Wii Fit Team - September!!!!!!



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    OK- I will start a new post in November for November-December and will post here when I have done it.

    I did 15 minutes yoga this morning before work. That makes 2 morning workouts so far this week.

    Those of you getting over 3k steps - I admire you! I barely get 3k in during my 30 minutes of free step in the evening.

    Have a good day all!

  • I did it. :happy: I got back on my WII. I did 10 minutes of yoga and 5 minutes of balance games yesterday. I will try to get on again today. Hopefully on Friday, since I am unable to go to the gym I should be able to get on for a while.
  • I did it. :happy: I got back on my WII. I did 10 minutes of yoga and 5 minutes of balance games yesterday. I will try to get on again today. Hopefully on Friday, since I am unable to go to the gym I should be able to get on for a while.
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Congratulations!!! Don't you feel great afterwards? You actually did it!
  • I have been really bad. Didn't get to exercise over the weekend cuz had to go out of town. And so far this week I have only exercised one day... Tuesday I rode my bike for 35 minutes and did EA active for 25 minutes. Wednesday had company in from out of town. I am feeling so lazzzzy....
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    2 weeks to lose 3.5 pounds to hit my first goal. Yipes. Maybe I was a bit optimistic? My next goal is to be half way by Christmas. That is 13 pounds. I can do that, right?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Angie- The first day is the hardest, hang in there and keep up the good work!

    15- You can do it! Everyone needs a lazy day now and then. Hang in there. It will be worth it.

    Beth-You are always so cheerful. I'm glad your in this forum.

    Well, time for me to hit the Wii. I hate getting on it after dinner, but I haven't been home early all week.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I changed up my routine today and it really made me sweat. I did 10 minutes free step, 10 minutes free run, then 10 minutes free step again. I'm going to try and do this 2-3 times a week. See if it breaks this plateau I'm on.

    Hope everyone is having a good evening.

  • I did it twice last week and work out till i burn the calories I want to It does get boring after awhile but i somewtimes do dvd as well
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    Thanks Jam, This weekend wasnt great for food. I had company so I cooked and ate of course. I did still walk 4 miles on Saturday and 3 on Sunday. Today I plan to walk 4 miles after work but I have a sick boy from school and I dont feel well myself. I'm not sure I should be walking in this nasty weather with an upper respiratory thingy creeping up, but I'll see how I feel @ 3pm when I get outta here!

    I hope everyone is feeling good about where they are at in their own process. I get sidetracked for a day now and again, but I am truly dedicated to see this through to the end. 101 POUNDS!!!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    I walked my 4 miles yesterday. I feel worse today now with a sore throat too. Darn it. I am still walking today after work. I have to keep my momentum or I am afraid I will stop. You know how it is. Do it as a habit or you will sit and do nothing as a habit. Hopefully this is just a bug that will go away soon. My ds is already feeling better. Of course my dh never gets sick (jerk). They say his MS keeps the common bugs away. Hyperactive immune system and all that. Lucky dog. LOL geez...jk
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    I really like my new workout (10 step, 10 run, 10 step). It really gets me going.

    I've been doing good this week with eating and excercising. This week is fall break for the kids and hubby and we are planning to go to Taos Pueblo if the weather is nice.

    At work yesterday we had a soup and salad potluck and I thought I'd put that out there as we are coming upon potluck season. Of course there were desserts. Mostly it was a wonderful 12 buffet of salad fixings and 6 huge crock pots of homemade soups.

    It was nice to be able to enjoy a potluck instead of wondering what kind of damage I was doing to my calorie intake.

    Have a nice evening,

  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I'd be interested in joining the next challenge set. I don't necessarily use the Wii Fit game - though I do use the Wii My Fitness Coach game a lot (more challenging workouts that adjust to the individual's fitness level - with options to set time frame from 15-60 minute workouts). I might start tossing in the Wii Fit again though too - do the steps option while watching TV or something...
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member

    Good for you. It is nice when you find something that works for awhile. I'm glad you enjoyed your potluck. The church across from my office does a soup & salad luncheon twice a year and we always look forward to it. Of course in the past I have always looked forward to the desserts the most (and the creamy fattening soups), but this year I think I will enjoy the beautiful salad they put out.

    Welcome Selkie, those are great goals you have set for yourself. I will look forward to seeing your ticker hit them!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Thanks Beth.

    Welcome Selkie! Yes, please do join us. I thnk many of us do more than just the Wii Fit anyway. We will all be setting goals again or reaffirming what goals we have at the beginning of the month. I know I will be upping mine.

  • I love the Wii Fit and just got the Wii fit plus-it calculates the calories for you. I love it!!

    I am on board and will try and do 30 minutes a day. :)
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    Today was technically a no exercise day - but I went ahead and did 15 minutes of yoga using the Wii My Fitness Coach... had breakfast after - felt great.. so a couple of hours later I broke out the Wii Fit game and set it to 30 minutes of free stepping (so I could watch part of a movie while not feeling too lazy) - I like the free step option - except that I stack my balance board on top of an aerobics step - so its more like stair climbing, and gives a much better work out. My heart rate monitor tells me I burned 271 calories with the 30 minutes of stair climbing I did (and the Wii Fit game tells me I took 2,938 steps).
    hahaha - Wii Fit also lectured me... It's been 219 days since the last time I logged in to the original Wii Fit game lol!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    I'm home sick today, so no 4 mile walk for me. I am hoping to feel up to free stepping tonight. If I can keep from coughing long enough to do it. The Wii this morning told me I was under 200. UNDER!!! OK, by half a pound, but still under. :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Selkie- It sounds like you and I have the same final weight goal. Your a lot closer though. I like the free step too and I've been trying to figure out what I have around the house I can put the board on to raise it a little. Welcome and good luck on meeting your goals.

    Beth- gratz on getting under 200. Under is still under even if 1/2 a pound. I hope you feel better.

    I'm bouncing a little, but still I've lost 20 lbs since 11/8/08 when I first weighed myself and started with MFP. My ticker doesn't show that as when I bought a new scale I restarted my checkins. With my 1 year anniversary coming up, I'm really trying to stay focused and stay on track.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • My sister just let us try out her Wii Fit. It was sooooo much fun. We were all laughing and sweating. My daughter filmed me (I had no idea!) doing the Hula Hoop, it was hilarious. I cant wait to do it more:laugh:
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