Biggest Pet Peeves at the Gym



  • nymthiriel
    nymthiriel Posts: 42
    Women that come in with no make up and any old shirt they pull off the floor.

    Why do you hate this? I have a hard enough time running in sunblock, much less makeup. When you're there to bust *kitten*, you don't need to look cute. Who cares if your workout shirt is grungy. It should be. If you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Why is grunting and weight dropping so bad?

    Grunting is from exertion, we all done it picking up something heavy
    Dropping weights is from going to failure on a loss of muscle control.

    Curious to know why this bothers others. Most of the time I have headphones on and unless you wave arms in front of me I won't hear a dang thing you say to me.
  • michellegr88
    Agree with the treadmill and talking on phones.....I have seen that too and the people who drip sweat all over the floor and management needs to wipe it up......(so its gets smeared all over the floor.) Use a tshirt or towel
    People that talk on their cell phone while on the treadmill.

    I totally agree about the people that don't wipe down the equipment - Gross!
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    My gym is a girl's only gym. The people who run the gym won't let us go use the weights whenever we want. We have to have a supervisor, and someone in there to watch us/teach us what to do. Not all of us need that help.... I'm considering switching gyms.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I hate to work out next to guys who make girly noises. A grunt would be ok but full on org*** noises just is not ok. There is this guy in my Spinning class who waltzes in late everyday and decides to sit next to me most days. He makes some serious bedroom noises while Spinning! Ughhhhh Ohhh Ahhhhh give me a break!

    People who come to the gym and workout in street clothes. I workout at a gym that is a health benefit for a lot of corporations. Just because you have a coporate membership doesn't mean you don't have to wear workout clothes! I have see my share of guys working out in black dress socks, polo shirts or loafers.

    This is petty but I hate seeing people with outdated technology lol. I saw a woman on the elliptical with a big personal CD player. Not sure what techno graveyard she dug that out of but it was huge!!

    Guys who don't wear Under Armour or something under baggy shorts. Yes catching a glimpse of your sweaty b**** just singed my eyes and ruined my workout!

    I had to add people who wear tri or marathon shirts from 1982. Yes we get it you are proud that you finished the race. Now put that raggeddy t-shirt out of its misery!
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I used to find the weight dropping and grunting a bit over the top... til I found myself doing it... I don't grunt loudly mind you, but a little "ughhh" as I do squats just seem to come out... and then when I do dumbbell presses.. I have to drop them when I'm at heavy weight reps (60+lb bells) because I don't want to use bad form to lower them (as I'm at failure) and injure myself... so now... I don't find it so bad.. unless they are really just doing it to be annoying.. which you can usually tell..
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    People not being considerate enough or just downright ignorant: rack the weights when you're done and don't tell me you have one more set on something you're not even standing near and then continue to chat several feet away...and don't then try to "fix" it when I take off in mild to moderate disgust of you :happy:
  • patranus
    patranus Posts: 61 Member
    1) Guy picking the shower right between me and another guy when then entire other wall of showers is empty. Com'on man.

    2) People going to classes and let their children run wild in the rest of the gym.

    3) Gym staff not enforcing gym rules (see above)

    4) Children using weight machines and gym staff not stopping them. I shouldn't have to tell a 12 year old that they can hurt themselves trying to leg press 400lbs.
  • ball858
    ball858 Posts: 395 Member
    Why is grunting and weight dropping so bad?

    Grunting is from exertion, we all done it picking up something heavy
    Dropping weights is from going to failure on a loss of muscle control.

    Curious to know why this bothers others. Most of the time I have headphones on and unless you wave arms in front of me I won't hear a dang thing you say to me.

    I get the grunting, but a guy today may as well have been giving birth with the noise he was making!
  • nymthiriel
    nymthiriel Posts: 42
    My gym is a girl's only gym. The people who run the gym won't let us go use the weights whenever we want. We have to have a supervisor, and someone in there to watch us/teach us what to do. Not all of us need that help.... I'm considering switching gyms.

    It sounds like you should switch gyms. I'd get frustrated mighty quick with that kind of treatment.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    I hate to work out next to guys who make girly noises. A grunt would be ok but full on org*** noises just is not ok. There is this guy in my Spinning class who waltzes in late everyday and decides to sit next to me most days. He makes some serious bedroom noises while Spinning! Ughhhhh Ohhh Ahhhhh give me a break!

    People who come to the gym and workout in street clothes. I workout at a gym that is a health benefit for a lot of corporations. Just because you have a coporate membership doesn't mean you don't have to wear workout clothes! I have see my share of guys working out in black dress socks, polo shirts or loafers.

    This is petty but I have seeing people with outdated technology lol. I saw a woman on the elliptical with a big personal CD player. Not sure what techno graveyard she dug that out of but it was huge!!

    Guys who don't wear Under Armour or something under baggy shorts. Yes catching a glimpse of your sweaty b**** just singed my eyes and ruined my workout!

    The street clothes! My mom walks in her business casual clothes, and it bothers me so much.
  • michellegr88
    I agree with this too....I go with no makeup and the same ol shirt I always wear, I bust *kitten* everytime and get super sweaty and at the end of a workout, I just wanna shower and finish my day. I guess it all matters where you live too though....some people cannot leave the house without 4lbs of makeup and designated workout clothes.
    Women that come in with no make up and any old shirt they pull off the floor.

    Why do you hate this? I have a hard enough time running in sunblock, much less makeup. When you're there to bust *kitten*, you don't need to look cute. Who cares if your workout shirt is grungy. It should be. If you're not sweating, you're not working hard enough.
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    My gym is a girl's only gym. The people who run the gym won't let us go use the weights whenever we want. We have to have a supervisor, and someone in there to watch us/teach us what to do. Not all of us need that help.... I'm considering switching gyms.

    You should..that setup blows.
  • patranus
    patranus Posts: 61 Member

    Look I get it, you made a new years resolution but the fact of the matter is that you aren't going to stick with it.

    A new years resolution is a gimmick.

    Stop crowding the gym.
  • SuperCork
    SuperCork Posts: 192 Member
    Women that come in with no make up and any old shirt they pull off the floor.

    Wow you'd hate me: I don't wear dirty stuff, but I don't get done up or put on makeup so that my sweaty face can look like a colorful mess and my cute clothes can get SOAKED and gross as I get down and dirty transforming my body into that of an epic goddess while getting down and dirty with heavy free weights and body weight work on the floor...
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Not wiping down the machine is my biggest,

    I don't care what you look like/wear/how much makeup you have on but if I am choking on your perfume you shouldn't be allowed in without showering first, that's part of why the gym has showers!

    I also hate when there are a ton of empty machines that do the same thing as me and someone jumps on the one right next to me. If the place isn't full I shouldn't feel claustrophobic.
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    Yeaaaa this is why I dont go to the gym, because people are too judgy and I'm not perfect.
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    the gym i go to has some t.v.s mounted that play music videos, but the actual music that plays throughout the gym is something totally un-related, someone complains and the gym manager tells them (complainee) that they can ask staff to change the channel. Next day, ESPN is playing and all the guys are standing around watching it looking like a bunh of jackas$es. yea, It wasn't on the next day lol
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member

    Look I get it, you made a new years resolution but the fact of the matter is that you aren't going to stick with it.

    A new years resolution is a gimmick.

    Stop crowding the gym.

  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member

    Look I get it, you made a new years resolution but the fact of the matter is that you aren't going to stick with it.

    A new years resolution is a gimmick.

    Stop crowding the gym.

    I love January, makes my membership cheaper :) Without all of those new years resolutions buying 1-year memberships to only go for 1-2 months they would have to charge me at lest 2X as much :)