What drives you CRAZY about your gym??



  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    The hours. Weekdays are 5am-9pm Saturday is 7am-6pm, Sunday is 7am-3pm. I wish they would extend their weekend hours and open just a little earlier on weekdays.
  • WiegandS
    WiegandS Posts: 99 Member
    Well I live in Brooklyn so I could easily do without the guido's and juice pigs.
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    I saw a guy lifting in flip flops today.

    It just struck me as odd, that's all. :)

    When he smashes his toe with dumbells he will never wear flip flops again. LOL!

    my point exactly besides it cant be very good support depending on what types of exercise you're doing. dumbasses. get some damn gym shoes.
  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    I work at the college and therefore use the college gym because its freeeeee and I'm broke.
    However, in the summer they aren't open on weekends, except for the pool which is open for about 2 hours, alternating saturdays and sundays at like noon. It's ridiculuous. And during weekdays it's only open from 8:30am to 4:30pm, and I work from 8:30-4:00. I get what I can in during my lunch break and right after, but I wish they'd be open till like 6pm and at least saturdays
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    My pet peeve is unhappy people in the gym. Some of you do this:

    You go in all focused on what you have to do...some with headphones, some without...and you look right through everyone as if they don't exist.

    Is a smail and a wave really going to break up your zone thing that much? I don't think so.

    Headphones or no, I am glad to be alive and able to get on a machine and do some work. I say hello, I smile and wave. Sometimes I even (heaven forbid) strike up an actual conversation.

    Stop taking yourselves so seriously people.

    I've been having issues with this myself! I've just stepped out of my comfort zone and ventured into the "free weights" area. It's been a few weeks, and I still feel intimidated. But just recently, 2 of the guys (regulars) gave me a smile which actually made me feel better! Like, yea it's ok for me to be in here doing my thing lol So guys/girls give a smile atleast.
  • britts09
    britts09 Posts: 16
    1.) When I get to the gym it's around 5:30 every day-the only time I can work out. EVERY night but Wednesday they have Zumba class in the only aerobics room of the gym. That's where I do my lunges!

    2.) Men who take up all the room where the free weights and dumbbells are. Women like to use those too, thanks.

    3.) The annoying trainer/gym employee who constantly watches me as I work out. Take a picture, it lasts longer!

    4.) Not enough cardio machines. Have to wait in line to use elipticals, stair climbers, etc.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    i hate it when people disturb me when i am trying to focus on who i would bite or not bite.

    haha new the zombie apocalypse is upon us....or is it the bath salts....hmmmm
  • sixisCHANGEDjk
    No squat rack.....I hate doing squats in a smith machine.....

    ^ Exactly...... my gym is our new Recreation Center. It's all machine weights except for the Smith Machine and dumbbells. I'd like to have an olympic bar and plates as well as curl bars.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I saw a guy lifting in flip flops today.

    It just struck me as odd, that's all. :)

    When he smashes his toe with dumbells he will never wear flip flops again. LOL!

    my point exactly besides it cant be very good support depending on what types of exercise you're doing. dumbasses. get some damn gym shoes.

    Actually, for squats and deadlifts, they might be just fine. You want flat soles without any squishiness (no running shoes!) to do those exercises properly at heavy weights. Some people even do them barefoot.
  • plbrown81
    plbrown81 Posts: 32 Member
    Mostly I like my gym. I wish it was open 24/7 because there are some nights I'd prefer to go late, and some mornings it would be easier to go early.

    I dislike the triathlon training group that gets together. They are all over the place all the time, don't do ANY strength training exercise right and do really random distracting things that throw me off. The hordes of students that come in with their HS or jr HS teams and "work out" during the afternoon. I'm never sure what they're doing, and they're mostly in the way.

    I admit it. I HATE clangers and grunters. There's no need for it, really. A little grunting? Fine. If I'm REALLY pushing for those last reps I'll even let one out from time to time. But if you're going to snort like a bull every rep please go somewhere else or wait for another time to do it. Further, no one else wants to hear your damn plates hit the ground with every freaking rep. It's obnoxious, distracting, and potentially damaging to the equipment.

    And yes, I dislike people who don't reset the equipment when they're done. This gym isn't as bad, but at one I'd used previously people used to leave the 100 lb plates on the leg press ALL THE TIME. And we're not talking like 1 on each side, it'd be up to 3 on each side. I'm 5'2, and at the time I weighed around 140. I really didn't want one of those dropping on my feet, so I'd have to ask people to help me pull them off all the time. On the plus side, I became friends with the super buff guy who worked out in the morning all the time and he was very nice about it. On the downside, mornings he wasn't there I'd have to approach some random strong looking guy and ask which made me feel really ridiculous.

    Watching people get on the cardio machines and not break a sweat is still a pet peeve. 20 minutes of HIIT training and I'm sweating buckets, and then people look at me like *I'M* crazy for getting done so quickly.

    People meandering, doing one thing here, one thing there, and generally doing it in a way that gets in MY way is annoying.

    Moving my weights around, or resetting a machine that I'm using while I'm standing off to the side (or in the middle of a mini-circuit with) without checking to make sure no one is using it.

    There's an admin at my school that I know pretty well. Very nice guy, but if he catches me at the gym he'll talk my ear off for like 30 minutes. And I always forget about it until I'm there, and he's coming my way. I don't want to be rude, but I don't want to be at the gym for an hour +. I prefer to keep my workouts an hour and under. I can run 5 miles in an hour if need be, and I can get a full weightlifting routine in in that hour. There's no reason for me to be there longer...

    Gosh. Looking back I'm kind of picky apparently.
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    people who smell badly

    people who use the machine right next to me when the whole row is free.. WHY?!
  • beanerific518
    Last November Bally's was bought out by LA Fitness. I go to LA Fitness and it was never terribly busy. Then the nearby Bally's was shut down, so all those people headed over to LA Fitness. Combine this time period with new years resolution folks and it was a MAD HOUSE!! I don't think management was quite prepared. Plus knowing that LA Fitness honored their Bally's contracts (a lot less $$$) to keep all these people made me feel like a chump because I know I am paying more each month. Fortunate for me most of the new years resolution folks have already given up and combined with the warmer weather, it is back to normal. I wish this wasn't the case for their sakes, but I am going to be selfish and enjoy it.
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    My pet peeve is unhappy people in the gym. Some of you do this:

    You go in all focused on what you have to do...some with headphones, some without...and you look right through everyone as if they don't exist.

    Is a smail and a wave really going to break up your zone thing that much? I don't think so.

    Headphones or no, I am glad to be alive and able to get on a machine and do some work. I say hello, I smile and wave. Sometimes I even (heaven forbid) strike up an actual conversation.

    Stop taking yourselves so seriously people.

    Also, I'm sorry- I don't go to the gym to be social and be best friends with people and talk and get distracted during my workout. I do exactly what you say- I put on my headphones and I ignore everyone else. If someone says hi I will say hi back, but don't even try to start a conversation with me and screw up my workout and focus! >:o!

    ^^This is totally me. I'm there to burn calories and lift things up and put them down. Not to be social.
  • suzcain
    suzcain Posts: 22 Member
    I wish they would strip the floors at my gym more often. I go to the cardio classes, and the floors have been sticky lately making things hard on my knees when I need to turn... :o(
  • Geyser_Mountain_Dreamer
    I try to keep to myself, but when someone engages me I'll exchange pleasantries. Sometimes it sparks some interesting conversation.

    My only gripe is I wish the water in the swimming pool was cold. The water I swim in is a lot like bathwater. Bathwater isn't real conducive with swimming hard and fast and against the clock. My body gets so frickity frack'n hot in that pool I'd be willing to bet you could steam vegetables off of me. If that water was nice and cold......I could swim longer and harder and burn way more calories. Since they keep it warmer for the older folks who do water aerobics........their reasoning is justifiable and valid. So I guess my real gripe is I wish there was a Pool-A >and< a Pool-B.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    That it doesn't include a swimming pool, in order to keep costs of membership down, apparently. I love swimming, but the gym that did have a pool is further away and I didn't trust myself to go there regularly.

    Also, hate their music choice.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Too much cardio equipment, not enough room in the weights area, especially if you want to deadlift and need a bit of deck space outside the power rack.

    Otherwise, I suspect I have one of the prettiest views in North America from our gym, which is on the second floor of a racquet/sailing club that is right on a river.
  • mmarin81
    mmarin81 Posts: 241
    I go t a local gym that has very old equipment. I mean I get my workout in pretty well but my problem is when the free weights don't match. I mean I know 45lbs is 45lbs but I want the plates and dumbells to match.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    [My pet peeves are men not re-effing-racking weights. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I know you think its cool to deadlift 6 effing 45's on each side. But can you put your **** up?!?! I swear to god if i have to re-reck 12 45pound weights because of some lazy *kitten*- *shakes fist*

    I like your sense of humour! But seriously, are you regularly reracking after somebody has just deadlifted almost 600 lbs? That must be some muscle gym you're at!
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    Sometimes the sound in the "cardio theater" is so loud it's deafening... yes, we have a cardio theater - running in the dark with the distraction of a good movie - LOVE it. Getting my ear drum busted..not so much.

    I am pretty much in love with my gym, just wish they had more convenient hours for yoga. I never get to take yoga anymore :(