I don't know what to do.... divorce?



  • MrsUnderwood
    MrsUnderwood Posts: 114
    I just wanted to clarify that it is not because I am "bored." For about a month now I just could never look at him the same.. every little thing he did got on my nerves. BUT tonight I read all of these responses and sat back and realized that I did make a commitment before God ( yes i am a strong christian) and I just needed to think about why I married him in the first place. There is nothing wrong with him, it is me that has changed. I did have a very long conversation with him and he was sweet and understanding. We are going to get couples counseling and try and work this out. Marriage isn't just something that happens. It is a life long commitment and yes some days will be tough but through it all I have the choice to fall in love with him again everyday. And I am choosing to do so.

    And to clarify to the people I upset, I am sorry. I am not an immature 19 year old. I have lived on my own since I was 17 and I finished high school and am in college ( not that those things make you mature).

    But thank you everyone for the tough love and support.

    I guess I just got caught up in stress of finances and the bad things marriage brings, but there is so much more worth fighting for. I loved this man 11 months ago and my heart still belongs with him!!

    Good for you. My husband gets on my LAST NERVE sometimes lol... but that's what happens when you are so close with another person. We have financial stress too, this is all typical, especially early on in a marriage. It's great if you can come up with a plan and begin to work the plan together. It takes some of the stress off. Definitely having a relationship with God is the most important thing. My husband and I are both Christians too and it's our commitment to Him that makes our commitment to each other so very important to maintain. Love your husband through the eyes of God and I guarantee it will change your mindset about some things.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    I have only been married to my husband for 11 months... We had a quick engagement and had only dated for 2 months. I just do not feel the same for him anymore. He is a wonderful guy who does everything for me but I don't want to settle just because of that... I am 19 and I now feel like I got married to quickly, I still want to have fun and experience the world... Basically, I want a divorce but I don't think I could live with myself if he became suicidal or never married again... I just want to be happy... any suggestions?

    marriage take ALOT of work, and on that note yunz got hitched way to soon. i married my hubbie after 6 years of "living in sin" and that was going on 7 years ago. we still get to explore the world, only with 2 car seats and 1 large bag for just "bathroom needs" of our girls in tow.
    my advice take a vacation with him, somplace you havent been before...aslo TALK TO HIM NOT THE FORUMS ON MYFP!!
    thank you and good night!:bigsmile:
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    I hope you at least have mentioned this issue to him BEFORE brining it up in an online column :ohwell: . Chances are someone you know WILL read this and he WILL find out about it... I can't think of a more hurtful and humiliating way to find out personal problems. I find it hurts more when in writing - if you took the time to type it chances are you really meant it.

    Based on the facts provided I must agree that I side with the majority of the forum... you haven't tried or taken this experience seriously. I'm by no means an advocate for divorce, however I'm not sure counseling would be worth the time and money for you? Divorce can be costly and time consuming. However based on your age chances are you lack substantial assets and you dont have children so you may be able to get a divorce fairly quick and cheap (when compared to a counseling bill). On the other hand I skimmed your profile (not to be creepy) and I think you mentioned something about being a student? Depending on what university you attend many of them offer some form of couples counseling (sometimes you get X amount of sessions free before paying). You could also check with community centers etc. Maybe you want to exhaust ALL of your options before throwing out the "D" word - in any marriage I believe there should be a healthy fear of the word

    Whatever you decide I wish you well and hope you learn something (anything really) from this slight detour you've taken in life.

    For the record since everyone else seems to be citing to their personal stories: I'm 25 and marrying my best friend October 20th of this year after 3 years of dating - I'm yet another military wife - our relationship has survived time together on land, time apart while he was at sea, relocation & my law school experience.. if that stress isn't work than Im not sure what is

    P.S. Random Side Note: People who arent particularly religious do get married in churches... most of the time because they are pretty, lack other options, or are terrified of planning an outdoor event due to weather (this is me) - no disrespect intended :) to each their own
  • Shae3891
    Shae3891 Posts: 53 Member
    And let me add that I was 18 and my husband was 19 when we met, and next week we will celebrate 10 of the the absolute best years of our lives together :)

    Start out now with being honest and communicating (even with the difficult and akward conversations) and it only gets easier.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    just for start, i got married when we was 18, but unlike yourself, we feel that we live our married lives to the fullest what i mean is it's up to you but there are many factors in staying married, i hope you can find all the right reasons.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    Well, I remember back when I had only been married for 11 months -- I felt like I was going crazy. There is so much adjustment and the first year or so is when both people are adjusting to living together and learning about each other. If he's good to you, maybe you could think of having fun and exploring the world WITH him? And, as a 49 yr old who was married for 21 yrs, I can tell you that truly, you will have that same "blah" feeling many times in the marriage, whether it's with him or someone else. I don't know of a married couple on this planet that hasn't gotten bored or felt like they were no longer "in love" with their spouse at times. That's why marriage is all about commitment, not feelings and emotions. Once the hormones wear off, it's all about commitment and choosing to love the other person for who they are. Marriage is NOT easy, no matter who you're married to, so please don't think that there is some "perfect" person out there. Every relationship takes effort and work. I hope you and your husband can make a go of it. Talk to him and see how he feels. Best wishes!!

    P.S. Yes, I am recently divorced after 21 yrs of marriage, since my husband decided to find a MUCH younger woman. Oh well, I'm glad I hung in there all these years and we had 6 awesome kids together.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    People shouldn't be allowed to marry at 19. Clearly.

    Obviously there are people who married at 19 and are happy. But that would still be the case if they got married a few years later!

    I don't understand how the US can let you marry before you're even allowed to drink!?

    A generation ago, people got married much younger. My grandmother was 15 when she married and she thought I was an "old maid" because I was 18 and not married yet. I think this generation is just very immature for their age.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    Haha makes you wonder what the gay communituty is fighting over when people want divorces out of boredom and because they made an immature decision. It is a sad state of affairs when two people who don't really live each other can go head first and get married then treat the "sacredness " that every one claims is the defining reason versus gay marriage as if it was a used condom ... You had your fun now it's useless... Then there are gay couples who love their significant others and they cannot be married because it may tarnish what marriage is... This is the twilight zone right ?
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    I think what you can take away from this is to have a baby. That really is the point of marriage anyways. Once you have one, maybe your outlook will change.

    Sorry, but I TOTALLY disagree with this. Having a baby only brings more stress into a relationship. The LAST thing I would recommend is having a baby. Of course, if you did get pregnant, I certainly would not abort, but I would never get pregnant on purpose in an unhappy marriage. Just my opinion....
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I just wanted to clarify that it is not because I am "bored." For about a month now I just could never look at him the same.. every little thing he did got on my nerves. BUT tonight I read all of these responses and sat back and realized that I did make a commitment before God ( yes i am a strong christian) and I just needed to think about why I married him in the first place. There is nothing wrong with him, it is me that has changed. I did have a very long conversation with him and he was sweet and understanding. We are going to get couples counseling and try and work this out. Marriage isn't just something that happens. It is a life long commitment and yes some days will be tough but through it all I have the choice to fall in love with him again everyday. And I am choosing to do so.

    And to clarify to the people I upset, I am sorry. I am not an immature 19 year old. I have lived on my own since I was 17 and I finished high school and am in college ( not that those things make you mature).

    But thank you everyone for the tough love and support.

    I guess I just got caught up in stress of finances and the bad things marriage brings, but there is so much more worth fighting for. I loved this man 11 months ago and my heart still belongs with him!!

    This is good to hear - all relationships have good days and bad days, and finding a way to get through the bad times is a skill that will help you all of your life.
  • chipgirl25
    chipgirl25 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh Honey there are going to be many days where you don't look at him the same....lol....it's just the reality of it all. Marriage is about the good, the bad and the ugly. It is hard work sometimes. There will be peak & valleys. Communication is huge and by talking with him and getting couples counselling it shows that you want to make it work. Remember what brought you together in the first place. It is your foundation. There may be cracks but that doesn't mean it broken. Here's to many more years of the two of you growing together and as indivduals. Whatever you do don't get caught up in the movies/media thing it is so so far from reality of what real committment relationships are about. I have to remind myself everytime I see Dirty Dancing!:laugh:

    Oh ya....definately hold off on the baby thing. You want to be on solid ground for bringing little people into the world.
  • karen0214
    karen0214 Posts: 120 Member
    I just wanted to clarify that it is not because I am "bored." For about a month now I just could never look at him the same.. every little thing he did got on my nerves. BUT tonight I read all of these responses and sat back and realized that I did make a commitment before God ( yes i am a strong christian) and I just needed to think about why I married him in the first place. There is nothing wrong with him, it is me that has changed. I did have a very long conversation with him and he was sweet and understanding. We are going to get couples counseling and try and work this out. Marriage isn't just something that happens. It is a life long commitment and yes some days will be tough but through it all I have the choice to fall in love with him again everyday. And I am choosing to do so.

    And to clarify to the people I upset, I am sorry. I am not an immature 19 year old. I have lived on my own since I was 17 and I finished high school and am in college ( not that those things make you mature).

    But thank you everyone for the tough love and support.

    I guess I just got caught up in stress of finances and the bad things marriage brings, but there is so much more worth fighting for. I loved this man 11 months ago and my heart still belongs with him!!

    Hey, I'm so glad you are reevaluating the situation and talking with him. It sounds like he loves you to pieces!! Even though this is a fitness board, I do think there has been a lot of really good advice, with most people encouraging you to stick with it and don't expect marriage to be a rose garden 24/7. And remember, you may not always FEEL like you love him, but as others have said as well, love is a CHOICE. I certainly wish you all the best.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Haha makes you wonder what the gay communituty is fighting over when people want divorces out of boredom and because they made an immature decision. It is a sad state of affairs when two people who don't really live each other can go head first and get married then treat the "sacredness " that every one claims is the defining reason versus gay marriage as if it was a used condom ... You had your fun now it's useless... Then there are gay couples who love their significant others and they cannot be married because it may tarnish what marriage is... This is the twilight zone right ?

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Glad you talked to him. Try to work out your finance woes. They add a lot of stress to a marriage. And DON'T have a baby for the sake of a marriage. I personally think that's terrible advice. Babies ADD stress to marriage.
    Just ignore his comments (the open marriage and make a baby guy), he's just mocking.

    Thanks for updating us. Good luck!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Marriage used to be til death do us part, not boredom.
    Consider talking to him, and going to counseling.

    No kidding. I wonder how parents anymore have skipped teaching this very important lesson to thier kids.

    It's mind blowing.
    It's a different world. That said, I'd hope folks would take that vow with the seriousness they entered into it with.
    PS: I'm married.

    I agree with this. I saw a photo recently of an old couple and when asked how they stay married for so long, the response was, "Back in our day, when something was broken, you fixed it. You didn't just throw it away."

    P.S. I'm engaged.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    People shouldn't be allowed to marry at 19. Clearly.

    Obviously there are people who married at 19 and are happy. But that would still be the case if they got married a few years later!

    I don't understand how the US can let you marry before you're even allowed to drink!?

    A generation ago, people got married much younger. My grandmother was 15 when she married and she thought I was an "old maid" because I was 18 and not married yet. I think this generation is just very immature for their age.
    Um that was not "a generation ago". Getting married at 15 was common during the early part of the 20th century. That's 100 years ago.
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I just wanted to clarify that it is not because I am "bored." For about a month now I just could never look at him the same.. every little thing he did got on my nerves. BUT tonight I read all of these responses and sat back and realized that I did make a commitment before God ( yes i am a strong christian) and I just needed to think about why I married him in the first place. There is nothing wrong with him, it is me that has changed. I did have a very long conversation with him and he was sweet and understanding. We are going to get couples counseling and try and work this out. Marriage isn't just something that happens. It is a life long commitment and yes some days will be tough but through it all I have the choice to fall in love with him again everyday. And I am choosing to do so.

    And to clarify to the people I upset, I am sorry. I am not an immature 19 year old. I have lived on my own since I was 17 and I finished high school and am in college ( not that those things make you mature).

    But thank you everyone for the tough love and support.

    I guess I just got caught up in stress of finances and the bad things marriage brings, but there is so much more worth fighting for. I loved this man 11 months ago and my heart still belongs with him!!

    Sooooo glad you opted for this route. I hope everything works out for you and your husband. Marriage can be a wonderful thing once you decide to commit your everything to it.:flowerforyou:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I think what you can take away from this is to have a baby. That really is the point of marriage anyways. Once you have one, maybe your outlook will change.

    You can't be serious right? They're not getting along so she should have a baby? What kind of advice is that?
  • Gyoza11
    Gyoza11 Posts: 143 Member
    >Only dated for two months before engagement

    Gee, I wonder why that didn't work out. This is exactly why so many people get divorced today, why are they in such a hurry to get married?! At least get over the heart thumping, passionate beginning part of the relationship before taking it to the next stage...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I think what you can take away from this is to have a baby. That really is the point of marriage anyways. Once you have one, maybe your outlook will change.

    You can't be serious right? They're not getting along so she should have a baby? What kind of advice is that?
    He also suggested an open marriage. He's just being snarky.