10 in 9



  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks jocelyne2, I did weigh myself after breakfast, just to see, and it was 182.2 so I'm happy to be at 182!!! Normally I don't weigh myself anywhere near this much.
    Congrats on staying w/ in your cal range and having so much energy, your body is ready to go without all the extra caffine :flowerforyou: (a good night's sleep also helps)!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Hope you Ladies are doing well and kick @ss :tongue: ...Well I did another 2 hours today finally got my room back .Man my calves are killing me. I haven't touched the scale think ill give it a week or 2 so hopefully I can get a bigger bang for the buck . Hmmmm another interesting fact I discovered today I check the size of my jeans I wear now and they are a 10 WTH makes no sense cause according to those measurement I posted before I am no where in that area . If I was to go by that page I would be more of a size 14 . Im confused Lmao :noway: :noway: :noway:

    Have a great evening girls:flowerforyou:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Jocelyne...I totally hear you about the sizes being different on some pants. I usually go by the average size... and the average measurements. Some pant styles fit completely different!

    Patty- way to go on your loss!! Hopefully I'll have something good to report here in a week or so. I'm trying this new thing to not weigh myself every week. So, every other week. I was reading a Success Thread the other day and this lady named Eva was saying that she never weighed herself every week because she would get too frustrated, and she saw more results over longer periods of time. And last week I got super frustrated...so here I go with a bi-weekly weigh!

    I'm excited to go home for Christmas looking better than the last time everyone saw me! Size 10 here I come! My bum is SO sore today! I did a cardio lifting class yesterday, and my muscles are screaming today! No pain, no gain...right?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    By the way, its almost the end of the weekend (sigh)...... and I didn't do too bad!!! Could have forgoed some of the spinach & artichoke dip at Applebees...but... it was good and I didn't go over my calories...so YIPPIE!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies well today was not so great. lol. i ate a big greek salad which is healthy but followed by cheese sticks. oh oh. lots of em. lol but they were so goood. i'm sorry but it was worth it. good news is i only had a yogurt at night and that was all i ate. plus water of course.

    pants sizes are tricky, depends on the brand, style, cute. example boot cut i can use a 10 but low rise or skinny? ugh barely get into a `12. I wanna be 10 in everything! lol

    go size 10!!!:smile:
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi:) Sorry, I haven't been around in a while, I only have access to a computer at work, so I missed out over the weekend:) Anyway, over the weekend I worked out, but didn't eat as well as I should have, and didn't log my food. I am drinking lots of water today, sticking to my calories and going to my cardio-pump class at noon. Getting right back on track! Lost about 1/2 a pound this week despite my careless eating over the weekend :P
    Anyway, looks like everyone is doing great, love reading all of your posts. Thanks for keeping me motivated!!!

  • I can honestly say I didn't do too bad. I probably should have ordered off of the Weight Watchers menu, but everything I've ever tried on that tastes like sand paper. Anyone find anything they really liked on that part of the menu???????

    Have a great night!

    I used to work at Applebee's and the most AWESOME thing there, even being on the weight watchers part of the menu is the Chicken with a garlic herb sauce with red potatoes and brocolli... I can't remember the exact name of it.. I haven't been in a while but it is awesome.. you wouldn't even know it was weight watchers... all the other stuff tastes funny I think. I would definitely try it.
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey ladies! Thanks for all the congrats u guys are so awesome!!!! Today is a rest day so no workout :bigsmile: ! I did mess up my lunch today, I planned and logged it, but got to school (I'm a teacher) and decided on the student chicken nugget lunch instead. All I ate was the baked nuggets so I did ok, but I hate distractions!!! There was choc. milk and french fries that I tossed, so I guess I have some sort of will power :wink:

    As for pants sizes, I was compiling clothes for good will yesterday and I tried on some of my 16's that were still too tight, however 18's fall off! It's the cut and brand of the pant, so I'm waiting to get down to loose 14's (which I have from like 5 years ago) so I can go get some of your old 12's lol!!

    Jocelyne - What site did you get the measurements from, I'd like to find them for 14's?
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Wooohooo Patty or should I say Mrs. aka Will power . Hmmmm ,I have no idea Im more of a copy paste Gal :wink: but im pretty sure that on the sears site the measurement are all there :flowerforyou:

    Well as for me I barely ate today and no exercise . Got up to late and then went grocery shopping and bought lots of vegetables and fruit :bigsmile: only have like 500 cals in me so far and didn't get my water in so I guess Ill be siting on the toilet with my bottles of water tonight :laugh:

    Hope you ladies are doing well ..... I think this is the first time in the 8 or so months i have been on and off this site that IM actually sticking to this nd I owe it to u guys ...

    You Girls Rock !!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Holy cow...I still have like 20 minutes left at work and I am already SO hungry! I was hungry after lunch! But I know I need to work out tonite because yesterday was my rest day. Ugh, I hate Mondays!! Hope you all have a fabulous evening!!

    Jocelyn, looks like you need a nice scrumptious dinner!! Lucky you with all those cals left!! I'm already drooling at the possibilties...haha!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Lmao ugh yeah but I forgot Hubby bought holloween candy today and I had 2 tootsie rolls. I just love tootsie rolls so I prolly screwed myself outta a 100 and some cals . Think Im gonna buy a safe for the candy !!!!!!!:laugh:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies! well i had a pretty good work out today. stuck within my calories although I think I still have some left. But I am full and its past my cut off time. I do have some whole wheat penne cooking to take to work with some spaghetti sauce....

    well good to hear from u ladies. Have a great day tomorrow. I still haven't decided if I'm taking off tomorrow or not. Ahhh 2 whole hours of extra sleep sound tempting...so do 600 exercise cals. lol
    we'll see...
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    well my morning started off great....not really! :grumble:
    i was already super late for work when my mom called me to comment on a picture I sent her yesterday. I had taken it saturday when we went out and I felt good about it, I actually had a waist in the picture and I had been telling her about my progress and all and what does she say?

    "Well I guess you were REALLY big when you started your diet cuz you look big in that picture as it is"




    Way to motivatte me mom. Grrrr! Now I don't even feel like doing anything today.
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Oh That was real nice . Not gonna say what Im really thinking out of respect for you :bigsmile: .
    I totally know the feeling I see my mom maybe 6 times a year and she is always making comments about my weight . Sometime I wanna just smack her upside the head . Not everyone is lucky enough to have an over active thyroid like her . We are here for you girl and we are gonna show our momma just what we are made of :mad:

    As for me well I said I wasn't gonna get on the scale today but the scale won . On the 17 was 171.2 and today 170.4 so 0.8 of a lb in 3 days not so bad I guess .... But my measument uped my spirits ... lost 1 " on my waist , .25 on my hips , 1' under breast but gained 1/2 an inch on my thighs :noway:

    And I had a major set back last night before bed , had 2 glasses of wine , a grill cheese , cottage cheese and milk .... :explode: :explode: Dammit dairy is such a set back for me I just can't seem to live without it . Oh well today is another day and a workout one. Im going to try to bump my workouts to 6 days a week might not be the brightest idea I don't want to over do it but that 1' lost on my waist has got me pumped even if that damn scale doesn't want to play nice with me :laugh:

    Have a great day ladies ..... WE CAN DO THIS SHIAT !!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    Nola, you are doing a great job, keep it up! If my mom said that to me I know I'd be pretty upset:mad: But try to brush it off and stay motivated!

    Anyway, got a great work out yesterday and I am going to go do some cardio during my lunch break today. Drinking lots of water. I'm about 2.5 lbs away from being 150 (according to the scale this morning) and my goal was to be 150 by Halloween! Looks like it might happen. I know we are trying not to focus on the scale, but I'm pretty excited about this!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Nola, you are doing a great job, keep it up! If my mom said that to me I know I'd be pretty upset:mad: But try to brush it off and stay motivated!

    Anyway, got a great work out yesterday and I am going to go do some cardio during my lunch break today. Drinking lots of water. I'm about 2.5 lbs away from being 150 (according to the scale this morning) and my goal was to be 150 by Halloween! Looks like it might happen. I know we are trying not to focus on the scale, but I'm pretty excited about this!

    Way to go girl !!!!!!! Congrats :flowerforyou: You can do this !!!!!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Btw, How do you ladies get that info marked SW,Cw and Gw to appear below your tickers ???
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    You go to settings, and then click on change signature, then you just type it in there.
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member

    Well as for me I barely ate today and no exercise . Got up to late and then went grocery shopping and bought lots of vegetables and fruit :bigsmile: only have like 500 cals in me so far and didn't get my water in so I guess Ill be siting on the toilet with my bottles of water tonight :laugh:

    This totally sounds like me with my water, I drink water through out the day but by the evening I still have a few cups to drink so I chug a lug... makes me PEE so bad before bed but I always do that to myself. :laugh: I keep teasing my hubby that we're pregnant because the past week after drinking 2x's my water i've been pee'ing in the middle of the night :laugh: :tongue:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Oh That was real nice . Not gonna say what Im really thinking out of respect for you :bigsmile: .
    I totally know the feeling I see my mom maybe 6 times a year and she is always making comments about my weight . Sometime I wanna just smack her upside the head . Not everyone is lucky enough to have an over active thyroid like her . We are here for you girl and we are gonna show our momma just what we are made of :mad:

    thnx girl. mom's can be so over critical sometimes. gggrrrr.
    but u are right that won't kick me down. I will show her! HM! :grumble:

    Great job on the 1' on ur waist, that will definately help in getting u into a smaller size pants.
    For me it was weird this morning cuz I tried on two size 12's for work today. One could barely zip up and the other is fallling offf....GRRRR
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