Short Girl Challenge!!!



  • elifmemis
    elifmemis Posts: 31 Member
    I'm in! 5'2 and 196lbs. What a great idea!
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Count me in
  • Themuseinme
    Themuseinme Posts: 224 Member
    Count me in too!
    Im 5 ft 3/4 inch and 195::drinker:
  • elifmemis
    elifmemis Posts: 31 Member
    Does anyone have trouble eating at night? meaning after dinner...I was better yesterday but still need some feedback. Thanks!
  • akinmytua
    akinmytua Posts: 6
    I think it would be better if you gave in and had that one Reese's cup, only because you missed breakfast.
  • akinmytua
    akinmytua Posts: 6
    I have this problem too. I finally decided that since I can't stop the desire to eat late, I can change what I eat late. I used to hit the cheese and pepperoni and make a full on sandwich, but I switched to popsicles, fruit, and italian ices. They are food, but far fewer calories than a late night sandwich.
  • I'm in! I'm 5'0 and 178 i'm ready to start shedding the pounds
  • elifmemis
    elifmemis Posts: 31 Member
    I'm trying to look at small goals as an accomplishment, switching from a sandwich to a popsicle...Last night I just had water but I know the temptation can be there.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    I was big on the night eating, I have switched that to a half glass of red wine, IF I have the calories left over.

    Hello everyone, I was away most of the weekend, so I hope everyone had a good one. We have a few days before weigh in, so I am planning to get some good hikes in.

    And I get my dog back, I left him at mom's for the weekend, and tomorrow I travel over to Saltspring Island to pick him up. Miss him soooo much.
  • dapawil
    dapawil Posts: 1
    Thank you for the challenge and would love to join. Please provide further details.
  • I'm 5'1 and 230. Count me in. Details please!
  • pk140
    pk140 Posts: 11 Member
    Sent you a yes - great idea! Thanks for coordinating it.
  • pk140
    pk140 Posts: 11 Member
    5' and 205. Have lost 4lbs.

    I'm a newbie and this is a great site for finding out what you've been doing wrong huh? lol

    Found out my salt is sometimes through the roof - learning!!

    Thanks for support and fyi GREAT burn and metabolism boosting yoga:

    You don't have to sign up - just scroll down. There is a video of it on the site ( as well.

    You won't think it will kick your butt - until it's kicked!

    I do 1 or 2 sets - have never been able to complete the four = 500 cal. in my life - and it keeps my motor running and is a great help w/arthritis (and just general old age lol).

    Tips appreciated as well!
  • Saragre
    Saragre Posts: 42 Member
    Sure, I'll try it. 5'0" and 181
  • pk140
    pk140 Posts: 11 Member
    collectsfrogs - even if you wipe it out and don't save it, go to the food section and input what you're thinking of eating before you eat it.

    I find it REALLY helpful to see just what I'll be doing to my body BEFORE I do it - then I just say "well I'll eat that bag of hersheys kisses tomorrow". And then the next day - if I still want to - I will - or I'll put it off another day.

    Also VERY helpful to have alternatives.

    Jello sugar free pudding is AWESOME - no REALLY - and really feels like pigging out. I eat a whole (small) box mixed w/low fat milk and it's under 300 and just YUMMY.

    Butterscotch my fav.

    Also sugar free Jello - love the orange - I mix a box of sugar free and a box of regular.

    Great stuff for the summer.
  • him1025
    him1025 Posts: 44
    aww i wanted to join till i read the weight restrictions im 5' and 167lbs :/ good luck ladies :)
  • abbyph311
    abbyph311 Posts: 45 Member
    Is this challenge still going on? I'm 5'2 and right about 175. I need motivation! feel free to add me :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    HEY, where is everyone? How was your monday? Are we off to a great start?
    I didn't get time for a real walk today, I admit I procrastinated till it was too late, but at work, I did the stairs every chance I got, and that equalled 10 times. I will not leave it tooooo late tomorrow. No excuses. Even if it is raining, there is a treadmill in the house. I will have to remove the laundry from it, but it needs to be folded anyhow.
    Looking forward to hearing from everyone.
  • JessicaCBranch
    JessicaCBranch Posts: 18 Member
    Count me in pleasssssse. 5'4" and ready to do this!!!!
  • I'm 5'4" and 195, I'm in!