so where'd you get that gnarly scar?



  • lau444
    lau444 Posts: 120 Member
    I have a large scare on my right inner forearm. When I was 7, I had a bad flu and my humidifier was next to my bed on the floor. Well, at some point during the night, I fell out of bed and my are landed on the steam vent of the humidifier. I must have been really knocked out from the midicine because I didn't wake up for maybe 5 minutes. When I did, I had a BAD steam burn on my arm. It's pretty faded now, but it was bad.
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    Which scar, lol? I have had cancer and exploratory surgery so a scar that runs from my sternum all the way down, two scars that run under both arms for them to get lymph nodes, and the most recent a scar on my chest for open heart surgery that stemmed from having had the cancer and radiation treatments. I now have a titanium steel mechanical heart valve that ticks away. That does not include multiple smaller scars where chest tubes were placed when my lungs collapsed. I know my scars are "battle wounds" but they should have just given me a darned zipper all the way down :smile: I used to be quite sensitive about my scars but getting much better about them.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    What's your best scar and how did you get it? I haven't had any major surgeries or broken bones, but..

    I had breast implants years ago. The popped!
  • Harmoman
    Harmoman Posts: 42 Member
    Woodchipper... Hand... So, obviously my fingers are much shorter... but the took my toe and put it on as my thumb.... so I've got one up to my wrist, and scar on my foot all the way up the top of my foot.

    Fun stuff!!! :-)
  • charmingtrouble
    charmingtrouble Posts: 54 Member
    ooh, I've got lots of battle scars, mostly right above my hips and on the thighs, they range from 2-3.5 inches long. the longest one was from probably christmas weekend ( battle of the beef stew, rice crispy treats, gingerbread cookies, shepards pie, and egg nog) and then there are the smaller ones from battling too much candy and fast food trips :laugh:

    otherwise I have a 3/4 inch scar on my knee from a sea shell and then another inch long scar on my thumb from when I tried punching a whole in a box with a pair of scissors at the age of 8 :bigsmile:
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I have a ridiculous scar on my right wrist from a motorcycle accident. It's about 6 inches long and 3 inches wide.
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    Nice one on my right knee... torn (and totally reconstructed) ACL my senior year in highschool. Tore it on a pulling sweep play. Just ended up going over on it with all my weight when I went to plant. Yay. Heard 3 "pops" when it happened. The doc said the first pop was the initial tear and the other 2 were the bones slamming together. We still had 3 of our biggest recruiting games left in the season, so missed out on those. But doo doo occurs. :drinker:
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I have to say, I don't really care about the scars either, and neither do my loved-ones. Scars just show a life well-lived and make for interesting conversation! lol

    I completely agree! I am really finding all of these replies very interesting. They say so much more about a person than "what's your favourite colour?"
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    I have a half inch diagonal scar between my into an arguement with my uncle and when I wasn't looking he picked up a flat shovel and when I turned around he thrust the shovel into my face. Its alright though, when I got out of the hosptital I threw him through a plate glass window just to say thanks! :devil:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    ruptured stitches, tubes left in me to drain the juices, scar left open to heal from the bottom up, had to be cleaned every morning with a long *kitten* Q-tip and peroxide

    fun times :drinker:
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    At one friend’s house I have the trifecta of scars.
    1st was from her dog biting me. Nice scar on my left hand, you can see the teeth marks still. Her mom suggested a waiver.
    2nd my chin, her diving board, cracked all my molars and 5 stitches to close it up. Waiver signed.
    3rd was a bolt in a swing set that cut a gash in my right wrist... we didn't tell our parents. Killer scar now. ;)

    I also ran in to a parked truck... long story shirt, never flirt with boys while speeding past their house on your bike. Bit through my lip, broke my front tooth, both knees shredded, fork of new bike with glitter purple banana seat broke in half. Good times!!
  • LBash03
    LBash03 Posts: 72
    I look like i was mauled by a tiger because when I was 12, I was on a 4 wheeler (going way to fast) and went to turn. When I went to turn I hit a bump on the left side and it popped me up on the two right wheels so I couldnt turn. I ran straight into an old rusted barb wired fence. My brother had to help me get out of the fence, my clothes were shredded and it took 4 grown men to get the 4 wheeler out. Pretty awesome.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I have 2 scars on my right on each side. I slipped on snow covered ice in front of our neighbor's house and broke both leg bones. I now have a platinum plate and 6 screws on the outside of my ankle and 2 screws on the inside of the same ankle. Pretty cool looking scars though. Unfortunately that was 7 years ago, so they've faded quite a bit...

    Edited to add more:

    - 2 round scars on my right elbow from breaking it when I was 5. Had 2 pins in it to hold it together. They're out now.
    - small 1" scare on the soft part of my palm (between my thumb and pointer finger) where I was carving a pumpkin and the knife was slippery...hand slipped down onto the blade. I think I was about 8
    - Small scar just on the outside of my right eye from where I was shot with a BB Gun when I was 2. The kid had to deal with my dad and his MOM had to come over to our house to get the gun. Think I got the good end of that deal...
    - Random cat scratch scars....she doesn't tend to mess aroun.
    - 2" scar on my left bicep from my 18th birthday. My brother and I were sailing on his 17' Thistle (sailboat) and I caught it on a kleet hanging from the boom.
  • HealthyEscape
    My bestfriend jokes with me that I need to be inside of a plastic safety bubble at all times:

    I have a scar on the very top of my head on my middle part line - I fell out of a tree house at my aunts house when i was 6-7 and landed on my head (on the brick border surrounding the play area)

    2 inch scar on the top of my left foot - running through neighbors yard barefoot around 7-8 and kicked a brick that was hidden in the tall grass. It took 2 doctors, 4 nurses and my mom and dad to hold me down for the stitches. Good times.

    3 inch scar on right knee from ACL reconstruction, I tore it during kickboxing at the gym. That recovery HURT and i dont think I would ever have that surgery again.

    2 inch scar on left knee - stepped off the curb at work and fell. Didnt know I had a cut until I got home to change and saw the insides of my leg. Didn't tear my work pants, but I had to get 10 stiches. Weird.

    Right thumb - 8 stiches - I broke a wine glass in the sink. I carefully pulled out the big pieces and put into the trash. I accidently pushed on the stem when I put it in the trash can and the stem went down and the glass came up and sliced my finger. I went to the ER and the Dr told me he was going to give me a numbing shot so he could sew me up. He said the shot was going to hurt really bad and I didnt believe him. He opened my cut and stuck the needle in. I wanted to kill that Mother F-er - it really did hurt!
  • Charlahorr
    Charlahorr Posts: 38 Member
    I have a fairly new scar behind my ear... its about 3-4inch scar... i got hit with the softball as i was running to 1st base..
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    lol. let's just say not everyone gets to see my scar :)
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    I have a two incher from my right eye into my hair line from going through the windshield of a car at 13. My feet got caught and I was pulled back through so this was a flap wound. It ripped at my eyebrow as well, hell it ripped off my eyebrow. Several plastic surgeries in high school and years of taking care of my skin it is barely noticable.

    I also have two ridiculously ugly triangle scars on my knees from falling in a parking lot and scapping my knees down a curb. The right one was so bad the Doctor had to debride it and when we were done it was nothing but white meat. Its horrible looking to this day.

    I have many more little scars as I am accident prone. My motto is Safety Third.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    There's also a little round chicken pox scar on my right eyelid that's not that noticeable (but I sort of like it).
    I also have a small one on my left hand near my wrist, like two very straight teeth. Because my best childhood friend used to bite. A lot. (I've gotten better at choosing friends since then.)

    Please entertain me.

    I have several deep chicken pox marks on the right side of my forehead. Which seems to distract people so they don't notice the starburst scar on the left side from when I slipped on some ice and cracked my head on the curb. :laugh:
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Where do I start?

    1. 12 inch scar starting at my sternum going down my stomach and around my belly button, terminating just below the waistband. (car accident, internal organ repair surgery)
    2. Five two-inch scars around my chest (car accident, chest tubes)
    3. My left ear is partially gone (see my profile pic, car accident)
    4. 6 inch crescent shaped scar across my right hip (car accident, femur internal rod)
    5. 5 puncture hole scars, each the size of dime along my right thigh (car accident, broken femur stabilizing rods)
    6. Both knees have scars on the cap (3-wheel ATV accident)
    7. Various gouges and cut scars (car accident)

    Even if I end up "cut up" from working out, I'll look like I've been "cut up" literally in a knife fight. But, I'm a guy so no biggie.

    Remind me not to loan you my car...
    Ah...It was just one car accident and I was 17 and it actually wasn't my fault. I was clinically dead a few times and spent a week in ICU in critical condition. I'm lucky some scars and occasional annoying back pain are the only long-term lasting effects.
  • eva_lawlor
    eva_lawlor Posts: 81
    i have one right about my right knee, its only like 1/2 in. long, but its a purple color. on my 13th bday i was at my friends house and i fell and landed on a humidifier. 2 in deep gash that ripped put a considerable amount of flesh, and i have scars from the stiches i got for it