What's one thing you hate about working out?



  • ChocolateisCrack
    ChocolateisCrack Posts: 37 Member
    Getting bored, there isn't a gym anywhere around here so I do exercise videos in my basement, which I love. But by the time I get to know it, I'm bored with it and want a new one, or something for my wii. I'm such a Gemini.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I hate it when I do to much cardio and it makes my throat hurts
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    I LOVE working out, but the thing that really gets irritating is when I have to mess up my clean, freshly flat ironed, super soft hair.
  • hungryhungryhypocrite
    hungryhungryhypocrite Posts: 13 Member
    this may sound dumb but I really hate changing my clothes so often. From work clothes to work out clothes to pajama's. just so much changing. Sometimes it's the reason I don't work out, which is stupid.
  • Foofyknickers
    Foofyknickers Posts: 37 Member
    Just the general feeling of wanting to die during the workout. That and the sore boobs, more in classes, e.g zumba. The instructor is really flat chested, and is forever on at us to shake 'em harder . It hurts! Plus I hate being expected to do all the shouting and whooping in certain classes. I'm just not that kinda person! smile:
  • hungryhungryhypocrite
    hungryhungryhypocrite Posts: 13 Member
    I hate it when I do to much cardio and it makes my throat hurts

    Me too!!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I hate people talking to me while I'm trying to work.
    I hate the crowds.
    I hate working out around a lot of people.
    I hate cardio. :P

    But I really do love working out. I look forward to getting in the gym and love the doms the following days. :)
  • Shakila87
    Shakila87 Posts: 70
    I only have about an hour to work out so I have to go fairly intense.
    It also means that I have to get everything ready the night before (clothing for the next day, food prepared, ect).
    I have a 5:00 wakeup and I have to be at work by 8:00.
    In between all of that, I have to work out, shower, and actually GET to work.
    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS!! YEsss!
    and I hate feeling like I am about to DIE during a workout and the trainer says PUSH YOURSELF!! IF I push myself any harder people will be picking out casket colors for me!! ****!! LOL
  • Sweating...and the ladies locker room smells like someone needs an autopsy.
  • Nikkei24
    Nikkei24 Posts: 282 Member
    I hate when the space i have in my room isn't enough for the moves a dvd wants me to do. :-(
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I just can't find a supportive bra.

    I just go topless...I can't find a supportive bra either.

    I'm a free-baller

    Hence why you don't jog???

  • tlamarch
    tlamarch Posts: 105
    the hour drive and getting up at 3am
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I hate it when I do to much cardio and it makes my throat hurts

    Me too!!

    It's your breathing techniques....slow down and breathe threw your nose.
    Also lot's of eye contact:wink:
  • shannypoo21
    shannypoo21 Posts: 329 Member
    That I sweat like a man. Like seriously, with the simplest movement I end up dripping wet. I use to be super self-conscious about it but now I'm like whatever, it is what it is. Health is now top priority.
  • ebony467
    ebony467 Posts: 15
    When people are huddled in the area talking around the machine you want to use at the gym. For one I don't wan't to have to ask them to move, but then even if you do move past them they don't go very far and keep peeking back over at you >:(

    It's so freaking annoying!! lol it's why I run outside to stay away from people when working out
  • saintsfanatik
    saintsfanatik Posts: 68 Member
    The "working out" part. :)
  • danahake
    danahake Posts: 64 Member
    sweating.. to me it feels gross...
  • nylitak
    nylitak Posts: 18 Member
    The terrible music that gyms play way too loud!......haha I sound like my grandma, but it's true!
  • ReginaMarie7
    ReginaMarie7 Posts: 15 Member
    I hate trying to make it to the gym to workout. Once I'm there I love everything about it. One thing I am having trouble with is learning how to use all of the machines on my own...I feel like such an idiot.
  • Bella3119
    Bella3119 Posts: 104
    I hate how red my face gets. For 2 hours after my workout I am beet red. And all my coworkers comment.