Now they are going to ban free refills on drinks?



  • flabbytofabby
    Whats baffles the mind to me is people saying that they want the right to be unhealthy? I'd love a law on not aloud to be over-weight..And this is why i'm never going into Politics, or working for the Government haha.

    And i think its very spoilt to expect FREE refills, at the end of the day they are running a business.

    and they don't HAVE to give free refills. But they choose to. It isn't the government's place to say they can't! It's THEIR business!!!!

    still don't see the problem with the ban. Atall.
    But thats just me, and my opinion.. anything to do with improving or helping to improve health i am for.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    But it is the governments responsibility to take care of their people... and soda is extremely unhealthy.

    too much soda is unhealthy. and I'm the one that gets to decide how much is too much for me. the calories in soda are no different than the calories in juice or massive coffees or a pint of draft. don't see them regulating any of those.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Telling us what/how much we can drink is just one tiny step toward our country becoming a communist nation....

    You don't know what communism is.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    And i think its very spoilt to expect FREE refills, at the end of the day they are running a business.

    Exactly! That costs the company money. If anything banning the free refills will (slightly) help the economy.

    Except, the company can still take away free refills on their own if they want... if they really thought they would get extra profits from it... Many places (outside of maybe the national chains) only allow one free refill as opposed to many.... at it should be up to the establishment, not the government.

    If you want companies to change their policies, than petition them... don't allow the government to compell them to do so... It worked with McDonalds... they no longer "super size" anything because of the documentary... McDonald's Large is the same size as many fast food chains mediums because of societal pressures.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Where I live most restaurants don't allow free refills. They don't sell drinks any bigger than the American sized Medium either. You are more than welcome to purchase another drink though.

    I don't see anything wrong with banning free refills. If you want more than pay for it? They're not telling you that you can't have more.


    if you wanna get fat, then pay for it!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.


    Tell me how its different.

    Oh wow. You seriously think they're the same... O.o I didn't know anybody could lack the capacity to actually comprehend the difference.

    When was the last article you saw that was about a child accidentally killing a friend with a soda pop? Just curious....

    You'll notice I said "soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill THEMSELVES"

    So with that about every obesity article ever posted on here? Is that enough for you? Do you think the majority of the people who die from obesity related causes don't drink soda every single day?

    And since you wanna be a smart *kitten* about the difference why don't you go ahead and explain to me how the government regulating refills is any different than the government regulating whether or not guns can be given away free with purchase?

    Government regulation is government regulation. I never stated that guns weren't more dangerous than soda.
  • sheldor5
    sheldor5 Posts: 6
    sucks to be NY
  • BosLady1
    BosLady1 Posts: 83
    I say if someone feels like being unhealthy then so be it...

    They'll need us healthy and strong so that they can work us to death, though... :P

    Might not make any friends saying this but they def do need us to be healthy and strong to support the social security recipients. There won't be any in a few years i'm sure, but there has been a problem with this broken system for YEARS.. they can't figure out how to fix it.. so the more healthy ppl there are to work til death--the better. Sad yet true.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I see a lot of varying comments here - however, I have not read all of them so if this is a duplicate I apologize. While I realize in other countries there may not be such a thing as free refills, the problem here is that this is the government actually trying to pass a law forcing the business owners not to offer free refills. Now if a business owner chooses not to offer free refills any longer - that is fine, it is their business and their choice. But to have the government step in and pass a law like this (as silly as it sounds) is ridiculous - especially in the land of the free. Are they going to make buffets illegal next?

    The problem is that the government is like a child and the people are its parents. If the parents don't control the child the child will try to run the household not the parent. Or if the parents allow the child an inch the child will take 25 miles:bigsmile: - my kid is 14 - just hit the teenage years if you can't tell:tongue: Anyways, although this may seem like a small thing on the larger scale it could be a stepping stone to take away more and more.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Every time I hear a stupid idea like this, I am reminded to always vote Republican.

    I like this :laugh:

    Yes, because regulating morality is better.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Telling us what/how much we can drink is just one tiny step toward our country becoming a communist nation....

    Now tell me...How do you feel about the government restricting drugs and Narcotics?

    Pretty idiotic comparison. Maybe they should ban all junk food. No more junk food. Period. No desserts. Hell, no sugar. Forget the sugar industry. It makes people fat.

    Give me a break comparing someone getting a refill of a beverage to doing cocaine (which, btw: since you did bring it up. When someone drinks a diet coke or seven they don't pose a threat to anyone getting behind the wheel of a car, caring for children, etc. however, when someone does cocaine, crack, marijuana, etc. their abilities are impaired. ARGUMENT FAIL!!!!!)

    No, what is really Idiotic is YOU trying to use this comparison to say that this country is turning "Communistic"....Do you even have the faintest idea how communist even operate? I seriously doubt that you do! If this were really a move toward "Communism"...there would be no more privately owned restaurants, Period!...The government would just distribute all the food (junk or otherwise) and the common citizen would just take what the government offered or starve.

    In this society...we live with restrictions every day...They stopped the cigarette companies from handing out free cigarettes to the American public...and we survived. We will survive this one too!

    Oh yes. I DO know what it is. My father watches political television every moment his eyes are open except during church and work. Considering he's semi-retired, that's a lot of politics. And his entire family is this way. I grew up with a LOT of politics... I'm well aware how communism ruins nations. I'm well aware that the government gets richer and richer and people get poorer and poorer (a trend I see happening here).

    It is a *TINY STEP* (as I said) in the direction of total government control. Yes, it is. My pastor grew up in Romania--a communist nation. And let me tell you what was scary. He stood up and was giving a sermon, and he said, "it's very scary for me growing up in a communist nation to see the changes that this government is making. Every day, I see this country becoming more and more like the country of my home."

    I think he knows pretty darn well what it's like... and he thinks we're moving in that direction. If someone who's lived through communism is scared, that's enough to scare the hell out of me!
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member

    But it is the governments responsibility to take care of their people... and soda is extremely unhealthy.

    Again, then don't drink one. But don't tell me that I can't have one... and don't tell me how much I am allowed to have... I'm not 8 and you (nor the Government) are not my mother.... I am a literate American adult, I am perfectly capible of making my own decisions, as are much of the population.... if someone wants to kill themselves slowly with soda and blame it on their thyroid, then by god let them. One less stupid person roaming this planet.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    At some point we need to let Darwinism take over and let people klll themselves slowly. The Nanny state has got to stop. I think what they are really trying to do is decrease the pressure on our health care system by forcing people to be healthier, but there are much better ways of going about it.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.


    Tell me how its different.

    Oh wow. You seriously think they're the same... O.o I didn't know anybody could lack the capacity to actually comprehend the difference.

    When was the last article you saw that was about a child accidentally killing a friend with a soda pop? Just curious....

    You'll notice I said "soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill THEMSELVES"

    So with that about every obesity article ever posted on here? Is that enough for you? Do you think the majority of the people who die from obesity related causes don't drink soda every single day?

    And since you wanna be a smart *kitten* about the difference why don't you go ahead and explain to me how the government regulating refills is any different than the government regulating whether or not guns can be given away free with purchase?

    Government regulation is government regulation. I never stated that guns weren't more dangerous than soda.

    OK. So when was the last time someone was ROBBED by soda point? Anyone??
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I think it's complete BS, let me make the decision what I put in my mouth and how much........too much gov't!!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.


    Tell me how its different.

    Oh wow. You seriously think they're the same... O.o I didn't know anybody could lack the capacity to actually comprehend the difference.

    When was the last article you saw that was about a child accidentally killing a friend with a soda pop? Just curious....

    You'll notice I said "soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill THEMSELVES"

    So with that about every obesity article ever posted on here? Is that enough for you? Do you think the majority of the people who die from obesity related causes don't drink soda every single day?

    And since you wanna be a smart *kitten* about the difference why don't you go ahead and explain to me how the government regulating refills is any different than the government regulating whether or not guns can be given away free with purchase?

    Government regulation is government regulation. I never stated that guns weren't more dangerous than soda.

    OK. So when was the last time someone was ROBBED by soda point? Anyone??

    I love how you're skirting around my question. If you can't answer it just admit it and move on. Or at the least have the decency to stop replying to it.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member

    It is a human right (or was) in our country to live in freedom, and for restaurants to have the freedom to offer consumers what they want - our states do have rights to make crazy messed up laws as long as they don't go against our constitution. I have the freedom not to live in or visit crazy messed up states. And your argument is a slipery slope - for example - in China you can have a second child as long as you can afford the 25,000 USD...if you like you can have the kids - but if you don't have the money Family Planning can come in and remove the child from a 7 month pregnant woman and murder it.

    Getting free refills is considered a human right? :noway: But seriously, this is exactly like forced abortion.
  • caitlinen
    caitlinen Posts: 36 Member
    The fact that people would even get upset over banning free refills is just beyond me. It is certainly not the end of the world and believe me you will survive. If you are so desperate for more soda just buy another. I just don't see the big deal at all. You're so upset about the government regulating this, you want free choice, etc... but they regulate so many other things already!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.


    Tell me how its different.

    Oh wow. You seriously think they're the same... O.o I didn't know anybody could lack the capacity to actually comprehend the difference.

    When was the last article you saw that was about a child accidentally killing a friend with a soda pop? Just curious....

    You'll notice I said "soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill THEMSELVES"

    So with that about every obesity article ever posted on here? Is that enough for you? Do you think the majority of the people who die from obesity related causes don't drink soda every single day?

    And since you wanna be a smart *kitten* about the difference why don't you go ahead and explain to me how the government regulating refills is any different than the government regulating whether or not guns can be given away free with purchase?

    Government regulation is government regulation. I never stated that guns weren't more dangerous than soda.

    OK. So when was the last time someone was ROBBED by soda point? Anyone??

    And for the understanding is that you are stating that if we gave away guns for free more people would be robbed at gun point? Correct?

    Then by the same logic if we give away soda refills for free more people will be obese.

    You're done.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    I worked in a restaurant for YEARS. I'd guess 90% of people who were there for the first time asked, before being seated, "do you have free refills?" Some would not commit to being seated until we assured them, "yep; everything but the beer!" So yes; it does get people in the door...

    How is it any different? ROFL. I do get that arguing is lost on you now. Guns? REALLY?


    Oh. Wait. I'm not done.


    Tell me how its different.

    Oh wow. You seriously think they're the same... O.o I didn't know anybody could lack the capacity to actually comprehend the difference.

    When was the last article you saw that was about a child accidentally killing a friend with a soda pop? Just curious....

    You'll notice I said "soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill THEMSELVES"

    So with that about every obesity article ever posted on here? Is that enough for you? Do you think the majority of the people who die from obesity related causes don't drink soda every single day?

    And since you wanna be a smart *kitten* about the difference why don't you go ahead and explain to me how the government regulating refills is any different than the government regulating whether or not guns can be given away free with purchase?

    Government regulation is government regulation. I never stated that guns weren't more dangerous than soda.

    OK. So when was the last time someone was ROBBED by soda point? Anyone??

    I love how you're skirting around my question. If you can't answer it just admit it and move on. Or at the least have the decency to stop replying to it.

    I pointed out the difference in my response. NOW who's being a dumba$$? :rolleyes:

    The difference is that people use guns to commit crimes (therefore, the regulations are necessary to try to dissipate the issue). Soda isn't typically a weapon of choice.

    If you don't know the difference between a weapon and a beverage, then no amount of ANYBODY showing comparisons is going to make a difference. If that's the case, then you obviously lack the capacity to comprehend. Get it yet?