heil Hitler". You should be loyal and fauthful to your family, friends, and neighbors. Not a country. Not a government. And I see America as a teenager who has not yet matured where other countries have had time to learn and grow from their mistakes and are better than the US now because of that.