How did y'all gain your weight?



  • As a child my mother suffered from anorexia, and so my grandparents fed me KFC, ice cream and all the good stuff (or so i thought) so I wouldn't become anorexic like there daughter.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Asians are extremely harsh about weight.

    I'm not asian, and I try not to generalize, but I did have an experience with a Malaysian woman who went to my church while I was growing up, so I know how harsh they can be (or seem). Every time I saw her, she commented on how much weight I had gained, and she was smaller than I was at twelve years old (and not overweight). Looking back, I think she meant more that I was growing, not getting fat, but that's not how it sounded to me at all. :laugh: I thought she thought I was a piggy.
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    Birth control. If I had to do it all over again, would never go on depo provera or the patch EVER!

    Thankfully I didn't gain any weight on the two years I was on depo
  • I have always been on the chubby side. I'm 5'9" and carry my weight pretty evenly. I was on the DEPO shot for 3 months and as soon as I got off of it I gained 30lbs. Never again will i get back on it. Biggest mistake ever!
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    I was very active in dance, flagette, and step in middle school. Once I reached high school I stopped the activities and the pounds started coming on. I entered my high school's nursing program and indulged in the delicious food at the hospitals during clinicals. Bad food choices +sedentary lifestyle =weight gain. Once I graduated high school I started the fad diets and my weight begin to fluctuate. 134>150>175>150>200>170>215>182. Hopefully with my new lifestyle changes I will lose the weight and maintain my healthy habits.
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, mostly from stress/ emotional eating. I had great excuses when I was pregnant and then used breastfeeding....etc....

    Glad I finally decided it was time to take care of myself and my health :)
  • Gini_L
    Gini_L Posts: 1
    Deep fried chips, and crisps almost everyday, accompanied by at least one soda or beer :( Can't believe I did that to myself.
  • junepinktigger
    junepinktigger Posts: 88 Member
    I gained mine when i was pregnant with daughter, and never lost the baby fat between her and son, there is 17 months difference, i went from 8st to near 14st after both i was determined i was doing all motherhood chores alone and i let myself go even more, i gained nearly 10 st in 11 years,
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    Cancer at 30 changed everything for me. I survived, but was less active, my immune system was a problem, hormone deficits didn't help. A knee injury a couple years later, followed by a car accident and a serious back injury, and I simply stopped moving but kept eating. I've been slowly putting on weight for 15 years, and now, I just want to regain control of my life!
  • catwoman1982
    catwoman1982 Posts: 1 Member
    Stressed out during the day from overworking, so when i went home I just ate good and slept. i didnt want to do anything physical....
  • I gained my weight, starting at the school canteen sausage rolls, yumm....then orange aeros and chips at college, 6 children, 1 ectopic, and a miscarriage followed, after that, a divorce, and more stress, plus depression. Anyway, I am in control now, except, sometimes stress hormones take over, and I make wrong choices, but I am getting sorted, and on the road to better health and weighloss.
  • eig6
    eig6 Posts: 249 Member
    Dont know, I cant remember. I was 7...ask my parents. I went on my first diet in middle school and lost 30 lbs to get down to what I weighed when I joined this site. Just sad really that I was dieting when I should have been playing.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Comfort food. Bullied on a daily basis at school for about 7 years. Beating, tauntings, pushed down stairs etc got to much for me. School wouldn't help me so I ate and ate and ate :sad:

    But now i'm away from school and i'm working on changing my eating habits.
  • Jeebs71
    Jeebs71 Posts: 41
    One word - Doritos!

    Far too many of the huge bags of Cool Original :o)
  • Stuffing my face, starving myself, then stuffing my face again. Vicious cycle. Emotional eating.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I was the fat kid, thats what my Mum told me. Looking back on photos she was totally wrong and I will never forgive her for the emotional stress that has put on me forever. Then a family friend abused me but hated when I got chubby so I got Fat and he lost interest ( I was 13 he was 37), I was chunky when I met my husband and then we ate out alot and I gained. Then I had my daughter Sophs. 6 months later I fell pregnant with the triplets and wham, there I was creeping towards 300lbs but I'm back to being confident, I have discovered running, I will never ever go back. I've said goodbye to 250lbs+, next goal, say goodbye to the 240's
  • HeatherLeahxx
    HeatherLeahxx Posts: 156 Member
    I gained mine when I went to college....Started drinking, eating fast food all the time, and skipping my lectures and staying in bed nursing my hangovers.....put on about 2.5 stone ......lost a lot of it in the last two my final year now and have gone fitness crazy :flowerforyou:
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I gained mine after college. Worked out 2 or 3 hours a day when I was in college, once I started working full time, sitting at a desk and working late, the weight went on

    Took a long hard look at myself in the buff about 2 months ago after seeing a holiday picture from when I was 18 and ripped and decided something had to be done. Was fooling myself for years that it was "relaxed muscle", "filled out" blah blah balh
  • bigjax1
    bigjax1 Posts: 56 Member
    I have a very warped sence of what I look like... mother put me on a diet at 10 as I was 9 stone and all her friends babies were 2-3 stone lighter...the fact they were a lot shorter than me was not important I was fat... looking back I was a slim and leggy child who just happened to be at the start of puberty therte began my warped sence of self

    I got fast the first time because I overate and ate the wrong stuff... add to that, having 4 babies, cleaning their plates, a failing marrage (very abusive husband but at least when I was fat he stayed away from me) and depression and there I was fat

    then 10 years ago for no apparent reason I began to gain more... thyroid was under funtioning so go put on thyroxine and wow my diet began to work..I lost 5 stones and it was great and kept it off for 8 years

    then last year the weight began to creep up (just stopped smoking) then one week i gained 8lb WTF began food diary and gained 6 lb the next week and was in huge pain cut down calories to starvation levels and gained 5lb saw doc told to keep an honest food diary... did 300-472 calories a day over the next week and a 7lb gain next 4lb next 9lb next 6lb then the doc did a thyroid test because she could see how ill I had become and TSH was 10.9 (normalis 0.3 - 3)so it was no wonder that I was gaining at the rate I was ...over the next couple of months the tyroxin was adjusted and the gaining has stopped and I have managed to lose 3lb in the past 2 months
  • Let me preface this by saying I LIKE TO EAT. I really do. I don't eat to live, I live to eat. However, keeping active it never seemed to matter.

    I was diagnosed with a college-graduate-level case of chronic depression and my doctor gave me Paxil. Turns out, that drug makes you lethargic, apathetic and helps you gain weight. A few years later I was diagnosed with arthritis in my lumbar area. The combination of the drug making it difficult to even MAINTAIN weight, and the inability to move caused my weight gain.