Non-Scale Victories (NSV) - Care to share? Vol II

Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
Hi all,

We hit the 500 mark on the first round of the Non-Scale Victories - NSV's - Care to share.... and they have been so inspiring - I would like to see another round happen.


A NSV for me - bought capri pants for a trip south in March - can pull them down without unzip or unbottoning.... What a feeling!

Thanks all, in advance, for continuing to share!!


The link for round one - CHECK IT OUT!!! 500 comments on ways to feel good - WITHOUT the scale!!


  • idziak04
    idziak04 Posts: 69
    I tried on my wedding dress (from 2000 when I was at my thinnest adult weight) and it fit! It was a little snug, but it zipped up. I was very excited!
  • LilMissTalyn
    LilMissTalyn Posts: 106 Member
    Well, even though I am trying to avoid the scale and measuring tape for a while, for my own mental health lol I have noticed a difference in my face in a pic I took friday verses a face shot of myself over a month ago! I look healthier and a bit slimmer!

    what do you think?
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    I tried on my wedding dress (from 2000 when I was at my thinnest adult weight) and it fit! It was a little snug, but it zipped up. I was very excited!

    How cool is that? :smile:
  • osubrndn
    osubrndn Posts: 32
    i realized one day i kinda enjoy doing burpies..
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    i realized one day i kinda enjoy doing burpies..

    Whoa, let's not start talking crazy now.

    I'm not sure if this qualifies as an NSV, but it made me smile. I went for a massage today, after my first week of P90X, and the (HOT) massage therapist was like, I see you're doing your push-ups, good girl. Then when he moved down to my quads, he said wow you run too!? VERY good girl!

  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    I've had a lot.. (:

    - went from 24.7% BF to 20.9% (accurate to the best of my knowledge)
    - lost some chub rub. Legs don't chafe when running.
    - I've lost over 8 inches.. Which is incredible for someone who's already at a healthy weight.
    -my clothes fit better
    - I have a 2 pack now(:
    - can do one full pull up
    -way stronger than I used to be
    - almost reached my goal of running 5 miles (I'm at 4.5)
    - got back down to running a 7min mile
    -I don't have to think about eating healthy, I actually prefer it now.
    - I haven't binged in over a month and a half.
    -collar bones show a lot more. (odd but cool
    -can do 200 sit ups.. Couldn't do any before
    - and I look much healthier an feel better about myself!

    Can't wait till I'm at my goal weight
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    My saddle is fitting my butt again.

    I could zip up my half caps today.

    I tied my shoes with one knee on the floor and got back up. (Considering my work pants are not the best to bend in either.)
  • dorkboi
    dorkboi Posts: 87 Member
    I just finished a full first week of C25K training and finished 5 whole circuits! I ran 5 minutes total!! It may not seem like that much and there were 2 minute walk intervals but I ran 5 minutes!!! WOOOT! A month ago I couldn't run 5 seconds without wanting to die!!
  • DirtyStacks
    DirtyStacks Posts: 179 Member
    OMG! You can start to see my Adams Apple! I had forgotten I have one as I haven't seen it in over 10 years.
  • StrawberrySt
    StrawberrySt Posts: 235
    My Australian size 8 (US 4 I think) clothes are fitting me comfortably again! I don't feel constricted when I wear them and the ones that were too tight are now almost perfect :smile:
  • ArtsyRachel
    ArtsyRachel Posts: 8 Member
    I was able to fit back into three of my old size 6 pants I've had in storage. They're still a slight bit snug, but being able to zip them up was such a positive boost for me. :happy:
  • jeturner4
    jeturner4 Posts: 11
    That's AWESOME!!! Great job!
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I need to tighten the strap on my HRM :)
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    I just recently got a pair of yoga pants that are size extra small.
    Smalls were way too big for me, and would go up to my waist! (Too high and uncomfortable for me) and I was given a size small cami, and I thought it would be too small, but it's not :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I strained 2 different muscles in the span of 3 weeks. This is a victory because presumably one needs to actually be moving and attempting to use a muscle in order to strain it. Didn't ever strain a muscle while my @ss was implanted in the couch.

    I am now smaller than all the "skinny" clothes that were tucked in the back of my closet.

    The other day I thought I felt a lump on my arm while I was showering. Turns out the "lump" is actually a muscle.
  • EmilyDuby
    EmilyDuby Posts: 67
    I had to buy a new belt because I had already cut two new slots in my old one and the end was around to my back, and now I've already only got one more notch to go in the new belt before it's time to go smaller again!
  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    Over Memorial Day weekend, I went to my parents' neighborhood pool with my family....and wore a bikini :glasses:
  • ck1416
    ck1416 Posts: 154 Member
    I am quite new to MFP - just started in March. I have two NSV to share from the last two days!

    1 - I ride my stationary bike almost every day. We went for a bike ride outside last weekend and my 27 year athletic, fit daughter could not keep up with me. She asked me to slow down several times, and needed to take extra breaks. It made me feel like my hard work is really paying off. I still have so much weight to lose, but this was one of my first non-scale victories.

    2 - Since it was so nice outside yesterday, I wanted to be outside instead of in my basement riding my stationary bike. I went outside for a 3 mile walk, but ended up running part of it since I wanted to increase my heart rate. My husband had to pick his jaw up off the ground! This was a first for me in over twenty years.

    I love reading all the other NSVs! Yeah!!
  • cmdwyer00
    cmdwyer00 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey all. First time really posting here, but I have a few things I'm really excited about and needed to share haha

    1. Saturday morning when I woke up I was super tired (by which I mean, slightly hungover after overindulging in both beer and some not great foods on Friday) and desperately didn't want to go to the gym. Normally on Saturdays like that, I would be in sloth-mode all day and end up repeating the late night drinking/binge eating Saturday night. I made myself go anyway, and ended up having the longest/most efficient work-out I've had in my life.

    2. I have a big problem with late-night snacking. Even if I'm really good all day, late at night I'll usually end up having chips or something (measured out, so they usually fall within or only slightly above my calorie goals, but still end up feeling very guilty after). Last night, instead of reaching for something loaded with fat or sodium, I had a rice cake with peanut butter and some grapes. It's small, but it's the little things, you know?

    3. When I wake up in the morning now and go to work, I want the day to be over not so I can sit on the couch on watch TV, but so I can get to the gym.
  • kbresso
    kbresso Posts: 40 Member
    1. I have a closet full of clothes that don't fit, even the clothes I wore in college are loose now.
    2. Don't need control top pantyhose anymore.
    3. No muffin top when I wear jeans.
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