Biggest Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    1. Girls who spend two hours getting ready just to go to the gym and you can smell their perfume a mile away!

    2. Girls who do not work up a sweat, you are at the gym to lose weight not to look pretty and pick up guys.

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    anyone ever notice that the only people who ever have these complaints at the gym are other women:laugh:

    It doesn't bother me when girls put loads of effort in to go to the gym but what the point? Your make-ups going to sweat off n your hairs gonna get a mess

    I dont know,but really who cares. Someone wearing make up to the gym or their hair down doesnt affect someone else at all. Its just hilarious to me the only people that complain about it are other women.
  • YaBoiMUGS
    YaBoiMUGS Posts: 237
    people, especially men, who don't put the weights back. so many times there is a few hundred pounds left on a row machine, or a leg press. so if i want to use the machine i have to take all those 45 pound weights off. it's ridiculous.
    and the people who don't wipe down the machines after they finish.

    Oh yes, I HATE that! Put them back where you found them! I shouldn't be looking up and down the rack to find what I want.
  • lindserly
    lindserly Posts: 23 Member
    At the gym I go to, we have a long line of treadmills but 2 of them are specific to running(shorter belt, more give) and while I was training for my half I would always use them and only them - so I would hate it when walkers get on there and just chat with their friend on the other machine.

    The walkers like these machines cause they have an incline of 50 whereas the other machines only go to an incline of 30 - really, you need to walk at a 50 incline(they don't).

    Now that my half is over, go for it ladies, enjoy the machines.

    I am sure how I feel isn't entirely normal, but some of us are treadmill divas :laugh:

    Just curious: -Is there some way to know that the 2 machines are specific to running? This has me wondering about if I'm an annoying walker at my gym... lol.

    And what does an incline of 30 or 50 mean? Do they run from 1-50? The ones I use I just put the incline up to about 5 generally and on an ambitious day 10.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    1. Girls who spend two hours getting ready just to go to the gym and you can smell their perfume a mile away!

    2. Girls who do not work up a sweat, you are at the gym to lose weight not to look pretty and pick up guys.

    3. Girls who wear just a sports bra in front of the whole gym... I do not care how skinny you are it is just wrong!

    anyone ever notice that the only people who ever have these complaints at the gym are other women:laugh:

    It doesn't bother me when girls put loads of effort in to go to the gym but what the point? Your make-ups going to sweat off n your hairs gonna get a mess

    thats the thing those girls don't sweat!! :laugh:

    Yeah but what they do is pay their money just like everyone else to be there.
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    Girls who come in with caked-on make up.

    Guys who are there just to check out the girls.

    People who are loud when they work out.
  • adamlb
    adamlb Posts: 106 Member
    Oh, one more - when equipment is broken and *stays* broken for ages. People are paying membership, keep the gear maintained!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I can only hope that something im doing at the gym bugs someone this much :laugh:
  • muchadoaboutme2000
    muchadoaboutme2000 Posts: 86 Member
    Last night I was walking and was flanked by 2 guys who where running at breakneck speed but hugging the hub of the treadmill or pushing themselves up off the treadmill with the hand bars. I'm sorry, if you're running that hard, that fast and can't pump your arms properly, you need to slow your roll. You look ridiculous hugging the machine and your form sucks.

    Also, girls who swim "laps" in a bikini. Treading water in a lane doesn't constitute as "using" it. Go over to the hot tub if you're here to discuss the last episode of the bachelor.
  • The thing that really pees me off big time is all those people who think "the big i am" see me walking in (the fat bird) looks at me pull a face or two evil looks etc which really - honestly C'MON! im in there not to be a big mama but to be skinny like them, hence why i dont go and put up with the sh.. and go on the poxy wii fit instead lol
  • kristalael
    kristalael Posts: 69 Member
    -People talking or texting on their phones while sitting on a machine and NOT using it.

    -Not wipping off the machines when you're done. No one wants to touch your sweat or see your *kitten* sweat marks.

    -People that go to the gym just to hit on the opposite sex and hog the machines while testing out their lame *kitten* pick up lines.

    -Using the same machine for 20 minutes pushing 5 lbs while you clearly see other people using every machine around you because they're waiting for the one that you have been using for 1,500 reps!

    -Guys who have an issue with women using the weight room. Women can lift weights too, we shouldn't feel like we're not welcome to use the weight room.

    -Women who come into the gym looking like they're ready for a night out at the club, walking around in a sports bra and shorts with extensions in their hair, smelling like a cheap *kitten* just to use the elliptical for 20 minutes and leave.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    When people look at me like I'm wasting time walking on the treadmill at 2.5 mph.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    The makeup thing can be coincidental. most times I'm at the gym I have on makeup because I go directly from work where-of course-I put an effort into how I look....HOWEVER. On a Saturday morning at 8:00AM? Yeah-no makeup. Are you there to impress or sweat?

    1.) Guys that spend more time looking in the mirror at themselves than they do lifting weights. A group of four guys at my gym do that. I wonder just how many successful relationships start at gyms...hmm.

    2.) People who are obviously there to show off and not to work out. If you are not sweating, you are not working hard enough.

    3.) Agree with not wiping down your machine. It's called hygiene and common courtesy.

    I purposely chose a gym that would discourage these kinds of things. I've been pretty happy with it for the most part. Obviously working out in a gym will breed this type of behavior. Oh well.
  • mlkiel
    mlkiel Posts: 91
    The "grunting guy", ummm hello that weight is obviously to heavy.

    The girl with the pretty/fresh make-up, big hoop earrings, hair down, and converse tennis shoes...and looks the same when she leaves, please work up a sweat!!!

    Walking around in socks.
  • steve1686
    steve1686 Posts: 346 Member
    people who fill their huge bucket of water in the water fountain while i'm waiting to get a sip
  • wanniet
    wanniet Posts: 38 Member
    It's 5:00am and the gym is pretty empty and someone walks past 15 available treadmills..and jumps up on the one right next to me! Ugh!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    Women that come in with no make up and any old shirt they pull off the floor.

    people that stare at me when im on my phone ....seriously f off

    I have to disagree. Why would I wear makeup when I am going to sweat it off anyway? I don't care if someone is on the phone, but if they are sitting on equipment I want to use and talking, I will ask them if they are done. I love when they tell me they are using it and then end up sitting there for another 10 minutes talking and then leave without ever using it.
  • Ang01_20
    Ang01_20 Posts: 12 Member
    I think my biggest i agree is the no cleaning off equipment there are tons of wipes all over my gym i always clean before and after...I also do not like all the millions of people who sit around on machines just talking most people spend 3 hours at the gym and only actually work out 5 minutes...i like to do what i gotta do and use the gym for the sole purpose of WORKING OUT!! :mad:

    I also don't care how i look working out i mean I don't go looking completely trashed but no make up hair out my face pulled in pony tail with a hat and "work out" clothes and I'm good to go because when I'm done i'm going straight in the shower so what's the point getting all fancy. :laugh:
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Guys that judge you for deadlifting 135lb. Makes me feel bad.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    The makeup thing can be coincidental. most times I'm at the gym I have on makeup because I go directly from work where-of course-I put an effort into how I look....HOWEVER. On a Saturday morning at 8:00AM? Yeah-no makeup. Are you there to impress or sweat?

    1.) Guys that spend more time looking in the mirror at themselves than they do lifting weights. A group of four guys at my gym do that. I wonder just how many successful relationships start at gyms...hmm.

    2.) People who are obviously there to show off and not to work out. If you are not sweating, you are not working hard enough.

    3.) Agree with not wiping down your machine. It's called hygiene and common courtesy.

    I purposely chose a gym that would discourage these kinds of things. I've been pretty happy with it for the most part. Obviously working out in a gym will breed this type of behavior. Oh well.

    How do you know someone is not getting off work on a saturday morning? plenty of people work overnights
  • FinallyFindingLisa
    FinallyFindingLisa Posts: 222 Member
    I use the pool and it makes me just crazy when I go in during the times when the pool is reserved for adult lap swim, and I find kids in the lanes half heartedly swimming or ANYONE using it to water jog during those times - there's a small pool open at the same time for those activities - swim laps or get out of the lane!!