The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: I'm now on 1610 calories per day, assuming 5 workouts per week at 30 minutes each. I'm playing with the balance to find what works for me. I'm open to suggestions on how to better accomplish my goals!

    Allie: Good luck with P90X. It looks SO hard! My boyfriend wants to give it a try, so I'm interested in hearing what you think of it.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Shredder: I'm now on 1610 calories per day, assuming 5 workouts per week at 30 minutes each. I'm playing with the balance to find what works for me. I'm open to suggestions on how to better accomplish my goals!

    Allie: Good luck with P90X. It looks SO hard! My boyfriend wants to give it a try, so I'm interested in hearing what you think of it.


    Now it's 10 days to go with our weigh in tomorrow!!!
    Talk to you all then!
  • ok I guess I am the first to weigh in ...

    no weight gone .. :( I was doing well .. but I have learned that stress kills me .. I controlled the eating portion, but the lack of sleep. I am convinced that if I had just been sleeping my regular amount I would have been fine .. but better luck next week!!

    WIN .. I controlled my eating under stress

    GOAL - to go to my exercise class .. and not sleep through the alarm..

    Good Luck everyone .. and I hope you all lost lots.

  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im weighing in today............ at 258.2 from260.0 2LBS down YAYAYAYAY!

    I didnt get my exercise in like I wanted to, but did keep my meals healthy but did go over my calories , I seem to have a problem keeping the fat intake down.

    I got plenty of water in:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drink
    er: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: x 2

    I hope everyone does well today, Ill check back in later

  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Wow, thats wonderful!!! 2lbs in a week...Great Job!!!

    I'm planning on weighing in on Monday...So I'll update everyone then!

    Wins- I found my triceps :laugh: and I signed up for my first 10K - hopefully I survive :wink:

    Can't wait to hear how everyone did this week!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Good luck with your 10k, Someday that will be a goal of mine :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    How do I keep forgetting about weigh-in? I guess I try to keep my weigh-ins on Monday mornings, just out of habit. I will report then.

    Congrats on everyone's successes. Keep the momentum going!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I'm so late I know and am so sorry...
    at 184.5 this morning.....yahoooo
    down 2lbs from last week...didn't think it would read this way but I'll take it.

    Survived a monsterous flu :grumble:
    Lost weight even though it's my TOM
    Took faith in the amazing support from our team and went for it.:smile:

    Have noticed that a lot of you are not weighing in on Friday' this something we need to change as a group? Please let me know. I've found that if we're all on the same page as far as the challenge and weigh in days, we are more accountable.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hey Shredder,

    I personally like Mondays, It just seems to be the start of a week and nothing gets forgotten, But I really dont mind either or Fri. or Mon.

    How about everybody else?

    What do you think so we can all be on the same page and stick with the group,
    I really like this group its a new start Id hate to have us all ready fading out, we need each other and frankly I could really use you all also, this is a tough road for me.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I personally like to weigh in on mondays...that way I know during the weekend that I have a weigh-in coming up so I need to eat healthy and exercise! I've found that in the past when I weigh in on Fridays and have a great week Ill blow it on the weekend because I think "I deserve this..."

    BTW Gread job Shredder!!! I know you had a hard week but you really pulled through!! I hope I see some similar results on Monday!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I also prefer to weigh in on Mondays to find out how terrible I did over the weekend. And this weekend I did do terrible! I did not gain, but did not lose either. I have to find my "second wind" as far as motivation goes, I guess.

    At least TOM should be done in the next day or two, so we'll see how things look then.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I personally like to weigh in on mondays...that way I know during the weekend that I have a weigh-in coming up so I need to eat healthy and exercise! I've found that in the past when I weigh in on Fridays and have a great week Ill blow it on the weekend because I think "I deserve this..."

    BTW Gread job Shredder!!! I know you had a hard week but you really pulled through!! I hope I see some similar results on Monday!

    Thank you so much Allie. I think the weight loss was due to having the flu and losing my appetite. I actually couldn't taste what I did eat!! in response to the weigh in day, a lot chose Mondays. It's as good a day as any for me and will get us back on track after the weekend.

    Here are my stats...
    SW 189
    CW 185

    The first goal is fast approaching....Halloween is 6 days away and according to my goal I have to lose3lbs this week....Mercy
    Good luck with everyone's weigh in today
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I weighed in this morning...154.5!!! Down another 2 lbs since my last weigh in 2 weeks ago! So I've been averaging 1 lb a week!

    6 days isn't much time, but I'm gunna bust my butt this week...I also need to lose 3 lbs!

    WINS...I ran a 10k yesterday!!! in 65 minutes. It was a huge confidence boost!

    Goal this week...Cardio for one hour and strength training for 30-45 minutes each day... a little ambious but I've got 3lbs to lose!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Congrats Allie...that's a huge accomplishmet.
    I can't believe you ran a 10K in takes me 12.5 mins to run ONE mile, seriously. we both have the big 3 to lose this week.
    I know we can do it and I love just how aggressive you're being with your personal goals for the week, I had to up mine when I saw what you had planned for the week.

    WHERE IS EVERYONE ELSE!!!!! You guys wanted Monday, It's your weigh in day ladies....let's go:heart:
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Thanks Shredder!! I was thinking about the 3PC (three part challenge) while I was running and thinking how exciting it would be to write my WIN was running an entire thanks for creating the group, it's been a wonderful motivator!!!! :flowerforyou:

    How did your night go? I'm debating whether I want to weigh in on Saturday (10/31) or Monday...what do you guys think??

    yeah WHERE IS EVERYONE?? even if you're not going to weigh in this week we would stil love to hear how you're doing...whether good or bad (but hopefully good!)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    The good news is that TOM is gone! Woohoo.

    My weigh-in for this morning is that I'm down a pound. Hopefully this means I'm passing the evil plateau I've been at for several weeks.

    SW: 206
    CW: 205

    This means I have 5 lbs. to lose this week. Highly unlikely (mostly because I'm lazy) but if the Biggest Loser contestants can do it, this means I could too! I want so badly to get under the 200 mark. It's been three years since that has happened, so that would be HUGE!

    Wins: Traded the pop for diet to drink fewer calories this week AND finally moving past my plateau.

    Good luck everyone. We CAN do this!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im here 1 lb down from last week yaaaaa, Sorry I didnt make it yesterday I didnt get home till almost midnite. Good luck everyone this week to make your goal for halloween, I actually didnt make one but I will for thanksgiving and xmas!
  • TaraJ16
    TaraJ16 Posts: 304
    hey everyone! i just got a message from shredder so i thought i'd pop in.

    i've been going through a lot of stress and family issues and hate to admit that the last week i haven't eaten very well and didn't get out to exercise. I've actually gained 2lbs.

    I was so disgusted by that yesterday that i said enough is enough. i ate perfectly yesterday, i did a 45 min work out video in the morning, and then went out to play tennis with my mom and sister in the evening.

    after we were done tennis we jogged in place to see who could do it the longest. then we did lunges across the lacross box. then stupid me got the idea to do the grapevine back across. i was doing great and had great speed...the BAM hit a damn acorn/pinecone thing and fell pretty hard. i've sprained my ankle (its massive) and i'm in a ton of pain.

    so exercise is out for me, but i'm going to stick with the eating properly. i'm not going to make my halloween goal....but i'm going to try hard as heck to make my xmas one, i just have a little extra work to do now
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Great job Heather & Christine!!

    Tara...I know how you feel. I twisted my ankle pretty bad back in April and couldnt do cardio for about 5-6 weeks. It was almost a blessing in disguise because I started to do strength training for the first time in a year and saw a couple inches come off! Since then I do strength 3-4 times a week and can really see definition forming in my muscles. Some times I get so wrapped up in how many calories I can burn that I forget that strength training is just as important. I also started eating healthier knowing that I couldnt just go to the gym and burn 500 calories to make up for eating poorly. Good Luck! and I hope your ankle heals quickly!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Wow, so much has happened to you all this past week.
    Tara, sorry to hear about your ankle, that totally sucks and I do hope you are not in a lot of pain. Stay on track with your eating as much as possible. I read in a journal that weight loss comes down to a 3 way split, the breakdown...
    80% contributes to what you eat
    10% cardio work outs
    10% weight training....with this in mind your're still very much in control of your days achievements.

    Heather and CK, -1lb each :wink: :wink: :wink: good for you guys. Awesome job.

    Can we agree as a team to weigh in on the 31st, Halloween day?
    I know it's off a couple of days but I think it's important to hit our weigh in's on the specific goal dates for the 3PC (love that abbrev. Allie )
    So far my week is going ok- I don't think I'll hit the 182 mark in 4 days but I sure am going to try my hardest.
    Good luck to you all!!!!
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