30 Day Shred - June!



  • MisanthropeKitty
    Finished D1L1 today. I'm sure I will be hurting tomorrow but I decided against weights today to try and ease myself into it. I forgot how much I hate jumping jacks with big boobs.

    I HATE the jumping around with big boobs...:( I'm thinking of just doing butt kicks during the jumping jack part...I don't know.

    I only had on one sports bra but I think tomorrow I will double up and see if it helps.
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 50 Member
    I started this a couple weeks ago but stopped :( I'm want to start again and hope to tonight so I'm glad to see so many of you starting today as we can all track our progress together :) It helps a lot having a support group!! Please feel free to add me to your friends list so that we can all watch out for one another!!
  • threedaysfromyou

    JM said in an interview not to do it everyday but instead to divide it up as follows: 2 days shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days shred, one day cardio, one day rest to avoid injuries

    I wish she had mentioned that in the video. I've done it every day for six days, along with cardio and some other stuff. Now I can't decide if I should keep doing it every day, or switch to this two days on, one day cardio schedule. I kind of like doing it every day.
  • BridgettBZ
    BridgettBZ Posts: 50 Member
    Hey I just started a group for those of us that are starting today...

    Group is called: 30 Day Shred (Start date: 06/06/2012)

    Being in a group really helps keep the motivation strong and also makes for a great support system!! Please feel free to join!!
  • jynnantonnyk
    jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
    Hey I just started a group for those of us that are starting today...

    Group is called: 30 Day Shred (Start date: 06/06/2012)

    Being in a group really helps keep the motivation strong and also makes for a great support system!! Please feel free to join!!

    I'm in! Let's do this!
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Just posted in another thread, but I've done day 3 of level 1 today. It is tough but considering that never do much exercise normally I'm not finding it as hard as I thought I would. I've been off work though so I know it's going to be harder when I've been at work all day! Determined to stick to this though, I need to!!

    I don't know how your morning schedules are, but maybe try getting the work out in before going to work? That's what I do, because after work I rarely feel like that intense of a workout. I usually go for a walk/jog at the end of the day. I just find it's easier for me to make sure I shred if I keep it to the mornings. :)

    Good luck!

    Yeah I did think about doing it before work but I'm really not a morning person and changed my hours at work because getting up too early just ruins me and means I fall asleep as soon as I sit down at night. I'm going to try doing it as soon as I get in from work which is about 6.15pm then have dinner after. I never stick to anything but I really want to do it this time!!

    You can do this! I didn't feel like doing it this morning...I felt so tired and cranky (it's that time of the month). When I don't do it in the morning, I do it right when I get home and then have dinner. I think that will work out well for you too. :) I do recommend muting her mouth!

    I did it, I've felt really tired all day but when I got home I got changed and did it straight away while dinner was cooking so day 4 is done!! Feeling proud I didn't make excuses and wimp out, it's definitely getting a little easier! :)
  • empco
    empco Posts: 1

    I thought that I would join this group to keep me motivated! I have just done the week 2 workout ( i have the concentration span of a goldfish so I flick around a lot) I've got loads of her dvds and no matter how many times I do them they never get easier!!

    I have recently started working full time and tend to be out of the house from 8 am to 8pm. So a short and *kitten* kicking workout is perfect. I want to tone and slim a little for summer - my aim is to lose around 7lbs.

    My problem area is my bum and thighs - I am a classic pear - I have a few target dresses and jeans to squeeze into!

    Keep going everyone! I am aiming to for 6 days a week!
  • Kellylovesricky
    Kellylovesricky Posts: 47 Member
    Level1 day 7 done! I put my own music on today and it was so much better!! I also stopped doing it in the morning. I can't get the motivation to get out of the bed early enough to work out then shower then go to work. So evening it is. I'm liking that much more!
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    I'm a little late getting started, but mine just arrived from Amazon today, and I ripped open the package and did it as soon as I got home. I didn't use any weights today, because I only have 5lb weights in the house, and I didn't want to hurt myself. I feel like I did pretty good for a first timer, only skipping a few repetitions here and there to catch my breath. I may go old-school and try using cans of beans as 1lb weights until I can buy something smaller than 5lbs. :)

    How are you guys counting it? I did "Circuit Training 20min" - does that sound right?
  • bga008
    bga008 Posts: 90
    How do I log the 30 day shred???
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    Well today is Day 1 Level 2....just need the courage to go do it!!! I think I am just going to go at my own pace with the moves and see if I can get through the whole 20 mins...here goes...
  • tammyopolin
    tammyopolin Posts: 98 Member
    I just started 30DS yesterday, so I'm glad I found this thread. I really like the workout and I'm pretty determined to stick with it, but having some encouragement to keep me on track is always a good idea.
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    Well I got through Level 2 Day 1. Can't say my form was great, but I pretty much kept going except stopping for a quick count of 5 or so when doing the cardio twists ...... for some reason my arches are hurting with this level. Anyone else on level 2?
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    So had a rest day yesterday making today day 9 of level 1. Although I wouldn't call it a breeze I can now get through this ok and will be ready to move on to level 2 on Friday. For the first time ever I can feel my push ups in my stomach ( I think this means my technique has been wrong for years- cheers Jillian for sorting that out!).

    LOL I loved when I read you could feel your pushups in your stomach because I finally could too and I was like .... hey that must be doing something ha ha.....did level 2 day 1 tonight. Hope I can pick up the intensity as I go...."proceeding with Caution" lol
  • gettingfit65
    gettingfit65 Posts: 349 Member
    How do I log the 30 day shred???

    I think a lot of people log it as circuit training, but MFP tends to overestimate. I use a HRM now and feel it is more consistent..
  • Alyssabearrr
    did my first one today, i nearly died, i hope to get through the whole thing without stopping by the end of the week i HOPE!
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    Day 9 of level 1 complete! Day ten is tomorrow, Friday is cardio, Saturday is a "rest" day, then I start level 2 on Sunday!

    Funny thing happened today: My HRM usually says I burn between 330-450 calories each time I do the shred but today it said 262 calories in 26 minutes. I didn't do anything differently, and have upped my weights to 4lbs, so I was a bit disappointed. Then my husband asked what was wrong and after telling him he said he was watching me and he noticed a huge difference between now and when I started and said I made it look easy (as I'm dripping in sweat!).

    I'm feeling stronger and noticing changes in my body so guess what? I'm moving up to level 2one on Sunday :-)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,403 Member
    I just started today! This is my 3nd attemped and yay! I loved it and I didn't have to reat at all! Tomorrow the 2nd day for sure!
  • youcanhumpmyleg
    this will be day 3 of level 1 today, iim dreading doing it tonight my muscles are on fire lol ! hope it starts to feel better soon ! onwards and upwards though ;)
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    On day 3 of level 1--my first attempt.
    I have to modify some because I have a neck and upper back injury so I'm doing some of the ab on a exercise ball. I know it may not be exactly the same, but I am glad that I want to do this!

    I'm doing it every other day but after today, I feel like soon I'll do it every day! (maybe!)

    Day 1 I was so sore!!! I said that Jillian and I weren't on speaking terms that day;) but doing better now.