I don't know what to do.... divorce?

I have only been married to my husband for 11 months... We had a quick engagement and had only dated for 2 months. I just do not feel the same for him anymore. He is a wonderful guy who does everything for me but I don't want to settle just because of that... I am 19 and I now feel like I got married to quickly, I still want to have fun and experience the world... Basically, I want a divorce but I don't think I could live with myself if he became suicidal or never married again... I just want to be happy... any suggestions?


  • LiddyBit
    LiddyBit Posts: 447 Member
    Well, I don't think that being married and having fun experiences are mutually exclusive. Is the guy you married not interested in your kind of fun? Do you share any common goals for the future?

    I don't think it's wrong to get divorced if the relationship isn't good for you, but it might be worth it to talk - perhaps with a counselor - and work out if you two are on the same path or not.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Just be honest to him, most guys will remarry..I did and all is great and it can be for him also..Be glad you guys have no kids makes it very easy...If you are not happy with him he cannot possibly be happy as well..Do him a favor get a divorce..
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Basically, I want a divorce but I don't think I could live with myself if he became suicidal or never married again...

    It would not be your fault if he committed suicide or never married again. He is responsible for his actions.

    I would suggest that you seek individual or couples counseling.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Marriage used to be til death do us part, not boredom.
    Consider talking to him, and going to counseling.
    ps: yes, I'm married.
  • soccermoma11
    soccermoma11 Posts: 126
    I think marriage is a promise you should try counseling an try to make it work, talk about it with him and seek professional help. Personally I'd do everything to try an make it work Hun. If after you tried everything and you still feel you guys need to split up you can at least know you tried everything!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Marriage used to be til death do us part, not boredom.
    Consider talking to him, and going to counseling.

    No kidding. I wonder how parents anymore have skipped teaching this very important lesson to thier kids.

    It's mind blowing.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I think marriage is a promise you should try counseling an try to make it work, talk about it with him and seek professional help. Personally I'd do everything to try an make it work Hun. If after you tried everything and you still feel you guys need to split up you can at least know you tried everything!

    I agree with this - there is clearly enough between you to make the decision to get married, don't throw that away just because you are learning that long term relationships take work.
    Put in the work, but if it really isn't going to work out for you both, then you can separate knowing that you gave it a good try.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Marriage used to be til death do us part, not boredom.
    Consider talking to him, and going to counseling.

    No kidding. I wonder how parents anymore have skipped teaching this very important lesson to thier kids.

    It's mind blowing.
    It's a different world. That said, I'd hope folks would take that vow with the seriousness they entered into it with.
    PS: I'm married.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Damn, that's cold.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    Wow, I have a lot to say but it's probably not going to help you in any constructive manner. But I will say, you're not responsible for what someone else does with their life unless they're a minor child and they truly are your responsibility. Talk to your husband for heaven's sake. You said he treats you well and does everything for you? Is there something wrong with him you're not saying? If not, then i'm gonna say I think you're being really selfish in even considering turning your back on him. I don't get why you're even thinking about it.
  • tiffany5839
    tiffany5839 Posts: 104 Member
    Too bad! Your hubby looks like a very cute and nice guy! You might regret that someday....
  • xxSjayxx
    xxSjayxx Posts: 56 Member
    I dont mean to sounds rude or anything, but it does sound like you rushed it all, the relationship, the marrige etc.

    Maybe take a step back, over see the WHOLE situation (his thoughts, your thoughts etc) and talk it out.
    You have gotten yourself down this path, only you can make it better!

    (Not married, - been with partner for 5 years - engagement for a year, getting married on 6year anniversary)
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I'm not religious, but I take the marriage vows I make very seriously, especially when it came to ending my first marriage, and now, about to marry my fiancé. I always want to be able to honor what I say.

    If I were you, I would seek counseling both individually and as a couple to figure out what the two of you can work on and what you individually need in a relationship. When my ex informed me that he could not and would not grow with me and make some changes needed on his side, I knew it was over and told him the same in the counselor's office that day.

    You need to approach this with him directly.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    You are very young. I am not trying to be rude or cold here, but I have to ask you -

    Why did you marry him in the first place?

    Did you love him? Do you still? Be honest - I think the answer about what you should do lies in your answer to these questions.

    You are both very young. If you are asking these questions now, there is a reason. Figure out what that reason is and address it openly and honestly with him.

    Don't settle, but don't stay in the marriage if you're miserable either. That will only kill both of you in the end.

    Good luck, I hope you both find what you need/are looking for.... :flowerforyou:
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Might as well abolish marriage since 99% of the population doesn't take it seriously. :ohwell:
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    Marriage used to be til death do us part, not boredom.
    Consider talking to him, and going to counseling.

    No kidding. I wonder how parents anymore have skipped teaching this very important lesson to thier kids.

    It's mind blowing.
    It's a different world. That said, I'd hope folks would take that vow with the seriousness they entered into it with.
    PS: I'm married.

    I have to say that I think that people think that marriage is something you can dispose of because so many of us have divorced parents. I got married at 21 and will be celebrating 11 years of marriage to a wonderful man. However my parents did not set a very good example for me with their marriage. They were divorced at 17 years. I honestly can not imagine living with someone for that long and then just decided you don't want to be married to them any longer. I take my vows seriously. But I will say that if I was unhappy in my marriage, I would leave. But before I left, I would make darn well sure that I did everything in my power to see what I could do to save my marriage.

    Original poster: talk to your husband, open communication will work wonders for a relationship!
  • xxSjayxx
    xxSjayxx Posts: 56 Member
    Might as well abolish marriage since 99% of the population doesn't take it seriously. :ohwell:

    I must say - not digging at you personally (who created the thread) but its young girls like you who are ruining the sanctity of marriage.
    I feel blessed to be able to take my partners last name after 6 years of being together. We have been through it all.

    Its dis-heartening to read of all these divorces etc.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Marriage is a lifetime commitment, if you're not ready for it don't do it. I met my husband online in july 2006 and chatted on the computer and phone mostly when he asked me to marry him on the phone in April 2007 when I said yes. We met for the first time in person in July 2007 for a couple hours and I had to go back home to Arkansas which was 10 hours away from him. We decided we wanted to be together so we got married in Indiana in a court house and I almost ran but I am glad I didn't. We have been through everything together, even a deployment in 2009-2010. Our 5 year wedding anniversary is in November :heart:

    Please go to marriage counseling before you give this marriage up. Your wedding vows should mean more than that.
  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    My husband and I were young and only knew each other for a few months when we got married. Our first year was rough, to say the least. But we were both determined that we were going to stick it out, no matter what, because marriage is sacred to us. If we wouldn't have made that decision, we would have gotten divorced, without a doubt. But because we committed to each other despite the hardship and fighting and trying to find ourselves, we are happily married 16 years later. It took a lot of work and a lot of learning, but it was so worth it.

    My point is, I know how you feel - unsure of your love for him, feeling like you made a mistake, etc. But why not try to make it work despite how you feel? Sometimes our emotions are unreliable and lead us astray. Don't give up before you've even tried. You may regret that later, and some things can't be undone.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    Might as well abolish marriage since 99% of the population doesn't take it seriously. :ohwell:

    Personally, I vote for civil unions for everyone and let the churches regulate marriage. But that's just me.